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开放平台(标准)的出现给所有权平台带来很大冲击,也给经济学家提出了挑战.这种免费的资源提供的动机何在?它对创新活动有何影响?它会如何影响市场竞争的结果?本文提供了一个分析开放平台和所有权平台(双寡)竞争的理论模型,在考虑网络效应以及所有权平台拥有者的兼容策略选择等情形下。分析了不同平台的目标和均衡策略选择。在此基础上。我们还拓展分析了社会对不同产业结构(开放+所有权VS所有权+所有权)的选择激励.结果发现不同的参数设定会得到不同的结论。  相似文献   

制度环境、技术复杂度与空间溢出的产业间非均衡性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
制度环境作为约束区际互动的因素对于经济空间关联具有不可忽视的影响。本文系统地构建了空间溢出影响产业演化的路径体系,探索制度环境导致空间溢出产业间非均衡性的作用机制,以剖析制度影响区际经济关联的微观基础。基于中国地级地区4位数制造业的实证研究表明,地区间会通过“水平关联”“技术关联”与“投入产出关联”三条路径实现空间溢出,但受到制度环境的调节,较差的制度环境会削弱溢出效应。制度环境通过信任机制影响区际互动,对于不同溢出路径具有差异性的调节作用。技术关联和投入产出关联溢出依赖于企业间的密切互动,显著受到制度环境的调节;水平关联溢出并不一定依赖于企业间互动,受制度环境的调节作用较弱。高技术复杂度产业的发展更加依赖于具有密切技术相关性和投入产出关系的企业间协同机制,因而要求优越的制度环境支持,由此,在制度环境影响下,空间溢出在不同技术复杂度的产业间表现出非均衡性。本文结论暗含“产业促进政策悖论”:致力于促进本地发展的政策很可能因为扭曲制度环境反而成为制约发展的因素。中国推进转型发展与区域协同创新需要降低区际经济互动的交易成本,设计和建设规则透明、信息畅通、政策公平的正式制度是重点之一。  相似文献   

制度质量、制度距离与双边贸易   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文分析制度对于双边贸易的影响。将不良制度和制度距离作为隐形贸易成本的两个来源.本文建立了一个包含制度变量的扩展引力模型。以153个国家和地区为样本的经验研究表明。制度质量越差,双边贸易越不活跃;制度距离对于双边贸易起阻碍作用。在制度质量变量中,影响强度较大的是市场规范程度、私有财产保护程度和货币政策:在制度距离变量中。工资控制程度距离、货币政策距离和贸易政策距离的影响强度较大.上述发现对于我国今后对外开放政策的制定和调整有着极其重要的启示和意义。  相似文献   

Research Summary : Corporate philanthropy has long been recognized as an important part of multinational strategy, yet we know relatively little how charitable giving is allocated across countries. Using a sample of 208 U.S.‐based corporate foundations from 1993 to 2008, we find that the foundations give more in countries with opaque institutional environments, but they do so through international intermediaries. They also give more when the funding firms have new entries in countries with weak institutions—hence greater needs for the social license to operate—or when their operations require stronger connections with local suppliers or customers. These findings point to the use of corporate philanthropy as part of corporate diplomacy when the local institutions are ineffective and the importance of reaching out to local constituents is high. Managerial Summary : Corporate foundations play an important role in firms' charitable giving across countries. This article analyzes how foundation giving is associated with the funding firm's need to navigate the local business environments. Using a sample of 208 U.S.‐based corporate foundations from 1993 to 2008, we find that foundations give more in countries characterized by weak rule of law and high levels of corruption, and when the funding firms have newly established subsidiaries or stronger need to connect with local stakeholders there. However, donations to countries with weak institutions are more likely to go through international intermediaries to avoid potential liabilities. The results are consistent with the view that corporate foundations support corporate diplomacy and help obtain the social license to operate in the host countries.  相似文献   

