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王长斌 《财经论丛》2016,(2):105-112
彩票存在问题赌博、未成年人参赌、犯罪以及贫困问题等负外部性,需要政府的严格管制。我国互联网彩票一直采用竞争性经营模式,妨碍政府进行有效管制。我国应当采取垄断性经营模式,仅允许一至两家公司经营互联网彩票。同时,对互联网彩票发展采取谨慎而不是自由放任的态度,制定渐进展开、分阶段实施的互联网彩票发展战略,注意与实体投注店的分工合作,并对购彩者采取适当的保护措施。对于互联网彩票公司及相关人员,实行行政许可,督促其建立健全内部控制,并对其进行经常性的评估、检验。  相似文献   

产业集群发展不同时期政府的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
产业集群是在产业的发展过程中出现的一种特殊的地域经济现象,它不仅包括一些相互关联的企业和实体,还包括提供专业化培训、教育、信息研究、技术的政府机构和其他机构。值得注意的是不同的生命周期阶段的产业集群需要的政府扶持和培育的力度不一样,这就需要政府针对不同产业集群的发展阶段提供有针对性的服务。  相似文献   

加快高端服务业发展是产业结构变化规律和经济发展规律的必然要求。企业是服务业产业价值链上最基本的"价值点",是高端服务业发展的基础;产业融合是加快高端服务业发展的有效途径;产业聚集是推进高端服务业发展的高效平台;管理创新和政府职能转变是高端服务业快速发展的必要条件;技术创新是高端服务业发展的先导和根本。必须建立以产业融合为路径、以产业聚集为载体、以技术创新为先导、以管理创新和政府转型为支撑的全方位、多层次、立体化的高端服务业高速发展运行机制。  相似文献   

彩票的经济学分析及我国彩票市场主体的取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,彩票作为融资手段、理财手段和娱乐方式,可以有效地把社会闲置资金用于福利事业和其他公益事业,可以为日益富裕的人们提供有效的理财工具,为人们提供一种充满爱心的消遣活动,居民购买彩票本质上是个体投机动机驱使下的一种消费行为。文章提出,国家应从积极方面加强监管,减少其负面效应,取消额度控制,大力发展彩票业,因为彩票业不是金融业,政府可以有效调控彩票市场;同时要适度强化居民购买者的“纳税取向”,不仅可以有效规避投机动机的负面效应,对于我国社会经济的长期发展也会发挥积极的作用。  相似文献   

Although it has been argued that the governmental environment has an important influence on corporate activities, limited systematic and empirical research has been undertaken to study this relationship. This is especially true for regional integration efforts where it is widely assumed that enterprises (and particularly transnational ones) quickly take advantage of new regional opportunities created by government policies. This article examines therefore the question of whether or not integration (more specifically, the European community) affects the behavior of corporate elite members in the Federal Republic of Germany and their enterprises-important nongovernmental actors within the integrating area. First, a theoretical framework is introduced that analytically and phenomenally distinguishes formal governmental and behavioral aspects of integration. Subsequent analysis suggests, among other things, that the strategies of enterprises do not necessarily follow (respond to) governmental integration. The impact of governmental integration on the attitudes and behavior of nongovernmental actors appears to be limited, selective, and uneven in character.  相似文献   

周涛 《中国电子商务》2014,(24):208-208
以党和政府为出发点,描述了山东茶产业背景;从优势分析和制约因素对山东茶产业发展条件进行了分析;创新性的从政府、大中型企业、小型茶企和农户三个层面,来讲述如何提升山东省茶产业竞争力;其中,为大中型茶企提供了三种战略选择:多元化战略、低价战略、差异化战略。  相似文献   

