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This paper investigates the structural changes of volatility spillovers between Chinese A-share and B-share markets induced by a regulation change on February 19, 2001, that allowed Chinese domestic investors to trade in the B-share market. The empirical results of the study, using high-frequency intraday data collected from a sample of seventy-eight firms issuing both A-shares and B-shares and employing a bivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) model, show that after the regulation change, the volatility in A-shares increases the volatility in B-shares, thus increasing the risk of the whole market, whereas the latter reduces the former, thus reducing the risk of the whole market. A further investigation of the determinants influencing these structural changes shows that the following factors can encourage structural changes that reduce overall market risk: government ownership, institutional ownership, firm size, B-share proportion, and market-to-book ratio. Conversely, the following factors can encourage structural changes that increase overall market risk: dual roles of chief executive officer and chairman and the joint effect of firm size and B-share proportion.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the time-series behavior of stock returns for seven Asian stock markets. In most cases, higher average returns appear to be associated with a higher level of volatility. Testing the relationship between stock returns and unexpected volatility, the evidence shows that four out of seven Asian stock markets have significant results. Further analyzing the relationship between stock returns and time-varying volatility by using Threshold Autoregressive GARCH(1,1)-in-mean specification indicates that the null hypothesis of no asymmetric effect on the conditional volatility is rejected for the daily data. However, the null cannot be rejected for the monthly data.  相似文献   

We aim to detect the cross-border volatility linkages among gold futures in emerging markets, which still remain an untapped area. China, India, Japan, Taiwan, Turkey, and U.S. futures markets are included in the sample. The volatility linkage analyses confirm the existence of volatility transmission among the majority of the sample countries’ gold futures. This article carries vital inferences and implications for policy makers and investors. The policy making is particularly important for China, which is a relatively isolated market. From investors’ perspective, the results indicate that the risk diversification and cross-market hedging opportunities in the emerging gold futures markets are quite limited.  相似文献   

融资融券交易正式启动对我国股票市场将产生什么样的波动性影响,是学术界和理论界共同关注的焦点。本文在前人研究基础上,从我国实际情况出发,以标的证券指数——上证50指数与深证成指指数作为影响我国股票市场的代表展开实证,运用GARCH族模型,引入虚拟变量D,其中D用来刻画融资融券推出前后对我国股票市场的影响。通过建模,得出融资融券试点一年多时间以来有利于减小我国股票市场波动性的结论。  相似文献   

Volatility spillovers among the stock markets of Bahrain, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia are investigated using the concept of stochastic volatility and structural time-series modeling. The results reveal volatility spillovers, in which the Kuwait market plays the major role. It is also found that volatility in one market cannot be explained fully in terms of volatility in the other two markets, but that, out of the three markets, the Kuwait market seems to be the most influential. Some explanations are put forward for why this is the case.  相似文献   

Abstract:  We propose generalised stochastic volatility models with Markov regime changing state equations (SVMRS) to investigate the important properties of volatility in stock returns, specifically high persistence and smoothness. The model suggests that volatility is far less persistent and smooth than the conventional GARCH or stochastic volatility. Persistent short regimes are more likely to occur when volatility is low, while far less persistence is likely to be observed in high volatility regimes. Comparison with different classes of volatility supports the SVMRS as an appropriate proxy volatility measure. Our results indicate that volatility could be far more difficult to estimate and forecast than is generally believed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the volatility transmission mechanism between the futures and corresponding underlying asset spot markets, focusing on Turkish currency and stock index futures traded on the lately established Turkish Derivatives Exchange (TURKDEX). Employing multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity modeling, which allows for potential spillovers and asymmetries in the variance-covariance structure for the market returns, the paper investigates the volatility interactions among each of the three futures-spot market systems. For all market systems under study, the volatility spillovers are found to be important and bidirectional. For the stock index market system, in line with the previous literature, volatility shows asymmetric behavior and strong asymmetric shock transmission. The main implication is that investors need to account for volatility spillovers and asymmetries among the futures and the spot markets to correctly build hedging strategies.  相似文献   

There is a gap in the literature regarding the out-of-sample forecasting ability of GARCH-type models applied to derivatives. A practitioner-oriented method (iterated cumulative sum of squares) is applied to detecting breakpoints in the variance of two copper futures series. Short-, intermediate-, and long-term out-of-sample forecasts of copper future series are compared to forecasts from a benchmark random walk model for each series. Not only do the GARCH-type models dominate the random walk model, but the relative improvement is fairly consistent across series, forecast horizon, and GARCH-type model. The evidence makes clear that, with few exceptions, the forecast improvement of the GARCH-type models over the RW model lies somewhere between 20–30%. It is particularly true that for the long-term close to close forecasts, there is great coherence among the forecasts. These all fall within a fairly narrow range.  相似文献   


In this study, we examine return spillover, volatility transmission, and cojump behavior between the U.S. and Korean stock markets. In particular, we focus on cojump behavior between the two markets in order to explain the transmission of unexpected shocks. We find that the U.S. stock market causes return spillover effects in the Korean stock market, and there is significant volatility transmission between the two markets. Importantly, we find a stronger association in size, as compared with intensity, of cojumps between the U.S. and Korean stock markets, particularly during the recent financial crisis.  相似文献   


The impact of short run price trending on the conditional volatility is tested empirically. A new family of conditionally heteroscedastic models with a trend-dependent conditional variance equation: The Trend-GARCH model is described. Modern microeconomic theory often suggests the connection between the past behaviour of time series, the subsequent reaction of market individuals, and thereon changes in the future characteristics of the time series. Results reveal important properties of these models, which are consistent with stylized facts found in financial data sets. They can also be employed for model identification, estimation, and testing. The empirical analysis supports the existence of trend effects. The Trend-GARCH model proves to be superior to alternative models such as EGARCH, AGARCH, TGARCH OR GARCH-in-Mean in replicating the leverage effect in the conditional variance, in fitting the news impact curve and in fitting the volatility estimates from high frequency data. In addition, we show that the leverage effect is dependent on the current trend, i.e. it differentiates between bullish and bearish markets. Furthermore, trend effects can account for a significant part of the long memory property of asset price volatilities.  相似文献   

