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Johnes G 《Applied economics》1999,31(5):585-592
This paper discusses the role of formal schooling and child rearing in the determination of career path choice of women in the US. Data were collected from the adult educational component of the 1991 US National Household Education Survey. Data are available for about 12,568 respondents, of whom 6860 are female. It is established that, amongst others, expected earnings significantly affect the career path and the hours of work chosen by American women. Based on the results of the study, a number of conclusions have been drawn: 1) expectations of earnings affect women's choice of career path, including decisions such as labor market participation, the part-time work versus full-time work decision, and occupational choice; 2) the indirect and indirect effects of schooling and other variables on regime choice has been studied; the impact of schooling and fertility on women's labor supply follows an intuitively plausible pattern; 3) evidence provided here on the private rate of return to education confirms the findings of Bland that part-time workers do not receive a lower return than others; and 4) the importance of correcting for endogeneity and sample selection biases in the problem of earnings determination and career choice has been established.  相似文献   

This article provides estimates of private rates of return to education in Greece derived from Mincerian-type earnings equations. The data come from the latest three household surveys of the country covering the 1988 to 1999 period. The empirical evidence suggests that: rates of return associated with female high school and university graduates exceed the respective rates for male graduates; rates of return pertaining to tertiary education graduates are increasing over time, whereas the corresponding rates for secondary education graduates follow an inverted U-shaped pattern and dropouts from any education degree end up with rates of return lower than the rates associated with the immediately preceding education level.  相似文献   

Human capital equations are estimated for males and females in Australia, which express earnings as the product of endowments and the return on these endowments. The results are used to examine the effect of discrimination on the difference in the average earnings. The effect of occupational segregation on the earnings of women is also examined.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the effects of school starting age (SSA) on educational attainment and labor market outcomes by using unique urban adult twins data from China. Ordinary least squares (OLS) estimates indicate that late enrollment in primary school lowers years of education, earnings, wage rate, and probability of employment. However, when we use the within-monozygotic (MZ)-twin fixed effects method to exclude unobservable endowments and family factors, the effects of SSA on years of education become less negative. For earnings, wage rate, and the probability of employment, the within-twin fixed effects estimates become insignificant. The results indicate that a one-year delay in primary school starting age lowers schooling by 0.51 years but does not affect earnings, wage rate, or probability of employment. The difference between OLS and within-MZ-twin fixed effects estimates indicates that the negative return to SSA is due to unobservable family variables and omitted individual-specific endowments. We further find that the earlier primary school starters fail to obtain a level of education with high return. Specifically, early birds do not have a high probability of getting a vocational school degree or above.  相似文献   

The English Language Fluency And Earnings Of Ethnic Minorities In Britain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study addresses two issues. First it estimates how much of the male and female ethnic earnings gap is the result of an advantage in the English language and whether there is an earnings penalty to non–whites, over and above this. Lack of fluency is shown to have a highly significant impact on the earnings of ethnic minorities in Britain, although the language penalty is much greater for women than it is for men. Moreover, only foreign born non–white males that have arrived in Britain between 1970 and 1994, exhibit lower earnings once language fluency is taken into consideration, whilst British born females exhibit higher earnings. So the evidence here suggests that non–white earnings are assimilating towards those of whites and that lower female non–white earnings are a direct result of a lack of fluency rather than ethnicity. Secondly, the study will try to measure any endogenous bias associated with the non–fluency earnings penalty. Controlling for the endogeneity between language fluency and earnings is shown to be problematic. Estimates suggest that single equation earnings functions slightly underestimate the true language fluency penalty for males, and slightly overestimate the fluency penalty for females. Finally, education and fluency are not surprisingly shown to be complementary.  相似文献   

The paper analyses students' expectations of earnings with and without higher education at three career points: at entry to the labour force, at the five year point, and career peak, constructing paths of expected earnings. The estimated expected internal rates of return to investment in different types of higher education are quite high. Considering ratios of expected peak-year to entry earnings, the highest gradient is in the case of specialised/professional education. Similarly for the case of students of urban origin as compared with those of semi-urban or rural origin. Likewise, the gradient is relatively high in the case of students with an English medium of study compared with the case of students with Punjabi or Hindi. As expected, the gradient is higher for those who aspire to higher education than those who do not, in all three types of higher education. The association between expected peak earnings and the proportion of gains in earnings that take place in the first five years is negative in all cases; only expectations of sustained growth in earnings lead to the highest predicted peak earnings levels. The regression results suggest that socio-economic background, social capital, ability, and school-related variables significantly influence the formation of expectations about earnings.  相似文献   

