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Managing and measuring relational equity in the network economy   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The Internet is emerging as a powerful connecting force, allowing firms to serve customers, collaborate with partners and suppliers, and empower employees more effectively than ever before. In the network economy, relationships with key stakeholders are becoming valuable assets of the firm, but few firms manage relationships effectively. The authors propose that firms need to take a more holistic approach to understanding where their relational equity resides and how it should be managed and measured. They also propose that relational equity is not limited to relationships with customers but also includes relationships with partners, suppliers, and employees. Effective management of relational equity requires firms to think in an integrative manner along several dimensions: strategy, process, technology, organization design, and metrics. The authors develop conceptual frameworks for each of these dimensions. Taken together, these frameworks offer a conceptual foundation for research and managerial practice on managing relational equity. Seurat Company Mohanbir Sawhney is the McCormick Tribune Professor of Technology and the director of the Center for Research Technology and Innovation at the Kellogg School of Management, North-western University. He is the coauthor (with Jeff Zabin) ofThe Seven Steps to Nirvana: Strategic Insights Into eBusiness Transformation (2001). His research has been published in leading journals such asCalifornia Management Review, Harvard Business Review, Interactive Marketing, Management Science, Marketing Science, and theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science. He also writes for leading trade publications, including theFinancial Times, CIO Magazine, andBusiness 2.0. He has created three new M.B.A. courses at Kellogg, as well as a popular executive course, and has won several awards for teaching. He is a fellow of the World Economic Forum, a fellow at DiamondCluster International, and a charter member if The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE). He advises and speaks to Global 2000 firms worldwide and serves on the advisory boards of several technology startup companies. He holds a Ph.D. in marketing from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Jeff Zabin is a vice president at Seurat Company, a technology firm that specializes in Internet-based marketing resource management services. He is the coauthor (with Mohanbir Sawhney) ofThe Seven Steps to Nirvana: Strategic Insights Into eBusiness Transformation (2001). He has written about marketing in the network economy for several trade magazines, includingComputerworld, and he is a frequent speaker on the topic, with recent audiences including the Strategic Management Association, the Society for Information Management, and the Marketing Science Institute. Prior to joining Seurat, he was a research fellow with DiamondCluster International and a business analyst at a boutique consultancy called Digital Knowledge Assets. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin and a returned Peace Corps volunteer, he began his career in educational publishing at Houghton Mifflin. He has helped launch several Internet ventures and currently serves on the advisory board of PreviewPort, Inc.  相似文献   

依法治国与以德治国是我国进入新世纪后实施的基本治国方略,也是党的三代领导人的智慧结晶.实施依法治档与以德治档是干部人事档案工作贯彻依法治国与以德治国方略的具体体现.干部人事档案工作是党的干部工作的一部分,干部人事档案工作要把握新世纪脉搏,不断开拓科学的管理方法,为新世纪干部工作和国家建设做出应有的贡献.  相似文献   

用excel构建常用管理信息系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对excel软件信息输入、处理、输出以及界面制作、代码设计、数据保护等方面的介绍来阐述通过excel构建简单信息系统的想法.以达到用简单软件构建信息管理系统的构想.  相似文献   

从分权型模式向治理型模式转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
两种公司治理理论及相应治理模式的分析表明,“股东至上主义”指导下的“分权型”治理模式已经不能适应当前企业治理和改革的需要。我们需要建立一种新的“治理型”模式来适应日益激烈的竞争环境,使公司治理着眼于有效的决策而不是以往的权力之争。  相似文献   

经济学对管理会计的借鉴与启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对国内外学者在管理会计研究中运用相关经济学的频率与比例进行了描述性统计,并总结计量经济学、信息经济学和制度经济学在管理会计研究与应用中的借鉴与启示,对管理会计与经济学日益重要的紧密联系进行基于数据与事实的证明。结果证明:管理会计的研究方法来源于经济学,现代管理会计的应用依据来源于经济学;经济学为管理会计理论与实践出现偏差的原因提供了一种可能的解释。  相似文献   

关系模型是目前应用最广泛的数据模型。关系数据库的设计主要是关系模式的设计,而关系规范化理论研究关系模式中各个属性之间的依赖关系及其对关系模式的影响。因而规范化成为衡量关系模式的重要标准。本文介绍了几种不同级别的范式。并通过实例描述了通过投影运算分解关系模式使其满足高一级范式的规范化过程。  相似文献   

