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Never before has there been so much organizational restructuring, in spite of consistently mixed results. This article argues that the reason organizational restructuring so often fails to increase productivity and profit is that it is not guided by business strategy. While most managers agree that structure should follow strategy, few have a process for moving from strategy to restructuring at the business level where most restructuring occurs. A number of businesses, however, have based restructuring decisions on a clear and well-understood strategy. This article describes what is common to the processes these businesses have followed. Human resource managers, whose role and competence should include the alignment of change processes with business needs, have often abdicated responsibility for ensuring that restructuring efforts are strategic and are competently implemented. © 1996 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Industrial ecology is defined as the study of material and energy flows through industrial systems and as such may focus on a geographic area, resource and/or industry sector. In these types of setting, industrial ecology is also often known as industrial symbiosis (IS). The proximity of companies in industrial estates facilitates the linking of utilities and the exchange of wastes and by‐products, which may eventually be useful inputs for adjacent industrial processes. The typical model that has been applied in several regions of the world is one where an anchor‐tenant organization with energy and by‐product linkages is connected to companies physically located nearby. In the case of biomass symbiosis, however, the resource chains are not explicitly arranged by their industrial setting and the supply of waste and by‐products is able to be organized in a more scattered way. In this article, the role of industrial symbiosis is analyzed in respect of the planned industrial symbiosis activities in the Rotterdam Harbour and Industry Complex in the Netherlands and in the application of renewable energy in the Östergötland region in Sweden. The objective of this article is to discuss the similarities and differences between the planned industrial symbiosis activities in Rotterdam and the unplanned biomass and industrial symbiosis activities in the Östergötland region. By presenting this knowledge in this article, it is anticipated that further development of industrial symbiosis application processes may be achieved. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

This article examines the process of local development within the context of restructuring in hinterland British Columbia, Canada. The role of local development in the reconstruction of hinterland space is attracting considerable research attention, building upon an existing body of work from Canada and elsewhere, which is steadily refining our understanding of the local development process. Through a case study of two communities, this article seeks to enhance the theory–practice coordination of this work by using a regulation approach to examine the process, organizational structures and relationships inherent in local development. The communities in this study used local development both to pursue economic diversification and also to offset the uncertainty caused by economic and political restructuring. The findings illustrate that the case communities responded to restructuring in a systematic manner. This shows that the practice of local development may be related to theoretical interpretations of institution‐building. Regulation theory provides a framework within which to forge a link between the practical dimensions of the local development process and the concept of building local institutions. Specifically, the development of a local mode of social regulation is dependent upon the stability and coordination of a locally based development institution. Cet article examine le processus de développement local parallèlement à la restructuration de l’arrière‐pays en Colombie britannique (Canada). Le rôle du processus dans la reconstruction de cet espace soulève l’intérêt manifeste de chercheurs qui, ajoutéà un corpus de travaux émanant du Canada ou d’ailleurs, affine régulièrement notre appréhension du développement local. A partir d’une étude de cas portant sur deux communautés, l’article tente d’améliorer la coordination entre théorie et pratique de ce travail en utilisant la régulation comme démarche d’investigation des processus, structures organisationnelles et relations propres au développement local. Les communautés concernées se sont servies du développement local pour mener une diversification économique, tout en compensant l’incertitude née de la restructuration économique et politique. D’après les résultats, elles ont réagi de manière systématique à la restructuration, ce qui montre que l’on peut lier l’exercice du développement local à des interprétations théoriques de la création d’institutions. La théorie de la régulation offre le cadre oùétablir un lien entre les dimensions pratiques du processus et le concept de création d’institutions locales. Plus précisément, le développement d’un mode local de régulation sociale dépend de la stabilité et de la coordination d’une institution de développement basée localement.  相似文献   

Are insecure employees actually less loyal to their companies, more concerned about their careers, and less willing to go the extra mile at work? Do employees who view job insecurity as a violation of their psychological contract have more severe reactions to being insecure? This article empirically examines these and other commonly held beliefs about the consequences of job insecurity among white‐collar employees. The critical role human resource professionals play in helping organizations to understand the consequences of actions that create job insecurity (i.e., restructuring) and finding ways to minimize negative outcomes is highlighted. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of privatisation upon the restructuring of social and welfare assets in large, former state enterprises in the Czech Republic. It considers the actual operation of welfare provision before 1989, the motives behind asset restructuring, and its implications for managers and employees in the post-communist industrial enterprise.  相似文献   