公司治理合约的制度基础、演进机理与治理效率   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
最优公司治理合约是人们在给定局限条件下理性选择的结果。社会制度基础就是公司治理合约选择的给定局限条件。社会制度基础主要影响产权界定类型和界定效率,进而决定包括内生交易费用和外生交易费用在内的总交易费用以及交易效率,导致人们所选择的公司治理合约形式不同。特殊关系治理合约和普遍关系治理合约是两种典型的治理合约形式,其内生和外生交易费用的值不同。内生和外生交易费用是相互替代的,科学选择治理合约形式可以有效降低总交易费用。社会制度基础发生变化,最优的治理合约形式也将随之发生相应变化。而制度演化具有明显的路径依赖特征,简单模仿他国的经验是不可取的。  相似文献   

Carl E. Pray 《Food Policy》1983,8(2):131-140
Agricultural research in South and South-east Asia was started by a mix of private companies, commodity groups and governments. In the 1960s and 1970s, government research increased rapidly, commodity groups declined in importance and there were signs of private research growth. Recently, the increased demand for modern inputs and changes in government policy provide greater incentives for private research, but first they have to resolve a number of issues about the role private research should play in their societies.  相似文献   

我国人民币国际化处于区域化的发展阶段,这一阶段的发展目标是成为亚洲区域的主导货币,因而加强亚洲货币合作十分重要。当前我国在诸多方面参与了亚洲货币合作,但合作还存在不深入、形式松散、缺乏约束力和持续性等问题,需要进一步强化亚洲货币合作以推动人民币国际化进程。  相似文献   

This study demonstrates that new entrants exhibit higher productivity but also higher exit hazard than incumbents in post‐liberalization China. We argue this seemingly paradoxical relationship is attributable to institutional barriers, defined as the hindrance in the institutional environment that prevents market selection forces to function. New entrants require higher productivity to compensate for those institutional barriers, which in turn implies a higher exit hazard after controlling for productivity. Our empirical findings support this argument and further show that the differences in productivity and exit hazard between new entrants and incumbents become smaller where and when institutional barriers recede. By integrating economic and institutional perspectives, we highlight the importance of institutional factors in shaping industry evolution. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

制度的数学模型与制度设计的两个基本准则   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
本文根据制度的一般定义,建立了制度描述的一个数学模型,即制度可用行为集中的一条封闭曲线来描述,在此基础上,论述了制度边界的存在及其数学描述,根据对待制度边界的态度,区分了积极型和保守型两类经济系统。提出了制度设计和制度安排应遵循的两个基本准则,即制度应在行为集X中明确区分出可行集与不可行集,制度设计应尽量减小制度边界,使之趋近于零。  相似文献   

建筑市场的主体和制度环境是建筑市场的基石,只有形成合格的主体和适当的制度环境,建筑市场才能得以发展和完善,才能得以从根本上杜绝工程领域腐败和工程质量低劣的现象。  相似文献   

Kym Anderson 《Food Policy》1983,8(4):327-336
Japan is well known for its restrictions on food imports. Less well known is the fact that South Korea and Taiwan are also protective of their agricultural sectors. This protectionism began early this century when all three countries were part of the Japanese Empire, and it has increased rapidly during the 1960s and 1970s. Today, food prices in East Asia average two or three times higher than in international markets, reflecting levels of protection that rival those in Western Europe.  相似文献   

