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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 31 毫秒
The Economics of Consumers' Credit . B y D r . F erdynand Z weig
Twenty-first Abstract of Labour Statistics of the United Kingdom
Transvaal Gold and Base Metals Law .
Agricultural Research: Scope and Method Series: Bulletins 1–14. Edited by J. D. B lack .
Manchester Merchants and Foreign Trade , 1794–1858. By S tudents in the H onours S chool of H istory in the U niversity of M anchester and A rthur R edford .
(1) Studies on Industrial Relations. III . International Labour Office. Studies and Reports:
Business Rationalization . Three lectures given at the London School of Economics, under the Heath Clark Bequest to the National Institute of Industrial Psychology. By C harles S. M yers , Principal of the National Institute of Industrial Psychology
National Income of the United States , 1929–32.
The Banking Crisis: The End of an Epoch . By M. N adler and J. I. B ogen . (George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., London, Pp. 207. 6 s .)
Railways and Customs Policies in South Africa , 1885–1910. By J. van der P oel .
The Economics of Advertising . B y F. W. T aylor .
The Rise and Fall of the Gold Standard . By S ir C harles M organ -W ebb .
The Agricultural Situation in 1932–33 (Economic Tendencies in Agriculture—Markets and Prices—International Conferences—Action taken by the Governments and by Voluntary Organizations—Economic Conditions of the Farmers).  相似文献   

South Africa:-Economic and Political Aspects : By H. M. R obertson .
The Development of the Soviet Budgetry System. By R. W. D avies .
Business and Politics under James I: Lionel Cranfield as Merchant and Minster. By R. H. T awney .
Readings in Marketing (Second Edition): A Harvard Business School Case Book. By M alcolm P. M c N air and H arry L. H ansen .
An Economic Theory of Democracy. By A nthony D owns .
Japans Economic Recovery. By G. C. A llen .-243
Economic Analysis and Policy in Underdeveloped Countries. By P. T. B auer .
The Golden Trade of the Moors. By E. W. B ovill .
Barbary Legend: War, Trade mid Piracy in North Africa 1415–1830. By S ir G odfrey F isher .  相似文献   

The Imperial Factor in South Africa: a Study in Politics and Economics . By C. W. de K iewiet .
Race Attitudes in South Africa . By I. D. M ac C rone .
Growth of American Manufacturing Areas . By G lenn E. M c L aughlin .
Werner Sombart and his Type of Economics . By D r . M. J. P lotnik .
Structural Changes and Business Cycles in South Africa , 1806–1936. By C. G. W. S chumann .
Prosperity and Depression . By G ottfried von H aberleb .
Lament for Ecanomice . By B arbara W ootton .
Tice World Crisis . B y P rofessors of the G raduate I nstitute of I nternational S tudies .
The Monetary Experience of Belgium , 1914–1936. B y H enry L. S hepherd .
World Production and Prices , 1936/37.
Balances of Payments , 1936. (League of Nations. Information Section. 1937.
Money and Banking , 1937/38. Volume I. Monetary Review .
World Economic Survey , 1936/37.
International Trade in Certain Raw Materials and Foodstuffs by Countries of Origin and Consumption , 1936.
International Trade Statistics , 1936.
The Republics of South America .—A Political, Economic and Cultural Survey prepared by a Study Group of Members of the Royal Institute of International Affairs.
The International Economic Position of Argentina . By V ernon L ovell P helps .  相似文献   

Essays In the Theory of Economic Growth. By E. D. D omar .
Commonwealth Perspectives. By N icholas M ansergh et al. Publication No. 8, Duke University Commonwealth Center.
The Commonwealth Today. By E. H. B rookes .
The Cabinet in the Commonwealth. By H. V. W iseman .
Economic Arithmetic. By R. M arris .
Business Budgets and Accounts. By H. C. E dey .
National Income Accounts and Income Analysis. By R ichard and N ancy R uggles . 2nd Edition.
The State and the Industrial Revolution in Prussia 1740–1870. By W. O. H enderson .
Free Elections. By W. J. M. M ackenzie .
Ethiopia Today. By E rnest W. L uther .
The Background to Current Affairs. By D. W. C rowley .
Mars' Law of Insolvency in South Africa. Filth edition. By H. E. H ockly .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Johannes Frederik Kirsten oor die Toestand van die Knapkolonie in 1795. By C. F. J. M uller
The United States and Africa. Edited by W alter G oldschmidt
Stability and Progress in the World Economy : the 1st Congress of the International Economic Association ( Ed. ) D. C. H ague
The Economic Consequences of the Size of Nations (Ed.) A ustin R obinson
Taxation of Agricultural Lands in Under-developed Economics. By H askiii P. W ald
Southern Tradition and Regional Progress. By W illiam H. N icholls
Selected Studies of Migration since World War II.
Money, Credit, and Public Policy. By L awrence S mith
The Balance of Payments of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, 1945-1954. By A. G. I rvine
Balance of Payments and Economic Growth. By J ohn M. L etiche
British Industrialists: Steel and Hosiery , 1850-1950. By C harlotte E rickson
Forty Years of Foreign Trade. By P. L amartine Y ates  相似文献   

