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王军利 《金卡工程》2009,13(11):186-186
商业贿赂犯罪是随着商品经济的产生、发展而出现的一种犯罪形式。近年来,随着我国经济的发展,商业贿赂犯罪也逐渐蔓延,为了打击日益猖撅的商业贿赂犯罪,本文试从商业贿赂犯罪概念出发,阐述了其特征以及完善措施,以期对我国的司法实务有所帮助。  相似文献   

商业贿赂阻碍了社会主义市场经济的健康发展,广西属经济欠发达地区和少数民族地区,商业贿赂渗透经济、金融的程度、表象与东中部地区存在差异性.本文对广西银行业产生商业贿赂的成因进行了分析,并从以预防为主,培育合规文化、建立健全各项操作规程和内部管理制度等方面就建立防治商业贿赂长效机制提出了有针对性的建议.  相似文献   

近年来,高校商业贿赂呈上升和扩大趋势,影响恶劣、危害巨大。探求高校商业贿赂防治之对策,应认清它产生的根源,并根据党中央"标本兼治、惩防并重、综合治理、注重预防"这一反腐斗争战略,采取针对性措施。鉴于高校商业贿赂频发的根本原因在于我国高校管理体制存在的缺陷,所以要深化高校体制改革,以高校治理结构的完善为突破点,强化源头治理,进而推进标本兼治。  相似文献   

高翔 《金卡工程》2009,13(1):55-56
一种社会现象的产生与发展,离不开它所赖以存在的土壤--社会整体的经济、政治与法治环境。当下,商业贿赂行为俨然成为一种市场潜规则,严重破坏行风、政风及社会风气。这与我国几千年的经济文化的发展渊源息息相关。故笔者认为商业贿赂现象并不是市场经济体制下的新生事物,它是伴随着商品经济及商人阶层的产生与发展而逐步产生和发展起来的一种经济伴生现象。要整治作为历史性积弊的商业贿赂,离不开对经济文化历史渊源的检视。本文拟对我国古代社会农耕经济条件所决定的重农抑商政策下畸形商业样态进行剖析,并对古代商业贿赂的产生进行归因分析,进而对作为不正当竞争行为之一的商业贿赂行为在我国古代社会的治理状态进行历史的梳理,追根溯源,并对我国当前商业贿赂的治理提出相应的理论探讨。  相似文献   

未成年人是祖国的未来、民族的希望。但是随着世界经济的快速发展,我国未成年人犯罪的问题和矛盾日渐突出,司法制度中所存在的缺陷日益凸显。本文首先阐述了我国历史上对未成年人犯罪司法制度的规定;其次介绍了当前国内未成年人犯罪案件的基本状况,并对醴陵市五年来的未成年人犯罪案件的基本情况及特征进行了分析,剖析了未成年人犯罪的共性原因;再次分析了我国在办理未成年人犯罪案件中存在的制度缺陷及弊端,最后针对这些缺陷提出了完善相应立法,逐步建立未成年人犯罪法律体系,建立未成年人法院,配备专门司法人员、提高专业司法人员的素质,建立有关社会矫治方面的法律规定,建立前科消灭制度等几点完善建议。  相似文献   

为了治理商业贿赂、完善社会主义市场经济体制,维护广大人民群众的切身利益、构建社会主义和谐社会,推进党风廉政建设,笔者认为建立会计公司化,是治理商业贿赂的重要措施。本文分析商业贿赂特点和成因,提出治理商业贿赂,建立会计公司化机制的重要性和合理性。  相似文献   

宋科 《上海金融》2007,(1):86-87,81
商业贿赂作为一种“潜规则”,长期游离于执法部门的视野之外,严重危害国家的政治肌体、经济肌体,已引起政府的高度重视。本文认为应准确把握现阶段金融业商业贿赂特点及法律缺陷,认清商业贿赂对金融业的严重危害;从改革和建设机制入手,构筑内部协调统一的治理商业贿赂的综合控防机制,充分发挥人民银行社会反腐功能。  相似文献   

