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财政财务审计工作十分重要,但是我国现阶段的财政财务审计工作的效率和质量还需要加强。产生这些问题的原因有很多。文章针对财政财务审计的内容及应用对其现状作出分析,并对未来进行展望。  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义市场经济的发展以及财政管理体制的有序改革,财政审计的发展环境和财政资金的用途与支出范围都发生了显著的变化,积极推动我国财政审计的又快又好发展,必须把握好我国财政审计改革的大方向,找准目标,采取有效对策,从根本上实现财政审计的规范性和科学性。本文围绕目前财政审计发展现状,分析了财政审计工作面临的主要问题,从调整财政审计的范围、抓住财政审计工作的重点、完善财政审计工作的方法等方面提出了我国财政审计未来发展的对策和思考,同时在对财政审计发展做出基本判断的同时,提出财政审计调解目标、财政审计扩展内容、财政审计创新手段等构想。  相似文献   

财政专项资金绩效审计是我国政府公共财政资金审计的一个重要内容。本文通过对我国财政专项资金绩效审计现实问题的考察分析,提出要加强对专项资金设立配置环节审计、注重对"绩效目标"的审计评价及扩大社会影响等,进一步深化财政专项资金审计工作。  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济和财政管理体制改革的深入推进,财政审计的发展环境和财政资金的投向与支出结构均发生了较大变化,影响和制约着财政审计工作的深化和作用的发挥。本文围绕目前审计发展环境的变化及影响,分析了财政审计工作面临的主要问题,从拓宽财政审计的外延、完善财政审计工作的模式、调整财政审计工作的重点、改进财政审计工作方法等方面提出了深化财政审计的对策和措施。  相似文献   

财政审计是审计机关依照<宪法>和<审计法>对政府公共财政收支的真实性、合法性和效益性所实施的审计监督,是国家审计永恒的主题和基本的职责.我国公共财政体制改革对财政审计提出了新的要求和任务.审计机关应适应形势,认真分析研究财政改革的内容,及时转变思维方式,正确把握财政审计的发展方向,转变财政审计模式.在今年全国审计工作会议上,刘家义审计长提出了"着力构建国家财政审计大格局"的要求.下面就调整现行的财政审计框架、内容、理念、方式等方面,谈谈如何构建"财政审计大格局".  相似文献   

一、为什么要研究审计的分类?主要有哪些分类? 研究审计的分类,目的是为了掌握各种审计的特性,更好地进行审计理论的研究,组织好审计工作,更好发挥审计的作用。审计怎样分类国内外尚无统一的标准。一般可按下列标推进行分类:按审计的内容性质可分为财政财务收支审计、财经法纪审计和经济效益审计;按审计的时间,可分为事前审计和事后审计;按审计的范围可分为全部审计和局部审计;  相似文献   

财政直达资金机制充分体现了积极财政政策的效能,为服务经济社会发展大局提供了有效保障,作为一项重大政策措施,审计部门需要对其进行政策跟踪审计。本文通过分析2020年度各省市预算执行和其他财政收支审计工作报告中涉及财政直达资金审计的内容,分析直达资金在分配、拨付、使用、管理各环节存在的典型问题,针对存在的问题及原因探索直达资金机制常态化的完善路径。  相似文献   

王荣景 《理财》2012,(8):75-76
近年,随着社会经济的发展,我国税收制度、国库收付制度等改革不断深入,财政支出范围、管理模式也面临许多新的挑战。如何适应财政的发展变化,更有效地发挥财政审计的监督和建设性作用,一直是摆在国家审计面前的一个课题。审计署构建国家财政审计大格局理论的提出,正是顺应了这一形势的发展需要,是国家审计在财政审计工作上形成的全局性、总体性的架构和布局。一、财政审计工作中存在的问题一是审计工作缺乏相对"独立性"。财政审计完全脱离本级政府是不现实的,审计客观反映难度较大,对查出的问题不能完全依法作出处理,致使许多问题屡查屡犯,特别是地方政府本身在本级预算执行过程中存在的问题得不到有效的整改和纠正,发挥不出应有的审计效果。  相似文献   

在新预算实施和财政体制改革的新形势下,审计部门进一步提高了对于财政审计工作的重视,要求审计人员在工作中紧紧围绕财政审计工作重点,提高财政审计能力,加强培训学习,提高个人专业素养,不断改进和创新审计工作方法,进一步保障财政审计工作质量达到标准,同时对财政审计风险增强防范意识,使财政审计工作人员在实际工作中进一步落实好财政审计监督管理工作,以此避免财政审计出现问题,利用好财政审计成果,加快审计成果的转化。  相似文献   

财政审计是审计工作的重要内容,随着财政审计在促进经济社会发展过程中发挥着越来越重要的作用,我国政府对审计工作也越来越重视。然而,随着经济社会的发展,我国的审计机关特别是基层审计机关,在财政审计方面正在面临着新的形势和许多亟待解决的问题。文章就此展开深入的调查与分析,就目前基层审计机关财政审计所面临的主要问题进行了论述,并提出了相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

