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综合化经营模式下商业银行的合规风险管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
牛筱颖  曹艳华 《金融论坛》2006,11(11):36-41
随着综合化经营的发展,为更有效地进行全面风险管理,一些国家开始要求银行主动合规。与专业银行相比,综合经营的银行要面临更多机构监管,合规管理难度加大。国际银行业管理合规风险的方法和机构设置尽管各不相同,但基本上都包括高管层的总体把握、合规部门的具体管理与协调以及全体员工参与这三个层次。由于我国对合规管理的重视才刚刚开始,综合化经营后的商业银行还将面临法规缺位、监管不一致、合规管理能力不够等问题,这需要银行自身加强合规意识,树立流程管理理念、切实发挥合规部门作用;监管部门也要尽快完善法规、改进三大监管机构的协调机制,保持监管的一致性。  相似文献   

一.对操作行为的法律约束和缔造忠诚理念是合规管理的主要内容,也是控制操作风险的途径 合规首先指银行必须遵守法律、法规、规章(包括监管机构及其他政府机关发布的)、自律公约、企业内部制度、行业惯例等一切规范性依据;其次是指银行必须根据各类规范性文件的变化而不断调适自身的经营行为,以确保与法规的同步。合规风险据此也可分为合法性风险和法律调控风险,其主要内容实质上是确保法律及其他规范性文件在银行得到有效实施,并借此实现内控目标和监管目标。因此,在许多文件里,常常把合规风险和法律风险混同使用。根据2005年4月巴塞尔委员会发布《合规与银行内部合规部门》文件的表述,商业银行的合规还有第三层内涵,指企业的忠诚,包括员工对银行的忠诚和银行对外的诚信,这正如法律上的诚实信用原则,实质是指对公序良俗等道义规范的自觉遵守。  相似文献   

巴塞尔银行监管委员会自2005年10日发布《银行合规职能》征求意见稿以来,历经一年半的酝酿讨论,于今年4月29日正式颁布了该指导性件,确定了银行监管关于银行机构合规问题的监管原则,并对银行的合规管理提供了框架性指导,以持续解决银行监管问题和推进银行机构的稳健经营。本作对全进行了编译,并据此对算内容进行解读,以期对国内银行业研究开展合规管理提供参考。  相似文献   

吴念鲁 《金融博览》2012,(19):40-40
银行要谋求发展,要做优、做大、做强,最主要取决于其竞争力。银行的竞争力体现在哪里?答案便是其综合实力。这里有六条准则,银行只有全部做到,才能实现自身综合实力的提高。1必须依法合规经营。商业银行的各级领导班子、董事会、高管层,必须做到依法合规。这是经营的根本。要保证依法合规,银行首先必须要使组织架构扁平化,各机构各司其职,相互协调。银行其次必须建章建制,在规章中要体现出对监管部门法规的遵守。再次,银行要把内控做好,法人治理结构做好,科学激励和约束机制做好。  相似文献   

伴随着商业银行的全球化运作以及金融创新和同业竞争的日益激烈,国有商业银行面临的经营环境和监管环境越发复杂而严格、动态而多变。要确保整个机构在国内外既定的监管框架和银行内部规章制度内,以良好的合规文化实现经营和盈利目标,完美地平衡风险与收益并非易事。  相似文献   

合规管理模式的变迁路径及其启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
肖远企 《银行家》2006,(9):34-38
从20世纪90年代初开始,不少发达国家和地区的监管机构先后出台了有关银行业机构内部合规管理的规定。2003年10月,巴塞尔银行监管委员会发布了《银行内部合规部门》的咨询文件;2005年4月29日,巴塞尔银行监管委员会又发布了《合规与银行内部合规部门》的高级文件。至此,国际社会基本确立了银行业合规管理的新模  相似文献   

