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This paper systematically reviews the literature on international human resource management (IHRM) policies and practices of South Korean multinational enterprises (MNEs). It reveals that South Korean MNEs adopt an ethnocentric staffing approach, but are increasingly using more host-country nationals (HCNs). Korean MNEs pay great attention to language training for expatriates, and there is an emphasis on international experience when selecting expatriates. South Korean MNEs tend to adopt home-oriented selection procedures and criteria, performance appraisal and reward-and-compensation schemes for HCNs. A range of training and development programmes are provided to HCNs in order to develop more local managers. However, studies concerning IHRM of South Korean MNEs are scarce and only a few expatriate-related IHRM issues have been empirically examined. As a result, how South Korean MNEs manage IHRM and what is the rationale of their IHRM policies and practices remain largely unknown. This review paper calls for more empirical research and discusses the implications for future research.  相似文献   

In view of different grain trade structure and protectionism period, it is well known that China difficultly uses the technology and the green barriers to protect her domestic market as same skilled as Japan and European Union. At the same time, China often encounters above two barriers when it exports Japan and European Union. This article thinks mat mere is the certain commeasurability between the grain trade policy of China and that of South Korean:  相似文献   

Executives in 111 foreign enterprises selling within the People's Republic of China completed questionnaires examining the extents to which guanxi was recognized as a critical factor in salesforce marketing, and the influences of such recognition on their companies' local salesforce remuneration policies. The results suggest that businesses which did regard guanxi as important for Chinese salesforce marketing were more likely to employ behaviour-based than outcome-based reward systems. This finding is compatible with the proposition that the banking and recall of personal favours, network integration, willingness to rely on partners and other guanxi-related characteristics can lead to sales performances for which outcome-based remuneration systems may not be appropriate. Notwithstanding the influence of guanxi on the manners in which salespeople were paid, volatility in the business environments within which firms operated encouraged their managements to adopt more market-led approaches to remuneration. Differences in the perceptions of the role of guanxi held by managers in foreign firms based in Chinese commonwealth and in other countries were also investigated. It emerged that companies based in the Chinese commonwealth acknowledged the importance of guanxi to a greater extent than companies with headquarters in Western nations. The longer a company had operated in China the more likely it was to incorporate guanxi considerations into its local management systems.  相似文献   

企业国际化经营中的人力资源管理问题一直是业界管理者讨论的一个热点问题,也是学术界研究的重要课题。跨国公司能否成功地对当地员工进行管理,对其经营成果有着重要的影响。本文以韩国企业在华开展国际化经营中的人力资源管理方面遇到的问题为引子,采用了问卷调查与实际考察相结合的方法,建立了研究模型,提出并验证了假设,最后在理论与实践相结合的基础上揭示了中国员工的劳动价值观及其本质,向在华韩国企业提出了制定和推行有效人力资源管理方案的科学依据及进行跨文化管理的方法。  相似文献   

韩企非正常撤资与韩国对华直接投资分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩国是重要的对华直接投资国,韩国对华直接投资经历了初步进入、快速发展、缓慢下降和大规模增长等四个阶段,主要以中、小企业独资方式投向于环渤海地区和制造业;同时,存在着本土化程度不高、投资过度集中于制造业、平均规模偏小和投资取向不合理,撤资频繁等问题.为此,文章提出了我国应采取的相应对策.  相似文献   

中国的成本计算方法和成本管理实践研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为消除目前国际社会特别是欧美对我国企业成本计算数据的疑虑、从技术层面上推动我国市场经济地位工作和应对贸易摩擦,2005年以来,商务部财务司与美国管理会计师协会(IMA)联合开展了中国企业成本计算课题研究。经过2年多的调查、研究、论证、分析,今年年初最终完成了课题研究报告,并于近日举行了课题研究报告发布会。本刊根据研究报告摘录整理了相关文字,简单介绍本课题的研究背景、接受实地调查企业的成本会计实务以及课题研究结论,供参考。  相似文献   

韩国会计准则国际趋同情况及其借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>韩国会计准则制定情况介绍(一)会计准则制定机构1999年以前,韩国的会计准则由证券交易委员会下属的会计体系研讨会制定,即由政府部门主导会计准则的制定。1999年,韩国政府在和世界银行磋商后,对会计准则的制定进行了重大  相似文献   

