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技术性贸易措施是国际贸易中最常见的非关税措施,事关国内国际两个市场、两个大局。文章分析了当前国外技术性贸易措施发展态势及对我国产业的影响,剖析了我国技术性贸易措施工作存在的主要问题,提出了推动技术性贸易措施工作协同治理等提高工作效能的若干建议。  相似文献   

技术性贸易措施在国际贸易中占据越来越重要的地位,其影响也日益深远。近年来技术性贸易措施在数量、形式、应用范围、影响程度等方面呈现不断发展的趋势。本文对技术性贸易措施的发展趋势及其对我国进出口贸易的影响进行了分析总结,并在此基础上提出我国应对国外技术性贸易措施的策略。  相似文献   

文章对技术性贸易措施风险辨识与评估方法进行了理论探讨,为我国开展技术性贸易措施的风险评价,提供参考。  相似文献   

"开场白:12月6日,在中国加入WTO十周年前夕,全国技术性贸易措施部际联席会议在北京举行中国技术性贸易措施研讨会。研讨会系统总结并回顾了十年来我国技术性贸易措施工作取得的成绩与经验,深刻分析了面临的形势和挑战,共同谋划了今后一个时期我国技术性贸易措施工作的发展大计,以期不断提高服务我国互利共赢开放战略实施的有效性。本期圆桌恳谈将围绕如何遵守、熟悉、研究、应对国际贸易规则等话题展开,下面请部分与会嘉宾谈谈他们的看法。"  相似文献   

2017年7月19日,福建省标准化研究院(福建省WTO/TBT通报咨询中心)和泉州市标准化研究所在泉州市联合对外发布《福建省技术性贸易措施年度报告(2016)》.该报告针对42个福建省主要贸易国家或地区新制修订的TBT措施和SPS措施进行汇总,对福建省遭遇技术性贸易措施受损情况进行分析,并对福建省应对国外技术性贸易措施提出下一步建议.  相似文献   

加入WTO后,我国一方面要应对国外技术性贸易壁垒对我国出口产品的限制,另一方面也要充分利用WTO规则建立我国技术性贸易措施体系,保护我国国家安全、维护动植物健康和安全、保护环境等。但目前我国技术性贸易措施体系还没有完全建立。通过分析技术性贸易壁垒形成机制,并借鉴欧洲经验,对完善我国技术性贸易壁垒提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

文章以欧盟为研究对象,从通报机制、资源库、单一入口以及援助计划等方面进行了归纳,从宏观层面概述了欧盟应对技术性贸易措施的主要工作内容。在技术性贸易措施领域,对于探讨欧盟如何应对技术性贸易措施的研究不多见,希望文章这一角度的研究让读者有所裨益。  相似文献   

本文以2010年的数据和信息为基础,总结分析了我国主要贸易伙伴农产品技术性贸易措施实施的重点领域,解读了重要通报措施的主要内容,并对我国农产品遭遇扣留的情况进行了归纳研究,以期为我国出口农产品规避和应对技术性贸易壁垒提供参考。  相似文献   

文章通过对近年来世界TBT和SPS通报的趋势分析、结构分析和对主要国家的聚类分析,指出食品安全与环境保护是当前和今后一个时期世界技术性贸易措施通报的重点,发达国家已基本建成安全与环境保护体系,食品安全保护重心前移;技术与经济发展水平和本国发展与保护重点是通报数量与结构的主要影响因素,并通过技术标准国际扩散的路径分析,提出了技术性贸易措施国际扩散模型,为重点跟踪分析和应对技术性贸易措施提出了依据.  相似文献   

技术性贸易措施的风险评估,是开展准确预警的重要前提,目前相关的理论与实践较为缺乏。本文在指标评价法的基础上,采用德尔菲法、层次分析和模糊综合评价等数学方法,探索建立了技术性贸易措施损害的风险评估体系,并进行了实际验证,具有实践与指导意义。  相似文献   

Drawing on the attention-based view, this study investigates the linkage of top management team (TMT) conflict to entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and the moderating effect of organizational structure in terms of formalization and centralization on the linkage. It finds that TMT cognitive conflict is positively related to EO, while affective conflict is negatively related to it. Furthermore, formalization positively moderates the linkage of TMT cognitive conflict to EO, while negatively moderates the negative linkage of TMT affective conflict to EO. Moreover, centralization does not significantly moderate the linkage of either TMT cognitive or affective conflict to EO. This study enriches our knowledge of the antecedents of EO, improves our understanding of the value of TMT conflict by distinguishing between TMT cognitive conflict and affective conflict, and introduces a novel insight—the attention-based view—to elaborate the TMT conflict-EO linkage.  相似文献   


Organizational ambidexterity is the organizational capability to simultaneously pursue explorative and exploitative innovation strategies. Studies have examined the Top Management Team (TMT) actions and decisions with the ambidextrous orientation of a firm. Further, studies have also shown that a behaviourally integrated TMT is positively associated with organizational ambidexterity. However, there has been limited research examining the antecedents to the behaviourally integrated TMT. Anchored in the upper echelons perspective, we have examined the influence of TMT processes and mechanisms on organizational ambidexterity. The TMT is observed to positively influence ambidexterity by enhancing the firm’s ability to meet the differentiation-integration challenges, and by facilitating the effective deployment of ambidextrous Human Resource (HR) architectures for employee learning. Thereby, this investigation examines the effect of TMT processes and mechanisms in enabling structural as well as contextual ambidexterity. The results from a sample of 78 hi-tech Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) across different industries were analysed using partial least squares structural equation modelling. We find the mediating role of TMT behavioural integration in the effect of TMT connectedness and TMT cross-functional interfacing mechanisms on organizational ambidexterity. However, our results show that rewards contingent on organizational performance do not motivate the TMT members to facilitate organizational ambidexterity. The results from this study lend support to the upper echelons perspective and add to two distinct streams of literature namely organizational ambidexterity and behavioural integration.  相似文献   