Estimating returns to education using twins in urban China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper empirically estimates the return to education using twins data that the authors collected from urban China. Our ordinary least-squares estimate shows that one year of schooling increases an individual's earnings by 8.4%. If we use a within-twin fixed effects model, the return is reduced to 2.7%, but rises to 3.8% after the correction of measurement error. These results suggest that a large portion of the estimated returns to education is due to omitted ability or the family effect. We further investigate why the true return is low and the omitted ability bias high, and find evidence showing that it may be a consequence of China's education system, which is highly selective and exam oriented. More specifically, we find that high school education may mainly serve as a mechanism to select college students, but as a human capital investment per se it has low returns in terms of earnings. In contrast, both vocational school education and college education have a large return that is comparable to that found in the United States.  相似文献   

The human capital orthodoxy has it that education is an investment, not only for the individual undertaking it but also for society when it devotes scarce resources to it The return to society on that investment is seen mainly in terms of the enhanced productive contribution made by more-educated workers. The measure of that greater contribution most often used by economists is the extra earnings the more-educated on average receive This paper re-examines the available evidence of links between education and productivity (and between earnings and productivity) and finds it to be inconclusive.  相似文献   

With significant increases in the demand for higher education in New Zealand since the 1980s, the question of the size of the returns to investments in education has been of significant interest. Despite this interest, studies have been few in number and based on aggregated measures from the 1960s to 1981. This study is the first to utilise micro-level data from the 1991 New Zealand Census. The study employs and compares the conventional methods of regression earnings functions, and internal rate of return analyses of private and social rates of return. The results indicate that returns to education are economically significant, at rates that are higher for females, even when adjusting for hours of work and female labour force participation differences. The returns are subject to diminishing returns, and social rates of return are 1 per cent to 3 per cent lower than private returns—a result that is consistent with those of OECD countries, but among the smaller differences by international standards .  相似文献   

The earnings and occupational task requirements of immigrants to Canada are analyzed. The growing education levels of immigrants in the 1990s have not led to a large improvement in earnings as one might expect if growing computerization and the resulting technological change was leading to a rising return to non‐routine cognitive skills and a greater wage return to university education. Controlling for education, we find a pronounced cross‐arrival cohort decline in earnings that coincided with cross‐cohort declines in cognitive occupational task requirements and cross‐cohort increases in manual occupational task requirements. The immigrant earnings outcomes had only a small effect on overall Canadian earnings inequality.  相似文献   

It is invariably difficult to estimate the rate of return to university education, because of the problem of omitted variable bias. Using a regression discontinuity design, we estimate the effect of a four‐year university education on earnings, and we explore the pathways through which the effect operates. Our estimation exploits the centralized, score‐based college/university admission system in China, where the minimum scores required for university admission are externally determined by the provincial governments. Our findings suggest that being eligible for four‐year university admission implies a sizable increase in earnings. The payoff can be attributed to the prolonged length of education and improvements in education quality, although the quality effects cannot be precisely estimated.  相似文献   

This paper estimates a family fixed‐effects model to test whether parental educational investments are reinforcing or compensating differences in child height and body mass index (BMI) within Oportunidades households. The results indicate that allocations are not made in response to endowment differences in isolation, but depend on the interaction of child endowment, gender, and beneficiary status. Moreover, investments are made so as to counterbalance efficiency and equity considerations: widening differences in height but closing gaps in BMI, where both strategies maximize returns given the earnings–endowment function for height and BMI in Mexico. Finally, household socio‐economic status matters. Thus, discriminatory responses within the better‐off urban beneficiary households are smaller. In contrast, indigenous beneficiary households, which have the lowest average endowment z‐scores and fraction spent on education, see the largest differences in educational outlay between child subgroups. While the economic effects seem small, these are measured relative to the mean of the base category. In some cases, then, parents are dedicating nearly a quarter of all expenditures to education for a standard deviation increase in endowment over mean sibling endowment. Hence, it seems that the success of the Oportunidades program in improving overall human capital formation may be masking rising inequalities within recipient households.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a measure of the contribution of unequal opportunities to earnings inequality. Drawing on the distinction between "circumstance" and "effort" variables in John Roemer's work on equality of opportunity, we associate inequality of opportunities with five observed circumstances which lie beyond the control of the individual—father's and mother's education; father's occupation; race; and region of birth. The paper provides a range of estimates of the importance of these opportunity-forming circumstances in accounting for earnings inequality in one of the world's most unequal countries. We also decompose the effect of opportunities into a direct effect on earnings and an indirect component, which works through the "effort" variables. The decomposition is applied to the distribution of male earnings in urban Brazil, in 1996. The five observed circumstances are found to account for between 10 and 37 percent of the Theil index, depending on cohort and allowing for the possibility of biased coefficient estimates due to unobserved correlates. On average, 60 percent of this impact operates through the direct effect on earnings. Parental education is the most important circumstance affecting earnings, but the occupation of the father and race also play a role.  相似文献   

