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We propose a new estimation method for the factor loading matrix in generalized orthogonal GARCH (GO-GARCH) models. The method is based on eigenvectors of suitably defined sample autocorrelation matrices of squares and cross-products of returns. The method is numerically more attractive than likelihood-based estimation. Furthermore, the new method does not require strict assumptions on the volatility models of the factors, and therefore is less sensitive to model misspecification. We provide conditions for consistency of the estimator, and study its efficiency relative to maximum likelihood estimation using Monte Carlo simulations. The method is applied to European sector returns.  相似文献   

We study the problem of testing the error distribution in a multivariate linear regression (MLR) model. The tests are functions of appropriately standardized multivariate least squares residuals whose distribution is invariant to the unknown cross‐equation error covariance matrix. Empirical multivariate skewness and kurtosis criteria are then compared with a simulation‐based estimate of their expected value under the hypothesized distribution. Special cases considered include testing multivariate normal and stable error distributions. In the Gaussian case, finite‐sample versions of the standard multivariate skewness and kurtosis tests are derived. To do this, we exploit simple, double and multi‐stage Monte Carlo test methods. For non‐Gaussian distribution families involving nuisance parameters, confidence sets are derived for the nuisance parameters and the error distribution. The tests are applied to an asset pricing model with observable risk‐free rates, using monthly returns on New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) portfolios over 5‐year subperiods from 1926 to 1995.  相似文献   

Simultaneous optimal estimation in linear mixed models is considered. A necessary and sufficient condition is presented for the least squares estimator of the fixed effects and the analysis of variance estimator of the variance components to be of uniformly minimum variance simultaneously in a general variance components model. That is, the matrix obtained by orthogonally projecting the covariance matrix onto the orthogonal complement space of the column space of the design matrix is symmetric, each eigenvalue of the matrix is a linear combinations of the variance components and the number of all distinct eigenvalues of the matrix is equal to the the number of the variance components. Under this condition, uniformly optimal unbiased tests and uniformly most accurate unbiased confidence intervals are constructed for the parameters of interest. A necessary and sufficient condition is also given for the equivalence of several common estimators of variance components. Two examples of their application are given.  相似文献   

We consider two likelihood ratio tests, the so-called maximum eigenvalue and trace tests, for the null of no cointegration when fractional cointegration is allowed under the alternative, which is a first step to generalize the so-called Johansen’s procedure to the fractional cointegration case. The standard cointegration analysis only considers the assumption that deviations from equilibrium can be integrated of order zero, which is very restrictive in many cases and may imply an important loss of power in the fractional case. We consider the alternative hypotheses with equilibrium deviations that can be mean reverting with order of integration possibly greater than zero. Moreover, the degree of fractional cointegration is not assumed to be known, and the asymptotic null distribution of both tests is found when considering an interval of possible values. The power of the proposed tests under fractional alternatives and size accuracy provided by the asymptotic distribution in finite samples are investigated.  相似文献   

By means of a straightforward application of empirical process theory, we show that S-estimators of multivariate location and covariance are asymptotically equivalent to a sum of independent vector and matrix valued random elements respectively. This provides an alternative proof of asymptotic normality of S-estimators and clearly explains the limiting covariance structure. It also leads to a relatively simple proof of asymptotic normality of the length of the shortest α-fraction.  相似文献   

Estimation of the parameters of an autoregressive process with a mean that is a function of time is considered. Approximate expressions for the bias of the least squares estimator of the autoregressive parameters that is due to estimating the unknown mean function are derived. For the case of a mean function that is a polynomial in time, a reparameterization that isolates the bias is given. Using the approximate expressions, a method of modifying the least squares estimator is proposed. A Monte Carlo study of the second-order autoregressive process is presented. The Monte Carlo results agree well with the approximate theory and, generally speaking, the modified least squares estimators performed better than the least squares estimator. For the second-order process we also considered the empirical properties of the estimated generalized least squares estimator of the mean function and the error made in predicting the process one, two and three periods in the future.  相似文献   