韩国引进外商直接投资政策的变迁及其对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩国引进外商直接投资政策经历了从消极到积极的转变。本文系统介绍了韩国外商直接投资政策的变化及其成效,分析了韩国外商直接投资的结构及其机构,总结了韩国吸引外商直接投资对我国吸引外商直接投资的启示。  相似文献   

通过对韩便利店在店铺数、销售额、顾客与经营者构成等方面的分析,本文认为韩便利店的快速发展与其经济发展水平的提高,以及成功输入美日成熟的便利店经营技术和模式有关。韩便利店在发展中呈现出明显的个性特征,根据店铺数与销售额等的演变轨迹,可以将韩便利店的发展划分为导入期、连锁构筑期、系统完善期、高速成长初期及高速成长期。  相似文献   

中西部地区产业发展与相关财税政策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
财政税收政策是影响产业发展的重要因素.在制定支持中西部地区产业发展和进步的财政税收政策时,我们应坚持合理制定中西部开发中的产业政策,加大财政税收政策支持力度,逐步、稳固地促进中西部地区的产业发展;中西部地区产业发展中应突出政府支持重点,并发挥市场作用,实现"有形的手"与"无形的手"的结合;综合运用多种财政税收政策手段,并使之逐步规范化、法律化.应集中政府财力,为中西部产业发展创造基础条件;制定税收优惠政策,吸引社会资金、鼓励人才流动,促进中西部地区的产业发展和结构升级;制定规范、科学的财政转移支付制度,调整财政支出结构,为中西部地区产业发展提供资金支持.  相似文献   

本文对我国物流产业发展的现状进行了研究,主要论述了我国物流产业发展过程中取得的巨大成就以及存在的问题,得出了一些有益的结论,按照理论联系实际的原则,提出了发展我国物流产业的对策.  相似文献   

我国物流产业发展对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赖宁昌 《中国市场》2008,(41):22-23,57
本文对我国物流产业发展的现状进行了研究,主要论述了我国物流产业发展过程中取得的巨大成就以及存在的问题,得出了一些有益的结论,按照理论联系实际的原则,提出了发展我国物流产业的对策。  相似文献   

In emerging economies where the institutional environment is weak, the level of risk faced by MNEs remains high. Extant literature recognizes the forms of risks faced by MNEs, but only a few studies have attempted to explain how firms identify and mitigate these risks. This study addressed the commercial risk management strategies of MNEs operating in Vietnam. We found that the government remained the key stakeholder and maintaining active relations with them aided MNEs’ operational success. The risk mitigation strategies employed by MNEs included managing alertness, portraying good behavior, navigating through the state of comfort, and active mediation.  相似文献   

In consumer good markets, wide variations occur in warranty policies and practices between products, firms and industries. In this paper, those warranty policies designed to provide self-protection for the seller are examined. The protective facet of warranties carefully delimits the responsibility of the manufacturer for post-sale product performance and quality and hence stabilizes the firm's future costs and profits. The author has striven to conceptualize the association which may exist between a firm's products and markets and the policy objectives of its warranty. Several hypotheses concerning the conditions under which the warranty may be viewed by the seller as a tool of self-protection are suggested; these hypotheses are tested through an analysis of survey data collected from industry executives.  相似文献   

Using a mixed-method approach, we examine the experiences and responses among foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) of employee poaching and skills shortages in a prominent Chinese electronics manufacturing hub (Suzhou Industrial Park). This highlights strategic challenges MNEs face in Asia Pacific economies as more advanced subsidiaries outgrow their earlier low-cost, low-skill vocations. In examining poaching empirically, we also extend the field by introducing a local labour market perspective into the study of HRM in China. Third, we advance theorization of employee poaching beyond mainstream Western approaches to capture the interactions between internal and local labour markets that increasingly mark FIE manufacturing in fast developing economies.  相似文献   

The operating context of South Korean human resource management (HRM) has undergone radical shifts since we wrote our first piece in 1997 for a similar collection to this. This has undoubtedly influenced the practice of HRM. Therefore, the focus of this piece is to compare the current situation with the past and delineate the amount and type of such change vis-à-vis continuity in HRM. The contextual factors and issues, political and economic background, labour market situation, the 1997 Asian financial crisis and ramifications, are analysed. Then future possible scenarios and key issues are outlined.  相似文献   

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