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我国目前的资产评估行业出现了很多问题,本文试图通过对中外资产评估的产生背景、立法背景、发展背景等这几个方面作一比较,来解释我国的现状。笔者认为,我国资产评估行业现状是由我国特定经济和社会环境所决定的,我们应当根据资产评估的渊源创造适当的条件,来发展我国的资产评估业。  相似文献   

我国资产评估行业发展缓慢,培养体系不够完善,存在着资产评估从业人员素质良莠不齐、执业能力偏低等诸多问题。文章根据我国资产评估人才现状的特点,针对评估人才培养出现的问题,探索适合我国国情的资产评估人才培养模式,以满足资产评估行业发展和评估人才培养的需要。  相似文献   

我国资产评估行业发展缓慢,培养体系不够完善,存在着资产评估从业人员素质良莠不齐、执业能力偏低等诸多问题。文章根据我国资产评估人才现状的特点,针对评估人才培养出现的问题,探索适合我国国情的资产评估人才培养模式,以满足资产评估行业发展和评估人才培养的需要。  相似文献   

随着我国加入WTO和资产评估行业的逐步开放,外国资产评估机构不断涌向我国。如何在较短的时间内提高我国资产评估行业经营管理水平、增强国内、国际市场竞争力,已成为国内评估机构发展的关键。笔者认为对评估机构推行ISO9000质量认证是促进资产评估机构发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

我国资产评估行业经过10多年的发展,全面提高理论研究和实践水平的任务已责无旁贷地落在资产评估理论和实践工作者的身上。为制定既符合国际惯例,又能切实指导我国资产评估行业健康发展的资产评估准则体系,从上世纪90年代中后期至今,我国资产评估行业主管部门、资产评估理论研究者和资产评估实践工作者为此付出了长期的努力。2004年2月25日,财政  相似文献   

财政部已经发布的准则和此次新发布的8项资产评估准则,正在全面规范资产评估行业执业标准.标志着我国资产评估行业统一、规范的准则体系初步形成。这是我国资产评估行业发展史上的一件大事,对促进资产评估行业的规  相似文献   

资产评估行业是伴随着我国社会主义市场经济的发展而逐渐发展壮大的。随着经济体制改革的深化,资产评估从无到有,从小到大,已经发展成为我国社会主义市场经济中不可缺少的组成部分,资产评估在国外已有百余年的历史,在我国还是个年轻的行业,经过理论和实际工作者的努力,近十年来取得了一定的成就。然而,随着资产评估行业的日益发展和在国民经济中地位不断提高,其中出现的问题也不容忽视。资产评估管理政出多门,有关政府部门按不同资产类型、不同所有制类型各自审批资产评估机构资格和资产评估人员执业资格,不仅如此,资产评估方法…  相似文献   

文章对碳资产发展、现状和资产评估基本方法在碳资产评估中的应用进行阐述分析,并提出我国碳资产评估发展过程中面临的机遇与挑战。  相似文献   

本文介绍了我国资产评估的历史,并对我国资产评估行业在曾经十年和近十年的发展进行了深刻的总结和分析,概述了我国资产评估行业的现状,提出了现阶段我国资产评估行业面临的诸多问题。  相似文献   

资产评估行业是我国发展社会主义市场经济不可或缺的基础性中介服务行业.目前该行业在资产评估相关法律制度、评估标准、评估理论技术方法、评估行业管理、评估机构和评估人员等方面均存在着问题,这些问题阻碍着我国资产评估业的发展.本文对此进行分析,并提出治理对策.  相似文献   

The competency framework has attracted interest in the business world at a time when organisations are faced with the pressing need to develop the right calibre of people and particularly their managers. Organisations have always been striving to develop the ‘effective’ manager. Nowadays the demand to achieve this goal rests on the rate of change which necessitates continuous transformation. the competency framework has therefore been enthusiastically applied as a panacea, sometimes with little thought of its potentially wider implications. the article starts with a critical appraisal of the competency framework as a basis of management development activities and presents some emerging results from current research to illustrate the arguments. Based on the above analysis, the critical issues which need consideration are then highlighted.  相似文献   

In recent decades, the United States has not only experienced great economic changes in the financial markets but also undergone tremendous social and demographic transformations. Based on the life-cycle theory of consumption and saving, Keynes’s concept of marginal propensity to save, and Friedman’s theory of asset demand, this study shows that changes in sociodemographic conditions have significant impacts on the saving behavior of individuals in the financial markets. Findings indicate that the amounts of savings held in financial institutions for transactions, precautionary, and speculative motives differ substantially among individuals with divergent socio-economic characteristics. Regression results also show that individuals with different demographic backgrounds differ greatly in their propensities to save and hold financial assest with different degrees of liquidity and risk. The author is grateful to an anonymous referee for many valuable comments and to Thomas Palumbo, Michael Davern, Stephanie Shipp, and Arthur Kennickell for their suggestions. This paper reports the results of research and analysis undertaken by Census Bureau staff. It has undergone a more limited review than offical Census Bureau publications. This report is released to inform interested parties of research and to encourage discussion.  相似文献   