The generalized least squares estimator for a seemingly unrelated regressions model with first-order vector autoregressive disturbances is outlined, and its efficiency is compared with that of an approximate generalized least squares estimator which ignores the first observation. A scalar index for the loss of efficiency is developed and applied to a special case where the matrix of autoregressive parameters is diagonal and the regressors are smooth. Also, for a more general model, a Monte Carlo study is used to investigate the relative efficiencies of various estimators. The results suggest that Maeshiro (1980) has overstated the case for the exact generalized least squares estimator, because, in many circumstances, it is only marginally better than the approximate generalized least squares estimator.  相似文献   

If an arbitrarily positive eigenvector is repeatedly premultiplied by a positive matrix, then the result tends towards a unique, positive (Frobenius) eigenvector. Brady has demonstrated that the expected absolute magnitude of the estimate of the second largest eigenvalue of a positive random matrix (with identically and independently distributed entries) declines monotonically with the increasing size of the matrix. Hence, the larger the system is, the faster is the convergence. Molnár and Simonovits examined Brady's conjecture in the case where entries of a stochastic matrix are close to 1/n. We prove this hypothesis for any stochastic and positive matrix.  相似文献   

Ornstein–Uhlenbeck models are continuous-time processes which have broad applications in finance as, e.g., volatility processes in stochastic volatility models or spread models in spread options and pairs trading. The paper presents a least squares estimator for the model parameter in a multivariate Ornstein–Uhlenbeck model driven by a multivariate regularly varying Lévy process with infinite variance. We show that the estimator is consistent. Moreover, we derive its asymptotic behavior and test statistics. The results are compared to the finite variance case. For the proof we require some new results on multivariate regular variation of products of random vectors and central limit theorems. Furthermore, we embed this model in the setup of a co-integrated model in continuous time.  相似文献   

According to Frobenius, a positive matrix possesses a unique positive eigenvector which belongs to a positive eigenvalue. This eigenvalue is of the largest absolute magnitude and the matrix admits no other positive eigenvector. If an arbitrary positive vector is repeatedly premultiplied by such a matrix, then the result tends towards this positive eigenvector. It is the second largest eigenvalue that determines the speed of convergence. The estimate of the second eigenvalue of a purely random flow coefficient matrix shows that its expected absolute magnitude declines monotonically with the size of the matrix. Hence, the larger the system is the faster is the convergence. A prescribed exactness of the eigenvector (of equilibrium prices or quantities) will be reached after a few—perhaps just a couple of—iterations in a large system.  相似文献   

Here we present a proof of the asymptotic normality of least squares estimates for stable multivariate autoregressive models excited by a deterministic second order input signal.  相似文献   

随机波动率模型由于放松了Black-Sholes模型的假定而更符合市场情况,因此成为研究金融衍生品定价的热点。Heston随机波动率不同于其他随机波动率模型之处在于其存在闭形式解。Heston期权定价模型在应用中需要确定五个待估参数,此问题通常比较困难。本文采用模拟退火算法并利用最小化残差平方和来估算,该算法以一定概率跳出局部极小值,从而以概率1收敛到全局极小值,最终得到Heston模型的待估参数。在实证研究中,本文利用香港恒生股票指数期权在2010年10月15日交易的数据,得到待估参数,并用该参数对2010年10月18日期权进行了模拟定价。  相似文献   

Monte Carlo Evidence on Cointegration and Causation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The small sample performance of Granger causality tests under different model dimensions, degree of cointegration, direction of causality, and system stability are presented. Two tests based on maximum likelihood estimation of error-correction models (LR and WALD) are compared to a Wald test based on multivariate least squares estimation of a modified VAR (MWALD). In large samples all test statistics perform well in terms of size and power. For smaller samples, the LR and WALD tests perform better than the MWALD test. Overall, the LR test outperforms the other two in terms of size and power in small samples.  相似文献   

