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Although business restructuring occurs frequently and it is important for the prosperity of family firms across generations, research on family firms has largely evolved separately from research on business restructuring. This is a missed opportunity, since the two domains are complementary, and understanding the context, process, content, and outcome dimensions is relevant to both research streams. We address this by examining the intersection between research on business restructuring and family firms to improve our knowledge of each area and inform future research. To achieve this goal, we review and organize research across different dimensions to create an integrative framework. Building on current research, we focus on 88 studies at the intersection of family firm and business restructuring research to develop a model that identifies research needs and suggests directions for future research.  相似文献   

本文从动态能力的概念、维度、动态能力的生成机理、演化机理以及动态能力对企业绩效的作用机理等方面对研究文献进行了分析、总结。本文指出动态能力理论研究存在的不足,认为未来的研究方向应是建立一种基于动态能力的企业理论。基于动态能力的企业理论应包括:(1)基于动态能力的企业观。从长期、动态的角度看,企业的生存、发展取决于企业的动态能力。(2)动态能力的生成机理。(3)动态能力的演化机理。(4)动态能力的具体化过程。(5)动态能力的变现机理。动态能力要通过一定的路径和环节为企业带来价值。  相似文献   

abstract In this paper, we examine how a public sector organization developed a new strategic approach based on the identification and use of an internal dynamic capability (learning through experimenting). In response to the need for continual performance improvement in spite of reduced financial resources, this organization engaged in three overlapping phases as they shifted to this strategic approach. First, managers identified appropriate latent dynamic capabilities. Next, they used their leadership skills and built on established levels of trust to enable the use of these dynamic capabilities. Finally, they managed the tension between unrestricted development of local initiatives and organizational needs for guidance and control.  相似文献   

abstract We review and develop a subjectivist theory of entrepreneurship that focuses on individuals, their knowledge, resources and skills, and the processes of discovery and creativity, which constitute the heart of entrepreneurship. First, we establish the fundamental importance of subjectivity in entrepreneurial discovery and creativity. Second, we build on Penrose (1959 ) to elaborate how entrepreneurs' perceptions and personal knowledge shape a firm's subjective productive opportunity set. Third, we explain that entrepreneurial perceptions and knowledge partly originate from entrepreneurs' experiences in specific business settings such as the firm, the management team, and the industry. Fourth, we highlight the causal connections between subjectivity in entrepreneurship and observed heterogeneity in firm‐level economic performance. Lastly, we suggest directions for further advancing a subjectivist resource‐based approach to future entrepreneurship research.  相似文献   

人力资源管理要实现预期功效,很大程度上取决于人力资源管理的落地实施,而直线经理在人力资源管理实施过程中发挥着重要作用.鉴于此,国内外不少学者从直线经理角度对人力资源管理进行了研究探索,并取得了丰富成果.然而,当前研究非常零散,且不同研究之间缺乏有效对话,这不利于后续学者清晰地了解该研究领域的发展脉络与现状,也难以为组织管理者提供切实可行的管理启示.基于61项理论和实证研究,本文对该研究领域进行了系统性的回顾,发现当前研究主要聚焦在直线经理的人力资源管理认知、人力资源管理职责以及人力资源管理效能三个方面.本文具体梳理了这三方面的研究现状,并在此基础上提出了6个可供考察的研究问题.  相似文献   

This paper proposes and analyses the autoregressive conditional root (ACR) time‐series model. This multivariate dynamic mixture autoregression allows for non‐stationary epochs. It proves to be an appealing alternative to existing nonlinear models, e.g. the threshold autoregressive or Markov switching class of models, which are commonly used to describe nonlinear dynamics as implied by arbitrage in presence of transaction costs. Simple conditions on the parameters of the ACR process and its innovations are shown to imply geometric ergodicity, stationarity and existence of moments. Furthermore, consistency and asymptotic normality of the maximum likelihood estimators are established. An application to real exchange rate data illustrates the analysis.  相似文献   

