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田蕊 《生产力研究》2011,(12):73-74
文章将股价、房价等资产价格和汇率与货币政策目标联系起来,运用VAR模型通过Johansen协整检验等方法研究发现:资产价格、汇率与货币政策中介目标和最终目标之间存在着稳定且长期的联系,同时不同资产价格和汇率之间的波动相关性会带来资产价格与货币政策目标间更加复杂的关系。  相似文献   

辛家鼎 《经济师》2001,(4):20-21,29
文章从资产价格对货币需求和货币政策传导的影响 ,指出资产价格对货币政策的形成起到非常重要的作用。资产价格虽然不能作为货币政策调控的目标 ,但必须协调好它们之间的关系 ,以保持币值稳定 ,实现可持续经济增长。  相似文献   

黄贝拉  金聪浩 《经济视角》2015,(1):33-37,64
本文简要回顾了货币政策与金融资产价格波动之间的关系,结合各个国家和地区不同的经验进行讨论,然后以中国货币供应量、银行隔夜拆借利率、房地产资产价格和上证综合指数构建了货币政策对股票市场的VAR模型。实证结果显示:中国货币政策对金融资产价格波动的影响比较显著。在此基础上,本文对是否应该将资产价格引入货币政策的制定进行了探讨,最后给出中国人民银行如何应对资产价格波动的现实建议。  相似文献   

随着金融自由化的逐步推进,资本市场存量日益增大.这既体现了金融深化程度的提高,又意味着货币供应与国民经济主要指标之间稳定性的弱化.资产价格对货币政策的制订和执行会产生深刻的影响.其中股价、房价等资产价格在货币政策传导机制中扮演的角色越来越重要.本文从实证角度出发,通过构建VAR模型检验我国资产价格对货币政策的反应以及资产价格对货币政策目标的影响,发现资产价格、货币政策及货币政策目标间存在长期协整关系,资产价格对产出有正向冲击作用,股市显著影响通货膨胀,但房地产市场对通货膨胀推动作用不明显,资产价格受货币政策的冲击影响显著,其中股市对货币政策冲击的反应明显大于房地产市场.  相似文献   

资产价格与货币政策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章研究了资产价格与货币政策的关系。论述了资产价格在货币政策传导中的作用及其传导机制,并讨论了央行是否能够通过货币政策对资产价格进行有效控制来防止资产价格泡沫损害宏观经济。  相似文献   

本文围绕货币政策、赍产价格和金融稳定三者之间的关系展开,通过分别研究资产价格波动对金融稳定的冲击、资产价格波动对货币政策的挑战和我国货币当局在应对资产泡沫,维护金融稳定过程中的政策实践,论述资产价格泡沫的膨胀和破灭对实体经济的影响和冲击,最后得出相关的研究结论.  相似文献   

刘雅瑞 《时代经贸》2008,6(9):26-27
近年来,金融资产价格自货币政策中所起的作用备受人们的关注和重视。许多学者在研究金融危机时,将金融资产价格的波动视为导致金融危机发生的重要甚至是决定性的因素。具体来说,各国学者,更加关注资产价格与货币政策的关系。然而,价格稳定始终是中央银行制定和实施货币政策的第一位目标。因此,对于资产价格与通货膨胀之间关系进行定性与定量的研究有着积极重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

资产价格与货币政策   总被引:103,自引:2,他引:101  
随着资本市场的发展和金融资产存量的增加 ,资产价格的波动对货币政策提出了诸多挑战。本文讨论了资产价格与货币政策目标的关系 ;资产价格在货币政策传导过程中对消费、投资和金融体系的影响 ;以及货币政策操作中有关资产价格的争论 ;最后提出了这一研究领域中存在的问题  相似文献   

近年来,金融资产价格自货币政策中所起的作用备受人们的关注和重视.许多学者在研究金融危机时,将金融资产价格的波动视为导致金融危机发生的重要甚至是决定性的因素.具体来说,各国学者,更加关注资产价格与货币政策的关系.然而,价格稳定始终是中央银行制定和实施货币政策的第一位目标.因此,对于资产价格与通货膨胀之间关系进行定性与定量的研究有着积极重要的理论和现实意义.  相似文献   

货币政策和资产价格是近年来宏观经济学理论热点之一。对该理论的进展进行了一个简要介绍。考虑了应不应该把稳定资产价格作为制定货币政策的单独的目标,在考虑制定货币政策的时候,应该赋予资产价格多大的权重等重要的理论问题,同时,对关于资产价格和货币政策关系的模型进行了一个理论回顾。  相似文献   

赵林海 《技术经济》2013,(5):113-120
从货币政策的非对称效应的角度,运用非线性模型——STR模型,探究了中国货币政策与房地产价格的关系。研究结果表明:货币政策对房地产价格的影响确实因所处经济周期阶段的不同而发生变化;货币政策与房地产价格之间存在非线性关系;不同经济增长水平下货币政策对房地产价格的调控效应是不对称的;在调控房地产价格方面,我国货币政策的信贷传导路径比利率传导路径更有效。  相似文献   

