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王梓寒 《价值工程》2014,(19):298-299
随着军事斗争准备不断深入和军事训练转变不断深化,提高军事训练水平越来越成为各级面临的紧迫任务和现实课题。因此,以推行训练问责为切入点,牵引和推动军事训练创新发展,对于促进部队战斗力全面提升,加强部队全面建设是很有必要的。本文首先指出应该深刻认识到推行军事训练问责的重大意义,然后提出应该积极开展军事训练问责的实践探索及着力提高军事训练问责的综合效益。  相似文献   

建立完善的行政问责制度才能有效遏制腐败,转变行政人员工作作风,强化其责任心,提高政府的公信力,促进我国民主政治和社会进步。目前我国行政问责制才初步建立,很不完善。从问责要素来看,我国行政问责制存在问责主体单一、客体不清、问责范围过小、问责程序不规范、救济相对缺失等问题。立足我国基本国情,从行政问责的五个要素简要探讨我国行政问责制度的完善办法。  相似文献   

日前,安县人民政府出台了《国家机关工作人员违反财经规定行为问责办法》,对其所管辖部门、乡镇等机关工作范围内,由于故意或者过失,不屐行或不正确履行法定职责,造成违反国家财经规定的行为进行问责并追究责任。该办法对问责的对象、范围、程序、方式和成果转化进行了具体的规定。  相似文献   

中铁五局<安全质量事故责任追究办法>近日正式发布执行.<办法>的发布,在中铁五局六公司范围内引起了广泛讨论.笔者认为要推进安全质量问责应牢固树立"四种意识";  相似文献   

李贞新  周同喜 《价值工程》2011,30(10):203-204
针对当前我军后方军械仓库军事训练管理的现状,本文从提高后方军械仓库军事训练科学化管理的水平入手,综合运用PDCA循环工作法的相关原理,结合当前的实际,就如何提高后方军械仓库军事训练科学化管理水平进行了探索性的思考,并提出了相关的改进性措施。  相似文献   

韩松  邱南南 《价值工程》2011,30(36):279-279
军事训练安全评价对提高军事训练水平具有重要的意义。本文从政策与机制、状况与趋势、监督与管理和分析与防控四个方面构建了军事训练安全评价指标体系,并提出利用模糊综合评价的方法实现综合评价。  相似文献   

沈良波 《湖北审计》2014,(12):34-34
武汉市黄陂区经济责任审计工作领导小组召开今年第二次工作会议.结合《湖北省领导干部经济责任问责暂行办法》及省委巡视组提出的巡视意见.专题研究经济责任审计结果运用办法.  相似文献   

王金铝 《中外企业家》2013,(2S):172-172
近年来,国内各商业银行因应股份制改革的需要和外部监管环境日趋严格的形势变化,着力强化不良授信业务问责工作,建立和完善了不良授信业务问责制度,明确规定了问责的程序、范围、具体的责任行为、责任界定的依据、责任处罚标准和措施等,并由专门的问责机构对授信违规行为开展了一系列问责工作,起到良好的警示作用,对化解信贷风险,提高资产质量具有积极的意义。本文对问责制度建设提出几点粗浅的看法,以期抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

院为了探索我国医疗保险管理的变化对社会问责关系的影响,文章从“激励方式、问责内容、制度化水平、参与深度、参与者范围、问责的政府部门”六个维度上构建我国医疗保险管理社会问责机制体系.研究发现,社会问责的激励方式主要采取惩罚的机制,问责的内容主要遵循传统的制度机制,制度化水平在逐渐提高,参与深度也逐步向内部过渡,参与者的范围主要是社会精英,问责的政府部门主要是行政部门.医疗保险监督委员会对医疗保险基金收支平衡和国民健康目标的监督作用有限.  相似文献   

绩效审计问责制度是指根据一系列指标对政府使用公共财政资金的绩效性进行评价考核,并将考核结果与责任追究结合起来的一种制度。完善的绩效审计问责制度是完善国家治理,提高公共资源使用和管理效率,建设廉洁、高效的服务型法治政府的必然要求。当前,应根据国家治理的新要求,建立多元国家治理主体下的绩效审计“异体问责”主体制度、组织问责与个人问责相结合的问责客体制度、主客观标准并重的问责条件制度、行政责任与法律责任相结合的责任承担制度以及有关配套保障制度。  相似文献   

