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To differentiate ecosystem management, three models of firm‐level environmental stewardship are paired with three types of trust, which serve as informal governance mechanisms. The interconnectedness of organizational fields and the influence of intertemporality and interspatiality (time and space) are key dynamics in developing decentralized networks as an approach for linking firms, organizational fields, and global sustainability efforts. Interviews with 18 firms, government agencies, and nonprofit‐making organizations from Japan and the USA are utilized to discuss the key concepts in the paper. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

本文主要分析妇女保健工作面临的主要问题,比如乡镇卫生院改制之后对妇女保健工作影响,探讨保健服务的质量提高和婚前进行医学保健困境,由于助产技术服务点多,卫生资源不能充分的利用;并提出妇女保健工作下步的思考以及对策。  相似文献   

从秦始皇统一度量衡以来计量就充斥在我们生活的每个角落.随着科学的进步一切的活动都离不开计量。计量与国民经济建设和科学技术的各个领域息息相关.无论是人类的衣食住行、工农业生产、国防建设、科学研究。还是国内外贸易。处处都离不开计量。现代计量已经成为国民经济的重要技术基础。  相似文献   

一般大城市相较于特大城市,其地下空间的发展动因、目标定位、开发模式等方面有着显著的不同,目前对规划重视程度的远远不够,导致地下空间在城市规划体系中仍面临"边缘化"的局面。文章结合盐城、蚌埠市中心区地下空间规划的实践案例,提出经济适度、立体公共、地方人文的规划原则,在充分研究现状开发和目标需求的基础上,从宏观布局到微观设计等多个层面提出系统化的应对措施,旨在为此类大中等城市地下空间的规划和开发提供参考。  相似文献   

Much attention has been paid recently to land grabs in rural and urban areas of the global South, but relatively little attention has been paid to such activities in the third dimension—vertical space. Yet vertical space has also been increasingly colonized, as manifest in the transformation of mega-city skylines through the proliferating number and height of high-rises in both central cities and peri-urban developments. We investigate how floor area ratio policies, originally designed to control densification, have been reworked to facilitate densification through floor area uplift. Thus a tool originally developed to advance public welfare has been used to facilitate the profitability of real estate projects for developers and to benefit local governments. Taking DKI Jakarta as our case study, we sketch out the coevolution of this policy with urban regimes, focusing on the mid-2010s when compensation measures were formalized and made transparent. By using a particular project in Jakarta's central business district we show how the benefits of floor area uplift favor private sector developers over the local government. In a context of rapidly increasing land values, increasing demand for housing from an emergent middle class, and particularly the privatization of planning, this unevenness systematically favors the private sector.  相似文献   

Cities obviously differ from each other. Sociologically, this difference becomes significant when your aim is to ascertain the influence of local factors in a globalizing world or to understand processes of societal differentiation. To do so, scholars in the areas of urban and regional sociology, community research and local policy can turn to a number of theoretical and empirical studies on cities, municipalities, or, less specifically, the local setting as societally formative units that resist global influences. In this article I continue to ask how cities socialize in a way that allows shared experience to emerge in communities. Grounded in the sociology of knowledge shaped by German thinkers such as Max Weber, Alfred Schütz, Karl Mannheim, Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann, my aim is to illustrate that specific stocks of knowledge based on habitualized experience arise in every city. Intrinsic logic captures the hidden structures of cities as locally well‐established, operative processes of sense‐making along with their physical, material manifestations.  相似文献   

本文对当前农村中小学校财会管理工作中的财务管理、资产管理、会计基础工作这三个方面存在突出的问题进行剖析,并提出向规范化转变的一些建议和办法。  相似文献   

尹艳玲 《价值工程》2010,29(12):122-122
城市绿地系统规划应该以市域内的原生态绿地为基质,注重特色的挖掘,将生态、绿地、景观三者结合,构筑以中心城区为核心,覆盖整个市域,城乡一体化的完整的城市生态绿地系统。  相似文献   

