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Haucap  Justus 《Wirtschaftsdienst》2020,100(1):20-29
Wirtschaftsdienst - Die Plattformökonomie entwickelt sich rasant und intensiviert den Wettbewerb. Dieser an sich positiven Entwicklung steht ein hohes Risiko der Marktabschottung durch...  相似文献   

Die US-Wirtschaft droht - wie andere Industriel?nder - nach kurzzeitigem Aufschwung wieder in die Rezession abzurutschen. Der US-Pr?sident hatte vorgesehen, mit fi skalischen Ma?nahmen diesen Abschwung aufzuhalten. Die Autoren untersuchen den Zusammenhang von zyklischen Krisen und Besch?ftigung in den USA und kommen zu dem Ergebnis, dass der jüngste Aufschwung eher ein „Jobless Growth“ war, und die Krise der US-Wirtschaft strukturelle Ursachen hat. Daher helfen jetzt keine Konjunkturprogramme, sondern strukturelle Reformen wie eine Verkürzung der Zahlungsdauer von Arbeitslosenunterstützung und Ma?nahmen zur Unterstützung überschuldeter Hausbesitzer.  相似文献   



? Konsumenten sind offener für Innovation, als viele glauben ?  相似文献   

Three years after the introduction of the minimum wage in 2015, the assessment of its labour market impact is positive. Contrary to early warnings, there has been no apparent decline in employment in most affected parts of the labour market. The share of the working poor who were eligible for drawing in-work benefits declined by 2.7 percentage points. Nevertheless, there still is a pressing problem of 2.2 million minimum wage violations. Those occur more often in establishments that do not have worker representation and are not covered by collective bargaining. Women and East Germans are also more often affected. Lost wages and social insurance contributions in 2016 were as high as €10 billion.  相似文献   

This article by Jürgen Kromphardt argues against the view that the introduction of a legal minimum wage of €8.50 per hour for all jobs will result in a massive reduction of jobs. He finds the theoretical foundation of this forecast very shaky, because the assumptions of this model are not fulfilled in the real world. It is thus unsurprising that empirical analyses do not corroborate it. Groll and Kooths respond that neither demand-side market power in the labour market nor supply-side price-setting capacity in the goods market are sufficient reasons to justify the introduction of minimum wages. They reiterate the major arguments both in the narrow environment of a static market model and in a more enriched framework that puts human action in the centre of economic analysis. They also show that topping up low incomes within the German ALG II transfer system can hardly be considered a wage subsidy.  相似文献   

The German economy is experiencing a moderate upturn. Gross domestic product is expected to increase by 1.6 per cent this year and by 1.5 per cent in 2017. The upturn will be driven by private consumption, which will benefit from continued employment growth, sizeable increases in wage and transfer income, and also purchasing power gains thanks to lower energy prices. Fiscal policy will also be expansively oriented, partly due to rising costs related to refugee immigration. Public budgets will still post significant surpluses in the forecasting period, however. Failing to use this room for manoeuvre to promote growth, as seen in recent years, is not a sustainable path. In view of the continuous slack in the euro area economy, the monetary policy stance is considered to be appropriate. Should it become obvious in the course of this year that production does not return to normal capacity and that the inflation rate does not move towards two per cent, further measures to stimulate growth might become necessary. The scope for further monetary policy measures has been widely exhausted, though. A further economic stabilization could only be achieved through a combination of expansionary fiscal and monetary policy. This could severely damage the credibility of monetary policy, however.  相似文献   

While it has often been said that trading is like dancing, exchanges have certainly been dancing with one another for some time, following the need to diversify and cope with the results of a challenging liberalisation process. The proposed merger between NYSE Euronext and Deutsche Börse would create the world’s biggest exchange by revenues and total value. This needs the approval of 47 regulators across the globe, including the US Department of Justice and the European Commission. These institutions would be well advised not to try to stop the dance.  相似文献   


