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关注土地登记代理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
土地使用权频繁流转,登记中介代理悄然兴起对待土地产权登记,土地权利人肯定不愿轻率从事,但往往因为缺少专业知识或没有足够的时间,不知道该怎样办理。如果有一个专门的中介机构,有一些具有丰富经验的专业人员,替自己打理相关的土地登记事务,土地权利人自然会觉得省心得多。如今,一些地方正悄然兴起这样的土地登记中介代理。土地登记代理是指土地登记代理机构和人员,受土地权利人的委托,为土地权利人申请办理土地登记、领取土地证书,从事与土地登记相关的土地权属指界、资料查询、验收宗地测量成果等工作。土地登记代理机构是依…  相似文献   

律师本是利用自己的专业知识和技能维护当事人合法权益的一个职业,但作为帮助维护他人合法权益的社会法律工作者,其自身合法权益却屡遭侵害,使律师执业面临很大的风险。本文结合现行立法及司法实践,着重从律师执业风险的类型、律师执业风险产生的原因、律师执业风险防范等方面对律师执业风险进行初步研究和探讨,以期找到避免律师执业风险产生的对策,从而为律师执业营造和谐的社会环境,进一步实现司法程序及法律实体的公正。  相似文献   

土地整理是我国实现耕地动态平衡的重要手段。因土地整理收益的外部性及收益表现的延迟性更须加强其风险管理。本文基于委托代理视角审视了土地整理项目的特点,全面分析了土地整理委托代理的风险特性,从沟通渠道、评价体系以及制度建设等方面提出了土地整理风险防范和管理对策。  相似文献   

土地流转的利弊及风险防范   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
土地流转有利于各类资本要素进入农村,有利于农民获取更多的收益,有利于促进集体经济的发展,有利于加快城市化进程,有种于扩大农用土地耕作面积.但同时也存在适应面窄、受益面小、生产经营成本上升"三农"病灶未除又添"城市病"的弊端.甚至还可能产生损害农民长远利益、大规模改变农用土地用途、资本和权力勾结产生大量腐败行为的风险.因此,土地流转必须约束政府的政绩冲动,加快制定<土地流转法>,规范土地流转行为,防范风险产生.  相似文献   

略论我国土地登记代理制度的构建姜爱林土地登记代理在我国刚刚起步,除一些试点城市外,大部分省市尚未开展这项工作。但由于土地使用制度改革的不断深入和土地市场的日趋活跃,构建一个适合我国国情的土地登记代理制度就成为一项迫在眉睫的工作。本文拟就此问题谈点建议...  相似文献   

<正>注册资本登记制度改革在降低准入门槛优化经营环境、促进市场主体加快发展的同时,也对农发行信贷业务风险评估、资格审查、贷后监管等环节产生影响。农发行应通过完善制度、强化管理、抓好培训等举措积极适应新规,推进业务开展并做好风险防范。新修订的《中华人民共和国公司法》(以下称新《公司法》)和国务院批准的《注册资本登记制度改革方案》(以下称《方案》)调整了公司设立制度,大幅度降低了公司设立门槛。注册资本登记制度的改革在降低准入门槛优化经营环境、促进市场主体加快发展的同时,也必然对农发  相似文献   

近年来,全国多家农信社(含农合行、农商行)都将代理保险业务作为重点中间业务来抓,代理保险业务也由此成为了新的利润增长点,这既是扩大经营收入、提升自身竞争实力的必然选择,也是农信社系统成员应对入世挑战的重要良策。但在具体办理过程中,由于受内外和主客观等诸多因素的影响,经营保险代理业务也给农信社等机构带来了新的风险和问题。  相似文献   

丁美来 《中国土地》2005,(12):28-29
节约集约用地是现阶段国土资源管理工作的重中之重。土地登记作为国土资源管理的一项基础性工作,为国家掌握土地动态变化提供重要的信息,同时,它又是土地用途管制制度的重要组成部分,也是国土部门的一项主要管理职能。当前,研究和探索土地登记制度改革,规范土地登记行为,加强土  相似文献   

黄河滩区土地利用与防洪问题研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
黄河滩区现存的基本问题是黄河滩区旱涝灾害严重、农业生产条件较差,黄河滩区补偿政策落实不够、开发利用政策滞后,黄河滩区安全建设状况严重落后,防洪标准不足、洪水威胁依然存在。提出黄河滩区建设的总体目标、建立有特色的土地利用模式、对黄河滩区土地进行分区管理、修建引洪放淤工程、调整产业结构以及加快黄河滩区安全建设步伐等基本构想,以解决黄河滩区土地开发利用和防洪的诸多问题。  相似文献   