基于科学管理原理的管理理论在上个世纪将体力工人的生产率提高了50倍,而采用同样方式进行管理的知识人员的生产率却十分低下,本认为其原因在于基于体力工人的管理理论不能直接移植到知识人员的管理上去,因为知识人员与体力工人存在着许多不同。本分析了知识人员管理的特点,认为提高其生产率和加强对知识人员的管理是企业管理的首要任务。  相似文献   

随着税务系统干部培训工作不断深入,机构、师资、制度日益完善,教育培训重心将转移为如何进一步提升培训实效性,尤其是如何提升专业课培训质量上来。专业课教学应以提高“依法行政能力”为核心,从实际工作需要出发,解决税收工作中的问题,教学内容来源于实践并指导实践。这是一个不断探索、不断完善的过程。  相似文献   

泰罗创立的科学管理原理的核心是标准化、规范化和制度化管理,它是管理的基础,直到今天仍有重大的现实意义。中国目前的经济发展水平还不高,绝大多数企业仍处于经验管理的层次,人们的生活水平和文化也不高,因此,借鉴泰罗的科学管理原理,实现管理的科学化是我们的必由之路。但同时,要注意学习借鉴与创新相结合、科学管理与人本管理相结合。  相似文献   

加强党的执政能力建设是一项重要的工程,党在半个多世纪的执政实践中积累了丰富的经验。阐述了加强党的执政能力建设的历史必然性,提出了党在执政能力建设中存在的主要问题,论述了党的执政能力建设的历史经验,为新形势下加强党的执政能力建设提供理论依据。  相似文献   

大学英语教师的素质和专业化水平是提高大学英语教学质量的关键,也是大学英语课程建设与发展的关键。但由于受到多种因素的制约,大学英语教师专业化发展进程受到了一定程度的限制。因此,大学英语教师专业化发展水平的提高,不仅需要教师的不断进步,还需要高等教育的主管部门制定合理、有效的继续教育培训政策,组织能促进语言教师专业化发展的培训团队,并提供一定的支持与保障,从而促进大学英语教师专业化发展水平不断提高。  相似文献   

论高等院校的依法治校   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等院校的依法治校是指依照宪法和法律治理学校,实现高等教育的制度化、法律化。高等院校的依法治校不能只仅仅理解为校园社会治安的综合治理,主要的应当是全面贯彻高等教育法律、法规。高校党委必须履行法定的领导职责,高校管理部门必须依法行政,坚持“以培养人才为中心”,推进高等教育的体制改革和教育教学改革。  相似文献   

Managing market relationships   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The ability of a firm to create and maintain relationships with their most valuable customers is a durable basis for a competitive advantage. To keep this edge over rivals, who continually try to attract these customers away, a firm has to master the three elements of a market-relating capability. First, a relationship orientation must pervade the mind-set, values, and norms of the organization. Second, the firm must keep deepening its knowledge of these customers and putting it to work throughout the organization. Third, the key processes must be internally integrated and externally aligned with the corresponding processes of the firm's customers. George S. Day is the Geoffrey T. Boisi Professor, professor of marketing, and director of the Huntsman Center for Global Competition and Innovation at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Previously, he was executive director of the Marketing Science Institute. He has authored 12 books and 125 articles in the areas of marketing and strategic business planning. He has received various awards, including two Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation Awards and two Harold H. Maynard Awards for the best articles published in theJournal of Marketing; in 1994, he received the Charles Coolidge Parlin Award for distinguished contributions to the field of marketing; and in 1996, he received the Paul D. Converse Award. He was selected as the outstanding marketing educator for 1999 by the Academy of Marketing Sciences.  相似文献   

大学生就业问题已越来越受到全社会的广泛关注,怎样提升大学生就业竞争力也成为目前高等教育所面临的严峻课题。通过以职业生涯规划为切入点,分析了目前高校在职业生涯规划教育中存在的问题以及就业压力。阐述了应充分发挥辅导员的职能,增强职业生涯规划的实效性,提升大学生就业竞争力。  相似文献   

国外依法治理失业的经济探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
失业是各国经济成长中必须着力解决的社会问题。以现代经济法理念为基础,国外在治理失业中采取了有力的法律规制对策。主要有:制定专项法律,治理特殊群体失业;制定法律促进人力资源开发,推进再就业;制定法律,保护和促进中小企业的发展,创造就业机会;制定或修改失业保障法律制度,变被动失业救济为积极的就业激励。  相似文献   

