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培育生物燃油产业促进农业和能源可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从技术发展、市场需求、经济竞争性和资源潜力的角度,评估了中国生物燃油产业的发展现状和发展潜力。认为,近年来汽油、柴油销售价格持续上涨,因此生物燃油越来越有竞争力,但其盈利能力仍有赖于政策扶持;燃料乙醇和生物柴油的规模将随着能源农业和能源林业的发展而不断扩大,与此同时成本不断降低;中国生物燃油工业会有较高的发展速度,预计2020年将达到约2500万t/年的产量;中国生物燃油工业的发展会带来显著的环境、经济和社会效益。  相似文献   

发展生物燃料乙醇对我国区域农业发展的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用“中国农业可持续发展决策支持系统”分析了不同燃料乙醇发展政策可能对我国农产品价格、整体和各区域农业生产及净产值等的影响。研究结果表明:燃料乙醇发展将显著提高能源作物的农产品价格,对农业发展和农民增收将起到积极的促进作用,但对稻谷和小麦等粮食安全有一些负面影响;燃料乙醇发展对不同区域及不同农户的影响有较大差异;多数地区的农业部门都将从中受益,获益的大小主要取决于各地区在种植能源作物上的比较优势。研究也指出,未来的重点应放在非粮作物以及第二代生物燃料乙醇技术上(即用纤维素生产乙醇),并且应该提高在这些方面的科研投资水平。  相似文献   

燃料乙醇产业作为新兴的生物能源产业,与农业、运输、环保、科研等相关产业有着密不可分的联系,它具有产业集聚发展的带动作用以及促进农业产业化、实现惠农支农、减少环境污染的多重产业关联效应,从而有着巨大的机遇和光明的前景.  相似文献   

发展生物燃料乙醇对我国区域农业发展的影响分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用"中国农业可持续发展决策支持系统"分析了不同燃料乙醇发展政策可能对我国农产品价格、整体和各区域农业生产及净产值等的影响。研究结果表明:燃料乙醇发展将显著提高能源作物的农产品价格,对农业发展和农民增收将起到积极的促进作用,但对稻谷和小麦等粮食安全有一些负面影响;燃料乙醇发展对不同区域及不同农户的影响有较大差异;多数地区的农业部门都将从中受益,获益的大小主要取决于各地区在种植能源作物上的比较优势。研究也指出,未来的重点应放在非粮作物以及第二代生物燃料乙醇技术上(即用纤维素生产乙醇),并且应该提高在这些方面的科研投资水平。  相似文献   

为了减少对进口石油的依赖、为了实现减排承诺、为了发挥农业资源优势、增加农民收入,泰国皇室、文官和军人政府都致力于发展乙醇汽油和生物柴油,并倡导把泰国发展成东盟的乙醇贸易中心,把东盟发展成世界生物燃料贸易中心。本文梳理了泰国生物燃料发展政策并指出其经验和存在的问题,为今后制定合理的生物燃料政策提供了思路。  相似文献   

王鑫鑫  沈蕾 《时代经贸》2007,5(9):66-67
生物燃料正以不可抵挡之势迅速席卷全球.发展燃料乙醇是美国能源政策的重点,本文从目前美国生物乙醇的发展现状出发,分析了美国生物乙醇发展产生的影响,并以此提出中国发展生物燃料的建议.  相似文献   

我国第一个非粮燃料乙醇试点取得重大成果为贯彻落实非粮生物燃料产业政策,加快燃料乙醇产业发展,经国家批准的,我国第一个以非粮为原料的燃料乙醇试点项目,广西中粮生物质能源有限公司年产20万吨木薯燃料乙醇,生产装置已由调试期转入正常负荷。目前生产运行  相似文献   

美国生物乙醇产业的发展已经势不可挡,美国各界也基本认同了美国政府向农业要能源的发展战略.但是,生物乙醇产业的大规模发展将遇到多种挑战.  相似文献   

石油和汽车巨头为何大举进军生物燃料领域? 在多数国家签订<京都议定书>后,国际社会碳减排的呼声日趋高涨;有限的石油资源和一路上涨的油价,使生物燃料的生产越来越具有吸引力.在各国政府采取措施推动生物能源发展的同时,特别引人瞩目的是世界上一些石油和汽车巨头争先开发各种适用技术并建设生产装置,力求抢得以生物乙醇和生物柴油为主的生物燃料市场先机.  相似文献   

王鑫鑫  沈蕾 《时代经贸》2007,5(9X):66-67
生物燃料正以不可抵挡之势迅速席卷全球。发展燃料乙醇是美国能源政策的重点,本文从目前美国生物乙醇的发展现状出发,分析了美国生物乙醇发展产生的影响,并以此提出中国发展生物燃料的建议。  相似文献   

This is the first article that econometrically estimates the global land-use change impact of bioenergy. Applying time-series analytical mechanisms to fuel, biofuel and agricultural commodity prices and production, we estimate the long-run relationship between energy prices, bioenergy production and the global land-use change. Our results suggest that rising energy prices and bioenergy production significantly contribute to the global land-use change both through the direct and indirect land-use change impact. Globally, the total agricultural area yearly increases by 35 578.1 thousand ha due to increasing oil price, and by 12 125.1 thousand ha due to increasing biofuel production, which corresponds to 0.73% and 0.25% of the total worldwide agricultural area, respectively. Soya land-use change and wheat land-use change have the highest elasticities with respect to both oil price and biofuel production. In contrast, nonbiomass crops (grassland and rice) have negative land-use change elasticities. Region-specific results suggest that South America faces the largest yearly total land-use change associated with oil price increase (+10 600.7 thousand ha), whereas Asia (+8918.6 thousand ha), South America (+4024.9 thousand ha) and North America (+1311.5 thousand ha) have the largest yearly total land-use change associated with increase in biofuel production.  相似文献   