How shocks in one market influence the returns and volatility of other markets has been an important question for portfolio managers. In the finance literature, many studies found evidence of volatility spillovers across international markets, as well as between spot and futures markets. Although real estate is often regarded as a good vehicle for diversification, the dynamics of its volatility transmission have been largely ignored. This paper provides the first study to examine volatility spillovers between the spot and forward (pre-sale) index returns of the Hong Kong real estate market through a bivariate GARCH model. Transaction-based indices were used so that our volatility modelling was free from any smoothing problem. Our results showed that real estate returns exhibited volatility clustering, and the volatility of the forward market was more sensitive to shocks than the spot market. Moreover, volatility was mainly transmitted from the forward market to the spot market, but not vice versa.
S. K. WongEmail:

本文采用变结构Copula模型对我国股、汇市间的波动溢出效应进行研究。利用二元正态Copula函数的时变相关系数得出美元对人民币汇率与沪深300指数间相关关系的变结构点,再利用混合Copula模型分段检验波动溢出效应。实证结果表明,汇改以来,美元对人民币汇率与沪深300指数间存在着长期而显著的波动溢出效应。在次贷危机发生期间,美元对人民币汇率与沪深300指数间相关关系的变结构点增多,尾部相关性增强,两市间的波动溢出效应显著增强。因此,应加强对波动溢出传导中介的管理,减轻波动溢出效应的负面影响。  相似文献   

The time-varying volatility and volatility transmission in Asian foreign exchange markets are investigated in this paper. It has been found that the time-varying volatility and volatility transmission are all prominent in these markets. Moreover, variance simulation is carried out and the structure of covariance matrices examined, revealing the characteristics of Asian foreign exchange markets and offering explanations to the findings.  相似文献   


This article intensively studies the stock market volatility spillover effects between China and the countries along the Belt and Road (B&R) based on the covered selection of Morgan Stanley Capital International Inc (MSCI) index by using multiplicative error model to measure stock market volatility with daily price range. The results show that during the whole sample period, there are bilateral linkages of volatility between the stock markets of China and all of B&R countries. Most of B&R and China’s markets are sensitive to positive news but the asymmetry is trivial. Financial crisis intensified the volatility spillover effects across countries while the markets’ volatilities tend to be influenced by the negative shocks from foreign markets. The B&R markets as risk absorbers exhibit significant sensitivities to the negative news from Chinese market during the crisis period.  相似文献   

Using a multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH-M) model, we investigate volatility spillovers in six Southeast Asian stock markets around the time of the 1997 Asian crisis. We focus on interactions with the U.S. market as a world financial market, and with the Japanese market as a regional financial market. We also use bivariate GARCH-M models to examine the behavior of individual markets and their interactions with other markets in the region. All models lend support to the idea of the "Asian contagion," which started in Thailand and rapidly spread to other markets.  相似文献   

中国股票市场波动性研究:模型选择及实证   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以日收盘数据计算出的市场日收益率作为研究的基础数据,利用准极大似然估计方法QML估计三种ARCH类模型(GARCH、T-GARCH和E-GARCH)对中国股市波动性与稳定性的运行效果进行了实证研究的结果,得出EGARCH(1,1)模型是最优的拟合模型。运用最优模型实证发现中国股市不仅波动性很大,而且波动是不对称的。  相似文献   

We find evidence of significant volatility co-movements and/or spillover from different financial markets to the forex market in India. Among a large number of variables examined, volatility spillovers from domestic stock, government securities, overnight index swap, Ted spread and international crude oil markets to the foreign exchange market are found to be significant. There is evidence of asymmetric reactions in the forex market volatility. Comparisons between pre-crisis and post-crisis volatility indicate that the reform measures and changes in financial markets microstructure during the crisis period had significant impact on volatility spillover. During the post-crisis period, the lagged volatility component that represents persistent or fundamental changes had significant spillover effect on forex volatility, rather than the temporary shocks component. There is evidence of a decline in the asymmetric response in the forex volatility during the post-crisis period in India.  相似文献   

针对有偏厚尾金融随机波动模型难以刻画参数的动态时变性及结构突变的问题,设置偏态参数服从 Markov 转换过程,采用贝叶斯方法,构建带机制转移的有偏厚尾金融随机波动模型,考量股市不同波动状态间的机制转移性,捕捉股市间多重波动特性。通过设置先验分布,实现模型的贝叶斯推断,设计相应的马尔科夫链蒙特卡洛算法进行估计,并利用上证指数进行实证。结果表明:模型不仅刻画了股市的尖峰厚尾、杠杆效应等特性,发现收益率条件分布的偏度参数具有动态时变性,股市波动呈现出显著的机制转移特性,而且证实了若模型考虑波动的不同阶段性状态后,将降低持续性参数向上偏倚幅度的结论。  相似文献   

This paper applies a set of GARCH models to investigate the three characteristics, including time persistence, leverage effect, and risk premium, of the volatilities of the four China Securities Index (CSI) fund indices. This study made the following four findings: (1) a strong ARCH effect exists in the returns; (2) time persistence is significant in all the CSI fund indices, namely, "stock index," "hybrid index," and "bond index" in descending order of significance; (3) the leverage effect is not statistically significant, yet there may be a positive leverage effect on the bond funds; (4) a risk premium effect exists in the open-end fund market, especially in the bond fund market.  相似文献   

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