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An asset-pricing model with an unobservable time-varying risk premium is used to price forward foreign exchange contracts. Specifically, the term spectrum of forward foreign exchange contracts is examined in order to focus on country-specific and maturity-specific information. The testable restrictions imposed by the model are consistent with both cross-country and cross-maturity forward contracts except at the short end of the maturity spectrum for cross-country forward exchange rates. This indicates that the intertemporal model is relatively robust in valuing forward contracts of different maturities and for different exchange rates but that it may fail when there are significant short-term country-specific shocks.  相似文献   

In foreign exchange markets, efficiency tests have typically been applied to the forward rate on the argument that the forward rate should be a good proxy for the unobservable market expectations of future spot rates. The present study offers innovations in two directions. First we utilize a data set which consists of daily observations on spot and forward exchange rates. This allows us to match the forward contract with the exact settlement date and to create a large number of non-overlapping data sets. Second, and more importantly, we show that in general the current spot rate is a ‘better’ predictor of the future spot rate than is the current forward rate of appropriate maturity.  相似文献   

Coupling smiles     
The present paper addresses the problem of computing implied volatilities of options written on a domestic asset based on implied volatilities of options on the same asset expressed in a foreign currency and the exchange rate. It proposes an original method together with explicit formulae to compute the at-the-money implied volatility, the smile's skew, convexity, and term structure for short maturities. The method is completely free of any model specification or Markov assumption; it only assumes that jumps are not present. We also investigate how the method performs on the particular example of the currency triplet dollar, euro, yen. We find a very satisfactory agreement between our formulae and the market at one week and one month maturities.  相似文献   

This paper tests some of the structural coefficient restrictions on goods-price equations and foreign exchange-rate equations implied by the monetary theory of exchange rates. The data are from the German hyperinflation (1922–1923). The results of the tests broadly support the monetary theory of exchange rates and they also support the hypothesis that the foreign exchange market was efficient during this period. However, the much higher residual volatility in foreign exchange prices is not explained by the monetary theory.  相似文献   

This paper tests for a risk premium in the foreign exchange market. The null hypothesis of the test is the random walk hypothesis in the foreign exchange market. The alternative hypothesis is that biases of current spot rates (or forward rates) from future spot rates are systematically related to a set of economic variables on which a risk premium may depend. This paper provides firm evidence for a risk premium in the foreign exchange market. The risk premium explains 10–20% of the total variance in future spot rates when the US dollar/mark quarterly rates are used. The magnitudes are smaller (less than 10%) for monthly rates.  相似文献   

Recent empirical studies of the risk premium across foreign exchange and other asset markets such as equity and longer term bonds have found conflicting evidence about the latent variable model restrictions of the consumption-based intertemporal capital asset pricing model. While studies using data for holding periods of one month or less generally reject the model, evidence using three-month holding periods indicates that the model cannot be rejected when including the returns on long relative to short deposit rates. This paper investigates the sources of differences in results using returns on foreign exchange and Eurocurrency deposits at three different maturities.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to study the behavior of a daily calibration of a multivariate stochastic volatility model, namely the principal component stochastic volatility (PCSV) model, to market data of plain vanilla options on foreign exchange rates. To this end, a general setting describing a foreign exchange market is introduced. Two adequate models—PCSV and a simpler multivariate Heston model—are adjusted to suit the foreign exchange setting. For both models, characteristic functions are found which allow for an almost instantaneous calculation of option prices using Fourier techniques. After presenting the general calibration procedure, both the multivariate Heston and the PCSV models are calibrated to a time series of option data on three exchange rates—USD-SEK, EUR-SEK, and EUR-USD—spanning more than 11 years. Finally, the benefits of the PCSV model which we find to be superior to the multivariate extension of the Heston model in replicating the dynamics of these options are highlighted.  相似文献   

The scapegoat theory of exchange rates (Bacchetta and van Wincoop, 2004, Bacchetta and van Wincoop, 2013) suggests that market participants may attach excessive weight to individual economic fundamentals, which are picked as “scapegoats” to rationalize observed currency fluctuations at times when exchange rates are driven by unobservable shocks. Using novel survey data that directly measure foreign exchange scapegoats for 12 exchange rates, we find empirical evidence that supports the scapegoat theory. The resulting models explain a large fraction of the variation and directional changes in exchange rates in sample, although their out-of-sample forecasting performance is mixed.  相似文献   

The theory of informationally efficient markets (EMIT) is applied to the foreign exchange market and some of its operational implications are illustrated. The EMIT is joined with alternative models of the equilibrium return on the foreign exchange market: the Pure Expectations Hypothesis, the Modern Theory and tentative formulations of return as a function of risk. The alternative joint Hypotheses are rejected by the data but this does not necessarily imply the rejection of EMIT. The rejection may be due to the inadequacies of the equilibrium return models used, notwithstanding the fact that the risk premium has been captured, to a certain extent, in the empirical tests and the evidence against the EMIT weakened.  相似文献   

Tests are conducted for the presence of unit roots in the autoregressive representations of the logarithms of spot and forward exchange rates. The results from these tests provide one explanation for some of the conflicting conclusions which emerge from recent empirical papers on the foreign exchange market.  相似文献   

Econometric evidence on why central banks intervene in the foreign exchange market and the impact of such intervention has remained inconclusive. We contribute to the literature with evidence from India, a managed float regime that sees consistent monitoring and intervention by Reserve Bank of India, India’s central bank. Estimation of the central bank reaction function shows that increased volatility in the foreign exchange market and misalignment from targeted rates are important objectives behind intervention. The paper further uses the GARCH framework to study how intervention influences exchange rate volatility. We find that intervention in the spot market increases volatility while that in the forward market reduces volatility.  相似文献   