Finite mixtures offer a rich class of distributions for modelling of a variety of random phenomena in numerous fields of study. Using the sample interpoint distances (IPDs), we propose the IPD‐test statistic for testing the hypothesis of homogeneity of mixture of multivariate power series distribution or multivariate normal distribution. We derive the distribution of the IPDs that are drawn from a finite mixture of the multivariate power series distribution and multivariate normal distribution. Based on the empirical distribution of the IPDs, we construct a bootstrap test of homogeneity for other multivariate finite mixture models. The IPD test is applied to mixture models for matrix‐valued distributions and a test of homogeneity for Wishart mixture is presented. Numerical comparisons show that IPD test has accurate type I errors and is more powerful in most multivariate cases than the expectation–maximization (EM) test and modified likelihood ratio test.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the statistical inference on seemingly unrelated varying coefficient partially linear models. By combining the local polynomial and profile least squares techniques, and estimating the contemporaneous correlation, we propose a class of weighted profile least squares estimators (WPLSEs) for the parametric components. It is shown that the WPLSEs achieve the semiparametric efficiency bound and are asymptotically normal. For the non‐parametric components, by applying the undersmoothing technique, and taking the contemporaneous correlation into account, we propose an efficient local polynomial estimation. The resulting estimators are shown to have mean‐squared errors smaller than those estimators that neglect the contemporaneous correlation. In addition, a class of variable selection procedures is developed for simultaneously selecting significant variables and estimating unknown parameters, based on the non‐concave penalized and weighted profile least squares techniques. With a proper choice of regularization parameters and penalty functions, the proposed variable selection procedures perform as efficiently as if one knew the true submodels. The proposed methods are evaluated using wide simulation studies and applied to a set of real data.  相似文献   

This paper develops an estimation procedure for a common deterministic time trend break in large panels. The dependent variable in each equation consists of a deterministic trend and an error term. The deterministic trend is subject to a change in the intercept, slope or both, and the break date is common for all equations. The estimation method is simply minimizing the sum of squared residuals for all possible break dates. Both serial and cross sectional correlations are important factors that decide the rate of convergence and the limiting distribution of the break date estimate. The rate of convergence is faster when the errors are stationary than when they have a unit root. When there is no cross sectional dependence among the errors, the rate of convergence depends on the number of equations and thus is faster than the univariate case. When the errors have a common factor structure with factor loadings correlated with the intercept and slope change parameters, the rate of convergence does not depend on the number of equations and thus reduces to the univariate case. The limiting distribution of the break date estimate is also provided. Some Monte Carlo experiments are performed to assess the adequacy of the asymptotic results. A brief empirical example using the US GDP price index is offered.  相似文献   

A commonly used defining property of long memory time series is the power law decay of the autocovariance function. Some alternative methods of deriving this property are considered, working from the alternate definition in terms of a fractional pole in the spectrum at the origin. The methods considered involve the use of (i) Fourier transforms of generalized functions, (ii) asymptotic expansions of Fourier integrals with singularities, (iii) direct evaluation using hypergeometric function algebra, and (iv) conversion to a simple gamma integral. The paper is largely pedagogical but some novel methods and results involving complete asymptotic series representations are presented. The formulae are useful in many ways, including the calculation of long run variation matrices for multivariate time series with long memory and the econometric estimation of such models.  相似文献   

In two recent papers Enders and Lee (2009) and Becker, Enders and Lee (2006) provide Lagrange multiplier and ordinary least squares de‐trended unit root tests, and stationarity tests, respectively, which incorporate a Fourier approximation element in the deterministic component. Such an approach can prove useful in providing robustness against a variety of breaks in the deterministic trend function of unknown form and number. In this article, we generalize the unit root testing procedure based on local generalized least squares (GLS) de‐trending proposed by Elliott, Rothenberg and Stock (1996) to allow for a Fourier approximation to the unknown deterministic component in the same way. We show that the resulting unit root tests possess good finite sample size and power properties and the test statistics have stable non‐standard distributions, despite the curious result that their limiting null distributions exhibit asymptotic rank deficiency.  相似文献   

Using intuition and computer experimentation, Brady conjectured that the ratio of the subdominant eigenvalue to the dominant eigenvalue of a positive random matrix (with identically and independently distributed entries) converges to zero when the number of the sectors tends to infinity. In this paper, we discuss the deterministic case and, among other things, prove the following version of this conjecture: if each entry of the matrix deviates from 1/n by at most θ/n1+е, then the modulus of the subdominant root is at most θ/nе where θ and ε are arbitrary positive real parameters.  相似文献   

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