Bankers, Statesmen and Economists . By P aul E inzig .
The Exchange Clearing System . By P aul E inzig .
The Opening-Up of the World . By J. F. H orrabin .
The Measurement of Population Growth . By R obert R. K uozynski .
Kenya: Contrasts and Problems . By L. S. B. L eakey .
Organisierte Konkurrenz-Preisbildung: Grosshandelsversteigerung und Warenboerse . By D r. rer. pol . E lisabeth L iefmann -K eil .
Warning from the West Indies . By W. M. M acmillan .
Income and Economic Progress . By H arold G. M oulton .
American Agricultural Condition and Remedies (Preliminary General Review) . (No. 224 of the National Industrial Conference Board Studies.)
Raw Materials and Colonies . T he R oyal I nstitute of I nternational A ffairs .
The Labour Contract . By Professor B. F. S hields .
The Economics of Primitive Peoples . By S tephan V iljoen , Ph.D.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this artilces:
Export-Oriented Industrialization: The ASEAN Experience . B y M ohamed A riff and H al H ill .
The Singapore Economy: New Directions . R eport of the E conomic C ommittee , M inistry of T rade and I ndustry .
The Cassava Economy of Java . B y W. P. F alcon , W. O. J ones , S. R. P earson and others .
The Small Developing State: Comparing Political Economies in Costa Rica, Singapore and Jamaica . B y D ennis J ohn G ayle .
Development Economics on Trial: An Anthropological Case for the Prosecution . B y P olly H ill .
The Sovereign Entrepreneur: Oil Policies in Advanced and Less Developed Capitalist Countries . B y M errie G ilbert K lapp .
Models of Development: A Comparative Study of Economic Growth in South Korea and Taiwan . E dited B y L awrence J. L au .
The Pacific Century: Economic and Political Consequences of Asian-Pacific Dynamism . B y S taffan B urenstam L inder .
Import Controls and Export-Oriented Development: A Reassessment of the South Korean Case . B y R ichard L uedde -N eurath .
Development in Malaysia: Poverty, Wealth and Trusteeship . B y O zay M ehmet .
Modernization in China - The case of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone . B y K wan -Y iu W ong and D avid K. Y. C hu .
Indonesia: The Rise of Capital . B y R ichard R obison .
Japan's Response to Crisis and Change in the World Economy . E dited by M. S chmieglow .
Fiscal Issues in South-East Asia . E dited by P arathasarati S home .
Industrialization Policies and Regional Economic Development in Malaysia . B y D ean S pinanger .
Pacific Growth and Financial Interdependence . E dited B y A ugustine H. H. T an and B asant K apur .
ASEAN - South-Asia Economic Relations . E dited by C. D. W adhva , and M. G. A sher .
Asia's 'Miracle' Economies: Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong . B y J on W oronoff .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Economics of Development in Small Countries, With Special Reference to the Carribbean. By W illiam G. D emas .
Land and Caste in South India. By D harma K umar .
Human Capital in Southern Development, 1939–1963. By M arshall R. C olberg .
The 1961 Education Panel: Second Report — E ducation and the S outh A frican E conomy .
The Future of the World Bank. (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Pp.71.) E scott R eid .
Exploring 1970, some numerical results. No. 6 in A Programme for Growth. By the Department of Applied Economics, University of Cambridge.
Economic Growth in the West: Comparative Experience in Europe and North America. By A ngus M addison .
The Accountability and Audit of Government. By E. L. N ormanton .
The United Nations at Work Developing Land, Forests, Oceans… and People. By J oseph M. J ones .
Industrialisation in Malaysia. By E. L. W heelwright .
Money in the International Order. Edited by J. C arter M urphy
Cowen on The Law of Negotiable Instruments in South Africa. (Fourth Edition) by D ennis C owen and L eonard G ering
Problems of Agricultural Development. By P. G. H. B arter .  相似文献   