There are a number of potential pathways leading from agricultural input decisions to nutrition outcomes of farm households. These have special resonance in less developed areas of South Asia given widespread undernutrition problems, market failures and restricted access to land and other key assets and inputs, as well as ongoing debates around the implications that the green revolution has held for nutritional outcomes. A number of initiatives, including the Leveraging Agriculture for Nutrition in South Asia (LANSA) project have been undertaking research that addresses these linkages. The objectives of this paper are to systematically review the recent evidence on linkages between agricultural inputs and diet and nutrition outcomes of farm households in South Asia, place relevant LANSA research within the context of this review, and draw implications for policy, practice and the future research agenda. We focus on land and livestock assets and the set of productivity enhancing inputs in the form of irrigation, seed and agrochemicals. We report on a systematic review of recent evidence based on observational data on the links between these agricultural inputs and assets and diet and nutrition outcomes of farm households in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Nepal. We find that the literature has slowly but steadily grown since previous reviews conducted in the early 2010s, but that there is still a long way to go. Review results suggest that while there is no indication that land ownership or size by themselves have clear associations with farm household dietary or nutrition outcomes, land productivity is more clearly associated with improved outcomes. Yet the literature linking specific inputs such as improved seeds or irrigation with nutrition remains very thin. The literature appears strongest for the case of links between livestock keeping and dietary and nutrition outcomes. This is particularly the case with animals reared for milk, with the evidence indicating milch animal ownership improves household milk intakes and thereby influences the growth of children. Priorities for future research include the formulation and testing of more specific hypotheses relating to input-nutrition linkages and more strenuous efforts to improve causal identification in this literature.  相似文献   

网络参与者的租金来源与实现途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网络合作虽然可以产生协同协应,但并非所有参与者都能够从中获取均等收益。本文从网络参与者的角度分析了其从网络合作中的获益,认为参与者的租金主要来源于共有租金和私有租金两个方面,具体细分为可占用的共有租金、内部准租金和溢入租金净值三种类型。这三类租金的实现与参与者所拥有的资源基础和资源属性密切相关,可占用的共有租金是网络参与者通过资源交换、联合、共享而创造的共有租金在不同参与者之间分配的结果;内部准租金和溢入租金净值是参与者的私有资源(或非共享资源)产生的独有的、不与其他参与者分享的私有租金,私有租金的实现也与网络合作密不可分。  相似文献   

本文利用2001~2012年省际面板数据,建立固定效应和随机效应模型,考察教育因素和制度变迁因素对经济增长的影响和作用机制。研究结果表明:制度变迁因素对我国区域经济增长具有显著影响,且能够有效释放各教育层次劳动力,对劳动力的释放程度与当地经济发展水平、制度效率水平相关;中等教育程度劳动力对于经济增长的影响最显著,且各教育层次劳动力对区域经济增长的贡献呈显著的区域差异;物质资本仍然是中国经济增长的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

Asia Pacific offers a lot of promising growth opportunities, but it also presents high levels of uncertainty for multinational enterprises (MNEs). In this paper, we introduce real options theory as a theory of investment under uncertainty, and we discuss its implications for MNEs and their strategies with a focus on the emerging economies in Asia Pacific. We suggest that MNEs must recognize the various sources of uncertainty, as well as the various options embedded in their investments, and real options theory can help them structure and design their investments to benefit from uncertainty. In particular, MNEs need to develop the dynamic capabilities of managing real options in their investments to respond to the evolving economic and institutional environment in the region. This paper also provides several implications for policy makers in Asia Pacific to stimulate investment activities in the region and to help their firms venture successfully in the international market place.
Jing LiEmail:

Tony W. Tong   is an Assistant Professor of Strategic Management at the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado. He obtained his Ph.D. from The Ohio State University. His current research applies real options theory to study firms’ corporate development activities and growth initiatives. His research in these areas has been published or accepted in journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, the Journal of International Business Studies, and Organization Science. Jing Li   is an Assistant Professor of International Business at the Faculty of Business Administration at Simon Fraser University, Canada. Her research focuses on alliance activities in China, capability building of Chinese firms, and applications of real options theory to international strategy. Her research in these areas has appeared in the Journal of World Business, Advances in Strategic Management, and Managerial and Decision Economics.  相似文献   

国际电力体制改革经验及对中国的启发   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
张驰 《电力技术经济》2007,19(1):8-11,20
迄今世界上100多个国家的电力改革实践对我国电力改革有几点基本的启示。(1)电力、经济、资源、政治、社会和文化价值等多方面的起始条件不同,决定了各国改革选择了不同的路径和垂直垄断结构的分拆顺序。没有一个模式是中国可以照搬的。(2)电力改革不仅有特性,而且有共性。我国电力改革在坚持因地制宜原则的同时,必须遵守电力市场改革的共同原则。(3)按照主要的原则,我国下一步改革需要进一步明确改革的多重目的及主次关系,对症施治;加强电网发展,为电力市场提供基本物质保证;着眼于电力市场运作,无论如何分拆必须坚持电网运营与市场参与者相独立的原则。  相似文献   

