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近日,IBM公司在北京发布了《通过IT转型创建业务优势》CIO创新白皮书,就CIO在推动业务创新和发展中所扮演的崭新角色,以及CIO如何规划更加高可用的信息系统并通过成熟的IT治理以全面支持业务增长等一系列问题进行了深入分析与探讨,并结合不同企业以及IBM自身通过IT转型实现商业价值的成功实践,与中国企业的CIO们分享创新经验。  相似文献   

CIO(Chief Information Officer),企业的首席信息主管,协助首席执行官CEO(Chief Executive Officer),对该企业与IT相关的工作负全贵。在企业的最高管理层,CEO是一把手,CIO则是核心成员之一。作为CEO的左膀右臂,CIO所履行的职责,无论是内涵,还是外延,都比传统意义上的IT部门主管,要宽广得多。  相似文献   

对于借助信息化提高竞争力的中国企业而言,CIO们由于其对信息化建设的关键影响而备受关注。同时,在经济全球化的冲击下,企业决策层也对CIO赋予了更高的期望。  相似文献   

(2009年11月21日,北京)全球信息科技领袖企业IBM公司与中国新能源产业新锐新奥集团签署了一揽子战略合作协议,双方将从新奥实施的智能能源产业合作入手,  相似文献   

8月5日,IBM公司新任华南区总经理郭仁声先生在华南地区媒体见面会上首先表示:“今年是IBM公司成立一百周年,而作为最早进入中国市场的IT企业,IBM非常重视华南市场,未来的IBM将大力发展与政府和企业之间的各项合作。”  相似文献   

泰康人寿保险股份有限公司(以下简称“泰康”)成立以来,高度重视信息化建设,将构建“统一规划、资源共享、共同建设、协同发展”的IT体系作为信息化建设的原则和目标。泰康信息化发展以公司整体发展战略为核心,  相似文献   

2007年11月2日,IBM公司在浙江宁波举行了以"攻于科技,思于决策"为主题的2007IBM用户大会暨CIO领导力论坛。IBM大中华区首席执行总裁钱大群、IBM大中华区副总裁兼全球信息科技服务部总经理张烈生出席了大会并发表讲话,阐述了企业在趋向全球化整合运营中所面临的新的挑战,以及CIO在协助CEO应对这些挑战中所应发挥的作用。  相似文献   

This paper uses a sample of lone mothers (and former lone mothers who are now repartnered) drawn from the 1997 Family Resources Survey to analyse the potential effects of reforming the UK system of child support. The main deficiency of the data is that non-resident fathers cannot be matched to the mothers in the data, and this is overcome by exploiting information from another dataset which gives the joint distribution of the characteristics of separated parents. The effects of reforming the child support system are simulated for the amount of maintenance liabilities, the amount paid and the net incomes of households containing mothers-with-care and of households containing non-resident fathers. The likely effects of the reform are simulated at various levels of compliance. The analysis highlights the need for further research into the incentive effects of child support on individual behaviour.  相似文献   

A $200 billion market has appeared on your business horizon, but you may not have noticed it. It's the U.S. military--the new U.S. military. Virtually all aspects of the military are changing to ensure it can fight unpredictable threats while sustaining the infrastructure needed to support and train forces. The military is turning to non-traditional business partners to meet a wide range of needs, from health care to housing to information technology. The Defense Department is yielding its monopoly on every aspect of national security and adopting a more businesslike model in which the military's warfighting capabilities are supported through outsourcing and business alliances. Civilians are replacing military personnel in many noncombat roles. Military functions with corporate equivalents are candidates for outsourcing and privatization. Market standards are replacing the heavy customization that has locked many companies out of this marketplace. The authors have participated in the transformation process from different perspectives--one civilian, the other military. Together, they highlight the prospects that transformation is creating for companies outside the traditional defense industry and reveal paths to success in this complex market. They also present six principles for doing business with the military that require persistence, integrity, and a willingness to master the intricacies of a distinctive culture. By understanding the logic of military transformation, executives can identify and create vast new business opportunities. And by mastering the six principles, they can build profitable long-term relationships.  相似文献   

2007年5月24日,IBM在北京隆重举行了以“POWER6大突破,创‘芯’世界”为主题的IBM POWER6处理器新闻发布会,宣布推出有史以来最快的微处理器,同时推出一款充分利用了该芯片在节能和虚拟化技术方面重大突破的新型超高性能服务器——IBM System p570。新型System p570是业界首款同时囊括四大Unix基准测试速度记录的服务器。[第一段]  相似文献   

Increasing returns and the new world of business   总被引:58,自引:0,他引:58  
Our understanding of how markets and businesses operate was passed down to us more than a century ago by English economist Alfred Marshall. It is based on the assumption of diminishing returns: products or companies that get ahead in a market eventually run into limitations so that a predictable equilibrium of prices and market shares is reached. The theory was valid for the bulk-processing, smokestack economy of Marshall's day. But in this century, Western economies have gone from processing resources to processing information, from the application of raw energy to the application of ideas. The mechanisms that determine economic behavior have also shifted--from diminishing returns to increasing returns. Increasing returns are the tendency for that which is ahead to get further ahead and for that which is losing advantage to lose further advantage. If a product gets ahead, increasing returns can magnify the advantage, and the product can go on to lock in the market. Mechanisms of increasing returns exist alongside those of diminishing returns in all industries. But, in general, diminishing returns hold sway in the traditional, resource-processing industries. Increasing returns reign in the newer, knowledge-based industries. Modern economies have split into two interrelated worlds of business corresponding to the two types of returns. The two worlds have different economics. They differ in behavior, style, and culture. They call for different management techniques, strategies, and codes of government regulation. The author illuminates those differences by explaining how increasing returns operate in high tech and in service industries. He also offers advice to managers in knowledge-based markets.  相似文献   

2007年9月12日,IBM系统存储部在北京举行题为"倡导4S理念,领跑中小企业市场"的中低端存储策略和产品发布会。会上,IBM盘点了2007年上半年的业绩,并发布了IBM中小企业存储市场战略和IBM最新  相似文献   

Using a comprehensive database of firms from 21 European countries over the period 1998–2008, we find that venture capital investment has a positive effect on the rate of new business creation. This is especially true in countries with higher entry costs, higher protection of intellectual property rights, and lower taxes on capital gains. Our results suggest that, controlling for country and industry characteristics, venture capital is beneficial to bringing new ideas to the marketplace in the shape of new companies.  相似文献   

As the trend of bank consolidation activities continues to grow in the US and globally, the debate on the impact of such consolidation on small business credits and activities are still inconclusive. Building on the existing research [Berger, A.N., Saunders, A., Scalise, J.M., Udell, G.F., 1998. The effects of bank mergers and acquisitions on small business lending. Journal of Financial Economics 50, 187–229]; [Black, S.E., Strahan, P.E., 2002. Entrepreneurship and bank credit availability. Journal of Finance LVII (6), 2807–2833], this paper investigates the effects of the actual intensity of bank consolidation on the formation of new businesses in the US local markets. Evidence portrays that in the short-run, the overall intensity of bank consolidation is negatively related to the rate of new business formation, and this negative relationship is primarily driven by consolidations initiated by large acquirers. On the contrary, consolidations between small-to-medium sized banks show a positive impact on new business development and these results are consistent even when the M&As are distinguished with respect to in-market or out-of-market acquirers initiating the deals. However, two years after the consolidations, the evidence reveals a positive and significant impact on the rate of new business formation in the local markets for consolidations initiated by large in-market acquirers.  相似文献   

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