This article reviews research on corporate restructuring by examining representative studies of acquisitions, divestitures and management buyouts. Theoretical arguments used in prior research on these aspects of restructuring are presented and the empirical evidence is reviewed. Three challenges in researching corporate restructuring are identified: trading off theoretical abstraction for institutional detail, defining strategically meaningful research questions, and the pursuit of partial models versus development of a comprehensive theory of restructuring. the conclusion is that theoretical and methodological pluralism are essential for advancement of research on this topic. the article concludes with a call for more research involving institutional detail and linking modes of restructuring to performance.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of urban economic restructuring in the emerging new ethnic division of labor in Tel Aviv, in the context of large waves of migration to and from the city. The occupational structures of four groups – veteran Jews, Israeli Arab citizens, new immigrants from the former USSR who are Israeli citizens, and non‐citizen foreign workers – are analyzed. Study of the evolution of polarized occupation and income levels in the city of Tel Aviv relative to the rest of Israel shows that both aspects of polarization widened in the city of Tel Aviv as the restructuring process advanced. The findings are discussed in view of the theoretical debates regarding polarization, professionalization and the emergence of a new urban ‘underclass’. The data are based on Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) censuses and labor force surveys. Cet article examine le rôle de la restructuration économique urbaine dans la nouvelle division ethnique du travail à Tel Aviv dans le contexte des grandes vagues de migration vers la cité et loin de la cité. Les structures professionnelles de quatre groupes – les vétérans juifs, les citoyens israéliens arabes, les nouveaux immigrants de l'ancienne URSS qui sont des citoyens israéliens, et les travailleurs étrangers qui ne sont pas des citoyens – sont analysées. Une étude de l'évolution de l'occupation et du niveau des revenus polarisés dans la ville de Tel Aviv par rapport au reste d'Israël montre que les deux aspects de la polarisation se sont agrandis dans la cité de Tel Aviv durant la progression du processus de restructuration. Les résultats sont discutés par rapport aux débats théoriques sur la polarisation, la professionnalisation et l'émergence d'une nouvelle ‘sous‐classe’ urbaine. Les données sont basées sur les recensements du Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) et sur des enquà tes sur les travailleurs.  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》2006,30(3):11-17
As the global economy has become increasingly open to 'free' trade, European industry ‐ and, indeed, industry across the developed world ‐ has found itself faced with growing competition from low cost, emerging market countries. How is it facing up to this stiff challenge? Newspaper headlines may suggest that effort has been focused on raising trade barriers to keep competition at bay. However, such actions are a thin veneer over the very real, structural changes that are rapidly taking place. This article, by Grant Colquhoun, examines the changing structure of the EU15's trading patterns and the differential impact across manufacturing sectors. It then analyses the steps industry is taking to cope with the competitiveness challenge. As well as attempting to squeeze costs, it is clear that industry in Europe is restructuring in order to focus on higher value added activities, where it typically has a competitive advantage over emerging markets.  相似文献   

张哨军 《价值工程》2012,31(16):27-28
经济转型是资源枯竭型城市实现可持续发展的一个重要途径。本文对资源枯竭型城市经济转型中存在的问题进行分析,提出了相应的建议;并以湖北省潜江市为例阐述了资源枯竭型城市经济转型的相关对策。  相似文献   

This study examined firm performance in market reaction to two types of business portfolio restructuring announcements: refocusing and repositioning. We predicted that market performance effects for these two types of strategic restructurers would be moderated by prior diversification posture. The theory behind these expectations was built on a general premise that restructuring strategy would be more favorably viewed by the market as performance enhancing when it offered greater potential for organizational transformation. Results showed strong support for our conclusion that prior diversification posture poses a significant contingency factor in restructuring firms' strategic choices. Further, the market tended to respond more favorably with this sample to repositioning restructuring choices. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article joins many contemporary activists and scholars in criticizing and seeking alternatives to the ongoing neoliberalization of the global political economy. It sets out two main arguments: (1) in order to resist the growing control of capital over the global political economy, one important project is to develop new notions of citizenship that expand the decision‐making control of citizens; and (2) Henri Lefebvre's concept of ‘the right to the city’ is one particularly fertile set of principles on which to base such alternative citizenships because it resists and rethinks both traditional citizenship forms and capitalist social relations. The first part of the article outlines the context in which Lefebvre's ideas might be pursued by examining the contemporary destabilization of traditional citizenship and its relationship to global political and economic restructuring. The second part of the article develops more specifically the potential of Lefebvrian citizenship by constructing a theoretical sketch of one possible citizenship based on Lefebvre's idea: what I call the right to the global city. The article finishes by suggesting that the right to the city can be extended beyond the urban context. It points toward a new set of more democratic political relationships in which the power of inhabitants to shape the global political economy displaces the power of capital and the nation‐state. Cet article fait écho à nombre de militants et d'intellectuels contemporains critiquant la néolibéralisation actuelle de l'économie politique mondiale, et y cherchant des alternatives. Il expose deux arguments principaux: d'abord, pour résister au contrô le croissant du capital sur l'économie politique mondiale, un grand projet doit définir de nouvelles notions de citoyenneté qui permettent aux citoyens de mieux maîtriser les décisions; ensuite, le concept de ‘droit à la ville’ d'Henri Lefebvre est un ensemble particulièrement productif de principes utilisables pour asseoir ces citoyennetés alternatives, car il repousse et repense à la fois les formes de citoyenneté traditionnelles et les relations sociales capitalistes. La première partie de l'article délimite le cadre dans lequel les concepts de Lefebvre pourraient s'appliquer, en examinant la déstabilisation contemporaine de la citoyenneté classique et son lien avec la restructuration politico‐économique mondiale. La seconde partie développe le potentiel de la citoyenneté selon Lefebvre en ébauchant une possible citoyenneté théorique basée sur son idée: ce que j'appelle le droit à la ville mondiale. L'article se termine en suggérant que le droit à la ville peut s'étendre au‐delà du contexte urbain. Il vise un nouvel ensemble de relations politiques plus démocratiques où le pouvoir des habitants pour façonner l'économie politique mondiale supplante celui du capital et de l'Étatnation.  相似文献   