王胜  田涛 《技术经济》2013,(3):105-109,117
利用包含汇率波动和通胀预期的IS-Philips模型推导考虑资产价格的货币政策反应函数。在此基础上,分别以股价和房价作为资产价格的代理变量,模拟分析了资产价格波动对中国经济的影响。研究结果表明:考虑资产价格的货币政策在平抑产出和物价波动方面具有显著作用,但会增大利率波动幅度;考虑房价波动的货币政策比考虑股价波动的货币政策在平抑产出和物价波动方面具有更好的效果;与考虑股价波动的货币政策相比,考虑房价波动的货币政策对利率的冲击更小。  相似文献   

LI Cheng, LI Ke-jun, MA Wen-tao (School of Economics and Finance, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710061, China) Abstract: This paper applies the simulation method on the basis of Dynamic Stochastic G...  相似文献   

Previous studies have discovered the defensive characteristics of housing prices, which is also known as downward price rigidity. This paper discusses whether this feature would result in an asymmetric relationship between housing prices and monetary policy. This paper first uses the loss aversion behavior of traders to assess the viability of housing price rigidity in the housing market and to deduce further that if downward housing price rigidity actually existed, then the impact of monetary policy on housing prices should be asymmetric. For empirical tests, this paper uses data from the UK housing market and then uses the money supply as the proxy variable of monetary policy. The relationships between these two variables are observed. This paper performs estimation using both traditional and threshold error correction models by comparing the coefficients of both models. The results indicate that housing price is indeed asymmetrically adjusted to money supply. When housing prices increase to reflect a loose monetary policy, a modification behavior is evident. Conversely, housing prices cannot easily reflect a tight monetary policy. This result indicates that housing prices tend to overreact in upturn and underreact in downturn. The results imply that when implementing relevant policies for the housing market, the government should consider the asymmetry of housing price changes. Otherwise, the situation can easily result in the creation of a bubble or the collapse of the housing market because of incorrect policies.  相似文献   

Using theoretical and empirical analyses, this paper shows that the expectation dynamics induced by information asymmetry between the Central Bank (CB) and the public can cause the price puzzle. The signalling and learning dynamics between the CB and a representative private-sector agent under asymmetric information is investigated. Inflation positively reacts to contractionary monetary policy because the change in the interest rate is perceived as a signal of the CB’s private information about higher future inflation and output by the public. The empirical section of the paper validates this theoretical argument using a VAR specification about the US economy. Besides providing an explanation for the price puzzle, the results of this paper has practical implications about transparency and monetary policy. The theoretical and empirical findings indicate that asymmetric information causes significant frictions in the transmission mechanism of monetary policy. These frictions induce short-run undesired effects like increase in expected inflation and actual inflation as a response to contractionary monetary policy which is identified as “the price puzzle”.  相似文献   

Due to the scarcity of pertinent evidence, there is currently no general agreement on how to introduce nominal rigidities into monetary macroeconomic models. We examine the role of alternative assumptions about the wage and price setting mechanisms for the assessment of the welfare costs of nominal rigidities and the performance of alternative monetary policy rules in an otherwise standard New Keynesian general equilibrium model. We find that the choice of a particular price and wage setting scheme matters quantitatively for the welfare costs of nominal rigidities. However, the ranking of the welfare costs associated with alternative wage and price setting schemes is robust to changes in the monetary policy rule, and the ranking of the welfare costs associated with alternative monetary policy rules is robust to changes in the wage and price setting scheme. The difference between sticky nominal contracts and sticky information matters more than the difference in the age distribution of prices wages and information implied by alternative price and wage setting schemes.  相似文献   

本文基于我国2001-2010年宏观经济月度数据,采用SVAR模型分析了国际油价波动时,央行货币政策在排除回应油价干扰与未排除干扰下的反应差异及油价波动对产出的影响。研究发现,在排除货币政策回应油价波动干扰后,通过脉冲响应函数反映的油价波动对产出的短期负面影响消失。方差分解结果显示,长期内产出波动由油价冲击和货币政策解释的比例分别为5716%和32480%,比排除干扰前分别下降了2569%和4560%。这说明我国油价冲击带来的经济衰退主要是因为货币政策及其回应油价冲击紧缩所致。此外,面对油价的短期冲击,CPI指数并未随着生产者购进价格指数上升而上升,产出也未发生明显的衰减;但在较长时间内,油价上升会因为相对价格的改变,而影响CPI水平和货币政策,从而对产出产生显著的负面影响。  相似文献   

We estimate a four variable structural vector auto regression (SVAR) model of the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary economies in order to evaluate the links between the instruments of monetary policy and inflation outcomes. We find that the linkages between the interest rates and price levels are weak. However, the exchange rate constitutes the most important channel of monetary policy transmission for Poland and Hungary. For the Czech Republic, the link between interest rate rise and price level is rather indirect.  相似文献   

通过构建最优货币政策模型对中国货币政策进行的实证检验,发现中国的货币政策主要以盯住通货膨胀为主要目标,同时关注产出的变化,但对股票价格波动的变化并没有给予充分的关注。而通过中国预设货币政策操作框架下对股票价格波动不同反应状况的分析,发现货币政策对资产价格赋予较小权重时,中央银行的福利损失函数将会有所改善;如果继续加大对资产价格干预的权重,则会导致中央银行福利损失函数的迅速恶化。因此可以认为,中央银行还不适宜对资产价格进行过度的关注,只适合在关注通胀和产出的基础上,对资产价格给予适度的关注。  相似文献   

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