Economic Diagnosis and Business Forecasting with Special Reference to South Africa. By C. O. W. S chumann and F. van den B ogaerde .
The Future of Socialism. By C. A. R. C rosland
Pioneering in Big Business: History of Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) 1882–1911. By R alph W. and M uriel E. H idy
Consumer Expectations , 1953–56. By G eoroe K atona and E va M ueller
Western Enterprise in Indonesia and Malaya. By G. G. A llen and A. G. D onnithorne
Guided Money: A New Monetary Instrument. By R. J. P. van G linstra B leeker
The Population Problem of Southern Italy (An essay In Social Geography). By R obert E. D ickinson
A Report on Taiwan's Population (to the Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction). By G eorge H. B arclay
Readings in Fiscal Policy. Edited by A. S mithies and J. K kith B utters , and sponsored by the American Economic Association  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The American Experiment: A Study of Bourgeois Civilization . By M. J. B onn (formerly Professor of Economics at the Handels-Hochschule, Berlin).
Profits or Prosperity? By H enry P ratt F airchild
The Economic History of Scotland . By I. F. G rant
Ceylon under British Rule . By L. A. M ills , D.Phil.
The African Labourer . By Major G. S t J. O rde B rowne , o.b.e ( mil ).
Ekonomie . Deur W. A. T immerman , M.Comm., F.I.C.B.
Population Trends in the United States . By W arren S. T hompson and P. K. W helpton
The African To-day . By D iedrich W estermann
Australia as Producer and Trader : 1920–1932. By N ancy W indett With a Foreword by Professor J. Coatman and a Preface by Professor D. B. Copeland.
Economic Essays in Honour of Gustav Cassel .  相似文献   

Time in Economics. By G. L. S. S hackle
International Economics. By T. C. S chelling
International Trade. By W. C. G ordon
Tides of Crisis: A Primer of Foreign Relations. By A. A. B erle
Queues Inventories and Maintenance. By P hilip M. M orse
Finite Qucucing Tables. By L. G. P eck and R. N. H azlewood
The Theory of Committees and Elections. By D uncan B lack
Regulation of Employment and Industrial Conciliation in South Africa. By M. S chaeffer
Principles of South African Company law. By the late E. E mmett and T. B. B arlow . Fourth Edition by T. B. B arlow and M. D. E mmett
Ekonomie—'n Inleidende Studie. Deur C. G. W. S chumann , D. G. F ranzsen en G erhard de K ock
Guide to Resources for Commonwealth Studies. By A. R. H ewitt
British Public Finance and Administration, 1774–92. By J. E. D. B inney
English Overseas Trade During the Centuries of Emergence. By O. D. R amsay  相似文献   

War and Industrial Society. By R aymond A ron .
Some Problems of Incentives and Labour Productivity in Sovlet Industry. By G. R. B arker .
Socialism and Saint-Simon. By E. D urkheim . Edited by A. W. G ouldner and translated by C. S attler .
Cupper Costs and Prices 1870–1957. By O. C. H erfindahl .
A Textbook of Money. By S. K ortewrg and F. A. G. K eesing .
The Sources and Nature of the Statistics of the United Kingdom , Edited by M. G. K endall
Labor and Economic Development. Edited by W alter G alenson .
Rich Lands and Poor. The Road to World Prosperity. By G unnar M yrdal .
Politics in the United nations. A Study of United States Influence in the General Assembly. By R obert E. R iggs .
A New Prospect of Economics: an Introductory Textbook. By the Staff of the Department of Economics in the University of Liverpool. Chairman: F. E. H yde . Editor: G. L. S. S hackle .
The Commonwealth Economy in South-East Asia. By T. H. S ilcock .
Tax Avoidance and Tax Reduction. By A. S. S ilke .
Tribal Cohesion in a Money Economy: A Study of the Mambwe People of Northern Rhodesia. By W illiam W atson .  相似文献   

