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The Journal of Product Innovation Management (JPIM) was launched in 1984 and over its first two decades of existence evolved into the leading journal in the field of innovation and the management of technology. During these 20 years JPIM contributed to the field by publishing 488 academic papers. This paper is a follow‐up study to an earlier study that looked at how JPIM evolved in terms of knowledge stock and knowledge flows during the first two decades (published in JPIM, March 2007). That paper looked at what was published during the first 20 years, which sources were cited, and which journals cited JPIM papers. This study takes a closer look at the impact of JPIM on the field of innovation and the management of technology by identifying the most classic papers published in JPIM during its first two decades of existence. This study used multiple research methods to identify 64 candidate potential classics from the 488 papers published in the first 20 years of JPIM's existence, to analyze how they differ from the other 424 papers published in the journal, and to investigate authors' motivations for writing these papers. Finally, using survey responses from the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) membership and other academics in innovation and new product development, the research then determines which 5 of the 64 candidate papers are considered to be the “most classic” papers published and the factors driving that determination. The findings show that classic papers are those presenting a “pioneering idea” in the field that creates buzz in both the academic and practitioner worlds. High numbers of citations are indeed the outcome of these endeavors, but being a classic requires more than having high numbers of citations. Authors of the true classics generally have worked hard to disseminate their research, usually to both academics and practitioners, perhaps also contributing to the network buzz created by their findings. While one of the five most classic papers represented the first investigation into a particular stream of research, the other four were culminations of a significant body of research, providing a distinct summary of known information on a topic at the time they were published and a clear road forward for future research on the topic. These bodies of knowledge have yet to be superseded by other culminating papers.  相似文献   

Freudenbera Nonwovens Business Group expands portfolio in interlinings with acquisition of Honsel.
The globally-active Freudenberg Group is to expand its know-how in the field of interlinings.The Freudenberg Nonwovens Business Group is acquiringthe Hansel brand interlinings business from Hansel Textil GmbH,Iserlohn,Ger-many,with immediate effect.  相似文献   

Numerous articles have been published in the Journal of Product Innovation Management (JPIM) since its inception in 1984, representing the most advanced studies dedicated to the management practice in all of the functions involved in the total process of product innovation. It is timely to draw a research profile by investigating the research patterns and development in JPIM to reflect the evolution of the field. First of all, the present study performed a text analysis of 544 research articles published from 1984 to 2005 and then developed a list of research streams. Next, each article was analyzed by coding the following information: the author's background (i.e., academic or professional), the author's country of affiliation, the research topic, the structure of theoretical framework (i.e., analog, composite, or propositional), the type of research design, the quantitative analytical technique, the types of industries, and the countries investigated in the empirical studies. The results indicated that JPIM had made substantial progress in two points. The first is the expanded collaborations of authors, which are not only within the national boundary but also across countries and continents. With such a divergence of research traditions and cultural perspectives, this cooperation offers the potential to enrich the stock of new product development and innovation management theories as well as methodologies more than single‐country arrangement. The second is a high degree of science in respect of methodology. Although JPIM has become a major journal for business research, three opportunities of knowledge advancement were suggested. The first is to reduce the domination of American and European publication and to promote article submission from developing countries. The second concerns the need of relatively broad theoretical schema and diversified research methods. The last opportunity lies in the encouragement of research on certain promising topics.  相似文献   

The Sxieter Group just released its results for the first half of 2014(H1 2014)and commented on these figures in a telephone conference.The market environment in which Rieter operates was consistently favorable in the firsthalf of 2014  相似文献   

编者按: 准煤项目的开发建设正好是在我国改革开放, 由计划经济向市场经济转变的历史时期进行的。变革时期政策的交织变化、多种因素的综合作用, 给准煤公司的设计、基建、体制、观念打上了深刻的烙印。它既有很多老煤炭企业所没有的优势, 诸如矿、路、电一体化先进的产业结构, 国外引进的现代化技术装备等, 亦有市场经济观念、效益观念淡薄落后的一面。朱镕基总理1993 年视察准煤公司时一针见血指出: “你们是现代化的技术加人海战术, 若不把人减下来, 必然是投产就面临亏损”。现在这一问题已经以铁的事实摆在了准煤公司新的领导班子面前。就是说准煤公司在基建转入生产后, 如何在目前煤炭、电力市场都处于低谷时期, 在既激烈又无序的市场竞争中, 保证企业能够生存并能蓬勃发展? 准煤公司的决策层痛定思痛, 开始了大刀阔斧的改革。  相似文献   

The results of this article support the contention that a prenotification telephone call increases the probability of response to a mail survey request. The article also discusses the practical problems associated with the use of a telephone prenotification in an industrial setting and provides a step-by-step procedure to help overcome these problems.  相似文献   

China’s retail sales maintain fast growth since Apr., thanks to the nation’s consumption-boosting policies. From January to August, the total industrial production value of statistics-worthy Chinese textile enterprises edged up 11.67 percent year-on-year.  相似文献   

中国企业如何打造国际竞争力?要素是多方面的。在这里,我们从三个主要方面来探讨。策略面企业竞争的策略必须简单、明确、可行,必须可行动,而且行动之后要有明显的效果。所以,策略绝对不是模仿,模仿就不是策略了。制定策略应注重以下几点;1、集中与选择。现在经济全球化,市场很大,大家都认为企业必须做多元化的经营才会发展。我认为多元化经营就是企业家与经营者最大的陷阱,因为你没有那么多本钱和精力。集中与选择是企业面临的重要问题。什么可以做到世界第一?什么应该放弃或者不该放弃?什么是可以选择作为可以接下去做并能在未来确保成功…  相似文献   

提高质量意识 ,争创名牌产品 ,领导重视是关键   为贯彻落实石油天然气集团公司 2 0 0 1年度质量工作会议精神 ,真正提高产品质量和市场竞争能力 ,西安石油勘探仪器总厂明确提出了主导产品争创CNPC名牌的目标 ,并将此目标作为年度质量工作重点写入总厂五届二次职工代表大会报告中 ,制定了“总厂创名牌产品管理办法” ,对活动开展的领导责任、组织安排、申报程序以及资源保证等方面作出了明确的规定。为了使广大员工特别是领导干部增强质量意识 ,总厂特聘请西北政法学院的法律系教授来厂讲解新《产品质量法》 ,全厂中层以上干部、质检…  相似文献   

随着我国的招标投标体制日益完善和健全,招投标市场竞争日趋激烈,如何在激烈的投标竞争中取胜并获得良好的经济效益,是每一个施工企业需要面对的现实问题。合理采用投标策略,认真编写投标文件,有效应用报价技巧是企业在竞争中立于不败之地的重要手段。  相似文献   

选取2000~2012年中国31个省份的数据样本,构建城镇化及其与就业、收入差距、投资、贸易等因素的交互项共同影响经济增长的面板数据模型,据此实证分析了中国及各地区城镇化与经济增长的关系以及影响机理.结果表明,中国的城镇化水平与经济增长呈显著正相关关系,城镇化成为保持经济持续健康发展的强大引擎;从作用机理看,城镇化主要通过增加非农就业和外商直接投资促进了经济增长,而城乡居民收入差距的扩大和外贸依存度的提高则抑制了经济增长.城镇化水平对经济增长的影响程度呈现从东部到西部依次提高的梯度分布,东部地区的物质资本投资和人力资本投资对促进经济增长有正向作用,中西部及东北地区第二产业对经济增长的作用十分突出.  相似文献   

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