Business groups in East Asia: Post-crisis restructuring and new growth   总被引:2,自引:7,他引:2  
Business groups played an important role in the economic development of East Asian countries. Yet business groups in East Asia face an uncertain future. Following the Asian Crisis, foreign creditors and investors have demanded that business groups have more transparent operations and stronger corporate governance. At the same time, as governments in East Asia have loosened trade barriers, business groups have become subject to intense competition in domestic markets. This paper argues that business groups can survive or even prosper by taking initiatives in corporate restructuring. This paper also highlights some areas for further research on business groups in this region.
Sea-Jin ChangEmail:

Sea-Jin Chang   is currently Kumho Asiana Group Chaired Professor of Business Administration, Korea University. He received his PhD in management from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Previously, he was a faculty member of New York University. He also had visiting appointments at Stanford, INSEAD, and London Business School. Professor Chang is primarily interested in the management of diversified multinational enterprises. His research interests include diversification, corporate restructuring, foreign direct investment organizational learning, corporate growth through joint ventures and acquisitions, and comparative management studies of Japan, Korea and China.  相似文献   

Central Asia has experienced massive economic and social shocks during the past decade following the dissolution of the former Soviet Union. Demand for cereals, particularly for staple cereals and meats, has fallen significantly even as production and productivity have plummeted. Although agricultural reforms were launched in 1991, the performance of the agricultural sector has been weak across the region. Prospects for food security in Central Asia appear mixed. Projections indicate that a growing and urbanizing population in Central Asia with rising incomes will increase demand for cereals by 32% between 1995 and 2020 to reach 24 million tons, and for meat by 47% to reach 2.9 million tons. Improvements in crop productivity will be essential to meet the increases in demand projected for the region. Cereal production is forecast to keep pace with demand such that Central Asia will be virtually self-sufficient in cereals. However, national food self-sufficiency or food security does not necessarily translate into household or individual food security. Moreover, self-sufficiency comes with a high price-tag of opportunities foregone and inappropriate use made of resources. Given the growing enthusiasm for food self-sufficiency in Central Asia, it is imperative that research be undertaken to assess the full costs and benefits of such a policy.  相似文献   

网络效应指产品的用户数量以及互补品数量会影响到产品价值的现象。网络效应产品进入市场时,初期的用户规模和互补品规模都会对新产品推广形成制约。目前,我国新能源汽车推广缓慢,但无论学术研究还是政策补贴都缺少对网络效应机制的思考。本文通过对当前市场中消费购买意愿的调研,证实了新能源汽车的购买选择与用户基础、互补品提供之间确实存在着所预期的直接、间接及局部网络效应。从而也表明在新能源汽车推广的导入期,优先发展互补品网络的重要性。最后本文探讨了如何克服网络效应制约的策略以及政府在其发展中可以发挥的作用。  相似文献   

Do outside directors on corporate boards make a difference in firm performance during institutional transitions? What leads to the practice of appointing outside directors in the absence of legal mandate? This article addresses these two important questions by drawing not only on agency theory, but also resource dependence and institutional theories. Taking advantage of China's institutional transitions, our findings, based on an archival database covering 405 publicly listed firms and 1211 company–years, suggest that outsider directors do make a difference in firm performance, if such performance is measured by sales growth, and that they have little impact on financial performance such as return on equity (ROE). The results also document a bandwagon effect behind the diffusion of the practice of appointing outsiders to corporate boards. The article not only highlights the need to incorporate multiple theories beyond agency theory in corporate governance research, but also generates policy implications in light of the recent trend toward having more outside directors on corporate boards in emerging economies. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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