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在我国锅炉、压力容器和管道制造企业中,已推广使用了多种技术先进的高效焊接法,引进了为数不少的现代化焊接设备,焊接生产的工艺水平已达到较高的水平.为适应锅炉压力容器和管道需求量的不断高速增长,应当进一步开发,推广生产效率更高的先进焊接方法和工艺.  相似文献   

刘刚 《商》2014,(52):281-281
制造业的飞速发展得益于制造技术的改进及优化,离散制造作为生产组织管理方式在越来越多的制造企业中得到运用,但离散制造在生产过程中面临着诸多挑战.因此,提升离散制造企业的生产技术、优化生产管理方式以提高离散制造企业的产出效率,成为提高企业竞争力的关键.离散制造企业将生产能力作为企业关注的焦点,因为生产能力决定企业的生产效率.通过运用TOC对企业生产能力的平衡与优化,可以优化企业生产、有效利用生产设备、提高产出效率和保证订单成功率.  相似文献   

学者们对产品工艺集成的研究主要集中在其对新产品和新产品开发的项目产出上,却忽视了在制造企业生产层面,产品工艺集成对制造企业制造竞争能力的影响,尤其是构成制造企业产品工艺集成的各项活动是如何影响制造竞争能力。本文从产品工艺集成理论分析入手,分析了构成产品工艺集成的横向组织集成,设计集成和技术集成与制造竞争能力的关系。  相似文献   

数控机床体现了当前世界机床技术进步的主流,是衡量机械制造工艺水平的重要指标,在柔性生产和计算机集成制造等先进制造技术中起着重要的基础核心作用.因此,如何更好的使用数控机床是一个很重要的问题.由于数控机床是一种价格昂贵的精密设备,因此,其维护更是不容忽视.  相似文献   

王粉丽 《现代商业》2007,(33):138-139
企业的盈利能力与其成本管理水平密切相关,降低成本的能力是衡量企业盈利能力的重要方面.特别是作为制造业企业,生产各环节的成本控制直接关系到产品质量和生产效率.本文系统阐述了企业盈利能力与成本管理的关系,根据制造类企业的生产经营特点,针对成本控制的各项因素提出降低成本的方法和策略,以不断提高企业盈利能力,促进企业发展.  相似文献   

制造企业在我国的国民经济中占有重要的地位。财务管理在制造企业管理体系中不可或缺,是制造企业全部生产经营管理活动的关键。随着我国社会主义市场经济的飞速发展,制造企业产量规模快速扩大,生产经营管理水平不断提高,伴随着制造企业快速发展的是制造企业对于财务管理的依赖性越来越强,财务管理在制造企业中的地位越来越高。但是,我国的制造企业在财务管理方面仍然存在很多的不足。本文从财务管理对制造企业的必要性出发,提出加强我国制造企业财务管理的措施,以供参考。  相似文献   

对于制造型企业来说,生产现场管理是企业形象、整体实力、质量控制和企业文化的综合体现,是评价企业整体素质及管理能力的重要因素。良好生产现场管理,对增强企业竞争力,消除生产现场混乱、无序的状况,提高制造质量和职工能力,保证生产安全和生产效率,企业经济效益,增强企业实力起着积极的推动作用。阐述了现有制造企业现场管理的弊端,对企业现场管理提出了一些改进措施,并对准备进行现场管理更新的制造企业提出了建议。  相似文献   

制造企业在我国的国民经济中占有重要的地位。财务管理在制造企业管理体系中不可或缺,是制造企业全部生产经营管理活动的关键。随着我国社会主义市场经济的飞速发展,制造企业产量规模快速扩大,生产经营管理水平不断提高,伴随着制造企业快速发展的是制造企业对于财务管理的依赖性越来越强,财务管理在制造企业中的地位越来越高。但是,我国的制造企业在财务管理方面仍然存在很多的不足。本文从财务管理对制造企业的必要性出发,提出加强我国制造企业财务管理的措施,以供参考。  相似文献   

数控机床是机电一体化的典型产品,是新一代生产技术、计算机集成制造系统等的技术基础。数控机床体现了当前世界机床技术进步的主流,是衡量机械制造工艺水平的重要指标,在柔性生产和计算瓤集成制造等先进制造技术中起着重要的基础核心作用。  相似文献   

