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随着社会的进步和经济的发展,体验经济在我国已初露端倪。与此同时,体验营销在企业的发展过程中也发挥着越来越重要的作用。在体验营销的具体动作过程中,企业主要应通过其产品,服务、环境和促销,创造出令消费者难以忘怀的体验,从而取得营销活动的成功。 相似文献
面对体验营销,企业怎么办 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
体验营销是21世纪市场营销的新理念,是继服务营销后的又一种新理论。论文指出体验营销注重消费者的参与和体验,产生的原因主要是消费者的消费行为发生了变化,最后提出了企业面对体验营销的对策。 相似文献
餐饮业企业作为制造业和服务业的有机结合体,关乎国计民生。本文主要就餐饮业企业的内涵和行业特点,体验营销内涵、优势和方法策略以及在餐饮业企业的营销互动中实施体验营销的方法策略、意义等进行了分析探讨,旨在推进我国餐饮业企业开辟产品市场,获取更大经济效益。 相似文献
体验营销由于注重与消费者的沟通和互动,已逐渐成为房地产营销重要的营销模式.本文从消费心理、市场调查、场景体验、体验式参与活动等,论述了体验营销在房地产营销中的具体应用.对于开发商拓展房地产营销思路及提高营销工作的效率具有重要作用. 相似文献
体验需求时代体验营销的战略意义 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
人类社会已进入体验需求时代。体验需求要求企业实施体验营销。与传统营销方式不同的特点和规律.决定了企业只有按照科学的程序开展体验营销,才能达到目的, 相似文献
体验营销在现代企业中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
体验营销是社会经济发展的必然结果。企业应以顾客为导向,设计明确的体验主题,并通过多种方式向消费者提供体验。只有尽快把体验这一新的营销理念付诸实践,企业才能在激烈的市场竞争中赢得竞争优势。 相似文献
电子商务引发传统渠道的生存危机随着互联网的发展,特别是随着基于Web的电子商务技术的突飞猛进,跨组织信息系统、电子数据交换网络(EDI)、共享数据库的日益发展普及,企业电子商务网站、新的网上信息中介(Cybermedlarles)和创新商业模式(ASP)纷纷涌现,使得信息系统和信息网络能迅速延伸到单个消费者,生产者企业与消费者的直接交互沟通成为可能,于是越来越多的领域、行业的分销渠道受到网络的巨大冲击,传统经销商正日益式微。 相似文献
Linking marketing capabilities with profit growth 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Neil A. Morgan Rebecca J. Slotegraaf Douglas W. Vorhies 《International Journal of Research in Marketing》2009,26(4):284-293
Profit growth is one of the primary drivers of a firm's stock price and therefore is a clear priority for managers. Yet little is known about how a firm's marketing capabilities may be linked with its profit growth. In this study, we use data from a cross-industry sample of 114 firms to investigate how market sensing, brand management, and customer relationship management (CRM) capabilities determine firms' revenue growth and margin growth—the two components of profit growth. Our results reveal that these marketing capabilities have direct and complementary effects on both revenue and margin growth rates. Critically, we find that brand management and CRM capabilities have opposing effects on revenue and margin growth rates, such that a failure to examine these two underlying components would mask the relationships between these marketing capabilities and ultimate profit growth rates. 相似文献
伴随着发动机的轰鸣,一辆满载土方的黄色解放卡车快速驶来。颠簸中,卡车车头扬起,巨大的车身呼啸着冲上陡峭的斜坡;车轮疾转、尘土飞扬,卡车迅猛的翻过土坡,留下深深的车辙。突然,卡车紧急制动,在轻微的刹车声中卡车前轮疾速转向,庞大的车身在微微的倾斜中灵巧的转弯调头,随后稳稳停住。热烈的掌声响起,在一片赞叹声中,司机带着满意的笑容跳下驾驶室,兴奋的说:“真是太棒了!”——这是发生在“解放06主力产品体验营”开营仪式上的精彩一幕。 相似文献
Sam Binkley 《Consumption Markets & Culture》2013,16(4):231-249
This article offers an historical thesis on the demise of impersonal mass marketing and its replacement by personal niche or lifestyle marketing. Two parallel discussions are examined on the moral possibilities of marketing: one within the mainstream marketing establishment and the other among a countercultural network of small businesses. On a macro‐theoretical level, theories of moral identity (derived from Anthony Giddens) are used to describe the anxieties provoked by a popular failure of trust in mass marketing generally, and the significance of lifestyles in refurbishing this trust. On a cultural–historical level, the dialogue between mainstream and countercultural businesses reveals how these anxieties were addressed through lifestyles meant to affirm trust and intimacy between marketers and consumers. An analysis of the intellectual synergy between countercultures and mainstream marketers suggests an alternative to the standard understanding of cooptation. 相似文献
The authors explore social marketing applications in the Louisiana model of statewide program for family planning. The marketing concept has 4 major elements: 1) consumer orientation; 2) social process; 3) integrated effort; 4) profitable operation. Success of program and continued growth are the results of defining services needed by consumer; determining market target; taking services to customer; and emphasizing concept of selling family planning rather than giving free birth control method. Another important facet is the recognition of many participants--community agencies, the church, the American Medical Association, funding sources, and hospitals. This project used anyaltical marketing tools and defined services as human services rather than the narrow family planning services. It also extended activities to multinational environment and adapted the product offering to meet these needs. 相似文献
Andreas M. Kaplan 《Business Horizons》2012,55(2):129-139
Social media applications—including collaborative projects, micro-blogs/blogs, content communities, social networking sites, and virtual worlds—have become part of the standard communication repertoire for many companies. Today, with the creation of increasingly powerful mobile devices, numerous social media applications have gone mobile and new entrants are constantly appearing. The purpose of this article is to take account of this evolution, and provide an introduction to the general topic of mobile marketing and mobile social media. Herein, we define what mobile social media is, what it is not, and how it differs from other types of mobile marketing applications. Further, we discuss how firms can make use of mobile social media for marketing research, communication, sales promotions/discounts, and relationship development/loyalty programs. We present four pieces of advice for mobile social media usage, which we refer to as the ‘Four I's’ of mobile social media. Finally, we conclude by providing some thoughts on the future evolution of this new and exciting type of application. 相似文献
把消费者的体验深入到市场营销的领域中,体验到消费者的内心,让消费者发自肺腑的认知你的产品,就是市场营销的成功,是真正深入营销。如今体验营销已经进入了手机互动营销的时代,体验营销即是企业在市场中与顾客发生服务与被服务的那个过程。 相似文献
不久前,宝马汽车开始推行“X”之旅,让客户直接驾驶宝马在路上飞驰感受汽车性能。随后,竞争对手奔驰迅速推出全系车型试驾活动,让消费者感受豪车魅力。而本田acura也不示弱,在全国立即推出巡回贵宾试驾体验会。 相似文献
日前,由中国物流与采购联合会、经济日报新闻发展中心、安徽华菱汽车集团有限公司联合主办的“物流产业新政策对物流行业的影响——广东地区物流研讨会暨华菱汽车广东地区经销商大会”在广州番禺长隆饭店举行。会议期间,安徽华菱汽车集团领导与中国物流业专家、媒体学者就珠江三角洲——粤港澳经济圈物流业发展趋势及产业政策环境作了深入的分析、探讨和研究,认真总结了六部委“治超”政策及环保标准“欧Ⅱ对工程、物流业带来的影响, 相似文献