The Crumbling of Empire . By M. J. B onn
Statistical Year-Book of the World Power Conference . Edited by F. B rown
Principles of Economic Sociology. The Economics of Primitive Life as Illustrated from the Bantu Peoples of South and East Africa . By D. M. G oodfellow
Municipal Self Government in Britain . By G. M. H arris
Searchlight on Social Credit . By W. R. H iskett and J. A. F ranklin
Tariff Levels and the Economic Unity of Europe . By H. L iepmann
Christianity and Economics . By L ord S tamp
Stabilized Accounting . By H enry W. S weeney
Statistical Testing of Business Cycle Theories: A Method and its Application to Investment Activity . By J. T inbergen
The History and Mechanism of the Exchange Equalization Account . By L eonard W aight  相似文献   

The Affluent Society. By J. K. G albraith .
A Short History of Germany 1815–1945. By E. J. P assant . Economic Sections by W. O. Henderson and Contributions by C. J. Child and D. C. Watt.
An Ancient Economic History : From the Palacolithic Age to the Migrations of the Germanic, Slav and Arabic Nations. Vol. I. By F ritz M. H eichelheim .
Economic Development: Theory, History, Policy. By G erald M. M eier and R obert E. B aldwin .
Economic Backwardness and Economic Growth. By H arvey L eiuenstein .
Hobson and Underconsumption. By E. S. N emmers 8
Accounting—A Social Force in the Community. By M ary E. M urphy . (London: Cambridge University Press for Melbourne University Press, 1956. Pp. 208. Price 30s.).  相似文献   

A Short History of the World's Shipping Industry . By C. E rnest F ayle .
Three Sources of Unemployment . B y W ladimir W oytinsky . International Labour Office: Studies and Reports, Series C, No. 20.
The Price of Gold: Documents Illustrating the Statutory Control through the Bank of England of the Market Price of Gold . 1694–1931. Edited by I. S hrigley , with a Preface by R. H olland -M artin .
Modern Production among Backward Peoples . B y I. C. G reaves , London School of Economics' Series of Studies in Economics and Commerce, No. 5.
Documents on International Affairs , 1934. Edited by J. W. W heeler -B ennett and S. H eald . Issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs.
World Survey . Vol. 1, No. 3. June, 1935.
Economics in Practice: Six Lectures on Current Issues . By A. C. P igou .
French Import Quotas. A New Instrument of Commercial Policy . By F. A. H aight .
An Introduction to the Study of Prices . By S ir W alter T. L ayton and G eoffrey C rowther .
World Dislocation and World Recovery: Agriculture as the Touchstone of the Economic World Events . B y D r . W. H. C. K napp .
National Public Works .
Silver in Relation to Monetary Policy and the Cotton Trade of the World .
Statistical Year-Book of the League of Nations , 1934/5.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Economics of a Backward Region in a Backward Economy–A Case Study of Bihar in Relation to Other States of India–Volume Two.By D r . K edarnath P rasad .
Economics: Fact and Theory. By R. A. S later ,
Public Sector Economics. By A. R. P rest (editor).
Aspects of Economic Development. By J ames C lifford .
Challenges and Trends in Modern Banking.(Lectures delivered at the 20th International Banking Summer School.) The Canadian Bankers' Association (1968), 158 pages.
Problems and Prospects of Economic Integration in West Africa. By N icholas G. P lessz ,
The Economics of Foreign Aid, by R aymond F. M ikesell .
The Demography of Tropical Africa by W illiam B rass , A nsley J. C oale , P aul D emeny , D on F. H eisel , F rank L orimer , A natole R omaniuk and E tienne van de W alle .
The Export of Capital from Britain, 1870–1914, by A. R. H all (editor).
Holmes' Local Government Finance in South Africa–second edition, by J. W. C owden .
On' Change through the Years–A History of Share Dealing in South Africa, by E ric R osenthal .
International Trade and Central Planning, edited by A. A. B rown and E. N euberger .
The Economic System of Sierra Leone, by R alph G. S aylor .
Expectations, investment, and income–second edition, by G. L. S. S hackle .
Economics at large: an advanced textbook on macro-economics, C. G. F. S imkin .
Economic theory in retrospect, revised edition, by M. B laug .  相似文献   