中央与地方财权与事权的不对称使转移支付制度成为实现地方政府财力与事权匹配的基本手段,以弥补政府间纵向财政失衡和横向财政失衡。但目前我国财政转移支付因体制的诱致性变迁、设计理念缺陷、事权与支出责任分离等原因,存在效能不彰、运行效率漏损、结构不合理、规范性水平低、程序规制失范等问题。在全面深化财税体制改革下,国家审计机关可以发挥&quot;免疫系统&quot;功能和国家治理作用,对转移支付从审计内容、审计导向、资金流向等方面提升审计层次,把问效、问绩、问责贯穿转移支付审计过程始终,关注转移支付资金的安全性、效率性、经济性,实现政府支出责任随事权转移、各级政府财力与事权相匹配,优化转移支付,完善政府治理。  相似文献   

加强金融内审是加强金融企业内部管理和防范经营风险的必然要求。与发达国家相比,我国金融内审起步较晚,发展过程中还存在着体制机制、审计手段创新、审计功能发挥等方面问题,制约了我国金融内审工作的发展。加强金融内审,对有效防范金融风险、规范经营行为、促进金融业的健康发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of CFO narcissism on audit fees in China. Using the size of CFO signatures in annual audit reports to measure individual narcissism, we find that CFO narcissism is associated with higher audit fees. We find empirical evidence that CFO narcissism significantly increases the audit fees of listed companies, and this effect is stronger in state-owned enterprises. This paper also explores the mediating effects of financial information and the engagement of prestigious Big-4 and Big-10 firms. The results show that companies with narcissistic CFOs have lower quality financial information and prefer more prestigious firms, which leads to higher audit fees. This research highlights the importance of CFO narcissism in corporate performance and provides new evidence that will be useful for listed companies that plan to hire senior executives.  相似文献   

This article introduces the Dempster‐Shafer theory (DS theory) of belief functions for managing uncertainties, specifically in the auditing and information systems domains. The use of DS theory is illustrated by deriving a fraud risk assessment formula for a simplified version of a model developed by Srivastava et al. (2007). In this formulation, fraud risk is the normalised product of four risks: risk that management has incentives to commit fraud; risk that management has opportunities to commit fraud; risk that management has an attitude to rationalise committing fraud; and risk that an auditor's special procedures will fail to detect fraud. The article demonstrates how to use such a model to plan for a financial audit where management fraud risk is assessed to be high. In addition, it discusses whether audit planning is better served by an integrated audit/fraud risk assessment as now suggested in SAS 107 (AICPA 2006a, see also ASA 200 in AUASB 2007) or by the approach illustrated here where a parallel, but separate, assessment is made of audit risk and fraud risk.  相似文献   

We examine the role of the board of directors, the audit committee, and the executive committee in preventing earnings management. Supporting an SEC Panel Report's conclusion that audit committee members need financial sophistication, we show that the composition of a board in general and of an audit committee more specifically, is related to the likelihood that a firm will engage in earnings management. Board and audit committee members with corporate or financial backgrounds are associated with firms that have smaller discretionary current accruals. Board and audit committee meeting frequency is also associated with reduced levels of discretionary current accruals. We conclude that board and audit committee activity and their members' financial sophistication may be important factors in constraining the propensity of managers to engage in earnings management.  相似文献   

Communicating the results of the audit is a crucial part of the audit process. This potentially enables the users of financial reports to assess the quality of the audit, which will in turn contribute to their assessments of financial reporting quality. This research reports the results of a verbal protocol study of 16 financial analysts to assess how they use an auditor's report as part of a company evaluation. Auditors’ reports perse are found to be important to analysts in that they signal a level of reliability in the financial statements. However, the content of the auditor's report, including the additional content of the recently issued longer form auditor's report (ISA 700, ASA 700), generally was not attended to by the analysts. This suggests the communicative value of the auditor's report is minimal beyond signalling the elevated reliability of the financial statements.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine whether audit committee financial expertise matters when making commercial lending decisions. Commercial lenders rely on audited financial statements in making lending decisions, and the quality of these financial statements is impacted by the capabilities of audit committees having oversight of financial reporting. It is widely believed that this oversight is enhanced when audit committees contain members with financial expertise. A behavioural experiment is conducted where commercial lending officers make risk assessments and provide probabilities of granting loans based on a hypothetical scenario. This paper finds insufficient evidence to conclude that the existence of financial expertise on audit committees makes a difference to lenders. When replacing audit committee members, however, financial expertise does appear to matter to lenders in some cases.  相似文献   

论离岸金融市场准入监管法制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
离岸金融市场准入是指市场所在国金融监管当局依照法律规定的标准,审核并决定是否允许有关金融机构获得入本国市场从事离岸金融业务的从业资格,这通常涉及监管原则、准入主体范围、准入主体形式以及准入许可方式等几个方面。在构建中国离岸金融市场准入监管法制时,本文认为应当在离岸金融市场上实行国民待遇原则,并在必要时实施过渡安排和审慎例外的措施;应当允许银行和非银行金融机构进入离岸市场;应当要求离岸银行采取分行的组织形式;应当主要采取牌照许可方式并辅之以传统的审批方式。  相似文献   

财务审计作为人民银行传统的内审项目,在严格财经纪律、监督财务活动中发挥了重要作用.内审转型给财务审计的发展带来了新的契机,因而财务审计必须抓住这一有利时机,充分利用内审转型平台作出相应调整,不断提高财务审计的质量与水平.本文从解读内审转型与发展的内涵出发,审视当前财务审计的现实,提出有效推进财务审计转型与发展的建议.  相似文献   

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