This paper argues that research on city-regions could benefit from more sustained and critical attention to the question of democracy. That is, it should examine more closely how decisions in city-regions are made, why they are made that way, and how they can be made more democratically. Much current research on politics in cities has framed the issue in terms of citizenship. That work has produced great insight. However, the attention to citizenship has prompted very little attention to democracy, even though the two concepts are deeply intertwined. Current interest in city-regions opens up the possibility that a vibrant line of research on democracy can be added to and engage with that on citizenship.  相似文献   

Projects and other temporary forms of organizing are different from standard organizational processes. As most leadership theories are based on the assumption of stable organizational environments, the increase in temporary forms of organizing poses specific challenges to leadership theories. We evaluate existing leadership theories in terms of their applicability on temporary environments and identify theories, which are adaptable to temporary settings and therefore may be the basis for empirical investigations in this field. On this basis we derive a research agenda by proposing individual leadership theories and combinations of different leadership approaches to be further assessed in research.  相似文献   

In this paper we test the existence of forward‐looking behaviour in a multivariate model for alcohol and tobacco consumption. The theoretical framework, based on a dynamic adjustment cost model with forward‐looking behaviour, is enhanced to include the intertemporal interactions between the two goods. The analysis of the within‐period preferences completes the intertemporal model, allowing to evaluate the static substitutability/complementarity relationships. The empirical strategy consists in a two‐step estimation procedure. In a first stage, we obtain the parameters of the demand system, while in a second stage Euler equations are estimated. Results, based on a cohort data set constructed from a series of cross‐sections of the Italian Household Budget Survey, reveal a significant complementarity relationship between alcohol and tobacco. Estimation of the Euler equations does not lead to rejection of the hypothesis of intertemporal dependence, providing evidence for a forward‐looking behaviour in alcohol and tobacco consumption. Moreover, we find significant intertemporal interactions that support the adjustment cost setting in a multivariate model with rational expectations.  相似文献   

Sustainable entrepreneurship pursues a triple bottom line approach of economic, social and ecological goals. The main aim of this paper is to add to our understanding of the process of sustainable entrepreneurship. Since the field of sustainable entrepreneurship is in a nascent stage, we conduct a qualitative study. We employ a multiple case study design to build theory. Based on four case studies we develop a model, which describes the process of sustainable entrepreneurship, including six phases: 1) recognizing a social or ecological problem; 2) recognizing a social or ecological opportunity; 3) developing a double bottom line solution; 4) developing a triple bottom line solution; 5) funding and forming of a sustainable enterprise; 6) creating or entering a sustainable market. By developing a convergent process model with two pathways, we make theoretical contributions to the emerging fields of sustainable entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship. A key finding is that the triple bottom line of ecological, social and economic goals is integrated sequentially, not simultaneously. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

本文旨在探讨组织变革、动态能力以及创新绩效之间的影响关系。以新产品开发为视角提出基于NPD的三维动态能力,并利用探索性案例研究方法,以制造业三家具有代表性的企业为分析样本,证实了组织变革对需求识别能力、概念开发能力和产品设计能力与创新绩效之间的关系起到了部分中介影响作用。  相似文献   

融资瓶颈一直是阻碍我国民营企业可持续发展的重要问题,民营企业的融资战略应该根据外界环境和企业不同时期的需要及时做出调整。本文采用动态能力理论观点,对影响民营企业动态融资能力的各种要素进行分析和比较,为民营企业制定适合自身特征和动态外部环境的融资战略提供建议。  相似文献   

刘颖琦  郭名  张莉 《物流技术》2007,26(11):1-4
应用动态能力理论,构建了物流企业竞争力测评指标体系和算法模型,在此基础上,应用上海和深圳证券交易所的数据样本。通过对5年时间内8家主营物流的企业竞争力的动态变化。深入分析和研究动态能力的各个关键要素对提升企业竞争力的动态影响,得到未来影响物流企业竞争力的要素已经从企业组织管理过程要素向企业定位和发展路径的要素转变,从而从时序的角度对多个物流企业竞争力的变化进行了实证研究。  相似文献   

