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本文介绍的臭氧型多功能消毒灭菌器,采用了日本最新技术生产的“高效陶瓷低温等离子体臭氧发生片Z—10”。该臭氧发生片在3301密闭容器内开机3分钟,容器内臭氧浓度即达到5.8PPM,相当于每小时产生的臭氧量为116mg。从数据表明:Z—10高效陶瓷臭氧发生片3分钟所产生的臭氧量是我国目前  相似文献   

本文对对流层臭氧的形成机制发展作了简单的回顾,介绍了几种较为流行的臭氧前体物敏感性分析方法,分析了他们的优点与不足。并希望将新的敏感性分析方法引入到臭氧前体物敏感性分析中,加深对臭氧前体物敏感性的了解,为臭氧浓度控制政策提供建议。  相似文献   

本文主要阐述了臭氧发生器用于制取臭氧,在冷却水水处理方面的作用,比较利用其他原料处理冷却水上的优点及缺点,以及应用臭氧发生器在冷却水处理方面应注意的问题。  相似文献   

自从人们发现臭氧的存在以来,科学家们发现臭氧具有奇特的强氧化、高效消毒和催化等作用。于是,利用臭氧进行消毒,  相似文献   

某新建化工污水处理场采用生物法+臭氧催化氧化深度处理工艺。新建化工污水处理场后污水排放标准达到国家一级排放标准。新建化工污水处理场处理水量20m3/h,在臭氧催化氧化深度处理单元中,臭氧系统单元主要包括:氧化塔、臭氧发生系统、制氧系统、尾气破坏器。臭氧发生系统包括:臭氧发生器、冷却水系统。制氧系统包括:空压机、储气罐、油水分离器、冷冻干燥机、制氧机(含氧气分析仪)、除油过滤器和除尘过滤器。  相似文献   

臭氧、二氧化氯是高效的消毒药剂,在很多行业都有着广泛的应用.为明确臭氧、二氧化氯气体发生器在桑叶消毒上的作用,寻求一种有效、简易的桑叶消毒方法,用臭氧、二氧化氯气体发生器在原蚕饲养中做应用试验.结果表明:臭氧、二氧化氯气体对桑叶起到消毒作用,而二氧化氯气体消毒效果更显著.  相似文献   

近几年,中国长城葡萄酒有限公司生产的葡萄酒靠品质赢得了消费者的青睐。为此,我们曾从工艺、设备两方面做了大量的工作,并充分地认识到设备的质量是工艺指标的重要保证。特别是意大利bertolaso公司制造的灌装设备,它由臭氧漂洗机、灌装机、木塞螺旋提升机、压塞机等4大部分组成。它们之间环环相扣、紧密相连,任何一处出现漏洞,都会影晌成品葡萄酒的内在品质。 臭氧自动漂洗机对酒质的影响 臭氧自动漂洗机由臭氧发生器和漂洗机两部分组成,其功能是将臭氧发生器产生的臭氧溶解于水中,由臭氧水泵打入漂洗机对待灌装的酒瓶进行清洗和灭菌。 按工艺要求,臭氧水的浓度应大于  相似文献   

近年来,随着国人保健意识的增强,消毒柜开始进入千家万户,选购电子消毒柜亦成了消费者关心的热门话题。据了解,市场上的消毒柜从消毒方式看,可分为远红外线高温型、臭氧低温型、远红外线臭氧组合型等3种。鱼fi的消毒柜一般是远红外线高温型或臭氧低温型,而双门消毒柜却是远红外线臭氧组合型。远红外线高温消毒柜是利用远红外线物理方法,通过加温加热对食具进行125C高温烘烤,并保持10min高压处理,达到彻底消毒的效果,灭菌彻底而无副作用,但它仅限于耐高温的餐具。而臭氧低温消毒柜是利用臭氧化学方法,通过柜内臭氧发生器通电产…  相似文献   

范志红 《财会月刊》2008,(3):I0015-I0015
桶装水 市售的桶装水在装桶前,大多要用臭氧做最后的消毒处理,因此在刚灌装好的桶装水里都会含有较高浓度的臭氧。对人而言,臭氧是有毒物质,如果你趁新鲜喝,无疑会把毒物摄入体内。若将这些桶装水放置1~2天,臭氧会自然消失,这时再喝就无饮毒之虑了。  相似文献   

