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全球的柜员机生产厂商主要有:DIEBOLD(IBM)、NCR(AT&T)、OLIVETE、FUJITSU、HI-TACHI、NEC、DT等等。柜员机按出钞方式不同,可分为“真空吸钞式”和“磨擦式”两种。 几年来,我管理的柜员机超过100台,“真空吸钞式”和“磨擦式”约各占一半。现就两种出钞方式的优缺点作一个技术比较。  相似文献   

当今所应用的ATM机出钞技术,分为两种:摩擦出钞技术和真空吸钞技术。摩擦出钞技术应用较为广泛,目前全球70%的ATM机使用该技术。  相似文献   

2008年1月22日,中国最大的ATM厂商广电运通宣布第30,000台ATM成功下线,并将交付给交通银行使用,表明其代表的国产ATM产业发展再上新台阶;同日,广电运通(广州科学城)产业园一期工程于上午九时顺利平顶,据称产业园全部建成后有望成为全球首屈一指的高端ATM生产基地.  相似文献   

中电 《金卡工程》2008,12(3):22-25
手机支付被看作是下一代“杀手级”应用,为业界普遍看好。有调研公司称,到2011年,移动支付市场规模将接近220亿美元。目前很多国际及本土公司都在跟踪这一市场,开发采取不同技术路线的解决方案,一些新产品在市场上不断涌现。  相似文献   

随着网络信息技术在金融行业的不断创新发展,以ATM为代表的金融自助服务以其方便、快捷、全天24小时的服务,成为中国广大百姓最常使用的金融服务方式。因此,如何充分利用ATM网点有效资源,创新增值服务新模式,成为商业银行自助服务渠道的下一个新议题。  相似文献   

近年来,为了提高服务质量,各商业银行对自助银行设备越来越重视。如何确保自助银行设备的ATM应用程序稳定可靠,如何使测试过程变得快速、准确、高效成为大家关注的问题。  相似文献   

2009年10月15日,由中国金融电脑杂志社主办、冲电气实业(深圳)有限公司(以下简称"OKI公司")协办的"2009年ATM应用技术研讨会"在苏州市召开,中国工商银行股份有限公司(以下简称"工行")信息科技部、数据中心(北京)、数据中心(上海)、软件开发中心和各分行信息科技部的有关领导与技术人员,OKI公司的专家等40余人出席了本次会议。  相似文献   

自助设备(以下简称ATM)作为银行柜台现金业务的延伸,直接面对客户,地域覆盖面广,是银行形象宣传及业务拓展的重要电子化营销渠道。  相似文献   

银行计算机网络经过多年的建设,为银行信息化提供了良好的通信和网络平台,然而,网络建设本身也面临一些问题需要解决。比如,在设备端口稳定不变的情况下,网络带宽如何平滑升级的问题;在省分行和地市分行的网络中心,如何简单高效地处理接口汇聚问题;如何解决带宽粒度问题,既要支  相似文献   

随着改革开放力度的不断加强和对外经济贸易的飞速发展,我国正日益成为全球经济发展的焦点。强劲的经济发展势头和不断改善的投资环境吸引了大量国际资本,境外人士在我国工作、旅游、定居的越来越多,外币卡交易量日趋增长。为此,国内许多商业银行开发了POS外卡收单业务,  相似文献   

20世纪80年代末至今,欧美国家ATM行业进入了成熟发展阶段,非银行ATM出机机构、独立销售商(ISOs)、处理不同ATM交易层面的ATM交易处理商和提供机具维护的ATM专业化服务机构层出不穷。在国内金融市场,一批ATM运营商也通过为银行布设ATM的方式,与银行分享持卡人跨行手续费收入。专业化ATM运营商的出现,改变了银行仅将ATM设备作为成本投入的现状。随着ATM运营模式的优化及潜在盈利模式的出现,ATM有望成为商业银行新的业务增长点。  相似文献   