This paper uses implied volatilities from foreign exchange option prices and the results of no‐arbitrage theory to estimate foreign exchange risk premia. In particular, under the assumption of no‐arbitrage, the foreign exchange risk premium is driven by the difference between investors’ market prices of risk in the two currencies. In an international economy with three currencies, sterling, US dollar and Deutschemark, we can use the information on implied volatilities of the three cross rates to derive estimates of implied or ex ante market prices of risk and of foreign exchange risk premia. The foreign exchange risk premia estimates are then compared to survey‐based risk premia.  相似文献   

This paper presents evidence that the forward premium anomaly intensifies during those times when a central bank intervenes. A model of exchange rate determination is presented to explain this and other features of the dollar–deutschemark and dollar–yen markets. In the model, the forward premium anomaly is caused by surprise central bank interventions in the foreign exchange market. Because interventions are pure surprises, the violations of uncovered interest parity that they create do not represent ex ante profit opportunities. Simulations of the model are found to match the forward premium anomaly and several other notable features of the data. The model also provides a theoretical basis for ARCH effects in exchange-rate returns.  相似文献   

We investigate the multivariate intraday structure in interest rates, focusing on implied forward rates from Eurofutures contracts. Since futures markets are the most liquid for interest rate instruments and they yield high-quality intraday data, it is somehow surprising that their intraday behavior has not been thoroughly studied in the literature.We find interesting similarities with the foreign exchange market: scaling law, intraday patterns, all of which point to the heterogeneity of market participants. Other properties like asymmetric causal information flow between fine and coarse volatilities for the same time series are present in our data. There are also lead–lag correlations across the term structure of implied forward rates, but they tend to disappear as markets mature.A principal component analysis of the short end of the yield curve allows us to determine the most important components and to reduce the number of time series needed to describe the term structure. We find the decomposition rather stable over time. The first component, which describes the curve level, shows an asymmetry in the information flow between volatilities of different time resolution, i.e., the coarse-grained volatility predicts the fine-grained volatility better than the other way around, as observed in the foreign exchange market. The remaining components do not show such an effect, having instead significant negative autocorrelations for the time series themselves. A heterogeneous autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (HARCH) model is estimated for the first component and the impact of different market agents is discussed.  相似文献   

I examine the profitability of three simple foreign exchange technical trading rules (moving average, momentum, and relative strength index) before, during, and after the 2007–2008 global financial crisis. These rules significantly improve profitability during the crisis (as opposed to before and after it). The moving average rule significantly increases profitability for exchange rate changes during the crisis. The momentum and relative strength index rules generate significant positive excess currency returns (defined as the difference between the forward premium and spot rate changes), but this profitability is not visible in spot rate changes. These findings are robust for portfolios of developed and emerging market currencies as well as for bilateral exchange rates.  相似文献   

为考察个体投资者汇率预期的非理性及形成机制,本文基于外汇市场异质主体理论和行为金融学观点,构建了包含投资者关注的个体投资者汇率预期形成模型,并采用远期和即期银行代客结汇售汇比作为个体投资者汇率预期的替代指标,进行了实证分析。结果表明,远期结售比受到前一期汇率变动和境内外利差的影响,而即期结售比受前一期汇率变动影响。进一步引入投资者关注,采用MS-FTP和MS-TVTP模型的实证研究表明,投资者关注对远期和即期结售比的影响是时变的。在人民币贬值阶段,投资者关注对结售比存在显著的负向冲击,会导致更大的结售汇逆差;而在人民币升值阶段,投资者关注对结售比则无显著影响。本文的结论表明,个体投资者汇率预期具有显著的非理性特征,符合动量原则和套息规则,同时还受到投资者关注的影响。央行在人民币处于持续贬值区间时,应通过汇率沟通作用于投资者关注,稳定汇率预期。  相似文献   

对于人民币远期汇率是否满足利率平价,目前国内理论界与实务界还存在一定的分歧。本文任意选取2009年6月1~30日中国银行间外汇市场美元/人民币汇率连续实时的买卖报价等数据,首次对该市场的套利机会进行了测度。研究发现:(1)从抵补套利角度看,国内银行间中短期限(1年以内)的远期汇率定价符合利率平价理论;但因定价基准利率(SHIBOR)未能充分发挥基础利率的功能,致使1年期左右的人民币远期汇率存在潜在抵补套利机会,然而其收益率很低。(2)银行间外汇市场几乎随时都存在收益率可观的单边套利机会。(3)银行有足够的时间进行套利交易。  相似文献   

In this paper I examine the term structure of Eurocurrency interest rates from six countries (with maturities of one, two, three, and six months) using unit root tests and cointegration tests that are robust to departures from independent and identically distributed errors. The main conclusions are: (1) Eurocurrency interest rates have one (and only one) unit root when viewed individually, and (2) for each of the countries examined, Eurocurrency interest rates are cointegrated—with one equilibrium relationship—when viewed jointly. These conclusions are consistent with the weak form of the efficient market hypothesis and suggest that in efficient markets arbitrage generally prevents rates on different maturities of a given asset from drifting too far for an extended period.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the contract terms of local versus foreign bank lead loan syndications to test two opposing theories: the home market advantage gained by closer geographical proximity and soft information from existing banking relationships, versus the hold-up problem where banks exploit their information advantage at the borrower's expense. The home market advantage was supported with domestic banks informationally superior to their foreign counterparts. Loans arranged by the former carry lower interest rates, have longer maturities, and are less likely to require collateral. These results are robust after controlling for the non-randomness of the lender–borrower matching process.  相似文献   

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