黄晓华  孙慧芳 《金卡工程》2010,14(6):230-230
我国治理商业贿赂存在诸多立法局限,文章提出应明确商业贿赂的民事责任,制定治理商业贿赂的相关行政法规和部门规章,修改和完善治理商业贿赂的刑事法律体系和制定专门的《反商业贿赂法》。  相似文献   

蒋世辉 《财政监督》2011,(27):49-50
改革开放之后,商业贿赂在我国开始出现,近年来呈现出愈演愈烈之势。从动态博弈的视角分析之后,我们发现:潜在的商业贿赂参与者本身诚信意识的缺乏和市场诚信机制的缺失是造成我国商业贿赂泛滥的根本原因;财务制度、审计制度及法律制度的不完善是我国商业贿赂泛滥的重要原因。一、博弈论分析的假设条件要对商业贿赂成因进行博弈分析,  相似文献   

商业贿赂作为一种腐败现象,存在于各种市场交易之中。由于银行业是资金密集度高,外部风险度大的特殊领域,极易成为商业贿赂的多发地带,导致的危害也更为严重。商业银行中商业贿赂的存在及其蔓延,直接危害到我国经济金融的健康发展,违背公平竞争的市场原则,破坏社会主义市场经济金融秩序,损害社会公众的切身利益,毒害社会风气,滋生腐败行为和经济金融犯罪。治理商业贿赂是党中央、国务院做出的重大决策和部署,是建立健全惩治和预防腐败体系的重要内容。正确认识目前银行商业贿赂的新特点、存在的原因以及治理的必要性,建立治理商业贿赂的长效机制,是银行业反腐倡廉建设亟待解决的课题之一。  相似文献   

徇私舞弊不征、少征税款罪是我国税收征管领域最典型、最常见的渎职犯罪。该罪的主体仅限于税务机关的工作人员,徇私是主观动机,舞弊是客观行为表现。税务机关工作人员收受贿赂,违反规定对请托人不征、少征税款的,成立数罪,实行并罚。税务机关工作人员和纳税人(扣缴义务人)事先通谋,逃避税收征缴的,构成共同犯罪,其罪名依具体情况加以确定。  相似文献   

Bribery is prevalent in many countries and may be affected by the national culture. This study aims to examine the relationship between culture and firm bribery. This study thus combines country-level data from Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and firm-level data from the Enterprise Surveys, resulting in a combined data set covering more than 40,000 firms in 45 countries. Using a probit model with a dummy dependent variable indicating firm bribery, this study finds that firm bribery is associated with two cultural dimensions. Specifically, a country’s level of power distance is positively associated with firm bribery, while the level of long-term orientation is negatively associated with it. The effects of these cultural dimensions are not only statistically significant, but also economically important.  相似文献   

本文以朗讯贿赂门事件为出发点,从契约经济学的角度分析了内部控制法律要求的理论依据及其在美国的立法与司法实践过程。然后,本文对我国目前内部控制法律要求现状进行分析,并分析了美国内部控制法律发展对我国的影响与启示。  相似文献   

