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“现在全中国各领域广告投放估计有1000多个亿,互联网广告约有40多个亿。而无线互联网手机广告(下称“手机广告”)不应是只从40亿里面发展,而是盯着1000多个亿,从1000亿里面撕一个大缝,而且越撕越大。”12月4日,空中网总裁杨宁对《中国经济周刊》如是说。  相似文献   

随着国内运营商介入SP领域,SP的生存环境日益恶劣,为了寻找新的增长点,实现盈利的目标,SP被迫从技术上、业务上、商业模式上做出新的调整。作为国外比较成熟的互动营销模式的主要载体的手机广告,进入了国内运营商和SP的视野之内。应该说每一次新技术革命都会催生新的媒体形态,每一种媒体形态又会孕育新的商机。  相似文献   

围绕手机这一无线媒体所开展的营销活动,还将处于一个"如火如荼"的繁荣时期,只不过将在逐渐规范中为企业带来无限的商机.  相似文献   

手机几乎是每人每天、随时随地的随身必需品,广告的植入已经获取了一定的商业利益.文章探讨动画广告这种形式在手机上的应用,从手机广告现状分析、通过调查问卷数据得出的结论、讨论动画广告的商业和艺术价值与怎样更好的挖掘手机动画广告的潜力这几方面进行论述.预测动画广告在手机上的应用将会带来可观的商业与艺术价值.  相似文献   

杨力 《改革与战略》2015,(4):145-148
广告产业的本质属性与定位关系到广告理论研究逻辑起点的确认、广告理论体系的建构和广告产业发展的走向。广告产业的本质和核心价值应定位于服务,媒介和艺术只是广告为实现服务目的的载体、方式和工具。广告作为从新闻传播独立出来的新兴产业,在现代服务业成为中国产业重点发展方向的背景下,现代广告服务的服务价值必须得到传承和发展。重点是要从广告产业属性科学认识现代广告服务内涵,以超出客户预期满意体验为目标,通过智力服务创新和跨界融合来提升现代广告服务效果。  相似文献   

我在从业经历当中,发现不少企业在广告营销上存在的误区,总结、归纳了一下,作为前车之鉴,上次和大家说了一部分,这次再接着说。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,传感技术得到了飞速的发展,并且传感器无线网络技术被越来越多的人关注和研究,本文主要介绍无线传感器网络节点的测试。  相似文献   

作为一种崭新的服务,手机银行业务在发达国家已经蓬勃地开展起来,国内的手机银行也正如雨后春笋般壮大.手机银行能够让人们在各种场合高效便利且非常安全地处理各种金融理财业务,因此,被人们亲切地称为“贴身的金融管家’。[编者按]  相似文献   

正随着《国务院关于修改〈报废汽车回收管理办法〉的决定(征求意见稿)》出台,报废汽车回收拆解行业一夜之间成为资本垂涎的"金矿"。这座"金矿"究竟蕴藏了多大的能量?对此,不少业内人士对本报记者表达了乐观的判断,虽然目前中国汽车报废行业跟美国相比有着不小的差距,但超越它是迟早的事。汽车报废率将大幅增长,报废量逼近美国中经未来产业研究中心发布的《2015-2020年中国报废汽车回收拆解行业未来发展前景研究报告》内  相似文献   

从1997年开始,我们经受了亚洲金融危机的洗礼,国民经济以低速增长的状况运行。大量的城市职工下岗,农民收入增长缓慢,有效需求不足,特别是居民消费需求不足等状况;国家采取增发国债、几次降息,调整商品结构,延长节假日等等措施来启动市场。我们可以用一句话形容现在的经济:“刹车容易启动难”。毕竟城市可开发的空间一是有限的,二也是越来越小的。而我国是一个农业大国,我们应审时度势,重新认识国民经济中的重要作用。因此,开拓农村市场是关系目前国民经济持续增长的长远战略,它将会在今后国民经济的发展中,形成新的、巨大的经济增长空间。  相似文献   