Demand for stars and celebrities to endorse products has increased so much that celebrity brokering has emerged. All types of products and services are vying for the use of stars. How effective are these stars? Is it worth the efforts? Is it worth the cost? There are opinions on both sides of the argument. To ascertain the effectiveness of star advertising, 1972 respondents were queried at random, and 411 were returned and analyzed. Celebrities were grouped by categories— entertainers, athletes, and invented product characters. Products were classified by durables, semi-durables, and consumables. Items such as celebrity-product associations for buyers and non-buyers, effectiveness of celebrity type, product type importance, credibility, and trustworthiness were studied.  相似文献   

Research on relational exchange has focused primarily on long-term, or “enduring,” relational exchange. The evolutionary model of relationship development that is the foundation for much of the research on enduring relational exchange lacks applicability for short-term, or “interimitic,” relational exchange. Interimistic relational exchange is defined as a close, collaborative, fast-developing, short-lived exchange relationship in which companies pool their skills and/or resources to address a transient, albeit important, business opportunity and/or threat. Because interimistic exchange relationships must quickly become functional and have a short life, these relationships have less time to fully develop the relational governance mechanisms assumed in the evolutionary model. There-fore, interimistic relational exchange appears to relymore on nonrelational mechanisms than does enduring relational exchange. This article (1) examines how interimistic relational exchange governance differs from that of enduring relational exchange and (2) develops propositions for further research on interimistic relational exchange. C. Jay Lambe received his doctorate from the Darden School at the University of Virginia. He is an assistant professor of marketing at Texas Tech University. Prior to entering academe, he was engaged in business-to-business marketing for both Xerox and AT&T. His research interests include business-to-business marketing, relationship marketing, marketing strategy, and sales management. He has publications in theJournal of Product Innovation Management, theEuropean Journal of Marketing, theJournal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, and theInternational Journal of Management Reviews. In 1999, he was one of five Texas Tech University faculty members chosen by the students for the annual Outstanding Faculty Member Award. Robert E. Spekman is the Tayloe Murphy Professor of Business Administration at the Darden School. He was formerly a professor of marketing and associate director of the Center for Telecommunications at the University of Southern California (USC). He is a recognized authority on business-to-business marketing and strategic alliances. His consulting experiences range from marketing research and competitive analysis to strategic market planning, supply chain management, channels of distribution design and implementation, and strategic partnering. He has taught in a number of executive programs in the United States, Canada, Latin America, Asia, and Europe. He has edited/written seven books and has authored (coauthored) more than 80 articles and papers. He also serves as a reviewer for a number of marketing and management journals as well as for the National Science Foundation. Prior to joining the faculty at USC, he taught in the College of Business at the University of Maryland, College Park. During his tenure at Maryland, he was granted the Most Distinguished Faculty Award by the MBA students on three separate occasions. Shelby D. Hunt is the J. B. Hoskins and P. W. Horn Professor of Marketing at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. A past editor of theJournal of Marketing (1985–1987) and author ofModern Marketing Theory: Critical Issues in the Philosophy of Marketing Science (South-Western, 1991), he has written numerous articles on competitive theory, macro marketing, ethics, channels of distribution, and marketing theory. Three of hisJournal of Marketing articles, “The Nature and Scope of Marketing” (1976), “General Theories and the Fundamental Explananda of Marketing” (1983), and “The Comparative Advantage Theory of Competition” (1995) won the Harold H. Maynard Award for the “best article on marketing theory”. He received the 1986 Paul D. Converse Award from the American Marketing Association for his “outstanding contributions to theory and science in marketing”. He received the 1987 Outstanding Marketing Educator Award from the Academy of Marketing Science and the 1992 American Marketing Association/Richard D. Irwin Distinguished Marketing Educator Award. His new and provocative book is titledA General Theory of Competition: Resources, Competences, Productivity, Economic Growth (Sage, 2000).  相似文献   

哲学与经济学是社会科学中两个重要学科.从社会科学的历史进程和经济社会现实发展趋势来看,经济学与哲学存在不可分割的内在联系,哲学深刻影响经济学的学科发展.当前在科学哲学的影响下,经济学研究过度重视逻辑形式而忽视经济学的人文性质.应重建哲学与经济学的内在关系,运用新的哲学观指导经济学研究沿正确方向发展.新兴边缘学科"经济哲学"有助于推动经济学发展.  相似文献   

浅论物流成本管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,全球物流业方兴未艾。与此同时,电子商务的迅猛发展,向物流业提出了新的挑战。在新的经济形势下,探索物流成本管理显得尤其意义重大。本文先从思想领域入手,提出培养现代物流成本意识的意义。之后.分别从运作模式与财务角度简要分析了物流成本管理的方法。  相似文献   

加强私营企业思想政治工作是多方面的需要。文章探讨了新形势下企业思想政治工作的四个方面的途径和方法。  相似文献   

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