This article examines the variation in union responses to restructuring initiatives in the Mexican automobile industry. The research indicates that militant responses were more likely to occur in unions characterised by internal democracy and autonomy from Mexico's state-corporatist labour confederations.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to speculate on the urban restructuring process in China’s transition to a market economy. Previous studies suggest that a broad theoretical framework is much needed to develop hypotheses for further empirical studies. This paper draws its insights from relevant studies on contemporary capitalist cities, in particular, political economy analysis of the urban process and capital switching, the structure of building provision and the creation of a rent gap, and institutional analysis of property rights. Summarily, it suggests that the basic logic of production in the context of a socialist city requires a specific way of coordinating — through economic planning and a specific configuration — the state work-unit system. Manifested in the production of the built environment was project-specific development. The structural tendency to disinvest in developed land has engendered a rent gap, which has laid the foundation for the phase of redevelopment in reforming socialist economies. Urban restructuring in the recent emerging market economy, which mainly involves decentralization, reorganizing the production of the built environment, and an increasing local-global link through overseas capital, is understood through this perspective. The post-reform built environment is characterized by land-use restructuring and polycentric development. It is argued that the physical reshaping of Chinese cities can be understood with respect to the redefinition of property rights, hence, capturing the rent gap by the main actors — state work-units, municipalities, the central state, real-estate investors, original residents and farmers. By its nature, the process favours big builders who have either de facto rights over existing urban land property or huge capital that enables them to ‘wipe out’ small owners. Western experience of gentrification reminds us that social problems may be created during the process, which calls for continuing insights to shed light on urban restructuring in post-reform China. L’objectif de cet article est de spéculer sur le processus de restructuration urbaine durant la période de transition de la Chine à une économie de marché. Les études précédentes suggèrent qu’un modèle théorique large est absolument nécessaire pour développer des hypothèses pour des études empiriques additionnelles. Cet article tire ses idées des études des villes capitalistes contemporaines, en particulier des analyses d’économie politique du processus urbain et du tranfert de capitaux, de la structure de la provision de bâtiments et de l’écart entre les loyers, et de l’analyse institutionnelle des droits de propriété. Succintement, cet article suggère que la logique fondamentale de la production dans le contexte d’une ville socialiste demande une méthode particulière de coordination — par la planification économique et une configuration spécifique — le système d’unité de travail de l’état. Le développement spécific de certains projets était manifeste dans la production de l’environnement urbain. La tendance structurelle au désinvestissement des terres développées a produit un écart dans les loyers, qui a créé une base pour une phase de redéveloppement des économies socialistes en réforme. La restructuration urbaine dans l’économie de marché naissante, qui implique principalement la décentralisation, la réorganisation de la production de l’environnement urbain, et, de plus en plus, un lien entre le local et le global grâce au capital d’outremer, peut être comprise dans cette perspective. L’environnement urbain d’après les réformes est caractérisé par la restructuration de l’aménagement du territoire et le développement polycentrique. Cet article soutient que le remaniement physique des villes chinoises peut être compris par rapport à la redéfinition des droits de propriété, et l’écart des loyers est donc accaparé par les agents principaux — les unités de travail de l’état, les municipalités, l’état central, les investisseurs immobiliers, les résidents d’origine et les fermiers. Vu sa nature, ce processus favorise les gros entrepreneurs qui ont soit les droits de facto aux terres urbaines existantes soit des capitaux considérables qui leur permettent de ‘liquider’ les petits propriétaires. L’expérience occidentale d’embourgeoisement nous rappelle que les problèmes sociaux peuvent être créés durant ce processus, qui demande une attention continue afin d’expliquer la restructuration urbaine dans la Chine d’après les réformes.  相似文献   