在粮食行业供给侧结构性改革过程中,政府补贴作为支持和引导粮食行业转型发展的直接手段,对于粮食企业转变发展方式、提高经营效率具有重要作用。文章利用我国粮食企业上市公司数据,考察了政府补贴对粮食企业流通效率的影响。实证研究发现:政府补贴有助于提升粮食企业流通效率;异质性检验表明,政府补贴对粮食企业流通效率的促进效应在非国有粮食企业以及粮食主产区和主销区表现更为明显,同时新一轮粮食流通改革强化了政府补贴的激励效应。面板门限回归结果显示,在市场化发展处于高水平、一般水平和低水平阶段时,政府补贴对粮食企业流通效率均会产生正向影响,但影响程度存在差异,处于高水平阶段时最大,处于一般水平阶段时次之,处于低水平阶段时最小。因此,现实中应该重视政府补贴的有效激励效用,以最大化政府补贴对于粮食企业流通效率的贡献;应充分考虑不同地区的市场化发展水平,以及针对企业性质和地区异质性,实施差异化的补贴方式,以最大化政府补贴的政策效果。  相似文献   

Although the consumption of government‐sponsored lotteries has grown considerably over the past 30 years, few researchers have considered the psychological motivations underlying lottery purchase behavior. The present research explicitly investigates this issue by examining not only the reported motives for playing the lottery, but the motives for not playing as well. Based on open‐ended surveys of lottery‐eligible individuals, a formal taxonomy of purchase and nonpurchase motivations is developed. Variations in lottery expenditures are examined with respect to the reported motivations, demonstrating the key role of nonpurchase motivations in understanding lottery consumption levels. Policy implications and avenues for future research are also discussed. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

赌博问题是最具争议的社会问题之一,也是政府在权衡禁止与合法化时的一道难题。许多国家和地区的政府已经成功地将赌博合法化,使恶习成为促进公共利益的活动。在中国彩票和彩票业成功发行与运作的基础上,探索建立健全赌博合法化的法律体系,适度发展中国的博彩业,让赌博最大限度地发挥正面功能并消除负面影响,这也应是政府应考虑的问题。  相似文献   

胡俊翔  陈抗 《浙商》2020,(7):38-39,8
在德国,旅居着数十万的浙江华人华侨。改革开放40余年来,德国制造是浙江制造乃至中国制造的学习对标对象。近些年,浙商与德国也打得火热,去德国投资并购的浙企比比皆是。虽然德国的投资并购市场在持续几年的牛市后,出现了初步放缓的迹象,但浙江与德国之间的桥梁依然不断被巩固,尤其是数字经济与工业4.0的不断交互。  相似文献   

The characteristics of demand are examined for the state lottery in Massachusetts, which leads the nation in per capita sales. Cross-sectional OLS regressions of sales per capita are calculated for 1983 and 1990 for each lottery product using explanatory variables representing education, income, race, ethnicity, and age. The results suggest that the lottery no longer exhibits the degree of tax progressivity it had in earlier years and is currently a regressive source of government revenue. While sales of all lottery products consistently decrease with increasing education levels, this inverse relationship has moderated over time. Ethnicity and race are also becoming less of a factor though race is perhaps still important for lottery products combining relatively small payoffs with a high probability of winning. From 1983 to 1990, the 65 and over age group became a significant factor in raising per capita sales of the Massachusetts lottery, thus raising issues of generational and distributional equity.  相似文献   

当前,我国家电企业售后服务外包方面存在的问题,主要表现在企业盲目的甩包袱,追逐短期利益;承包商的选择缺乏依据;售后服务外包的质量考核与审查严重缺失等。家电行业是我国目前市场化程度最高的行业,竞争的激烈程度与日俱增,售后服务外包对整合企业资源、构建核心竞争力的作用愈发重要。家电企业在进行售后服务外包时应评定服务企业业务等级。加强对承包商的资质审查及后期监管,建立售后服务反馈机制,及时规避外包风险。  相似文献   

近年来,黑龙江省科技园在推进园区企业国际间交流合作的过程中,其深度和广度还有一定的差距,主要表现是能参与国际竞争的企业不多,吸引外资少,合作项目少,成果不高。加快黑龙江省科技园发展,应进一步加强政府、企业、高校之间的合作,建立园区资金支持平台;政府应放松政策,加大税收等政策优惠;科技园区应充分利用哈尔滨高度密集的科教智力资源,有效形成产学研互动机制和创新体系;政府应强化公共服务、环境设施建设和创新型服务体系建设,提升产业集聚效应;应加强引导、规划功能,促进园区企业国际交流,提高国际化水平。  相似文献   