影响企业发展的因素很多,企业成本管理是非常重要的一项影响因素。 通过有效的成本管理控制,优化企业生产管理流程,实现业内单位生产效率最高,是高新技术装备制造企业成本管理的核心。 由于高新技术装备制造企业产品生产具有科技研发成果技术转化,产品更迭速率快,生产中需不断融入新技术、新发明、新专利迅速推出新产品抢占市场高地等特点,高新技术装备制造企业成本管理仍有较大的提升改进空间。 通过改善高新技术装备制造企业生产管理过程当中的问题,梳理成本控制中的难点并有针对性地提出相应的改善策略,从而提高高新技术装备制造企业的成本管控能力和企业管理水平,对现阶段高新技术装备制造企业管理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This study examines the association between institutional investors' corporate site visits (CSVs) and the visited firms' investment efficiency. Using unique CSVs' data from China, this study provides empirical evidence that institutional investors' CSVs lessen the visited firms' corporate investment inefficiency, including both over- and underinvestment. The negative relationship between CSVs and investment inefficiency is less pronounced for firms with higher quality financial reporting and better corporate governance. In addition, CSVs show a decrease in corporate overinvestment by monitoring the risk-taking activities of younger CEOs and expansionary firms, and supervising the use of excess free cash flows. Meanwhile, CSVs could mitigate underinvestment by reducing managerial shirking from entrenched CEOs, such as dual or longer-tenured CEOs. The possible economic mechanism behind this association is that CSVs increase institutional shareholding percentages. All the main findings are robust to a battery of endogeneity and robustness tests.  相似文献   

Many studies have explored the antecedents of corporate social performance (CSP), such as institutional forces and stakeholder pressures. However, few studies examine CSP from a socio‐cognitive perspective. To address this research void, this study adopts an attention‐based approach to examine the relationship between managers' attention to social issues and CSP. More important, this study reports that this relationship will be moderated by governance mechanisms that constrain managerial discretion. Using a sample of Chinese listed firms, this study provides empirical support for these arguments. Therefore, our study adds new insights to the literature addressing CSP from a socio‐cognitive perspective and speaks to the structural features, both inside and outside organizations, that guide managers' attention.  相似文献   

文章从公司的治理研究入手,详细的分析了企业社会责任与公司治理的关系,并有效地进行了内部和外部的治理机制验证,得到企业社会责任的进一步升华.  相似文献   

Measures of corporate internationalisation have gained crucial importance in the recent debate on globalisation, since many scholars link globalisation to a quantitative increase in the international activities of firms. Opinions on the extent of this increase differ widely, however, depending on what measurement concept is used. As there is no universally applicable measurement concept, researchers face the difficult task of bringing research questions, measurement concepts and data availability into line. For useful comments the author would like to thank Douglas van den Berghe (University of Rotterdam), Dieter Plehwe (WZE), Stefano Vescovi (WZB) and Michael Wortmann (FAST e.V., Berlin). An earlier draft of this paper was presented at the workshop “Dimensionen der Internationalisierung von Unternehmen” at the Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, Cologne 16th/17th December 1999.  相似文献   

For those striving to create good companies it would at least be helpful to be able to identify them. While the very best companies usually perform well under any measure of corporate success, most conventional measures stack the odds in favour of certain companies over others. Capital intensity and gearing frequently interfere in the appropriate ranking of firms. This paper analyses some of the problems of commonly quoted performance indicators, and nominates an alternative.  相似文献   

Whether corporate social responsibility (CSR) affects corporate innovation remains controversial in the literature. We re-examine this issue using a newly available comprehensive innovation database on 20 countries and find support for the view that CSR performance fosters innovation. This effect of CSR is reflected on corporate innovation through its environmental and social dimensions. We also show that the effect of CSR on corporate innovation is less pronounced in emerging countries, but this is driven only by the environmental dimension of CSR. Finally, in comparison to common-law countries, we report a more positive impact of CSR on innovation in civil-law countries.  相似文献   

Based on manually collected data, we investigate the effects of internationalization on corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Chinese firms. We find that the internationalization is positively related to CSR scores. The results are robust when we address the endogeneity, and use alternative measurements of the dependent and independent variables. Furthermore, we find internationalization significantly improves the CSR performance when the quality of the host country's institutional environment is better and the firms are state-owned enterprises, business-to-consumer firms, and operate in socially sensitive industries. This indicates that legitimacy is the main motive for Chinese multinational companies to engage in more CSR.  相似文献   

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