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放松电信管制对日本移动通信市场发展的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邢予青 《经济学》2002,2(1):149-160
本分析了日本移动通信领域的管制改革及其对移动通信市场发展的影响。基于垄断竞争模型的分析表明,移动电话服务商的个数和移动电话服务的边际成本,是影响日本移动通信的需求和价格的关键因素。以移动通信市场自由化为目标的一系列管制改革,刺激了移动通信服务商的增加,降低了移动通信服务商的边际成本,从而促进日本移动电话通信市场的蓬勃发展。基于1991—1999年期间季度数据的经济计量模型,证实放松电信管制对移动通信服务的价格和需求量都有显影响。此外,本还推测了移动电话通信的需求曲线和价格弹性。  相似文献   

随着移动互联网的普及,即时通信的采用,数字通信的大众化,传统的语音通信受到越来越大的挑战。为了探讨我国移动语音通信市场的变化经历以及对移动语音通信市场的影响因素,基于31个省(市、自治区)2002—2008年的面板统计数据,运用对数差分两阶段最小二乘法对我国移动语音通信市场的常弹性需求函数进行估计。结果表明,对我国移动通信市场语音业务需求量具有显著影响的六大因素是移动电话价格、固定本地电话价格、移动电话数、固定电话数、IP电话价格、城镇居民可支配收入。其中,移动电话价格的持续下降和移动电话数的快速上升是移动通信需求增长实际贡献的主要来源。  相似文献   

价格上限管制下企业的信息获取激励机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
价格上限管制是目前被普遍采用的自然垄断行业的价格管制方式。但是,基于企业并不总是拥有精确的成本和需求信息假设,纯粹的价格上限管制在提高企业的信息获取激励方面并不总是有效的。如果企业缺乏获取成本和需求信息的强激励,那么,自然垄断行业的长期供给效率和社会福利将会受到直接的影响。通过模型分析证明,在价格上限管制中引入收入共享机制,可以有效增强企业获取有价值的成本和需求信息的激励,而这对于技术和市场飞速变化的通信行业则显得尤其重要。  相似文献   

对垄断行业的管制是西方应用经济分析的一个重要方面。西方大多数国家的一些公用事业、通讯行业、运输行业是被高度管制的。因此,设计恰当的管制程序使这些行业的经营向一、边际成本定价方法和行业中的两难困境正如完全竞争市场的情形,许多经济学家认为:垄断行业的管制价格应精确地反映生产的边际成本,按这种方式定价,因垄断造成的资源损失(deadweight Loss)是最小的,根据边际成本制定管制价格是垄断行业最基本的定价办法。  相似文献   

中国经济具有金融双轨制的特点——同时存在正规和非正规两个金融市场,且存在价格和数量管制的双重扭曲。价格管制压低正规利率,使资金供不应求,数量管制应对正规市场的失衡,让部分企业优先融资,将其他企业挤到非正规市场。因此,中国的利率市场化需考虑双轨特点,既要减少价格扭曲,又要改变数量扭曲。本文构建了双轨制下的一般均衡模型并佐以数值模拟,发现利率市场化对不同金融市场具有异质性效果,将提高正规市场的融资成本约3.01—3.69个百分点,降低非正规融资成本约0.85—1.19个百分点。进一步研究发现,单纯的价格改革反而会全面推高利率,只有辅以数量改革,才能降低非正规利率,因此要同步推进数量改革与价格改革。  相似文献   

文章基于完全成本核算了2008-2010年碳酸稀土的理论价格,并与国内市场价格和出口价格进行了比较。研究发现,碳酸稀土的国内价格严重偏离其理论价格,市场价格严重扭曲。出口管制政策是校正稀土市场价格扭曲、弥补稀土资源折耗成本和生态环境外部成本补偿不足的一种手段,为我国政府在本次稀土国际贸易争端中提出出口管制政策是"基于保护资源和环境的考虑,为实现可持续发展"的观点提供了经验支持。破解当前稀土生产与出口内外困局的关键是改革稀土资源价格形成机制。文章提出了按照市场化原则和WTO规则改革稀土资源定价机制的政策建议。  相似文献   

随着电信行业引入竞争,政府对电信行业的管制也发生着重大转变,以市场准入管制和市场价格管制逐步成为我国电信业的管制重点。随着电信市场改革的深入,原有的电信价格体系已经不适应市场发展的需要,尤其是网间互联结算价格与成本关系的扭曲已经成为运营企业间正常的互联互通关系的严重障碍,建立适合我国的网间结算模型是促进形成正常的电信市场竞争秩序的核心。  相似文献   

