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Gentrification in China is intertwined with urban redevelopment, which causes the large‐scale displacement of rural–urban migrants from ‘villages in the city’ (ViCs). Because of the informality of ViCs, migrant renters have very insecure tenancy and during redevelopment they are treated as a negligible (‘invisible’) social group. As they are very difficult to locate after displacement, they are also literally invisible to researchers. To make the invisible visible, this study traced a sample of displaced migrants from Huangbeiling village in Shenzhen. The focus was on the displacement process and on identifying the consequences for the displaced. We found various forms of displacement during the redevelopment process. Nearby ViCs were prioritized by displaced migrants to minimize as much utility loss as possible. However, they generally suffer from decreased proximity, increased living costs, and the loss of social networks and job opportunities. Remarkably, some choose to return to the gentrifying village, enduring displacement in situ caused by increasing rents, drastic physical neighbourhood changes and declining liveability, in exchange for retaining their original social and economic networks. Large‐scale urban redevelopment is causing the rapid shrinkage of informal housing. Recognizing and addressing the housing needs of this impoverished social group is a matter of urgency.  相似文献   

This article critically examines the expression of global spatial imaginaries in urban policy and planning. Following recent calls to understand how the global is ‘made up' in and through cities, we argue for the usefulness of Roy and Ong's concept of ‘worlding’. By analysing how strategic spatial plans envisage ‘Global Sydney’, the article reveals a constitutive spatial imaginary informed by the articulation of three interrelated elements: global city standards, comparative techniques and extra‐local policy models. Unpacking how cities are selectively worlded through spatial imaginaries, the article advances an approach to urban globality as actively cultivated and differentially produced.  相似文献   

This article focuses on unemployed job‐seekers' attitudes towards entry‐level jobs in three areas of the service sector – retail, hospitality and call‐centre work. The article examines whether job‐seekers are reluctant to pursue these opportunities, and provides an analysis of the motives of those ruling out service work. A range of potential barriers is discussed, including the extent to which job‐seekers perceive the service economy as offering only so‐called ‘McJobs’– low‐skilled, low‐paid jobs with few opportunities for development. However, the article also focuses on perceived skills mismatches, with some job‐seekers arguably over‐qualified for entry‐level service jobs, while others consider themselves to lack the necessary ‘soft’ skills. The analysis is based on interviews with 220 unemployed people in Glasgow. The article concludes that policy action may be required to encourage job seekers to consider a broader range of vacancies and to provide tailored training in partnership with service employers. On the demand side, service employers must address the need for entry‐level positions that offer realistic salaries, decent work conditions and opportunities for progression and development.  相似文献   

Urban planning is usually portrayed as a benign and progressive societal force. This interpretation is critically examined through an evaluation of Israel's development town project. According to the ‘best’ planning concepts available during the 1950s, Israel built 28 new towns, mainly on the country's peripheral ‘frontiers’. New immigrants, chiefly low‐income Mizrahi Jews, were housed in the towns, which provided a cornerstone of Israel's national project of ‘Judaising’ the country. The evidence shows that the planning of the towns has had many regressive consequences: it reinforced and reproduced patterns of deprivation and inequality through the creation of segregated and low‐status Mizrahi ethnic spaces. In the longer term, this spawned continuing grievances and protest, fluctuating political orientation and the emergence of a low‐status Mizrahi ethno‐class. The case in hand casts doubt over the notion of planning solely as a progressive force, and highlights its potential to act as an instrument of control and domination in the hands of societal elites. In Israel, promotion of the ‘national imperative’ of settling the frontiers, the advent of ‘modern urban planning’, and later ‘corrective’ policies to close the centre‐periphery gap, all worked to obscure the regressive stratifying processes caused by the development town project. La planification urbaine est généralement vue comme une force sociale bégnine et progressive. Cette interprétation est examinée de facon critique avec une évaluation du projet de développement de la ville en Israël. Suivant les ‘meilleurs’ concepts de planification des années cinquante, Israël a construit 28 villes nouvelles, principalement sur les ‘frontières’ périphériques du pays. Les nouveaux immigrants, avant tout des juifs Mizrahi qui avaient des revenus bas, furent logés dans les villes, qui étaient au centre du projet national israélien de rendre le pays plus judaïque. L'évidence montre que la planification des villes a eu de nombreuses conséquences régressives: elle a renforcé et reproduit les modèles de privation et d'inégalité par la création d'espaces ethniques Mizrahi de bas standing et isolés. À long terme, cela a donné lieu à des protestations et des doléances continuelles, à une orientation politique changeante et à la naissance d'une ethno‐classe Mizrahi de statut peu élevé. Ce cas d'étude met en doute le fait que la notion de planification soit uniquement une force progressive, et illumine le fait qu'elle peut servir d'instrument de contröle et de domination pour les élites sociales. En Israël, la promotion de ‘l'impératif national’ de stabilisation des frontières, l'arrivée de la ‘planification moderne urbaine’ et la récente politique ‘corrective’ pour réduire la distance entre le centre et la périphérie, ont toutes contribuéà obscurcir les processus régressifs de stratification dus au projet de développement des villes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This article explores how managers, in the Call Centre of a Bank, (re)defined, and drew boundaries around ‘past’ cultural conditions, in relation to the introduction of a Business Process Reengineering (BPR) regime. Managers represented the ‘past’ negatively, in terms of conflict and coercion, whilst the ‘present’ was largely described as a Shangri‐La of teams and consensus. This eschewing of the ‘past’ and sublimation of the ‘present’ stood in opposition to the representations of the staff. Both the ‘staff’ and ‘managers’ seemed to reject or embrace discourses that challenged or coincided with their understanding of how things are or should be. In view of this, their understanding of the past/present is inseparable from a consideration of power and identity. The article examines the interplay between discourses and individuals, arguing that it is bound up with fear and anxiety, hope and aspiration, memory and nostalgia, among other, everyday life experiences.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the ‘science’ and ‘practice’ of human resource management in small firms. While there is growing evidence that the practice of human resource management in small firms is characterized by informality, there is less evidence about the science, or explaining why this is the case. We look to writing on strategic human resource management, which has at its heart the resource based view of the firm, for possibilities offered to understanding the science of human resource management in small firms.  相似文献   

