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“八景”曾是重要的地域文化景观与地方旅游资源,深受传统文化影响,具有非功利性、山水人文化与人文景观化、审美意境典型性及景观的多元融合等文化特征,并因相沿袭久而起到文化承传的作用.八景又是一种景观(景点)塑造与资源利用文化模式,具有旅游资源开发与保护、旅游宣传与指南等功能.在当今的旅游开发与建设中,八景文化不仅具有资源的意义,而且具有方法论的意义. 相似文献
在中国历史的长河中共产生过777名状元,但父子同为状元的,只有北宋时期的梁灏、梁固父子,他们是历史上唯一的一对父子状元。梁灏、梁固父子是郓州须城人(今山东省东平县州城镇),家乡人民以这一对父子状元为荣耀,后人为其修 相似文献
1227年初,宁夏中兴府(银川)发生了5.5级的地震,宫室多坏,王城夜哭,西夏皇帝李睍的宝座被掀翻,没多久瘟疫肆虐,粮水短缺,死伤过半,望着黑云压城的中兴府和四周战旗猎猎的蒙古铁骑,李睍的心理防线被彻底击溃,而在六盘山弯弓射雕的成吉思汗则扶须仰天长笑:西夏 相似文献
剔红漆器上的吉祥图案如果分类,类别可以是多种多样的。本文以剔红漆器上吉祥图案的寿为出发点,从文字和寓意两方面着手,探讨剔红漆器上吉祥图案寿的表现形式和深层次的内涵、寓意,为剔红漆器的纹饰、吉祥图案研究添砖加瓦。 相似文献
山西是黃土高原的起點。黃土高原東起太行山,西至甘肅日月山,覆蓋面積達54萬平方公里,其東部就包括了山西。山西全省除了山地之外,黃土幾乎佔了三分之一的土地。而黃土層平均厚達30公尺至一、二百公尺,遍佈於太行山與呂梁山之間的6個盆地(大同、忻州、太原、臨汾、運城、長治),海拔都在1,000-2,000米之間,自然得冠以黃土高原的稱號。 別小看高原上予人以荒漠印象的黃土層,它卻是容易耕作的深厚疏鬆的土壤, 相似文献
论文通过对国外《Tourism Management》、《Annals of Tourism Research》及国内《旅游学刊》3大期刊近10年来发表的有关文化旅游的82篇文献进行研究方法的分类和分析讨论,从概念与综述、文化旅游地景观厦其形象研究、文化旅游者厦市场研究、文化旅游赍源厦开发研究、文化旅游环境与保护研究、文化旅游管理研究、文化旅游理论与方法研究7个方面对文化旅游研究内容进行了综述,井对近年朱国内外文化旅游研究的重点问题和未来研究方向进行了分析。 相似文献
从《旅游学刊》和《Annals of Tourism Research》的比较看中外旅游研究的异同和趋向 总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4
为深入理解中外旅游研究的异同,文章对2000年以来《Annals of Tourism Research》和《旅游学刊》发表的论文进行了比较分析。研究表明中外旅游研究在研究内容、研究方法以及研究思路等方面存在着明显差异。前者侧重于旅游影响、旅游人类学、旅游社会学与生态旅游等方面的研究,而后者涉猎面更广泛,如对旅游经济与管理、旅游资源开发与规划等偏实用领域的关注;此外,前者研究方法以数理统计为多,后者多以描述性的论述为主。研究通过对近期两大中外权威杂志的对比分析,以期对国内旅游研究,以及对《旅游学刊》的未来发展有所裨益。 相似文献
This study reviews 211 key papers published between 1968 and 2018, for a better understanding of how the methods of tourism demand forecasting have evolved over time. The key findings, drawn from comparisons of method-performance profiles over time, are that forecasting models have grown more diversified, that these models have been combined, and that the accuracy of forecasting has been improved. Given the complexity of determining tourism demand, there is no single method that performs well for all situations, and the evolution of forecasting methods is still ongoing.This article also launches the Annals of Tourism Research Curated Collection on tourism demand forecasting, which contains past and hot off the press work on the topic and will continue to grow as new articles on the topic appear in Annals. 相似文献
Ingeborg Nordbø Bakyt Turdumambetov Bilgehan Gulcan 《Journal of Sustainable Tourism》2018,26(1):68-84
As traditional international trophy hunting destinations are becoming less accessible due to hunting restrictions and regulations, new destinations are entering the scene, such as the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, located in Central Asia. Kyrgyzstan has grown to be one of the top destinations for international trophy hunting of argali Ovis ammon and ibex Capra sibirica, both of which are in danger of extinction. Empirically, the article draws on a case study from the largest region in Kyrgyzstan, At-Bashy, and 395 questionnaires with local inhabitants from 5 villages, and 1 interview with an international trophy hunting tour operator. In this article, the impacts of trophy hunting as a tourism practice in a rural context is discussed in terms of its sustainability and through the opinions of the local inhabitants. In sum, the negative impacts of trophy hunting in At-Bashy seem to overrule the positive ones, and in its current form it is not sustainable. The local inhabitants report about a decrease in argali and ibex during the last years; they receive basically no economic benefits from hunting tourism; and not surprisingly, 70% of the population rejects the further development of the industry in its current shape. 相似文献
This article reviews the literature on social tourism for the first time. Social tourism has been in existence since the development of modern tourism but remains a niche research area. Partially, this is because social tourism constitutes part of public welfare policy and directed towards supporting participation in tourism activities by people whose financial or other circumstances prevent them from doing so. This literature review takes a conceptual approach to examine the theoretical underpinnings of social tourism. It combines a bibliometric analysis with an analytic review approach that assesses the key themes and evolution of published research articles in the field and develops a tourism as welfare model that identifies directions for the future development of research in this field. 相似文献
This review article has four primary goals. First, it seeks to analyze the field of religion and tourism in terms of development and progress according to disciplines, authors, journals, and religions covered. Second, it offers a knowledge map and a metaanalysis reflecting key-areas of academic insight into the religion-tourism nexus. Third, it synthesizes these insights, presents current major trends, and reflects on the fragmented nature of the field. And fourth, it highlights trajectories and areas on the knowledge map - which calls for a holistic approach and new avenues of research. The main contribution is its comprehensive review of the religion-tourism nexus over the past decade, concluding with recommendations for new foci of research such as the politicization of religion. 相似文献