地方理论在城市休闲空间研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文浅议了地方理论的构成体系,并以休闲空间为着落点,架构了休闲空间研究中的地方观解构体系,初步提出了休闲空间研究中的方法论体系、微区位视野观、地方资源强化观、地方文化造化观、地方再生活化观等,从而有助于丰富和完善地方理论的理论内涵和实践内涵.  相似文献   

城市社区公共空间违法侵占,不仅影响市容市貌,同样制约城市规划与社区治理现代化的进程,其产生与城镇化引起的农民居住空间变迁密切相关。目前,拆迁安置社区中不同程度地存在空间违法侵占现象。拆迁安置空间的形成不是市场自主选择的结果,而是社会转型中政治权力与社会权利共作用的产物,空间违法侵占便产生于这一政治性空间中。以NJ市H社区空间违法侵占为例,以列菲弗空间生产理论为框架进行实证研究:通过"空间再现—空间实践—再现空间"三个层次系统,从国家视角、居民视角及博弈视角分析"规训—反规训"空间生产的逻辑脉络,并为解决空间冲突提出建议。  相似文献   

国有企业在发展的过程中,应当严格按照党和国家的要求,持续提升执纪水平,努力为国有企业可持续发展提供保障。从当前国有企业纪委开展执纪工作的整体情况来看,尽管与过去相比有了较大的提升,但仍然有一些国有企业在执纪工作方面缺乏重视,需要认真改进。论文对此进行了研究和探讨,在分析提高国有企业执纪水平的时代意义基础上,重点就如何提高国有企业执纪水平提出有效方法。  相似文献   

阐述了目前县市技术监督行政法的重要性,存在的问题以及加强此项工作的建议。  相似文献   

李浩洋 《基建优化》2002,23(2):36-37
人类最初就是利用地下空间居住和生存的,例如山顶洞人,随着生产力的发展和科学技术的进步,当今已经建造出了功能繁多,豪华舒适的现代地下建筑,例如莫斯科,东京和北京的地下铁道等。从上个世纪以来,现代的城市建设和工业化建筑,使地面建筑得到迅速发展,但是盲目发展的地面建筑破坏了植被,占用了土地,坡坏了自然生态,因而建筑师有必要回溯地下建筑,认识到地下空间资源的开发有利于保护自然,有利于生态环境的改善,文中介绍了湘潭市对地下空间资源的开发情况。  相似文献   

Urban sociology has long ignored districts of wealth and privilege in cities because they harbor few ‘social problems’ and the class background of sociologists has not inclined them to venture there. In France after 1968, the continued attraction of Marxism and the sulfurous reputation of sociology conspired to make such investigation difficult. Pierre Bourdieu pioneered it with his landmark book on the bourgeoisie, Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. This essay reports on two decades of research extending Bourdieu's model of social space to study the territories and strategies of the French high bourgeoisie and aristocracy. The dominant class lives in reserved upscale districts and this seclusion, resulting from the elective spatial aggregation of familial dynasties, is a fundamental characteristic of the group. Segregative isolation is strengthened by specific institutions, such as society balls and social clubs, entrusted with effecting class closure and perpetuation. But, in the greater Paris region, the best districts also attract businesses (corporate headquarters, luxury firms), and thus employment that prompts the established bourgeoisie to migrate westwards in an endless search for social exclusivity. In addition to their Paris homes, upper‐class dynasties possess family properties (a castle or a large manor house) in the provincial hinterland that serve as a basis for paternalistic forms of sociability, linking them to the local lower class via such institutions as riding to hounds. Spaces reserved by and for the high bourgeoisie are major vectors of social reproduction and, along with family and elite schools, help to train heirs suited to safeguarding and valorizing their inherited assets.  相似文献   

城市社会空间的演变是社会和空间相互作用的结果,除了资本、权力和文化等结构性力量,主体的情感、体验也是建构空间的有机组成要素。这种结构与主体双重逻辑相互缠绕并处于时刻不停的变迁之中,赋予空间以活力、开放性和无限可能性。空间正义就在于表征着弱势群体空间权益的"差异空间"是否可能,如何可能。  相似文献   

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