Kate Hoye  Fred Pries   《Technovation》2009,29(10):682-689
Among academic faculty, is there a class of ‘repeat commercializers’ who account for a disproportionate share of commercialized technologies arising from university research? In a survey of 172 engineering, mathematics, and science faculty members from a major Canadian university, we found evidence that a class of repeat commercializers does exist. Further, we found that the 12% of the faculty who are repeat commercializers account for 80% of the commercialized innovations. Interviews with repeat commercializers in the same faculties at the same university suggest that repeat commercializers parallel habitual entrepreneurs in that they have the ability to commercialize (i.e. the ability to generate and identify commercializable inventions and the ability to acquire resources for the commercialization of their inventions) and the aspiration to do so (i.e. commercialization-friendly attitudes). Since repeat commercializers account for such a large percentage of commercialization activity, it is important that programs and policies associated with technology transfer address the needs of this subpopulation of the faculty.  相似文献   

This article details the evolving social and spatial dynamics of a planning approach that is now being used to regulate irregular or informal settlements in the conservation zone of Xochimilco in the Federal District of Mexico City. As part of the elaboration of ‘normative’ planning policies and practices, this approach counts, maps and then classifies irregular settlements into different categories with distinct land‐use regularization possibilities. These spatial calculations establish a continuum of ‘gray’ spaces, placing many settlements in a kind of planning limbo on so‐called ‘green’ conservation land. The research suggests that these spatial calculations are now an important part of enacting land‐use planning and presenting a useful ‘technical’ veneer through which the state negotiates competing claims to space. Based on a case study of an irregular settlement, the article examines how the state is implicated in the production and regulation of irregularity as part of a larger strategy of spatial governance. The research explores how planning ‘knowledges’ and ‘techniques’ help to create fragmented but ‘governable’ spaces that force communities to compete for land‐use regularization. The analysis raises questions about the conception of informality as something that, among other things, simply takes place outside of the formal planning system.  相似文献   

In this study we integrate insights from ‘top‐down’ and ‘bottom‐up’ traditions in organizational change research to understand employees’ varying dispositions to support change. We distinguish between change initiation and change execution roles and identify four possible role configurations in which top managers (TMs) and middle managers (MMs) can feature in change. We contend that both TMs and MMs can play change initiation and/or change execution roles, TMs and MMs have different strengths and limitations for taking on different change roles, and their relative strengths and limitations are compounded or attenuated based on the specific configuration of change roles. We subsequently hypothesize employee support for change in relation to different TM‐MM change role configurations. Our findings show that change initiated by TMs does not engender above‐average level of employee support. However, change initiated by MMs engenders above‐average level of employee support, and even more so, if TMs handle the change execution.  相似文献   

Abstract . A consequent of Thorstein Veblen's theory of ‘invidious comparison’ is investigated as it applies to class and status. This research evaluates specifically shifting socioeconomic effects within the structure of society that are often taken to be important causes for determining leisure interests by class. That time, employment, personal debt, and costs effect leisure were hypothesized to be decisive factors in the class leisure outcome. The relative and total predictive influence of the independent variables was analyzed and found to predict differences of leisure interests between the social classes. The findings lend support to Veblen's notion of the leisured class and its acquisition of status.  相似文献   

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