The 1820 Settlers in South Africa . By I sobel E. E dwards .
Trade Depression and the Way Out . By R. G. H awtrey .
The Economist in the Witness-box . By S tephen K ing -H all , and N. F. H all .
Insurance Funds and their Investment . By F. W. P aish and G. L. S chwartz .
Financial Democracy . By M argaret M iller and D ouglas C ampbell .
The Framework of an Ordered Society . By S ir A rthur S alter .
The Development of Economics . By W. A. S cott .
International Wage Comparisons . Documents arising out of Conferences held at the International Labour Office in January, 1929, and May, 1930
The Peopling of Australia (Further Studies). Pacific Relations Series, No. 4.  相似文献   

The A.B.C. of Foreign Exchanges . By G eorge C lare and N orman C rump .
(1) The Social Consequences of the Economic Depression . By Wladimir Woytinsky.
(2) International Labour Conference: Twenty-third Session, Geneva, 1937: Report of the Director.
An Introduction to Economic Analysis and Policy . By J. E. M eade .
Air Transportation Costing . By Captain N. T. M acleod .
The Tourist Industry—A National and an International Survey . By A. J. N orval .
The Russian Peasant Movement , 1906–1917. By L auncelot A. O wen .
Recent Economic Changes in New Zealand . By W. B. S utch
Essays in Social Economics . In honour of Jessica Blanche Peixotto.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Three Studies on the National Income By A. L. B owley and S ir J osiah S tamp .
The Economic Development of Modern Egypt By A. E. C rouchley .
Sugar: a Case Study of Government Control By J ohn E. D alton .
Dare We Look Ahead? The Fabian Lectures for 1937.
Konzerne und Kartelle im, Zeichen der Wirtschaftslenkung Verlag fur Recht and Gesellschaft . By D r F ritz H aussmann .
International Trade By Hugh B. Killough.
Economics of Transportation By D. P hilip L ocklin .
Three Lectures on Commerce and One on Absenteeism By M ountifort L ongfield , LL.D. (1835) 1937.
Consumers' Credits and Unemployment By J. E. M eade .
To-morrow's War: Its Planning, Management and Coat By S tephen T h P ossony .
Economic Problems of the Next War By P aul E inzig .
Statistical Year Book of Southern Rhodesia , 1938 The Official Annual of the Social and Economic Conditions of the Colony.
Iron and Steel Report No . 128. Second Series by the United States Tariff Commission . A Survey of the Iron and Steel Industries and International Trade of the Principal Producing and Trading Countries with Particuar Reference to Factors Essential to Tariff Considerations.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
British Land Policy at the Cape, 1795–1844-a study of administrative procedures in the Empire , by LESLIE CLEMENT DULY.
Uncertainty in Economics and Other Reflections , by G. L. S. SHACKLE. Cambridge University Press Library Edition (1968)
Struggle for Growth: An enquiry into the Causes of Poverty and Prosperity of Nations , by L. N. BIRLA. Calcutta, World Press Private Limited
Economics,3rd Edition by LLOYD G. REYNOLDS. Illinois, Richard D. Irwin
Swaziland: Hulpbronne en Ontwikkeling . Deur G. M. E. LEISTNER en P. SMIT. (Pretoria, Mededelinge van die Afrika-instituut van Suid-Afrika
The Bruges Money Market Around 1400 , by RAYMOND DE ROOVER. Paleis der Academiën, Brussel
Concentration and Price-Cost Margins in Manufacturing Industries , by NORMAN R. COLLINS and LEE E. PRESTON. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles
The Economics of Unemployment Insurance , by MARK M. HAUSER and PAUL BURROWS, University of York Studies in Economics: 3, General Editors: A. T. PEACOCK and J. WISEMAN, GEORGE ALLEN and UNWIN LTD.
Banques et banquiers dans les cités grecques, by R. Bogaert. Leyden: A. W. SYTHOFF, 1968
Report of the Population Growth Estimation Experiment for 1962 and 1963 . Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Karachi 1968
Agricultural development planning and implementation. (Israel case study) , by R. WEITZ and A. ROKACH, D. Reidel publishing company, Dordrecht, Holland
Essentials of Economics , by I. GLYN JONES, 4th edn. (Gee & Co., London, 1969)
Long Fluctuations in Real Series of American Economy . By M. MELNYK. Printed series No. 9, Bureau of Economic and Business Research, Kent State University, Ohio, Undated.
Economic Workbook and Data . By D. I. TROTMAN-DICKENSON. Pergamon Press. U.K.  相似文献   

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