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事业单位改革的基本法律问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和完善,传统的事业单位体制格局难以适应市场经济条件下资源优化配置和社会公共服务的需要,改革势在必行。而我国事业单位现有130多万个,承载着2900多万人的就业,集聚近3000亿元的国有资产,历史积淀深,职能与利益错综交织,因此,事业单位改革是继国有企业和政府机构改革之后又一重大攻坚战,需要稳步有序地科学统筹,合理规划。改革不仅需要政策的支持,更需要法律的规范和引导,只有从法律上清晰地界定事业单位的基本问题,才能实现预期的改革目标。一、事业单位的概念与法律特征1.事业单位的概念事业单位是一个有…  相似文献   

We consider contracts for public transport services between a public authority and a transport operator. We build a structural endogenous switching model where the contract choice results from the combined effects of the incentivization scheme aimed at monitoring the operator's efficiency and the political agenda followed by the regulator to account for the voice of private interests. Our results support theoretical predictions as they suggest that cost‐plus contracts entail a higher cost for society than fixed‐price contracts but allow the public authority to leave a rent to a subset of individuals. Accounting for transfers to interest groups in welfare computations reduces the welfare gap between cost‐plus and fixed‐price regimes.  相似文献   

本文在新经济地理学框架内,通过引入政府部门构建了一个空间均衡模型,理论研究表明,公共服务支出的提高可以促进工业集聚,并且受偏好的影响存在外部性,而集聚优势则通过循环累积因果关系进一步扩大。通过使用1999~2014年中国省际面板数据,检验了相关变量对工业集聚所产生的外部性影响,研究发现:公共服务、市场潜能均与工业集聚呈正相关,随着工业集聚程度的提高,公共服务对集聚的影响是递减的,反映了低集聚地区公共服务支出不足的现状,而市场潜能对集聚的影响存在一个上升的趋势。  相似文献   

We examine the impact of the universal service policy that was applied to the Spanish airline market during the period 2001?C2009. Our analysis shows that routes that benefit from price discounts that were granted by the government to island residents enjoy higher demand than the rest of the country??s domestic routes. However, the lower elasticity of demand of these routes allows airlines to set higher prices. We also find that airlines that operate inter-island routes on which their services are regulated by price caps and frequency floors charge lower prices and schedule higher flight frequencies than is the case on unregulated routes. Overall, our analysis suggests that price discounts for island residents help guarantee the profitability of routes that are regulated by public service obligations.  相似文献   

理论界讨论地方政府债券作用时,更多关注的是筹集提供公共产品资金,弥补财政赤字。文章从分析地方政府债券和公共产品关系开始,试图从公共服务均等化这一新视角来研究地方政府债券,并构建一个指向公共服务均等化的地方政府债券制度。  相似文献   

国外政府公共服务均等化经过较长时间的实践探索,已经积累了一定的经验。积极吸取这些经验,改进我国的政府公共服务,需要以服务均等化为核心价值追求,建立健全政府转移支付制度,建立自下而上的服务需求表达机制,建立政府公共服务均等化度量体系。  相似文献   

工业互联网(Industrial Internet)是新一代信息通信技术与工业经济深度融合的新型基础设施、应用模式和工业生态,实现人、机、物、系统等网络连接,但由于工业互联网具有开放特征,其内部各层级暴露于互联网,带来较大安全隐患。针对工业互联网公共服务平台IT域和OT域信任边界模糊的问题,设计了一种分层的公共服务平台信任架构。引入信任计算机制与零信任协作模型,形成了可信连接、可信设备、可信用户和可信业务兼备的信任管控与评估架构;通过可信连接机制、可信手段特征化、工业安全姿态感知等多种手段,解决了信任域之间敏感信息脱敏和情报共享的问题。形成了企业、边缘计算网关和公共服务平台三方分层解耦的工业互联网公共服务平台信任架构,可以更好应对当前工业互联网公共服务面临的安全挑战,对促进企业实现数字化转型、提升智能化运营水平起到了安全保护和支持服务作用。  相似文献   