This article explores the effects on employees of co-operation and conflict the workplace, outlining six workplace types. A survey of union representatives UK steel industry reveals evidence of co-operative industrial relations linked to superior terms and conditions, employee involvement and health and safety outcomes. However, it fails to find evidence that co-operative industrial relations are associated a broader HRM package of workplace restructuring, high performance work teams security provisions. Nor is any association revealed between co-operation and a greater role for trade unions. These findings suggest workplace co-operation in this industry remains part of a traditional gainsharing package and an 'alliance of insiders' than an HRM partnership or union incorporation. This raises broader questions the ability of co-operation to deliver important aspects of organizational competitive advantage.  相似文献   

关明文 《企业经济》2012,(11):34-37
如何加强企业重组,特别是企业重组后管理模式的创新,是亟需学术界着力研究和破解的难题,更是重组企业着力思考和探索的实践命题。本文以河南煤化集团为例,阐述了加强企业战略重组和管理创新的重要性和必要性,总结了河南煤化集团的成功实践经验,提出了企业战略重组和管理创新的基本路径和重要策略,即加强企业战略重组。必须注重先进文化引领、优化产业结构、创新管理模式,这为加强企业战略重组和管理创新,实现企业规模效应、聚变效应和集成效应具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

The authors examine the nature, extent, and consequences of psychological contract violations which occur in restructuring firms. Managers in restructuring firms were significantly more likely to perceive psychological contract violations in the areas of job security, input into decision making, opportunities for advancement, and amount of responsibility. Managers in restructuring firms were also significantly more likely to be looking for new jobs and were significantly less likely to be loyal to their employers. Several situational factors mitigated against managersß strong negative reactions to psychological contract violations: procedural justice in how layoffs are handled, low likelihood of future violations, and positive working relationships with colleagues. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   


This study aims to determine the requirements of parents of children with special needs and the factors that influence those requirements by using the “family needs survey” developed by Bailey and Simeonsson (The Journal of Special Education 22(1):117–127, 1988) adapted for Turkish researchers by Cavkaytar et al. (Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Dergisi 15(2):1–12, 2014). In the study the survey model was used to investigate the current requirements of parents. The population of the study consisted of families whose children are currently in one of five special education centres or one of four special education and rehabilitation centres which function under the Ministry of Education in the TRNC in the academic year 2015–2016. With the aim of reaching the whole of the population, no sampling methods were used in the research. The analysis was conducted with research evaluation instruments distributed to a total of 279 participants within the scope of the study and with the collection of 116 of the instruments. Welch’s t test, Welch/Anova and Gabriel and Hochber’s GT2 tests were used to analyse the data. The majority of the participants consisted of mothers and middle-aged parents. In general, the families’ response to the FNS scale was that were unsure of their requirements. However, they had a need for information.


Internal corporate restructuring activities, such as downsizing, sale or termination of a business line, facility closure, consolidation, or relocation, often occur as part of managerial strategies intended to improve efficiency, control costs, and adapt to an ever‐changing business environment. Such actions frequently result in fundamental changes in a business's organization, its strategies, its systems, and its operations. They can unsettle a business and often significantly affect current and future earnings and cash flows. In this paper we propose a novel decision‐making model through the use of the dynamic programming technique to illustrate how management can determine the optimal timing and appropriate restructuring actions that maximize the benefits of a restructuring program. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Policy, politics and urban restructuring: Boddy, M., Lovering, J. and Basset, K. Policy, politics and urban restructuring: Buck, N., Gordon, I. and Young, K. with Ermisch, J. and Mills, L. Policy, politics and urban restructuring: Lever, W. and Moore, C. Policy, politics and urban restructuring: Robinson, F., Wren, C. and Goddard, J. Policy, politics and urban restructuring: Spencer, K., Taylor, A., Smith, B., Mawson, J., Flynn, N. and Batley, R. Policy, politics and urban restructuring: Hausner, V. and members of the ESRC Inner Cities Research Programme  相似文献   


This article examines the impact of privatization on the relative bargaining strength of management and trade unions. Findings are based on a study of Ireland's largest telecoms provider, Eircom, which has been privatized since 1999. The privatization of Eircom adopted a stakeholder approach, under which employee share-ownership and management–union partnership played an important role in firm restructuring. Findings show that despite this approach privatization has resulted in a significant decrease in the perceived bargaining strength of unions and an increase in the perceived bargaining strength of management.  相似文献   

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