Since the Finneston Report raised once again the question of the status and earnings of the engineering profession in the UK, there has been a renewed interest in the factors which influence the earnings of this group. This paper considers the determinants of the earnings of professional engineers, using data from a survey of professional institutions in 1981. The results of this exercise suggest that an unaugmented ‘human capital’ model can explain about 40% of the variation in earnings in the sample, in terms of differences in formal education and in experience. The inclusion of additional variables to reflect other differences in individual characteristics, such as sex, membership of trade unions, and further training, as well as factors such as location of employment raises the proportion of the variation explained to over 55%. Estimates of rates of return to education are presented based on the earnings function estimated.  相似文献   

In this study we document recent trends in family earnings inequality using data from the Canadian Census and provide insight into the various factors that drive changes in the family earnings distribution. Over the period 1980–95 we observe substantial increases in family earnings inequality. In contrast, we find that some decrease in inequality occurred over the period 1995–2005 although the earnings of the richest 1 percent of families increased substantially. We use semi‐parametric decomposition methods to show that increases in the employment rates of men and women, increases in their educational attainment, and decreases in assortative mating tended to have equalizing effects on the family earnings distribution. We also show that increases in the returns to higher education and increases in the proportion of single individuals as well as lone‐parent families drove increases in family earnings inequality.  相似文献   

利用中国社会综合调查数据,本文定量评估了高校扩招对大学教育回报率的异质性干预效应。基于“反事实”和“局部干预效应”的思想,将大学毕业生区分为扩招前不能升学扩招后却可考上大学者和即使没有发生扩招也能升学者。研究发现:高校扩招使前者收入增长了约40%,且并未明显削弱后者收入优势。这一结论在男女样本间存在明显差异,有必要通过推进高中教育质量均等化等措施保障弱势群体的高等教育权益,使扩招“红利”惠及社会每个阶层。  相似文献   

A number of researchers have investigated the effects of school quality on average earnings in the postschooling years. In this article we broaden the discussion to investigate whether school quality has a measurable impact at other points in the conditional earnings distribution. We find that in specifications that do not control for individual and family background characteristics there are differential effects of school resources on earnings. The most significant effects occur in the top half of the conditional earnings distribution. However, after controlling for a variety of demographic variables, much of the impact of school resources on earnings is diminished. Exceptions to this seem to be school enrollment levels and, to a lesser degree, expenditures: higher enrollments tend to raise the upper tail of the earnings distribution without a similar increase in the bottom of the distribution; the effect of expenditures is positive and significant for the 0.25 quantile and the median.  相似文献   

This paper uses household data from the Philippines to examine jointly household decisions on family size and child quality, using nutritional status as a measure of quality. The results suggest that there are significant substitutions away from larger families and towards higher quality children with higher maternal and paternal education. Similar but less significant substitutions occur with higher maternal occupational status, and lower child mortality in the locality. However the paper finds only limited support for the idea that parents are concerned about average child quality, since the results show that there are strong birth order effects on nutritional status.  相似文献   

范如国  李星 《技术经济》2011,30(2):81-87
利用重庆云阳县529户移民户的调查数据,对三峡库区移民户的人力资本因素与其家庭劳动报酬收入的相关性进行了分析。实证分析结果显示:移民户的各人力资本因素(包括劳动力文化程度、技能状况、健康状况、就业培训状况、劳动工作持续时间)与其家庭年均劳动报酬收入均存在显著的相关性;家庭年均劳动报酬收入的增加会促使移民户家庭加大对子女教育的年投入和劳动力医疗年支出。  相似文献   

This article on the distribution of wealth among individuals in the United Kingdom presents recent work on the effects of including pension rights and the significance of sex, age and marital status. It describes the rationale for including the accrued rights in occupational and State pension schemes (funded or unfunded) and the methods of estimation used. For funded schemes the rights are valued as the accrued liability of the schemes to their members, and for unfunded schemes similar liabilities are hypothecated; these estimates of the value of accrued pension rights involve assumptions about future earnings and interest rates. The trend in average marketable wealth with age is upwards until advanced years when it slows down or slightly reverses. Adding occupational pension rights only slightly raises the trend for females but has a bigger effect for males. Adding State pension rights raises these upward trends until the age of 60 after which there is a decline. For marketable wealth on the average males are wealthier than females but less wealthy if single, divorced or widowed. Adding occupational pension rights improves the relative position of males; adding State pension rights cancels this out. The effect of marital status rises with both age and sex and therefore a detailed three-way analysis is made. For females widows are on average the wealthiest; for young males the married; for older males the single. Using Theil's coefficient of entropy for comparing the inequality of wealth, the addition of pension rights reduces inequality by two-thirds. Age accounts for only 6 percent of inequality for marketable wealth but for 31 percent if pension rights are included.  相似文献   

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