合规文化是企业文化的重要组成内容.在金融行业积极倡导和开展合规文化建设.对金融行业依法合规经营,防范金融风险具有非常重要的现实意义。根据巴塞尔银行监管委员会关于合规风险的界定.银行合规是指银行在经营的整个过程中遵守法律、法规、监管规则或标准。因此,合规文化建设的核心内容应是合规管理.合规经营、合规操作。  相似文献   

进入WTO以后,我国逐步放开了对经常项目外汇收支的管制,涉汇主体经常项目下外汇交易的真实性不再需要外汇管理部门进行逐笔审批,而由银行进行代位监管。随着银行代位监管职能的扩大和深入,银行对交易主体的服务功能与代位监管职能、银行利润最大化与合规经营、被动执行和主动监督等方面的矛盾日益凸显。如何提升外汇指定银行代位监管的有效性,成为当前由行为监管向主体监管转变所面临的重要问题。  相似文献   

银行要谋求发展,要做优、做大、做强,最主要取决于其竞争力.银行的竞争力体现在哪里?答案便是其综合实力.这里有六条准则,银行只有全部做到,才能实现自身综合实力的提高. 1.必须依法合规经营.商业银行的各级领导班子、董事会、高管层,必须做到依法合规.这是经营的根本.要保证依法合规,银行首先必须要使组织架构扁平化,各机构各司其职相互协调.银行其次必须建章建制在规章中要体现出对监管部门法规的遵守.再次,银行要把内控做好,法人治理结构做好,科学激励和约束机制做好.  相似文献   

商业银行综合化经营和监管问题探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
崔明峰 《中国金融》2006,(12):22-23
近年来,我国银行业出现的与证券、保险等业务领域逐渐融合的综合化经营趋势,既对银行创新发展和经营管理提出了新的要求,也对我国金融法律制度和分业监管体制提出了挑战。银行跨行业、跨部门经营,金融业务组合交叉,关联交易增多,管理复杂,引起风险传递和风险集聚等银行综合经营风险。如何在我国现有“分业经营、分业监管”的法律框架内实现对银行综合化经营的有效监管,逐步构建科学的银行综合化经营监管模式,防范和控制银行综合化经营风险,稳步推动银行综合化经营发展,是亟待研究的新课题。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the potential effects of commercial banks' expansion into the securities business in the context of the contemporary theory of financial intermediation. The analysis focuses on the gains claimed to emerge with that expansion, particularly the gains due to information advantages and economies of scope, and on the costs also claimed to arise with it; namely, those due to conflicts of interest and safety and soundness considerations. The paper ends with a discussion on how these effects depend on the location of the securities unit within the banking conglomerate.  相似文献   

Using standard Industrial Organization tools, we analyze the relation between competition in arm's length financial markets and the prevalence of close bank-firms ties. We show how the degree of competition between financial intermediaries affects the intensity of relationships between banks and client firms, and explore the idea that investment in bank-firm relationships can be used strategically by incumbent multi-product (universal) banks to limit competition in arm's length markets. The analysis implies that reforms designed to facilitate entry of new intermediaries may actually induce incumbent banks to increase investment in relationship banking, so that regulatory entry barriers are replaced by entry barriers created endogenously, namely, there is ``path dependence' in the market structure of financial systems. This result suggests that increased (potential) competition in the financial services industry will not always destroy bank-firm relationships but, on the contrary, may actually strengthen them.  相似文献   

In this article, I try to answer three questions: (1) How do relationship lending and transaction lending vary over the cycle? (2) How do economic systems that are more “bank oriented” perform compared to “market-oriented” systems? (3) What are the consequences on relationship banking of the recent structural bank regulation reforms adopted to separate specific investment and commercial banking activities? Building on some recent evidence, the main conclusions are as follows: (1) Relationship banks protect their clients in normal downturns; (2) when recessions coincide with a financial crisis, countries that rely relatively more on bank financing tend to be more severely hit; (3) the effects of structural bank regulation initiatives on relationship banking are uncertain.  相似文献   

