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设计工作是一项科技含量高、专业性强的高智力服务业。根据有关资料显示,设计阶段影响建设项目投资的程度为35%~75%,因此它对于工程的质量、建设周期、投资效益及投产后的经济效益和社会效益等都有着重要影响。本文结合我国设计阶段造价控制的现状,就如何进行设计阶段的造价控制进行讨论。  相似文献   

在安徽乃至全国,只要说起刷子制品,几乎没有不知道午马牌和玉桐牌的。在桐城市范岗镇,有两家名声显赫原本却为同一家族的大制刷企业,它们就是分别创出这两个知名品牌的三环制刷有限公司和玉桐制刷有限公司(http://www.51yutong.com)。20世纪末,省内国内一些大型制刷企业大多因为经营不善等原因纷纷败北,而午马牌和玉桐牌却很快成为中国市场上的新秀,后来居上。现在这两公司几乎统领着中国市场上一半的制刷业务,他们甚至打入了欧倍德、家乐福、东方家园等这样国际性的商家,在同行业中绝对算得上一枝独秀。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This article examines a piece of corporate theatre. Although theatre has entered organization studies through the dramatistic writing of Kenneth Burke and the dramaturgical writings of Erving Goffman, this article is concerned with an approach variously described as organizational, radical, situation or corporate theatre that treats theatre not primarily as a resource, an ontology or a metaphor but as a technology. This approach involves the deployment by an organization of dramatists, actors, directors, set designers, lighting specialists, and musicians to put on performances in front of audiences. Using frameworks derived from studies of theatre a particular piece of corporate theatre is described and analysed. It is argued that this form of theatre appears to be used to contain reflection and to promote the views of a particular group within an organization. It does not confront an audience but subtly suggests alternative ways of evaluating, construing and understanding issues. This may be achieved by anaesthetizing audience reaction by encouraging imaginative participation in the performance so that cherished beliefs and values do not appear to be directly challenged.  相似文献   

朱力 《价值工程》2019,38(32):137-140
在全球生产分工体系下,中国制造业企业不断深入全球价值链。文章日益加强的环境监管背景下以出口国内增加值为切入视角,实证分析了环境规制对企业全球价值链升级的影响效应。结果表明环境规制强度对于企业出口增加值的影响呈现明显的倒"U"型特征,适度设定的环境规制强度可以提高企业出口产品的附加值,因此文章针对研究结论提出了相应的政策建议,认为政府应当适度地提高环境规制强度,保证环境规制政策灵活有效的实施以将环境治理压力转化为企业的研发创新动力,帮助企业实现出口方式的转变和在价值链上的升级。  相似文献   

We present organizational logics as a meso‐level construct that lies between institutional theory's field‐level logics and the sense‐making activities of individual agents in organizations. We argue that an institutional logic can be operationalized empirically using the concept of a discourse – that is, a coherent symbolic system articulating what constitutes legitimate, reasonable, and effective conduct in, around, and by organizations. An organization may, moreover, be simultaneously exposed to several institutional logics that make up its broader ideational environment. Taking these three observations together enables us to consider an organizational logic as a spatially and temporally localized configuration of diverse discourses. We go on to show how organizational logics were transformed in the Australian Broadcasting Corporation between 1953 and 1999 by examining the changing discourses that appeared in the Corporation's annual reports. We argue that these discourses were modified through three main forms of discursive agency: (1) undertaking acts of ironic accommodation between competing discourses; (2) building chains of equivalence between the potentially contradictory discourses; and (3) reconciling new and old discourses through pragmatic acts of ‘bricolage’. We found that, using these forms of discursive agency, a powerful coalition of actors was able to transform the dominant organizational logic of the ABC from one where the Corporation's initial mission was to serve national interests through public service to one that was ultimately focused on participating in a globalized media market. Finally, we note that discursive resources could be used as the basis for resistance by less powerful agents, although further research is necessary to determine exactly how more powerful and less powerful agents interact around the establishment of an organizational logic.  相似文献   

In 2008 the US financial crisis spilled over into a number of other economies causing declines in GDP across the world. Yet the decades preceding the current downturn had been a period of unprecedented stability for the US economy. This article examines annual data for 98 countries over the period 1961–2007 and finds that lower GDP growth volatility in the period preceding the current crisis was not confined to the US. It is detected in a number of developed and developing countries, suggesting that a reduction in volatility in this period was a more general phenomenon.  相似文献   

The paper analyses the transmission of US monetary policy shocks to global equity markets and the macroeconomic determinants of the underlying transmission process. We show that there is a substantial cross‐country heterogeneity in reactions across 50 equity markets worldwide, with returns falling on average around 2.7% in response to a 100 basis point tightening of US monetary policy, but ranging from a zero response in some to a reaction of 5% or more in other markets. As to the determinants of the strength of transmission to individual countries, we test the relevance of their macroeconomic policies and the role of real and financial integration. We find that in particular the degree of global integration of countries – and not a country's bilateral integration with the United States – is a key determinant for the transmission process.  相似文献   

市场调研厂商IDC于2004年11月份表示,在每年一度的世界各国信息化程度和信息财富排行榜上,丹麦取代了瑞典,跃居榜首;美国则移到了第五位:2002年位于排名后位的中国在2003年攀升至第44位.  相似文献   

网络规划教育发展迅速,但学科对其研究较少.研究采集主流MOOCs平台的规划教育课程,与传统规划教育课程和相关文献进行比较研究,获得网络规划教育与传统规划教育在内容结构、学习时间、教育机构方面的特征和差异,并分析未来发展趋势.网络规划教育与传统规划教育在传播特征上并无本质区别,可理解为传统规划教育的网络版,介于传统规划教育和未来规划教育间的过渡模式.根据已有研究基础探索了未来规划教育的发展趋势和三大特征.  相似文献   

王伟  陈华 《价值工程》2007,26(3):9-11
对于金融生态,国外围绕金融危机与风险理论和实践进行分析。就目前而言,我国直接涉及金融生态的相关研究尚少。侧重通过其他领域相关的生态研究给我们以借鉴和启发,较为全面地介绍了国外金融生态及其相关理论的发展,并从直接、间接层面,对其研究现状分别进行了相应的综合与评述。  相似文献   

金融危机以来,作为世界资本之都的纽约藉着新产业革命的契机,从一个高科技领域的"二线"城市快速崛起为能与硅谷一较高下的全球顶级科创中心,引发世人的高度关注。研究表明,纽约之所以能后来居上,关键在于其大力推行的以"培育适合大众创新创业的土壤"为主旨的四大创新促进方案:"应用科学"计划、"众创空间"计划、"融资激励"计划和"设施更新"计划。这对同为后来者的上海而言,无疑具有十分重要的借鉴和参考价值。  相似文献   

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