孙浦阳  杨易擎 《经济研究》2023,(10):152-169
本文检验了个人所得税改革对消费市场的具体影响。研究发现,尽管个税改革提高了居民的零售商品市场价格,但对于服务市场的价格影响非常有限。为了解释这一现象,本文使用分解效应区分耐用和易腐消费品后,发现商品价格的波动大部分来自于耐用消费品,这一现象可以理解为个税改革后,耐用品需求上升,导致商品市场的平均价格上涨;但是,耐用品占居民消费支出的比例却不高,即大部分增量收入用来消费易腐商品和服务。因此,减税后,降低边际税率对商品价格的影响较大,而对服务价格却没有影响。进一步分析发现:减税对消费价格的差异影响主要集中在城市发展水平较低、消费能力较低、服务业发展水平较高、市场准入较高、数字基础设施水平较高和转移支付较高的城市。本文的研究为政府通过税改政策,释放服务消费潜力,进而优化居民消费结构,拉动中国经济增长提供了崭新的经验证据。  相似文献   

电价管制及其改革的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
电价管制改革是电力改革的核心内容。中国的电价管制体制正处于计划经济体制向适应市场体制要求的价格管制体制转换的过程中,因此国际上其他市场经济国家电价管制改革的经验教训可为我们的改革提供有益的参考。本文从管制机构、价格形成方式和价格管制模型三方面研究和探讨了英国、美国和智利3个国家的电价管制及改革的特点和相互关系,以提炼出值得我们借鉴的经验和启示。  相似文献   

我国民航运价的管制放松与再管制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来民航运价管理改革的一个重要内容是放松民航运价的政府管制,但由于政府对民航成本影响因素的管制并未放松,导致以航空运输社会平均成本为主要基础的基准票价水平过高.本文认为,目前民航运价管制改革的关键在于民航成本影响因素的管制放松,同时,对民航运输市场秩序的混乱和价格行为的不规范应进一步加强监管.  相似文献   

Jongsu Lee 《Applied economics》2013,45(24):3143-3150
With the development of the Internet, the telecommunication market has seen a rapid shift from voice-based services to data-based services. Relationships of substitutability and complementarity have emerged among communications technology services such as Internet service, mobile phone service and fixed telephone service. The article analyses the diffusion patterns of communication services in different continents. A modified logistic growth model is estimated using panel data for the years 1975–2004. The research forms a valuable framework for forecasting demand for new services based on the diffusion of incumbent services and can inform strategies for entering the communications network industry.  相似文献   

As telecommunication market becomes more competitive and the customers' expectations regarding services or products increases, understanding customer or market needs is at the center of successful telecommunication business.In this study, we attempt to explore the intention of using mobile services based on the Warshaw's purchase intention model. We also focus on a personal innovativeness in the domain of IT (PIIT) because we assumed that as characteristics of telecommunication services become increasingly sophisticated, personal innovativeness could be a key factor of telecommunication services usage. In this study, we examine whether PIIT has the moderating effect on purchasing mobile-RFID services.The result shows that both purchasability and perceived need collectively explain purchase intention of mobile-RFID services, as well as PIIT serves to moderate the relationship between perceived need and purchase intention of mobile-RFID services. The study findings also indicate that IT knowledge, responsiveness to IT news and ability to use mobile phone of customers are positively related with PIIT.  相似文献   

Under the new information society paradigm that emerged in the 1990s, contrary to its conspicuous achievement as an industrial society, Japan is experiencing a vicious cycle between non-elastic institutions and insufficient utilization of the potential benefits of information and communication technology (ICT).However, a dramatic deployment of mobile telephones with Internet access service such as NTT DoCoMo's i-mode service in the late 1990s provides encouragement that, once the potential is exploited, Japan's institutional systems can effectively stimulate the self-propagating nature of ICT. The rapid deployment of Internet Protocol (IP) mobile service in Japan can be attributed to worldwide advances in the utilization of personal computers (PCs) and the Internet. Thus, a complex technology web triggered by the dramatic advancement of PCs and the Internet and co-evolving diffusion, substitution and competition dynamism has emerged in the global ICT market, particularly in Japan's mobile communication business.The above observations prompt the hypothetical view that, despite a lack of institutional elasticity, recent advances in Japan's IP mobile service deployment can be attributed to a co-evolutionary dynamism between diffusion, substitution and competition inside the ICT market. Thus, policy questions could be how to create such a co-evolutionary dynamism by means of ICT innovation, enriched functions, reduced price and competitive environment.In order to demonstrate the foregoing hypothesis, an empirical analysis of the mechanism co-evolving diffusion, substitution and competition dynamism inside Japan's ICT market is attempted by utilizing four types of diffusion models identical to respective diffusion dynamics.  相似文献   