建立商业银行系统空间意志模型研究银行竞争力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从系统的角度研究商业银行系统及其竞争力,建立了“商业银行系统空间意志模型”,并利用这一理论模型描述国内理想的和现实的商业银行系统空间状态,解释目前中国商业银行系统中的一些经济现象。主要结论是:商业银行要想实现可持续发展必须关注商业银行系统内独立主体子系统意志的相对状态。  相似文献   

本文首先回顾了有关市场结构与银行绩效之间关系的理论文献和实践经验,并总结出四种判断标准.其次分析了我国银行业市场化进程以及对银行绩效的影响,并实证分析了市场结构、存款规模、市场容量以及外部经济环境对银行绩效的影响.最后得出结论并提出有关建议.  相似文献   

Relationship Banking and the Pricing of Financial Services   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
We investigate pricing effects of the joint production of loans and security underwritings. We control for firm and borrower characteristics, including differences in sequencing, which are important for pricing. Contrary to previous studies, when banks combine lending and underwriting within the same customer relationship they charge premiums for both loans and underwriting services. Abstracting from effects of joint production within relationships, depository banks engaged in underwriting price lending and underwriting more cheaply than stand alone investment banks. One advantage borrowers enjoy from bundling products within a banking relationship is a form of liquidity risk insurance, which is manifested in a reduced demand for lines of credit. We also find evidence of a “road show” effect; firms enjoy loan pricing discounts on loans that are negotiated at times close to the debt underwritings, whether or not the same bank provides both services. Relationship effects are only visible when lending and underwriting both occur, and are stronger for equity-loan relationships than for debt-loan relationships. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Thanavut PornrojnangkoolEmail:

State owned banking has staged a major comeback. Finding a place among the top 25 banks in the world in terms of market cap and assets apart, state owned banks have emerged as hot stocks for domestic and international investors. In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, privatization of the financial sector, which has been the major policy thrust evident in numerous countries, took a backseat with governments taking over banking institutions and providing various forms of support ranging from capital injections to outright nationalization of the global banks adversely affected by the crisis. The current crisis also may encourage governments to keep their stakeholding in the public banks in view of the need to support the vital sectors of the economy and also pursue financial inclusion that emerged as a major policy priority. This article presents a brief perspective on the comeback of the state owned banking, and also its own transformation that led to its growing acceptance and endorsements from policymakers investors and customers.  相似文献   

Internet Banking   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We use multivariate logistic regressions to identify factors affecting adoption of Internet banking. These factors include membership in a bank holding company, an urban location, and relatively higher premises and other fixed expenses to net operating revenue, higher noninterest income, and greater accounting cost efficiency than non-Internet banks. More profitable banks were more likely to adopt Internet banking after Quarter 2 1998, but more profitable institutions were less likely to be among the first movers in adopting Internet banking. Among banks with assets over $100 million, institutions with transactional Internet banking were generally more profitable and tended to rely less heavily on traditional banking activities. For banks with less than $100 million in assets, there was no statistical difference in profitability among mature Internet and non-Internet banks, but de novo Internet banks were significantly less profitable than non-Internet de novos.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The banking sector is subject to explicit taxation and to bank regulation and supervision with quasi-fiscal implications. The assignment of national fiscal policy rights and duties regarding international banks in the EU varies with the fiscal instrument and with whether the international bank owns foreign branches or subsidiaries. Decentralized national policy-making in the EU gives rise to fiscal burdens on banks that differ internationally and with the national origin of banks in the same country. This paper discusses the international aspects of the overall fiscal regime facing banks in the EU and it evaluates some avenues for reform.  相似文献   

本文以银行发展为因变量,银行监管系列措施为自变量,影响银行发展的其他重要因素为控制变量,构建了银行发展与银行监管的关系模型,利用数十个国家的数据实证检验了银行发展与银行监管的关系.结果表明:银行业外部治理和监管部门独立性均能够显著促进银行发展;资本监管和官方监管对银行发展的作用不明显,银行业务活动的过高限制不利于银行长...  相似文献   

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