Recently, we more and more observe service innovations emerging from social interactions among a network of actors inside and outside of organizations. Social computing technologies are the main facilitators of social interactions, hence increasingly play a vital role in the service innovation. Yet, research on the role of social computing in service innovation lacks clear theoretical and empirical basis. This special issue was designed to stimulate research on the intersection of social computing and service innovation. In this paper, we outline a broad research framework in this regard, including the papers in this special issue and areas for future research.  相似文献   

Wirtschaftsdienst - Das erste Jahr der Corona-Pandemie stand in Deutschland im Zeichen extremer Schwankungen der ökonomischen Aktivität und einer massiv gelähmten Binnenwirtschaft....  相似文献   

The theme “Innovation Promotes Development, Science Generates Prosperity” is not only of the 7th IT Festival but alsothe forever for Zhongguancun and Haidian District.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Open Innovation ist eine neue Strategie im Innovationsmanagement. Sie zielt darauf ab, externe Wissensquellen st?rker zu nutzen. Open Innovation bietet Unternehmen ein gro?es Potenzial, Produkte und Dienstleistungen effizienter, effektiver und in kürzerer Zeit zu entwickeln und deren finanziellen Erfolg zu steigern. Wie erfolgreich eine Open-Innovation-Strategie wird, h?ngt dabei von der richtigen Balance zwischen internen und externen Entwicklungen ab. Professorin für Innovationsmanagement an der Zeppelin Universit?t Friedrichshafen und Leiterin des Dr. Manfred Bischoff Institutes für Innovationsmanagement der EADSE Professor für Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement an der Universit?t St. Gallen und Vorsitzender der Direktion des Instituts für Technologiemanagement, Gründungspartner des Intellectual Property und Innovations-Unternehmens BGW AG mit Sitz in St. Gallen und Wien und Mitglied in mehreren wirtschaftlichen und akademischen Boards  相似文献   

This paper analyzes individuals' propensity to innovate in professional environments, by focusing on the specific competency profile of individuals who play a role in the incorporation of product, technological, and knowledge innovations at work. The analysis draws on economic and managerial literature on innovation, innovative behavior, and competencies to gain a better understanding of the relationships between the process of competency development and innovative behavior in working environments. Using data from REFLEX, a European survey on the transition from higher education to labor markets, the empirical component of this study estimates discrete response models to explain the propensity of individuals to innovate at work. The models take the responses to a set of 19 questionnaire items as the basis for determining individuals' competency profiles, while also incorporating firm, working environment, and personal characteristics. The estimation results provide evidence of significant marginal effects of specific competencies on the probability that individuals act as innovators at the workplace. Competencies such as alertness to new opportunities, ability to present products, ideas or reports, ability to mobilize the capacities of others, ability to come up with new ideas and solutions, and ability to use computers and the Internet appear to have stronger marginal effects on the likelihood of innovating and, consequently, emerge as key competencies in explaining the propensity of individuals to become innovators in their working environments.  相似文献   

邵隆图  张赢 《中国广告》2013,(11):77-77
2018年的商业模式将会是怎样的?我们尝试通过对消费者的习惯.品牌管理,经营模式.市场环境等信息的整理.梳理,从中探寻五年后的面貌。  相似文献   

In 1993, Zhengzhou Yutong Group was established on the basis of Zhengzhou Passenger Bus Factory. After over ten years‘ development, by 2005,Yutong‘s sales has broken 20,000, with the sales income of RMB6.6 billion.……  相似文献   

In 1993, Zhengzhou Yutong Group was established on the basis of Zhengzhou Passenger Bus Factory. After over ten years' development, by 2005, Yutong's sales has broken 20,000, with the sales income of RMB6.6 billion. At the same year, Yutong Group realized export of 1098, with the export value of US$80 million (RMB63 million), accounting for 19.98% and 34.4% of the national passenger buses export volume and value respectively, accounting for 39% of the export of the same kind of products. Why Yutong can achieve this great result? China's Foreign Trade reporter interviewed Yutong to explore Yutong' s road to success.  相似文献   

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