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许海丽 《商场现代化》2006,(32):211-212
在职场上,很多求职者关注更多的是如何在应聘时“包装”自己,营造良好的个人形象,而忽略了应聘前的准备工作,盲目地跑现场、投简历,结果往往不能如愿,甚至屡应屡败。求职应聘,只有知己知彼,才能成功。  相似文献   

当市场经营环境发生改变后,关系营销成为目前学者研究和企业实践的热门话题。统治市场营销领域40多年的基于交易营销的市场营销的基本研究范式,会被交易营销替代吗?本文从理论基础,创新度,实践的可行性方面,对该话题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

秋前 《中国广告》2010,(6):156-156
“知己知彼,百战不殆。”道理人人都懂,但难就难在如何“知”,百度搜索营销“知而后行”的战略,为此提供了一套有效的方法。  相似文献   

关系营销的提出是市场营销学研究范式的根本转变 ,但是关系营销的应用也受约束条件的制约 ,因此关系营销并不能完全取代交易营销 ;另一方面 ,单纯的交易营销模式也有很多缺陷 ,在人逐渐成为营销中心的社会里 ,交易营销的应用很明显会受到严重限制。因此现实中需要有一种中间状态的营销模式来避免二者的局限性 ,这种模式就是本文讨论的关系约束型交易营销模式。关系约束型交易营销模式力求在不违背关系营销思想的前提下综合考虑眼前利益与长远发展 ,以实现约束条件既定下的营销绩效最优。  相似文献   

关系营销与交易营销的整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
交易营销理论受到关系营销理论越来越严重的批判,大有被关系营销取代之势。笔者认为,关系营销关注于顾客的价值获得,交易营销关注于企业的操作策略,两者应该相整合,在整合关系营销的顾客价值和顾客信息的基础上设计企业的具体营销策略:明确价值前提,确定客户群;创造价值;价值定价;交付价值;管理和保持顾客的满意。  相似文献   

外贸行业的特殊性必然要求企业的营销推广渠道多样化.本文从外贸营销的特点出发,在分析目前行业中所存在营销推广难题的基础上,提出外贸多元化营销战略的解决方案.企业通过建立营销型网站并进行搜索引擎优化,同时结合传统的展会和邮件营销,运用多元化渠道的营销战术可以提高企业的曝光率,从而带来询盘,实现营销推广效益的最大化.  相似文献   

交易营销理论受到关系营销理论越来越严重的批判,大有被关系营销取代之势。笔者认为,关系营销关注于顾客的价值获得,交易营销关注于企业的操作策略,两者应该相整合,在整合关系营销的顾客价值和顾客信息的基础上设计企业的具体营销策略:明确价值前提,确定客户群;创造价值;价值定价;交付价值;管理和保持顾客的满意。  相似文献   

罗眉 《商业时代》2006,(25):33-34
本文首先介绍了交易营销和关系营销这两种对立的营销范式,笔者通过分析顾客资产理论,发现从顾客资产的形成、发展及企业获取顾客资产的三个阶段中交易营销和关系营销能够结合。由此得出关系营销和交易营销是可以并存和融合的结论。  相似文献   

<正>业务员:经理明天又要来"公费旅游"经理人:累,明天还要下市场!这样糊里糊涂地做下去,大家都会累,啦!而业绩却徘徊不前,怎么办?且看——不久前,笔者参加了一个营销经理人论坛会。会末,一个业务员代表突然问了一个问题差点没让众营销经理晕过去,等"口力工作者们"缓过神来准备来一场批斗会时,又都戛然而止:"哦?这个问题好像也有些道道啊,可没有仔细推敲过啊。"  相似文献   


Following, and frustrating, the formative works of F. T. Marinetti, founder and fomenter of Futurism, contemporary consumers are far from overwhelmed by developments in technology and the turmoil of rapidly changing social structures, having come instead to understand, and to enjoy, such ‘future shocks’ as means of ordering and reordering their day‐to‐day lives in both shared and individual terms. Using widely recognisable yet culturally specific instances of items on offer to the public, these same trading patterns‐these communities within common speech‐are presented, against a background of multidisciplinary readings and prolific puns, as hugely flexible mechanisms, and metaphors, for the symbolic, even the biological, extension of everyday existence through the mass consumption of our industrially generated histories in tandem with our market‐led imaginings and innovations.  相似文献   