The study examines the strategies that people use to secure their interests in land in a peri-urban Accra customary community. In a contested chieftaincy, customary leaders sell agricultural and virgin land to strangers for residential purposes, causing conflict and altering traditional livelihoods, and the proceeds of the sales do not flow to members of the lineage group. Violence and murder, involving land guards hired to defend different land claims or to drive farmers off their land, have occurred. The case confirms theory describing the behavioural patterns to be expected during major social change typically found in peri-urban areas when government is unable or unwilling to enforce the law. The flexible, negotiable rules characteristic of customary systems can be manipulated by individuals seeking power and control over land. Accepting that customary land administration is here to stay, the case supports the view that the customary system needs major reform to incorporate local-level checks and balances on land administration to make customary leaders accountable as fiduciaries. In terms of registration usage theory customary landholders in the study area saw title deeds as marginally useful in their agricultural lands but not in family compounds, whereas for strangers registration is essential.  相似文献   

Thomas Sikor   《Land use policy》2006,23(4):617-628
Land registration has been perceived as a precondition for secure property rights and agricultural development. Yet land registration has often failed to achieve its presumed benefits. This article explores the relationship between land registration, tenure security, and agricultural development in the context of post-socialist transformations. It focuses on one key difference between socialist property and the notions underlying post-socialist land laws: socialist property law accommodated the existence of multiple layers of social control over land whereas post-socialist land legislation promotes exclusive land rights. Post-socialist land rights are exclusive in the sense that the new laws do not recognize any intermediate layers of control between the landholder and the state. The paper draws on a case study of land registration in a commune in north-western Vietnam. The research included semi-structured interviews with 65 randomly selected households and informal conversations during extended stays in the commune as well as the collection of government statistics and interpretation of SPOT images. Its results demonstrate that villagers opposed land registration and refused to comply with its rules, although registration would have strengthened villagers’ legal rights to land. The villagers resisted land registration because the new land rights conflicted with their actual land relations, which included more layers of social control than land registration could accommodate. At the same time, although land registration failed to take effect in the villages, agricultural output expanded and the forest regenerated. The findings therefore suggest the need for adjusting land registration to accommodate intermediate layers of control over land where land claims are not as exclusive as assumed by the existing legislation.  相似文献   

The significance of informal land registration in property transactions and development has been discussed at length, but there are few examples of in-depth case studies of how this information accessing and collection institution relates to them and how it may create property rights. This paper examines the nature and operation of non-governmental and voluntary land transaction registration practices in Kowloon Walled City, an ideal example of a privately-planned and developed habitat under unclear property rights due to jurisdictional disputes between China and Britain and no state protection of property rights or intervention in building control existed. Based on documentary evidence interpreted from a Coasian and Hayekian stance, it advances the proposition that the contracts the Kowloon Walled City Kaifong Welfare Promotion Association (hereafter the Kaifong Association) sought to represent as a witness built up its political credibility as a representative body. Such a role not only reduced transaction costs of contract enforcement and, hence, facilitated redevelopment, but also became that of a quasi-government land registrar due to the popularity of its witnessing service, which, under specific circumstances, served as the basis for the assignment of de jure private property rights by the state.  相似文献   

新思路解析之无锡篇无锡市人均耕地仅0.55亩,在江苏省地级市中是最少的。土地资源不足一直是制约无锡发展的最为突出的问题。近年来,无锡市坚持节约用地,在这寸土寸金的土地上,实现了经济社会的健康快速发展。2003年,无锡市以占不足全省4.7%的土地,承载了占全省6.2%的人口,产出了占全省14.8%的经济总量,平均每平方公里GDP达5793万元,在省辖市中名列前茅,人均GDP也连续多年位于全省、全国前列。把土地规划作为第一规划科学规划是集约用地的基本前提,也是发挥土地资源最大效益的有效手段。近年来,无锡市各级领导干部积极转变观念,改进工作…  相似文献   

农地流转是我国农村经济发展的必然选择,也是农村土地制度改革的方向;农地整理作为提高土地质量、补充耕地数量的途径之一,已经成为土地管理工作中十分重要的内容;对农地流转和农地整理进行了分析。并从土地集中程度、土地利用的经济效益、土地利用的成本和土地流转规模等方面探讨了农地整理对农地流转的影响。  相似文献   

林地资源与林地资产比较研究初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林地资源是林业生产的物质基础,随着我国市场经济体系的建立以及土地使用制度的完善,林地资源的资产特性逐渐为人们所重视,林地资源产权的评估、流转及其规范,成为当前林业发展的焦点之一;初步阐述了林地资源的基本内涵和属性,及其与林地资产的区别和联系;提出在林地资源利用过程中,既要考虑林地作为资源的特点又要考虑林地作为资产的特点,在两者发生冲突时,林地资产管理和利用应当服从林地资源管理的要求。  相似文献   

浅析现行土地利用/覆盖变化描述方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土地利用/覆盖变化是当前全球变化研究的热点问题之一;将土地利用/覆盖变化的描述方法分为土地利用时空变化和景观格局两个方面,分别从土地利用程度、动态变化速度、位置迁移和转换方向及来源方向等角度分析,对土地利用变化过程中的景观格局指数的变化规律总结归纳,并对指数的适宜性作以分析。  相似文献   

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