基于服务外包视角,从企业自身发展和完善的角度来分析,比较突出的问题有:企业规模小,服务项目集中于运输、仓储和配送业务领域;企业的运作模式传统,信息技术应用较少;企业管理水平落后,各项标准不完善;冷链物流专业人才严重匮乏。促进我国冷链物流企业发展,政府应加强对冷链物流企业的扶持和监管,利用现代化信息技术,转变企业管理模式;完善和导入相关标准,构建冷链物流体系;多方位抓紧冷链物流管理人才和技能人才的培养。  相似文献   

The decision to provide services of general interest by public or private enterprises has to be based on the following key issue: should one refer to these services as public goods? This question cannot be answered generally but has to be addressed on a case-tocase basis. Although there are some tendencies for remunicipalisation, especially in the energy sector, empirical studies show a lack of evidence about actual remunicipalisation of public service provisions and its impacts. To explain why local governments in Germany are presently thinking about remunicipalising some services there are changing factors to be identified. However, a closer look at the changing determinants makes clear that there are other options apart from remunicipalisation. Local politicians may have many reasons for providing services by public entities. The most relevant reason is nevertheless the option to organise and govern these services which are relevant for the local community.  相似文献   

我国保健食品行业发展困境原因探讨及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前消费者对保健食品信任度不高,行业发展陷入停滞不前的困境。原因主要有:企业自身原因;政府监管乏力;行业协会无为;法规尚需完善。解决行业困境,需要从以下几个方面着手:从企业自身出发;重视行业协会的作用;理顺政府部门领导。  相似文献   

依据波特"钻石体系"对产业竞争力关键因素的描述,结合石油技术服务产业的特殊性,总结了石油技术服务产业的竞争力特征,并基于此构建了石油技术服务企业国际竞争力要素模型。在对国内外石油技术服务企业综合实力主要指标对比研究的基础上,提出了现阶段培育国内石油技术服务企业国际竞争力的战略方向和策略选择。  相似文献   

面对日益严格的水监控,企业应如何调整竞争战略以适应竞争与政策呢?基于2010—2016年中国高水敏感性行业300家上市企业的面板数据,文章采用Tobit模型实证检验了产品市场竞争(行业竞争强度与企业市场势力)对企业水信息披露的影响机理。结果表明:行业竞争强度与企业水信息披露呈倒U型相关;温和竞争行业内最高市场势力的企业能够起到行业标杆作用,更愿意主动披露水信息;在进一步分析中,发现国有制身份强化了产品市场竞争(行业竞争强度与企业市场势力)对企业水信息披露的影响。文章丰富了产品市场竞争与环境信息披露的研究文献,为市场竞争能否促进环保责任的履行提供了经验证据,并对相关政府部门引导企业正视水问题具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

高长江 《江苏商论》2012,(5):97-100
目前,我国家庭服务业占据前所未有的发展机遇与宽广的发展空间。反观我国家庭服务业发展现状,诸多不良因素制约其健康发展。本研究从政府、企业、高校、社区四要素出发,根据其分别在家庭服务行业中的地位与作用,结合行业现存弊病,提出政府、高校、企业、社区各司其职、相互协作、合为一体的"四位一体"模式,旨在促进我国家庭服务业的健康发展。  相似文献   

The conventional wisdom is that politicians' rent-seeking motives increase public debt and deficits. This is because myopic politicians face political risk and prefer to extract political rents as early as possible. In this paper we study the determination of government debt and deficits in a dynamic political economy model. We show that this conventional wisdom relies on economic volatility being low relative to political uncertainty. If economic volatility is high relative to political uncertainty, then a rent-seeking government actually over-saves and over-taxes along the equilibrium path relative to a benevolent government. This result emerges because of the option value of rent-seeking: a rent-seeking government over-values future funds because of the possibility of using them for future rents instead of cutting taxes in the event of a future boom (when marginal utility of private consumption is low). This over-saving bias is temporary since, in the long run, the rent-seeking government over-borrows relative to the benevolent government as it eventually squanders the funds it has accumulated. We find that both the under-saving and over-saving bias of the government can be solved by a rule of capping deficits.  相似文献   

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