周军 《现代商贸工业》2003,15(10):30-32
<正> 老年市场,即专门为老年人(一般指60岁以上的人群)提供商品、劳务和信息的市场,国外称之为“银发市场”。目前,西方发达国家多已进入老龄化社会,据统计,这些国家的老年消费者通常能以不到1/6的人口拥有全社会1/5乃至更多的消费份额,这充分展现出银发市场巨大的市场魅力。随着我国老龄化社会的到来,我国老年市场的营销价值也日益彰显。然而相对于其他年龄层面的市场,我  相似文献   

随着我国经济的不断飞速发展,体育产业的兴起,越来越多的企业认识到体育产业背后蕴藏的无限商机,而现在企业同质化现象越来越严重,企业之间的竞争已经演化为各公司营销手段和策略的竞争.体育营销作为营销方式的一种,主要的功能就是把体育活动中体现的体育文化融入到企业产品中去,实现体育文化、品牌文化与企业文化三者的融合.  相似文献   

China's membership in the World Trade Organization further encourages foreign direct investment. Organizations establishing a multinational enterprise in China, and intending to utilize their intellectual property rights as a method of conducting their business enterprise, must be familiar with the current laws and developments regarding their protection and enforcement. This article focuses on Chinese intellectual property laws with examples of both infringements and enforcements. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

对于保险营销渠道的选择和创新业已成为我国保险业保持竞争优势的源泉.本文从保险营销渠道的基本理论出发,针对目前我国保险营销渠道的现状,提出相应的创新策略,力求促进我国保险业竞争力的全面提升.  相似文献   

对于保险营销渠道的选择和创新业已成为我国保险业保持竞争优势的源泉.本文从保险营销渠道的基本理论出发,针对目前我国保险营销渠道的现状,提出相应的创新策略,力求促进我国保险业竞争力的全面提升.  相似文献   

我国直复营销发展现状、前景及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
直复营销是无店铺销售的主要方式之一 ,在欧美倍受推崇 ,它以有别于传统大众营销的特点和优势 ,被称为“划时代的营销革命”。直复营销在我国有着广阔的发展前景 ,为此提出了推进我国直复营销发展的几点建议。以使直复营销更好服务于我国的经济建设。  相似文献   

Drawing on social cognitive theory and social network literature, this study examines how objective financial knowledge (OFK) and financial knowledge network intensity (FKNI) influence retirement investment decisions through the mediation of subjective financial knowledge (SFK). Using survey data, we find that OFK and FKNI enhance 401(k) account holders' risk‐taking and investment quality. We also find a unique role of SFK in retirement investment decisions: SFK mediates the effect of OFK on risk‐taking, not on investment decision quality. While the interaction between OFK and FKNI does not influence investment decision quality through SFK, it does positively influence risk‐taking through the mediation of SFK, which implies that OFK and FKNI serve as complements to each other in risk‐taking through the mediation of SFK. We suggest that individuals may reap benefits from financial literacy and financial network‐building programs for improving retirement investment decision‐making.  相似文献   

Game theoretic models of marketing channels typically rely on simplifying assumptions that, from a behavioral perspective, often appear naïve. However, behavioral researchers have produced such an abundance of behavioral regularities that they are impossible to incorporate into game theoretic models. We believe that a focus on three core findings would benefit both fields; these are: first, beliefs that are held by the various players regarding profit consequences of different actions are incomplete and often biased; second, players’ preferences and optimization objectives are not commonly known; and third, players have insufficient cognitive abilities to achieve optimization objectives. Embracing these three findings shifts the focus from rational decision making to how decision makers learn to improve their decision-making skills. Concluding, we believe that greater convergence of game theoretic modeling and behavioral research in marketing channels would lead to new insights for both fields.  相似文献   

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