创业现已成为时代的主题词汇,在创业初期,能够选择正确的商业模式,是企业创业成功的必然要求。随着互联网的加速发展与普及,信息传递速度也越来越快,商业市场的变化也在以人难以预计的速度加快。因此,一成不变的商业模式无法满足企业在发展变化中的需求。除环境影响之外,在企业发展的不同阶段,企业规模不断扩大,企业业务也在不断改变,商业模式也应当适当调整。本文从企业的生命周期理论为理论框架,分析了企业商业模式演化的影响机制,通过此文为企业的商业模式构建提供建设性意见。  相似文献   

How do organizations previously dominated by the state develop dynamic capabilities that would support their growth in a competitive market economy? We develop a theoretical framework of organizational transformation that explains the processes by which organizations learn and develop dynamic capabilities in transition economies. Specifically, the framework theorizes about the importance of, and inter‐relationships between, leadership, organizational learning, dynamic capabilities, and performance over three stages of transformation. Propositions derived from this framework explain the pre‐conditions enabling organizational learning, the linkages between types of learning and functions of dynamic capabilities, and the feedback from dynamic capabilities to organizational learning that allows firms in transition economies to regain their footing and build long‐term competitive advantage. We focus on transition contexts, where these processes have been magnified and thus offer new insights into strategizing in radically altered environments.  相似文献   

We move the dynamic capabilities view (DCV) forward in two important ways by meta‐analysing prior empirical studies. First, we evaluate the two core theoretical tenets of the DCV: (1) Dynamic capabilities are positively related to performance, and (2) this relationship is stronger in industries with higher levels of technological dynamism. We find support for the former (rc = 0.296) but not for the latter, though results suggest the existence of moderators. Second, we theorize and demonstrate empirically that higher‐order dynamic capabilities are more strongly related to performance than lower‐order dynamic capabilities, lower‐order dynamic capabilities partially mediate the relationship between higher‐order dynamic capabilities and performance, and dynamic capabilities contribute more to performance in developing economies than in developed economies. These findings illustrate how the nature of the dynamic capability and the economic context in which it is utilized shape its value, thus offering a more nuanced conceptualization of the dynamic capabilities‐performance relationship.  相似文献   

Researchers have shown that transformational leadership is applicable to higher education teaching, that is, transformational instructor‐leadership. However, such research is fractionated across diverse fields. To address the fractionated literature, the purpose of the current study was to conduct a meta‐analytic review of transformational instructor‐leadership and to analyze research in which such leadership has been empirically associated with student outcomes. For the meta‐analysis, the Hunter–Schmidt approach was adopted, and thus, correlations were corrected for attenuation due to measurement error. The findings indicated that transformational instructor‐leadership was positively associated with students’ motivation, satisfaction, perceptions of instructor credibility, academic performance, affective learning, and cognitive learning. Moderator analyses revealed that culture, course delivery, instrument, and gender were all significant moderators of the relationship between transformational instructor‐leadership and specific student outcomes. The findings also showed that there were significant differences between the transformational leadership dimensions, thus supporting the notion that each dimension is conceptually distinct. The present meta‐analysis drew from varied disciplines in contributing the first integrative review on transformational instructor‐leadership. Future research needs to extend the literature with regard to context sensitivity, common method variance, causal conclusions, mechanisms, outcome measures, and control variables. Practically, higher education institutions should consider training transformational instructor‐leaders.  相似文献   

2008年9月20~21日,以通过案例研究创业为主题的2008年创业案例研讨会在南开大学商学院召开。大会在创业精神、创业者与创业机会制度、创业学习、领导与新企业成长草根创业新企业价值创造与管理教学型案例等方面取得了丰富的成果。作为中国首届创业案例研讨会,大会对于推动中国创业研究、促进创业教育具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

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