We examine whether climate benefits warrant policies promoting biofuel production from agricultural crops when other environmental impacts are accounted for. We develop a general economic-ecological modelling framework for integrated analysis of biofuel policies. An economic model of farmers' decision making is combined with a biophysical model predicting the effects of farming practices on crop yields and relevant environmental impacts. They include GHG emissions over the life cycle, nitrogen and phosphorus runoff, and the quality of wildlife habitats. We apply our model to crop production in Finland. We find that under current biofuel production technology the case for promotion of biofuels is not as evident as has been generally thought. Only reed canary grass for biodiesel is unambiguously desirable, whereas biodiesel from rape seed and ethanol production from wheat and barley cause in most cases negative net impacts on the environment. Suggested policies in the US and the EU tend to improve slightly the environmental performance of biofuel production.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the factors that determine the adoption of state economic development incentives in the ethanol industry. We compile data on the implementation dates for subsidies/tax credits for all states for the years 1984–2007, a period that covers the complete emergence of the biofuel industry in the United States and that was characterized by the passage of numerous state‐level subsidies and tax breaks aimed at increasing ethanol production. Using Cox proportional hazard regression analysis, we find that states are more likely to adopt ethanol subsidies when corn production is high, when corn prices are low and gasoline prices are high, when a state is affiliated with the National Corn Growers Association, when a check‐off is present, when a state has a high environmental score, and when state government is under the control of Democrats.  相似文献   

农业产业集群是现代农业发展的重要方向,已经成为提高农业竞争力、增强农业发展优势的重要途径。文章以寿光蔬菜产业集群为例,从基础-企业-市场(GEM)模型的6个因素来分析农业产业集群的形成和竞争优势,探寻农业产业集群发展的规律,进而提高其竞争力,以利于农业产业集群的健康发展。  相似文献   

This study uses the European Patent Office worldwide patent database and applies two-stage interactive data collection methods to reveal the evolving technological interdependence for China's emerging biofuel industry. Three findings are excerpted from our empirical results. First, due to dominant patterns of business ownership, China's biofuel technology is seen as largely based on the evolutionary strength of the foodstuff and chemical fields. Second, China's biofuel technology development has evolved in the mode of ‘forward engineering’, led by Chinese universities rather than initiated by the public research institutes as in the experience of other East Asian latecomers. Third, our patent map and technology trajectory analyses illustrate that China's biofuel technology tends to be application-oriented and highly intertwined with the pharmaceutical industry since the 2000s, which evidences the development of biofuel industry as reciprocally reinforcing China's innovation capability deriving from its prominent chemical sector. By examining endogenous technology capability embedded in the national innovation capacity, this study uncovers public implications for other technology latecomers attempting to build an emerging industry while facing technology uncertainty in a transitional society.  相似文献   

振兴东北老工业基地不仅仅是工业的振兴,而是整个东北经济的振兴。近几年,东北老工业基地农产品加工业发展迅速,为老工业基地经济发展注入了新的活力,成为推动经济增长的又一亮点。文章通过对东北老工业基地长春、哈尔滨、沈阳三市实地调查,初步掌握了老工业基地农产品加工业的发展状况,并对其当前存在的主要问题进行深入地分析,最后在借鉴国内外农产品加工业发展趋势的基础上,设计出东北老工业基地农产品加工业持续、健康发展的对策。  相似文献   

论乡村旅游对农村经济发展的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于静 《经济问题》2008,(5):91-93
作为充分利用农村自然环境和人文资源,兼有工业经济和农业经济特点的乡村旅游,是第一产业和第三产业相结合的一个重要切入点,也是新世纪我国农村发展和旅游产业发展的重要组成部分.在国家旅游扶贫政策的指导下,在农业发展急需调整产业结构寻找新的经济增长点的情况下,乡村旅游迅速发展,已经成为带动农村经济发展的新亮点.  相似文献   

This paper explores optimal biofuel subsidies in a general equilibrium trade model. The focus is on the production of biofuels such as corn‐based ethanol, which diverts corn from use as food. In the small‐country case, when the tax on crude is not available as a policy option, a second‐best biofuel subsidy may or may not be positive. In the large‐country case, the twin objectives of pollution reduction and terms‐of‐trade improvement justify a combination of crude tax and biofuel subsidy for the food exporter. Finally, we show that when both nations engage in biofuel policies, the terms‐of‐trade effects encourage the Nash equilibrium subsidy to be positive (negative) for the food exporting (importing) nation.  相似文献   

We study the effects on the food price of introducing biofuels as a substitute for fossil fuel in the energy market. Energy is supplied by a price-leading oil cartel and a competitive fringe of farmers producing biofuel. Biofuel production shares a finite land resource with food production. A positive relationship results between energy and food prices. We establish that the equilibrium price of food will be growing as long as the oil stock is being depleted, and beyond if demand is growing. An analysis of the effects of the productivity of land use in either the food or the biofuel sectors is carried out. It is shown that, with a highly inelastic demand for food, an increase in the productivity of land in agriculture will decrease the price of food in the short-run, only to increase it in the long-run as the stock of fossil fuel is depleted.  相似文献   

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