政府公共服务的公众满意度测评具有不确定性,因为影响政府公共服务的公众满意度的某些因素是模糊的,很难直接用统计的方法确定这些因素的具体判断值。针对政府公共服务公众满意度测评的这一难点,运用基于期望值的模糊多属性决策方法,采用定量指标和定性指标相结合的区间型评价矩阵,区分主观偏好值和客观偏好值求解指标权重,最终求得政府公共服务的公众满意度,为定量测评政府公共服务的公众满意度提供了一种比较科学、可行的模式。  相似文献   

Abstract : Despite the growing use made of performance-related pay schemes, their true impact remains sadly under-researched. This article, a case study of the scheme introduced into the Inland Revenue in 1988, and typical of recent UK public-sector schemes, is an attempt to reduce the area of mystery.
We assess the scheme by its likely impact on employee motivation, which we gauge through a variety of employee and management opinions and attitudes, as expressed in more than 2000 responses to a questionnaire. Our conclusion is that, although the scheme was thought by staff to have a number of virtues, it was very unlikely to have raised employee motivation appreciably; it may indeed have been demotivating on balance. We also consider the likely reasons for this result.
If the scheme did not improve employee motivation, it is hard to see how it could have enhanced employee performance. The study has potentially important implications for the government policy of seeking to improve the functioning of the public sector through performance-related pay.  相似文献   

润油油行业已经进入服务经济时代,服务营销是取得竞争优势的利器。相对于真正的服务营销或国外同行业的服务理念,我国的润滑油行业仍将服务营销看做是单纯的售后服务,从业的素质也有待于提高。服务营销的核心是做到“顾客满意”,到位的服务营销将使顾客成为企业产品的忠诚追随者。  相似文献   

Public Wage Differentials and the Public Administration "Industry"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The public sector consists of two broad sub samples, administrators and no administrators. The two groups have very different occupational compositions and contrasting patterns of compensation. Inconsistent treatment of these sub samples has led to past government differentials, which are not comparable. While administrators remain overpaid relative to their private sector counterparts, no administrators are underpaid relative to their counterparts. Moreover, public wage differentials way substantially in sign and magnitude from industry to industry. Such results demonstrate that no simple, homogeneous government differential exists.  相似文献   

服装材料是服装设计的物质载体。材质的选择和使用,决定了设计作品的最终效果,材质的美感也表现出人衣交织的和谐。本文通过阐述各种材质的不同性能、视觉肌理、触觉肌理的外在表现,结合服装品牌的风格定位,运用造型、色彩以及不同材质的搭配等手段,进行科学加艺术的设计。这种设计创意在另一层面上也丰富了设计语言,扩大了服装设计的表现力,使服装作品更富有实用价值和审美价值。  相似文献   

党的十六届六中全会提出构建社会主义和谐社会的重大决定,新农村建设是构建和谐社会的重大任务之一。建设新农村,电力要先行,农电事业的发展是建设社会主义新农村的重要基础和保障。广西电网公司高度重视服务社会主义新农村电力建设工作,认真贯彻落实广西社会主义新农村建设有关文件精神,按照自治区党委、政府提出的建设社会主义新农村的整体要求,积极开展服务新农村电力建设工作。广西农村电网概况广西电网公司代管43个县(市、区)供电企业,现有员工12000人,农村电工7000多人,所辖供电乡镇611个,行政村7892个,人口2492.99万人,涉及广西五分…  相似文献   

文章认为教学语言的艺术性强,才能激发学生学习兴趣。数学教学过程中,形象性、幽默性、趣味性的语言能把枯燥无味的内容形象化、生动化、趣味化,从而唤起学生学习数学的积极性、主动性,提高教学效果。  相似文献   

JAVA语言在网络通信程序中的实际应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
JAVA语言具有简单、面向对象、多线程、分布性、体系结构中立、安全高效等广泛而强大的功能.本文介绍了使用JAVA编程语言对基于客户/服务器模式的应用编写网络通信程序,讨论了SOCKET机制、输入输出流及程序实现代码,并给出了具体实现中的一些关键技术.  相似文献   

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