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价格的变动既能促进消费又能抑制消费。2003年9月以来价格迅速上涨,主要是部分行业固定资产投资规模过大、增幅过高和农业生产积极性下降造成的,已经引起了党和国家的高度重视,并采取了一系列宏观调控措施,预计近期内将在此前较高的价位上小幅平稳上升。2004年市场物价涨幅在4%左右,小于居民收入增长水平,仍在可承受范围内,除低收入群体外,不会影响居民的正常消费。从长远观点看,今后如能适当控制,有利于投资环境的改善、就业机会的增加、居民收入的增加,有利于消费结构的改善、消费水平的提高。 相似文献
在房价上涨助推通货膨胀理论分析的基础上,采取VAR和条件均值模型对房价上涨是否助长了通货膨胀以及货币政策的切入时机进行实证分析。结果显示,房价上涨通过影响总需求对通货膨胀有正向推动作用,房价上涨超过5%的6个月后存款准备金率上调,超过10%的12个月后利率上调。对此,提出积极调控房价并适时调整货币政策的建议。 相似文献
在供给大于需求,买方占主动权,竞争又十分激烈的市场上,企业首先提价存在着很大风险。因此,企业要多方考虑、慎重安排。比较好的做法是变压力为动力,挖掘企业自身的潜力以抵消成本上升的压力。同时企业尽可能以边际成本为低线,在经营弹性较高产品时不提价,或适当的降价,以争取更多的销量,从而减少成本提升给企业带来的不利影响。即便是企业不得已提价,也要灵活运用不同的提价方式,从而使企业的经营不受影响,甚至有所改善。 相似文献
近两个月来.钢价快速震荡走高.累积涨幅已达500~600元:这里面既有成本的推动.也有通胀预期的推手.同时需求的明显放大也是事实。然而,不容回避的是.价格上涨到目前的高位已经对人们的神经起到了刺激作用.市场风险开始显现。记者日前采访有关业内人士.他们认为.上半年国内钢价整体走势还将震荡走高.但后期压力将逐步加大. 相似文献
11月份.随着世界经济继续向好.国际贸易有明显起色.航运市场开始回暖.个别船型甚至大幅攀升。波罗的海干散货运价指数(BDI)最高值已冲至4660点。加之四季度是传统旺季,干散货和石油等大宗贸易需求强劲.世界航运市场终于一扫持续一年多的阴霾.有力提升市场信心。 相似文献
三季度是国内造船板市场的传统淡季.并且造船市场接单持续低迷的压力可能会进一步在用钢上显现:另一方面。过剩的产能始终会对价格运行形成较大压力.而出口退税率上调对出口的拉动比较有限,加上钢材市场整体可能在三季度进行调整,造船板市场三季度整体压力依然不减,价格上行阻力较大。 相似文献
《Journal of Retailing》2015,91(1):125-139
Consumers increasingly rely on Internet price comparison sites (PCS) to gain knowledge about the market. The prices generated by a PCS search can act as contextual reference prices and influence the attractiveness of prices encountered later as consumers shop offline at local stores. This paper demonstrates that both PCS retailer ratings and the shape of the PCS price distribution influence the impact of PCS search results on later price evaluations. A favorable PCS retailer rating increases the perceived validity of the price associated with that retailer, enhancing the impact of that PCS price on offline price evaluations (Study 1). The shape of the PCS price distribution can also influence later price evaluations, however this effect depends on the information provided by the PCS retailer ratings. When PCS retailer ratings are similar, implying similar validity for the associated prices, low PCS prices and those appearing more frequently in the PCS price distribution have more impact (Studies 2 and 3). When PCS retailer ratings are variable (some high and some low), the PCS price distribution effect occurs only when the PCS retailer ratings provide congruent information about price validity — that is, the most frequent price is offered by retailers with more favorable ratings. Study 3 shows that price validity inferences do mediate this result. Finally, we depart from the offline shopping context to show that when consumers choose a retailer directly from the PCS search results, the effect of PCS retailer ratings is stronger for high-priced retailers and for consumers who rely less on the retailer price as a heuristic to infer retailer service level. Based on our findings we offer insights for online and offline retailers when considering strategic responses, such as price matching guarantees. 相似文献
Chr Hjorth-Andersen 《Journal of Consumer Policy》1987,10(3):267-281
Ignorant consumers quite often face a risk when they purchase a brand of some commodity. Three types of risks are considered: financial risk, performance risk, and physical risk. It is attempted to quantify these risks using data fromConsumer Reports. Consumers may try to avoid these risks by buying high-priced brands, thus using price as a risk indicator. The major purpose of the paper is to investigate whether in fact price is a good risk indicator.