The transfer of training continues to be a primary concern for organizations, yet important gaps in the literature remain. Thus, we extend recent work by Tews and Burke-Smalley (in press), which integrates accountability concepts from Schlenker (1997), along with Yelon and Ford's (1999) context-dependent transfer approach, to create a theoretical model and specific research propositions to help guide the field forward. We suggest that an accountability approach to training transfer, which simultaneously considers relevant work-context dimensions (e.g., skill type and supervision type) can be used to adopt appropriate accountability strategies that enhance trainees' transfer of learning back to their jobs. More specifically, by targeting variables that promote accountability – trainees' role clarity, ownership perceptions, and perceived control over their learning transfer – our work provides a useful theoretical model to guide scholars and practitioners in order to facilitate transfer in different workplace contexts. Implications for research and practice are also discussed.  相似文献   

樊润慧 《价值工程》2011,30(18):206-207
高职院校人才培养目标是培养高技能的应用型人才,工学结合培养模式是高职院校的办学方针。高职教育人才培养模式改革的重点是教学过程的实践性、开放性和职业性,而学籍学历管理工作是高职院校中一项政策性,责任性和服务性很强的工作,如何做到既能适应高职教育的特点,又能搞好学籍学历管理工作。文章以西安铁路职业技术学院为例,阐述了在工学结合培养模式下高职院校学籍学历管理工作的探索和实践。  相似文献   

关于建立经济责任审计长效机制的对策思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
坚持以审计部门主导的联系会议制度、改革和完善全程经济责任审计制度、建立健全经济责任审计信息的供给体系、严格界定经济责任审计的法律职能、提高经济责任审计的和谐性、强化经济责任审计的关联性、建立健全经济责任的督察机构、建立经济责任审计的评价标准和激励机制、注重经济责任审计相关制度之间的均衡等有利于建立经济责任审计的长效机制。  相似文献   

This article compares how food retail industries in Britain and the United States are facing sustainability challenges. The British and US industries are in different stages of maturity in identifying and responding to sustainability. Some UK retailers have begun developing broad‐based accountability systems that may aid them to see sustainability in their business operations. By examining what retailers are doing, how accountability systems can inform retailers and the business case for accountability, this article argues that retailers can gain significant business advantages with strategies to improve accountability. Compared with their American counterparts, British retailers may be better placed to deal with sustainability issues in future. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

Accountability mechanisms are among the most important means with which governments guard and improve the performance of public sector organizations. However, research documents a plethora of accountability-failures. A key issue is: how can public sector accountability become more effective? This paper seeks to answer this question by connecting two largely separated strands of research: public administration research on real-world organizations and experimental research on the effects of different forms of accountability on decision-making. The paper develops the Calibrated Public Accountability-model (CPA-model) from experimental research findings which can be used to investigate how accountability can be calibrated to task requirements of organizations.  相似文献   

Contracting in the public sector is designed to enhance the accountability of service providers to their funders. The idea is that quality is improved by the use of service specifications, monitoring of performance and imposition of contractual sanctions. Socio-legal and economic theories of contract indicate that it will be difficult to make and enforce contracts to achieve this. The results of a study of National Health Services contracting in England and Wales are reported. We conclude that contracts alone are not sufficient to improve accountability – collibration of various regulatory measures (including more hierarchical mechanisms such as performance targets) is required.  相似文献   

Questions about diversity training's utility and effectiveness remain despite its widespread use and the significant investments many firms make in such training. As a result, some HR practitioners have doubts about its relevance in the workplace. In this paper, we envision a future state of diversity training whereby diversity is embedded into work practices and programs through direct knowledge transfer, continuous skill development, and accountability for learning. We recommend four specific guidelines that HR leaders can follow to achieve this “future state” called A.G.E.M.—Approach, Goals, Executive Commitment, and Mandatory Attendance. We suggest that following the A.G.E.M. approach will lead to the kind of transformative behavioral changes required for effective diversity training programs.  相似文献   

安全生产必须坚持安全生产重在预防的根本原则,在意识方面坚持安全第一,以人为本,抓好教育培训,落实责任制,要未雨绸缪,警钟长鸣,既要讲意识,又要讲行为、措施。真正做到安全第一,必须认清一个规律,摆正四个关系,讲透安全工作的五个观点。  相似文献   

安全生产必须坚持安全生产重在预防的根本原则,在意识方面坚持安全第一,以人为本,抓好教育培训,落实责任制,要未雨绸缪,警钟长鸣,既要讲意识,又要讲行为、措施。真正做到安全第一,必须认清“一个规律”,摆正“四个关系”,讲透安全工作的“五个观点”。  相似文献   

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