While it is generally accepted that Information Technology (IT) has a self-propagating function which ensures that the more widespread its use, the greater its functionality, its emerging dynamism remains a black box.This paper attempts to shed some light on this dynamism through utilizing monthly trend data for the number of Japan's mobile phone subscribers over the last 12 years. A bi-logistic growth model demonstrating the diffusion trajectory initiated by both generations of mobile phones was constructed, with the goal of identifying the increase in the functionality development in the transition from traditional mobile phones with a simple communication function (1st wave mobile phone) to mobile phones with an Internet protocol function (2nd wave mobile phone).Through an empirical analysis utilizing the bi-logistic growth model, it was determined that the 2nd wave mobile phone emerged at an earlier stage of diffusion trajectory than the 1st stage mobile phone, which enabled a sustainable functionality development in Japan's mobile phones over the decade.Factors governing a dramatic decrease in mobile phones prices were analyzed, utilizing the result of the measurement of functionality development. This led to the discovery that while an increase in functionality development enhanced the price of mobile phones, this increase accelerated self-propagating diffusion, thereby enabling a dramatic reduction in prices through the effects of learning exercise and economies of scale.Based on the foregoing findings, the driving forces of self-propagating functionality development were analyzed, and it was determined that effective utilization of potential resources in innovation (e.g., assimilation of spillover technology and learning effects) is the key driving forces behind self-propagating functionality development.  相似文献   

This research examines a performance comparison of the Lotka–Volterra (LV) and extended Bass models in the saturated mobile phone market of the Republic of Korea. A three species LV model is developed and applied to Korean mobile phone service providers in terms of competitive impact. Fitting the historical data of the Korean mobile communication service market, the results show that the goodness of fit of the three species LV model in the case of competition among three companies is better than that of the extended Bass model. The advantages and disadvantages of the two models are discussed based on the results of empirical tests.  相似文献   

Takanori Ida 《Applied economics》2013,45(26):3357-3369
Japan's mobile phone market has been oligopolized by three incumbents who are seeking vertically integrated business models, which may prevent competitors from using platform layers to provide original services. We conduct two types of conjoint analysis to measure consumer stated preferences and draw two main conclusions from the analyses. First, the average consumer is willing to pay more than JPY 2000 (US $20) to increase mobile service portability. Second, the average consumer's willingness to pay corresponds to JPY 100–200 (US $1–2) per song for securing music download platforms. A dilemma exists in consumer preferences for service portability in Japan's mobile phone market, namely the choice between free mobile service portability and convenient music download platforms.  相似文献   

In this study, based on a conjoint-type survey analysis, the switching cost of several Japanese telecom services are empirically examined simultaneously, contingent on each carrier’s bundling strategies. The results suggest the following conclusions. The hierarchy of switching costs is mobile phone service, fixed phone service, ISP (Internet Service Provider), and broadband access service, in descending order. Even if the government prohibits the formerly state-owned monopoly NTT from forming alliances with other carriers, the legacy NTT group would still command more than half of the market share under FMC if each carrier adopts a pure bundling strategy. If mixed bundling emerges as the primary strategy in the FMC market, the resulting type of competition from the introduction of FMC does not stimulate competitive pricing.  相似文献   

通过对北方11所高校大学生手机消费市场的调查,梳理出大学生手机消费在使用目的、品牌分布、价格分布、手机拥有与家庭收入关系、生活费用对比、每月话费额、各类业务使用情况、沟通内容、选择服务商的差别、上课时手机状态等十个方面存在的规律性,通过研究这些规律可得到三条重要启示。  相似文献   

文章用回归估计的方法计算了国内手机行业22个品牌的价格弹性,并对价格弹性与市场份额的关系进行了实证研究.实证结果显示,市场份额越大,价格弹性越朝负的方向变动,这与国外实证研究的结果相反,反映了转型过程中中国手机市场的特征.同时,与以往很多研究所采用的线性回归方程不同,价格弹性与市场份额之间的关系是非线性的,回归方程为逆函数.价格弹性与市场份额环比发展速度之间也存在着显著的关系,回归方程为二次函数.  相似文献   

We investigate the degree of price competition among telecommunication firms. Underlying a Bertrand model of price competition, we empirically model pricing behaviour in an oligopoly. We analyse panel data of individual pricing information of mobile phone contracts offered between 2011 and 2017. We provide empirical evidence that price differences as well as reputational effects serve as a signal to buyers and significantly affect market demand. Additionally, we find that brands lead to an increase in demand and thus are able to generate spillover effects even after price increase.  相似文献   

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