Chr. Hjorth-Andersen is Associate Professor at the Institute of Economics, University of Copenhagen, Studiestraede 6, 1455 Copenhagen K, Denmark. Financial support from the Danish Council for Social Science Research is gratefully acknowledged. Programming assistance was ably provided by Timm Larsen and data collection by Kirsten Thune. The paper has benefited from comments from a number of colleagues as well as from two anonymous referees and the Editor. 相似文献
Der Preis als Risiko-Indikator
Zusammenfassung Verbraucher haben häufig keine gute Kenntnis von der Qualität einer Produktmarke, die sie gerade kaufen wollen, sondern empfinden eher ein gewisses Risiko beim Kauf. Anhand von Daten aus der amerikanischen TestzeitschriftConsumer Reports der Jahre 1975 bis 1985 läßt sich abschätzen, daß ungefähr 1% der üblichen Konsumgüter nicht akzeptable Produkte sind. Für Konsumenten mag es rational sein, eine teurere Produktvariante zu kaufen, um dieses Risiko zu vermeiden. Der vorliegende Beitrag geht der Frage nach, ob das tatsächlich eine erfolgreiche Einkaufs-Strategie ist. Berücksichtigt werden dabei allerdings nur die objektiven Risiko-Komponenten wie funktionale oder gesundheitliche Risiken, denn für psycho-soziale Risiken gibt es keine Daten.Analysiert man diejenigen Marken, die inConsumer Reports als nicht akzeptable bewertet wurden, so zeigt sich, daß der Preis tatsächlich ein Risiko-Indikator sein kann — vorausgesetzt allerdings, die Konsumenten kennen diejenigen Produkte, bei denen es nicht-akzeptable Varianten gibt.Ein zweiter Ansatz besteht in der Analyse derjenigen Produktmerkmale, die inConsumer Reports zu der Teilbewertung sehr schlecht geführt haben und die einem Käufer vermutlich unliebsame Überraschungen bereiten werden. Daten für über 2,000 Produktvarianten und 13,500 (Teil-)Bewertungen aus der Zeit von 1978 bis 1980 zeigen, daß das Risiko, eine Marke mit mindestens einem Merkmal mit der Teilbewertung sehr schlecht zu erhalten, tatsächlich mit steigenden Preis abnimmt — wenn auch nicht sehr stark.
Chr. Hjorth-Andersen is Associate Professor at the Institute of Economics, University of Copenhagen, Studiestraede 6, 1455 Copenhagen K, Denmark. Financial support from the Danish Council for Social Science Research is gratefully acknowledged. Programming assistance was ably provided by Timm Larsen and data collection by Kirsten Thune. The paper has benefited from comments from a number of colleagues as well as from two anonymous referees and the Editor. 相似文献
This paper estimates a collection of high-frequency informational efficiency metrics by constructing a unique Eurodollar futures data set with the complete messaging history. To capture price efficiency, this paper calculates the mid-quote return autocorrelations following a full range of time intervals. The findings suggest the mid-quote return autocorrelations are positive and gradually increase from the tick-level to 30-min. Then, I utilize a vector autoregression to estimate the pricing error, which shows the adjustment time of trade returns is completed in 1 s. Furthermore, trade prices are less sensitive about incorporating any available new information as the Eurodollar futures approaches its maturity. 相似文献
商店整体形象是商店在消费者心目中的定位,是一个零售商差异化竞争对手、影响消费者惠顾行为的一个关键因素,而价格形象是构成商店整体形象的要素之一。本文回顾了商家价格促销对商店价格形象影响方面的文献,并在此基础上提出了未来相关研究方向的建议。 相似文献
Novel, unique, or otherwise disfluent fonts are often used to draw consumer attention. However, disfluent fonts may also create metacognitive processing challenges. Therefore, consumers may devote more cognitive resources to process disfluent price fonts and will consequently be more likely to accurately recall and anchor on disfluent price displays when forming their future price expectations. Three experiments demonstrate that disfluent sale prices can reduce future price expectations, while disfluent manufacturer-suggested retail prices (MSRPs) can increase future price expectations. Additionally, price recall accuracy mediates the effect. Moderation analysis demonstrates that disfluent MSRP displays are more likely to affect price-conscious and less-involved consumers. 相似文献
Fixed-asset investment prices:8.6% 1' Prices indices of fixed-asset investment rose 8.6 percent year-on-year in the first quarter,said the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on April 23.This NBS report represents for the first time that fixed-asset investment prices indices were re- ported on a quarterly basis;previously,the index was calculated once a year. Driven by rises of building material prices and labor costs,the cost of construction and in- stallation engineering,which represents about 60 percent of total expenditures on fixed assets,went up 12.4 percent. 相似文献
Fixed-asset investment prices:.% ↑ Prices indices of fixed-asset investment rose . percent year-on-year in the first quarter said the National Bureau of Statistics 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2008,(9):21-21
Prices indices of fixed-asset investment rose 8.6 percent year-on-year in the first quarter,said the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on April 23.This NBS report represents for the first time that fixed-asset investment prices indices were reported on a quarterly basis;previously,the index was calculated once a year. 相似文献
商品住宅承载着众多不同属性特征,其价格测度需要精确的量化方法.依据郑州市住宅市场微观交易数据,建立了纳入空间影响的Hedonic模型,实证检验居民偏好对住宅价格的影响效应.结果表明:考虑空间溢出的空间模型改善了回归估计效果;居民愿意为获取优质教育资源、便利交通与舒适生活环境支付住宅价格溢价. 相似文献
针对目前社会上关于房价与地价之间沸沸扬扬的纷争,在对各方观点进行系统梳理后直接研究房价对地价的弹性。研究认为:地价是一种需求价格,如今的高地价是由于高房价而产生了对土地强烈引致需求的结果。而房价的影响因素十分复杂,由于容积率的调节作用,使得短期内地价对房价不产生明显影响,房价更多地与楼盘所处的区位、面临的经济形势等经济基本面因素有关,这一观点也得到了国土资源部最新公布的一组关于2006年至2008年间,全国105个城市536个楼盘调查数据的经验证据支持。住房供给的空间垄断、异常旺盛的住房需求和地方政府的不作为是导致房价飚升的最主要原因。 相似文献