This study attempts resolution of certain ambiguities of the corporate elite – Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Top Management Team (TMT) – effect on corporate internationalization strategy. This work hypothesized that curvilinear relationship exists between CEO position tenure, TMT size, and TMT tenure heterogeneity and a firm's internationalization, by combining previous upper echelon theory and processing international business school perspective. Our detailed empirical findings indicate that CEO and TMT characteristics show a nonlinear relationship, based on 165 samples of Taiwanese firms operating in a technologically intensive industry. An inverted U-shaped relationship exists between CEO position tenure and TMT size regarding a firm's internationalization. These associations are an inverted U-shape, when internationalization level facing TMT tenure heterogeneity is accounted for.  相似文献   

Past research indicates that the effect of TMT functional diversity on firm performance is equivocal. We address this issue by focusing on the integrative role of the CEO, postulating that the CEO's expertise and background characteristics affect the TMT functional diversity–firm performance relationship, because of their impact on the exchange and integration of distributed knowledge within the TMT. Using a dataset of 33 Dutch and Belgian Information Technology firms we investigate the moderating role of three sets of CEO characteristics (functional background, status as founder, and shared experience with the other TMT members) on the relationship between TMT functional diversity and firm performance. Our results reveal that CEO and TMT characteristics do interact in realizing the potential advantages of distributed TMT functional expertise.  相似文献   

Decreasing research and development (R&D) can impair the ability of firms to remain innovative in the long run. CEOs have been accused of curtailing R&D investments as they approach expected retirement, yet received findings on R&D investment behaviors of late‐career CEOs are mixed. We argue that one reason for these inconsistent findings could be that traditional approaches overlook the fact that CEOs are not isolated agents in making R&D decisions. We build on the premise that CEOs interact with their top management team (TMT) when shaping R&D strategy and advance a contextualized view of CEO dispositions in their late career stages as being constrained or enabled by their TMT. We hypothesize that some TMT attributes (e.g., tenure and age) may amplify, whereas others (e.g., functional experience and education) may mitigate inclinations to reduce R&D. Our findings, based on a longitudinal sample of 100 US manufacturing firms from 1998 to 2008, provide nuanced insights into how different TMT characteristics influence CEO‐TMT dynamics, with TMT age and TMT tenure playing particularly pronounced roles. We discuss implications of our CEO‐TMT interface approach for theory and practice. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

高管团队是企业的核心决策主体,关系到企业的可持续发展。高管团队运行机制的研究应该将人口统计特征与团队过程相结合,通过建立行动导向决策模型,指出团队认知是高管团队行动的基础;团队调适是高管团队决策的重要保障;高管团队成员经过决策参与、方案议定、决策执行及决策评估完成决策过程。  相似文献   

We examine top management team (TMT) structure and characteristics as potential endogenous antecedents of outside appointments of non-CEO senior executives, an executive category that has not yet received significant research attention despite its importance for corporate outcomes. In doing so, we draw on human capital and similarity-attraction theories, thus combining two complementary managerial decision rationales. Additionally addressing the pressing need for cross-country TMT research, this study empirically analyzes a unique sample of 880 non-CEO TMT appointments at large non-financial corporations in France, Germany and the UK between 2006 and 2010. Overall, the results show that TMT endogenous factors such as structure, new executive characteristics and incumbent TMT characteristics may hold significant explanatory power for new executives' origin. Beyond the individual explanatory factors, the comparative nature of the study reveals three distinct country profiles of the degree by which the two theoretical rationales appear to influence appointment decisions.  相似文献   

高层管理团队社会网络与企业绩效之间的关系,是近年来国内外战略人力资源管理研究的热点问题之一。高管团队决策绩效是影响企业绩效的一个非常重要的因素。文章以TMT社会网络为切入点,整合管理者角色理论、信息理论、认知冲突理论以及信任理论,探讨了TMT社会网络和企业决策绩效之间的内在联系机制。  相似文献   

Prior research has produced inconsistent results on the relationship between top management team (TMT) diversity and firm performance. Drawing on the information–social categorization framework, this study is designed to investigate both the mechanism and the contextual factors underlying the relationship between TMT cognitive diversity and firm performance by examining them in a unified model so as to better understand how a diverse TMT works. Based on a multi‐sourced survey of top managers from 118 Chinese firms, this study finds that team interdependence and team cohesion moderate in the linkage between TMT cognitive diversity and elaboration of task‐related information. In addition, TMT's elaboration of task‐related information mediates the interactive effects of TMT cognitive diversity and team interdependence on firm performance as well as the interactive effects of TMT cognitive diversity and team cohesion on firm performance.  相似文献   

建立高层管理团队的时机分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵峥  井润田 《价值工程》2005,24(4):89-93
在管理实践中,是不是任何时候都需要建立高层管理团队?本文旨在对建立高层管理团队时机进行分析。首先从高层管理者工作入手,在明茨伯格关于管理者角色研究的基础上,得出并不是任何时候都需要建立高层管理团队。最后提出应根据所面临问题的难易程度和不确定性水平高低,来确定不同的工作模式,并提出了在每种模式下管理者应发挥的作用。  相似文献   

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