2008年“两会”期间,《国际融资》记者在全国政协委员下榻的京丰宾馆采访了国家开发投资公司总裁王会生,两个小时的采访结束后,记者对国家开发投资公司(以下简称“国投”)、对国投当家人的由衷感慨,可以浓缩为两个沉甸甸的字:“不易”!因为,在国家划转的计划经济时代形成的一大堆资产中创造一流业绩,难!但他们摸石头过河,创造了奇迹。在没有产业优势的背景下拿到一流项目,难!但他们以超常的拼搏,占领了市场。在令人眼红的金融市场中发现机遇不难,抓住机遇实属不易,但他们却赢得了机遇之神的青睐。“二次创业”5年来,国投总资产由2002年的755亿元增长到2007年的1460亿元,增长99%,实现利润从8.6亿元增长到50亿元,增加了480%。国投成功的秘诀在哪儿?实现一流的密钥又是什么?下一个5年,国投的投资目标将对准哪里?且看  相似文献   

By comparing the top executives of 1980's Fortune 100 companies with the top brass of firms in the 2001 list, the authors have quantified a transformation that until now has been largely anecdotal. A dramatic shift in executive careers, and in executives themselves, has occurred over the past two decades. Today's Fortune 100 executives are younger, more of them are female, and fewer were educated at elite institutions. They're also making their way to the top more quickly. They're taking fewer jobs along the way, and they increasingly move from one company to the next as their careers unfold. In their wide-ranging analysis,the authors offer a number of insights. For one thing, it has become clear that there are huge advantages to working in a growing firm. For another, the firms that have been big for a long time still provide the most extensive training and development. They also offer relatively long promotion ladders--hence the common wisdom that these "academy companies" are great to have been from. While women were disproportionately scarce among the most senior ranks of executives in 2001, those who arrived got there faster and at a younger age than their male colleagues. Perhaps the career hurdles that women face had blocked all but the most highly qualified female managers, who then proceeded to rise quickly. In the future, a record of good P&L performance may become even more critical to getting hired and advancing in the largest companies. As a result, we may see a reversal of the usual flow of talent, which has been from the academy companies to smaller firms. It may be increasingly common for executives to develop records of performance in small companies, or even as entrepreneurs, and then seek positions in large corporations.  相似文献   

倪鹤婷 《新金融》2001,(4):29-30
前不久,某银行一办事处在检查一笔长款业务中,发现该办某储蓄所ATM柜员机钞箱现金与总帐库存现金不符,短款303150元。经查,该款系由ATM柜员机密码管理员所盗。  相似文献   

全球互联网安全厂商——Check Point软件技术有限公司宣布推出NGX^TM平台,这是一个配合其边界、内部和Wed安全解决方案的统一安全平台,它可以令不同规模的企业降低安全保护的成本和复杂性,并确保其安全系统能轻易地扩展来应对日新月异的攻击。NGX通过一个统一安全体系结构提供更深入、  相似文献   

Vice Minister of Finance li Yong talks about his country's strategy to harness the discipline of accounting standards to help China achieve its development agenda.STORY LYNDA DUGDALEPHOTOSKEET BOOTH THE PROGRESS AND REFORMS achieved by China in its modern era of openness have created unprecedented economic productivity and prosperity.The resultant growth has given the country an international prestige that not only does its population proud,but also gives it a strong and important voice in the governance of the international economy.  相似文献   

随着自助服务在金融领域的重要性日益凸显,ATM在银行支付渠道中占据着越来越重要的位置,已经成为现代银行竞争的一个新焦点,银行ATM未来的运行效率、经营成本、管理水平和盈利能力的高低将直接关系到其核心竞争力的高低。如何才能充分发挥ATM的价值,让其创造更多利润成为各家商业银行面临的关键问题之一。  相似文献   

This paper examines the fortunes of South Pacific tax havens in light of recent international campaigns to raise minimum regulatory standards. The paper is structured around three puzzles. The first is that although offshore sectors have generated meagre returns and are now associated with rising costs, this has not prevented existing players mounting a spirited defence of their offshore sectors. Secondly, although Pacific islands states would seem to be highly vulnerable to international pressure, they have also been the most recalcitrant in response to international regulatory initiatives. The third puzzle is that although onshore countries and international organisations bemoan the negative consequences of Pacific tax havens, they have been unwilling to offer the tiny sums necessary to buy out these offshore centres.  相似文献   

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