刘臣宇  虞文胜 《价值工程》2011,30(20):26-27
在日常生活中通常应用臭氧进行杀菌消毒,原因是方法简单易行,且效果显著。但在大面积仓储环境中应用臭氧进行防霉还没有先例。对于大面积密闭仓储环境,当霉变现象严重时,霉菌的灭除和防止霉变是一项非常重要的工作。应用臭氧进行杀灭和预防物质表面的霉变是一种比较实用的方法。由于臭氧制取方便,灭菌力强,在密闭环境中使用没有死角,因此,对于不怕氧化的仓储物资应用臭氧进行防霉,将比传统的药物防霉效果更好。  相似文献   

工程轮胎胎侧胶的传统防护体系是4010NA/4020,但随着大气臭氧浓度的增加,防护效果下降,本课题通过加入防老剂AW,并和4010NA/4020/RD/防护蜡进行并用,研究了防老剂AW并用体系对工程轮胎胎侧胶耐老化性能的影响。  相似文献   

作为一种废水处理技术,臭氧氧化技术在印染废水处理、制药废水处理中的应用广泛。在我国逐渐提高了对工业废水污染物排放量及回用率要求的形势下,臭氧氧化技术有着非常广阔的应用前景。基于此,论文重点针对臭氧氧化技术处理工业废水的应用进行了详细的分析,以供参考。  相似文献   

姚永玲 《价值工程》2011,30(34):304-305
目的:探讨B超引导下肩关节腔内臭氧注射治疗肩周炎的临床疗效。方法:对42例肩周炎患者在B超引导下精确穿刺,将穿刺针自喙突内下方、肱骨头前方刺入,注射30 ug/mL的臭氧气体10 mL,术后进行随访1-3个月。结果:患者临床治疗效果满意,有效率100%。结论:B超引导下关节腔内臭氧注射是治疗肩周炎的有效方法。  相似文献   

梁栋 《价值工程》2010,29(9):246-246
为了满足人们对水质的不断要求,二氧化氯和臭氧是今后水处理中的主要应用方向。本文对二氧化氯和臭氧消毒机理、氧化消毒特性及经济性等方面进行介绍分析。  相似文献   

研究、设计测定液氧中臭氧含量的方法和装置,并对方法检出限、适用范围及精密度作了较详细的探讨,表明当臭氧浓度范围在1~31g/L时,该方法能够得到较满意的结果。  相似文献   

This paper develops Bayesian methodology for estimating long-term trends in the daily maxima of tropospheric ozone. The methods are then applied to study long-term trends in ozone at six monitoring sites in the state of Texas. The methodology controls for the effects of meteorological variables because it is known that variables such as temperature, wind speed and humidity substantially affect the formation of tropospheric ozone. A semiparametric regression model is estimated in which a nonparametric trivariate surface is used to model the relationship between ozone and these meteorological variables because, while it is known that the relatinship is a complex nonlinear one, its functional form is unknown. The model also allows for the effects of wind direction and seasonality. The errors are modeled as an autoregression, which is methodologically challenging because the observations are unequally spaced over time. Each function in the model is represented as a linear combination of basis functions located at all of the design points. We also estimate an appropriate data transformation simulataneously with the functions. The functions are estimated nonparametrically by a Bayesian hierarchical model that uses indicator variables to allow a non-zero probability that the coefficient of each basis term is zero. The entire model, including the nonparametric surfaces, data transformation and autoregression for the unequally spaced errors, is estimated using a Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling scheme with a computationally efficient transition kernel for generating the indicator variables. The empirical results indicate that key meteorological variables explain most of the variation in daily ozone maxima through a nonlinear interaction and that their effects are consistent across the six sites. However, the estimated trends vary considerably from site to site, even within the same city.  相似文献   

Nearly 20 years ago, Mixon (1995) found that urban warming is positively related to the probability of an EPA citation for a violation of carbon emissions standards, whereas lobbying effort reduces the probability of such a citation. This study revisits the Mixon (1995) framework by using data on ozone violations. The results indicate that EPA citations for ozone violations are not significantly related to lobbying effort.  相似文献   

The ability to forecast the concentration of air pollutants in an urban region is crucial for decision-makers wishing to reduce the impact of pollution on public health through active measures (e.g. temporary traffic closures). In this study, we present a machine learning approach applied to forecasts of the day-ahead maximum value of ozone concentration for several geographical locations in southern Switzerland. Due to the low density of measurement stations and to the complex orography of the use-case terrain, we adopted feature selection methods instead of explicitly restricting relevant features to a neighborhood of the prediction sites, as common in spatio-temporal forecasting methods. We then used Shapley values to assess the explainability of the learned models in terms of feature importance and feature interactions in relation to ozone predictions. Our analysis suggests that the trained models effectively learned explanatory cross-dependencies among atmospheric variables. Finally, we show how weighting observations helps to increase the accuracy of the forecasts for specific ranges of ozone’s daily peak values.  相似文献   

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