陈果  王庆 《企业活力》2012,(10):36-39
知识员工的绩效考核方法应适于知识员工的绩效特征。绩效考核方法可根据考核结果受考核者决策影响程度的不同,分为主观考核法与客观考核法两类。每一种主、客观考核法在知识员工的绩效考核中各有利弊且考核的侧重点各异。今后的研究可以将重点放在探索一种结合主观考核法与客观考核法优势的绩效考核方法,或者尝试将一种主观考核法与一种客观考核法有机结合,以实现对知识员工科学、高效地绩效考核。  相似文献   

This study reviews and meta‐analyzes the literature on the social context of performance appraisal. Results indicate that aspects of rater‐ratee relationship quality (i.e., supervisor satisfaction, supervisor support, supervisor trust) are strongly related to ratee reactions to performance appraisals. Rater‐ratee relationship quality is more strongly related to appraisal reactions than appraisal participation or performance ratings. Integrating social exchange theory with procedural justice theory, this article tested whether or not the relationship quality–appraisal reactions relationship was due to relationships between relationship quality and instrumental resources for the ratee (i.e., appraisal participation and rating favorability). When controlling for relationships between these resources and appraisal reactions, a direct path between relationship quality and reactions was significant, supporting a relational model of the exchange between appraisal partners. The relationship quality–appraisal reaction relationship was not moderated by performance rating favorability or appraisal participation. In total, these results highlight the importance of relationship quality to employee reactions to performance appraisal—and the importance of ratee reactions as an important resource in the social exchange between appraisal partners. Implications for theory, practice, and future research are discussed. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

While performance appraisal research has a rich history, we sought to address a long‐noted void in the human resource management (HRM) literature, namely an investigation of employees' reactions to a newly introduced performance appraisal. Specifically, we examined the reaction of 408 unionised employees to a newly introduced performance appraisal system. Reactions examined included appraisal satisfaction, job satisfaction, appraisal fairness, goal setting and the perceived purpose of the system. Satisfaction with the appraisal system was higher when (a) employees perceived it as being fair, (b) it was used primarily for developmental purposes and (c) it allowed them to participate in goal setting. Of additional importance, perception of a developmental focus in the appraisal partially mediated the relationship between appraisal satisfaction, and each of job satisfaction, appraisal fairness and goal setting.  相似文献   

赵春林 《价值工程》2011,30(3):167-167
资产评估是一项市场化、价值化的社会经济活动,它在产权转让、企业重组、资产流动等方面发挥重要作用,因此探讨如何选择、使用评估方法对资产评估质量和结果尤为重要。本文认为,资产价值类型决定于评估方法选择和使用,不同评估方法体现资产不同价值类型或者价值属性,必然形成不同的评估结果,因此价值类型或者价值属性与评估方法之间具有相关性、一致性。  相似文献   

内部控制评价(或称检查、审查、评估),是完善企业内部控制制度并保证其有效实施的重要手段。建立科学严格的内部控制评价体系,不仅是内部控制制度本身实施的要求,也是保证企业经营战略有效执行的基石。目前国内内部控制评价的理论和实践发展还不成熟,而未能发展成独立的管理工具和体系,企业对内部控制评价的工作重视不够,内部控制评价工作分散、随意甚至无章可循,评价体系的建立更是无从谈起。鉴于上述情况,通过对内部控制评价相关问题的思考,探讨了我国企业内部控制评价体系构建中的问题。  相似文献   

传统资产评估理论将资产评估活动视为机械化与程式化的过程,因而对资产评估的职能认识比较单一和狭隘。随着社会的进步和经济的发展,在资产评估过程中探求各种因素,尤其是人的因素如何影响评估结果的准确性,以求规避不准确性结果的出现,将有很强的现实意义。本文用博弈论的相关理论对资产评估活动进行研究,以期对其职能准确界定提供参考。  相似文献   

罗惠娜 《价值工程》2011,30(16):298-299
绩效考核是提高绩效的重要工具。绩效考核是晋升、奖励和培训的依据。然而在现实中,很多单位的绩效考核都成了"走过场",在考核的过程中没有规范进行,从而没有把绩效考核的作用发挥出来。因此,需要对我国企事业单位的绩效考核工作进行分析、并设定科学的绩效考核体系。  相似文献   

对销售人员进行有效的绩效考核,直接关系到对销售人员的激励与约束,也影响着企业的内部管理。当前国内的企业在销售人员的考核中对绩效考核的内容考虑不全面,绩效考核结果没有充分利用。这些行为对绩效考核产生了消极的影响。企业应该从销售人员绩效考核指标入手,采用科学的管理方法,建立一整套销售人员的绩效考核体系,从而提高绩效考核在企业销售人员管理中的积极作用。  相似文献   

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