刘北辰 《新财经》2007,(9):76-77
在鼓励中小企业发展方面,意大利的信贷、税收模式,以及建立专业区、集约化生产的做法值得借鉴  相似文献   

王珏 《特区经济》2003,(9):23-26
中国是一个地道的农业和农民大国,近13亿人口中有9亿多人居住在农村.农村和城市的二元结构还没有完全被打破,农民和市民的根本差别尚未消除,农业还严重滞后于工业发展,这不仅制约着市场经济体制的形成和发展,而且影响到全面小康和现代化目标的实现.农民进城务工是这些问题中的一个子问题,对待这个问题的态度,我们不能"叶公好龙",一方面大谈特谈"三农问题"的重要性,另一方面却连农民进城务工都不能容忍;不能"盲人摸象",就事论事,不着要领;也不能"隔靴搔痒",雷声大,雨点小,于事无益.要切切实实从新的高度重视和解决这一问题.归根到底要以人为本,以农民为本.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that some sectors of industry are facing major skills shortages, the Scottish labour market continues to be characterised by occupational segregation and a large disparity between the wages of women and men. The concentration of individuals in occupations and training based on their gender effectively restricts the pool of potential recruits to industry and is unlikely to make the best use of human capital. Moreover, it obstructs the pursuit of gender equality by reinforcing the gender pay gap and restricting individual career choices. This paper reports on the government's flagship training policy, the Modern Apprenticeship programme, from a gender perspective. It concludes that, ten years on from its introduction, the scheme represents something of a 'missed opportunity' to tackle occupational segregation and its deleterious effects in the wider economy and in society at large. It is recommended that the government and organisations involved in the development and delivery of Modern Apprenticeships adopt a more conscious and cohesive approach to promoting non-traditional choices at the vocational level.  相似文献   

战争是政治家的利益游戏,却是平民百姓的巨大灾难。平民永远是战争中最无辜的受害者。什么时候,孩子们那惊恐的眼神、百姓们那绝望的表情,才能引起政治家们的恻隐之心?让安宁、和平早一些到来  相似文献   

This paper develops a methodology to measure the degree of economic integration between nations that are members of an integrated area. We show that a fully integrated economic area (IEA) is characterized by three properties regarding the distribution of member shares of total IEA output and total IEA stocks of physical and human capital. We then show that the expected distribution of member shares within a fully IEA is a harmonic series, with the share distribution depending only on the number of IEA members. This property is then used to develop a composite indicator of the degree of economic integration within an IEA that indicates the distance between the theoretical and actual distribution of shares: the closer is the actual distribution to the expected distribution, the greater the degree of integration. We empirically compute our degree of integration for US states, and alternative regional trading agreements (e.g., EU countries, MERCOSUR, Bangkok Agreement, etc.) and a “world” comprising 64 countries.  相似文献   

Bruno S. Frey 《De Economist》2006,154(2):295-311
Economists often claim that their discipline has a great influence on the economy. An analysis of the existing literature reveals, however, that little convincing empirical evidence exists. The two approaches used are subject to major shortcomings. The ‘Economics Production Function’ relating the input of economic ideas to economic outcomes, is faced with major estimation problems. The ‘Revealed Behaviour Approach’ of choosing to study economics is based on very restrictive assumptions. It is argued that the ‘Case Study Approach’ analysing specific policy instances constitutes a more promising avenue and should be undertaken to identify more general patterns of influence.  相似文献   

李斌 《新财经》2010,(4):42-45
公共管理一直强调,最靠近服务对象的政府提供的服务应该是效率最高的、质量最好的,因为它最了解服务对象的真正需求。所以,政府应该在政治上集权,在行政和财政方面分权  相似文献   

The paper tries to establish whether business-cycle synchronization across countries is due to a single world business cycle, to a diversity of regional business cycles or a combination of both. The methodology used does not impose any prior hypothesis about the existence of a business cycle with a specific regional composition. If regional business cycles exist, the regional composition would be estimated from the data used and the countries will form a region. The results indicate that there are four common components, but none specific to a geographical or cultural region. The only division found is between high and middle income countries. However inside these groups we can find some sets of countries that have a high degree of commovement. We will call these last groups clusters.  相似文献   

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