农民工在城市的生活质量水平是该阶层在城市生活的各个方面的综合反映,本研究发现当前农民工在城市的生活质量非常低下。而在影响农民工生活质量的诸多因素中,除了外在的政治、经济、社会及文化层面的因素以外,农民工自身的性别、受教育水平、职业差异性也是造成其总体生活质量低下及内部非均衡性的重要因素,因此消除因农民工的个体因素给其带来的生活质量的影响,可以通过加大非学历教育力度及提高低端行业薪资水平等方法来实现。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the association between global community concerns about bribery activities and anti‐bribery disclosure practices by two Chinese telecommunication companies operating internationally, namely China Mobile and ZTE. Based on content analysis of annual reports and global news media articles over a period of 16 years from 1995–2010, the findings suggest that the changes in the level of disclosures by the two major Chinese telecommunications companies were closely associated with the level of international concerns over bribery practices within the Chinese telecommunications industry. This finding indicates that the companies adopt anti‐bribery disclosure practices in order to minimise the gap of trust (social capital) between companies themselves and global stakeholders. In this paper we argue that, for domestic companies in China, culturally constructed social capital, such as guanxi, creates a level of trust between managers and their stakeholders, which obviates the need for managers to disclose anti‐bribery performance information. However, for companies operating internationally, as social capital is inadequate to bridge the gap of trust between managers and global stakeholders, managers use disclosures of anti‐bribery performance information as a way to minimise such a gap.  相似文献   


This paper analyses UK domestic bribery. The authors argue that in both domestic and international contexts, cases are not numerically significant but that changes in how the UK government approaches bribery in the international context means that, where once domestic bribery was addressed more rigorously than bribery in the international context, this imbalance may be being steadily reversed. The paper concludes by setting out the implications that this identifiable divergence may have for the effective policing of bribery in the domestic context. The paper makes an empirical and theoretical contribution to the literature on corruption in the UK.  相似文献   

Since climate change mitigation likely will affect most sectors of society, adapting to climate change essentially requires the public to envision and adjust to alternative futures. There is a need for more studies on the social basis for climate change asking why people hold the attitudes they do, rather than the dominant tendency to ask how to change attitudes and behavior. Research in different fields show that fundamental life values and worldviews are shaped through life and heavily influenced by early life socialization and culture, which in turn can shape attitudes toward specific phenomena like climate change. We surveyed a representative sample of the Norwegian public and examined how cultural resources and trust in environmental governance institutions are related to attitudes toward climate change. High levels of trust are associated with a tendency to perceive climate change as human caused, and low levels of trust correspond with stronger beliefs that climate change are natural phenomena. High levels of cultural resources are found among climate change deniers as well as believers, indicating that groups with different political, professional and intellectual orientations, as well as life histories, may not trust climate change science. We argue that improved knowledge about the social basis for climate change is an imperative part of futures-oriented expertise.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的推进,尤其在“一带一路”建设背景下,我国对外投资和外商直接投资日益庞大。而我国缺乏完善的反海外贿赂法律体系,使得境外投资企业所面临的反贿赂执法风险日益突出。作为惩治海外贿赂的全球第一个且最有影响力的国家,美国对境外投资企业有较完善的反贿赂法律规制,并且因为新采取了一系列的制度设计而取得了较好的实施效果,研究其成功经验将对我国反海外贿赂法律体系的构建和完善具有重要启示意义。  相似文献   

This paper explores public concerns about corruption and bribery in Australian local government and provides guidance for policy-makers on how to control bribery and corruption. Lack of regulation is a major reason why local councils are not taking appropriate anti-corruption or bribery measures. The author urges regulators to impose radical and mandatory requirements, especially reporting requirements, on local councils. Australia should also look to other countries for successful measures to curb bribery and corruption.  相似文献   

This paper examines the change in public security of the Taiwanese society that was caused by the political democratization movements and the cross-Strait interactions. In addition to sociological explanations of crime, this paper adopts and integrates theoretical concepts of futures studies. Official statistics of longitudinal essence were utilized to serve the purpose of macro analyses. Delphi survey method was employed in collecting micro data that were subsequently used for forecasting the future social life individuals anticipate. Findings support the macro hypothesis that political alteration directly as well as indirectly contributes to the change of public security. A chaotic progress in social order is in sight, and the restoration of public safety is not far away. The series of scenarios, forecasting on the basis of the time-frame concepts of futurists, is likely to begin and conclude within the coming five years. However, the manner the scenarios proceed can be altered depending upon how knowledgeable the government is in foreseeing the forthcoming probable future of chaos.  相似文献   

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