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We develop a model in which foreign firms locate in a host country and export their produce to another (consuming) country. We consider both exogenous and endogenous numbers of foreign firms. These firms compete with domestic firms in the consuming country under oligopoly. Unemployment exists in both countries. We analyse the conflict of interest between the two countries on the level of local content for the foreign firms. Under free entry of foreign firms, the consuming country may want a less severe restriction on local contents than the host country, but not so when the number of foreign firms is exogenous.  相似文献   

袁文榜 《技术经济》2011,30(6):1-5,130
针对网络外部性和产品差异程度在新产品技术扩散中的作用,采用垂直产品差异分析框架和动态分析方法,分析了在双寡头垄断环境中新技术在不同条件下的扩散路径。研究结果表明:当产品差异-外部性系数(即网络外部性强度和产品差异程度之比)较小时,新技术总能够在市场中成功生存,特别是当消费者偏好差异不是很大时,新技术最终能够垄断整个市场;当该系数较大时,只有当新技术期初的网络规模超越了一定阀值后,它才能在市场中成功扩散。厂商可根据产品差异-外部性系数、期初网络规模铺设成本及新技术在市场中生存的期限等因素选择最佳的新技术扩散路径。  相似文献   

Foreign Direct Investment, Local Content Requirement, and Profit Taxation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We develop a partial equilibrium model of foreign direct investment (FDI) in which identical foreign firms locate themselves in a host country to compete in an oligopolistic market for a non-tradeable commodity. The host country, assumed to be small in the market for FDI, makes use of two instruments, viz., a profit tax and a local content requirement, to compete for FDI in the international market. We assume the existence of unemployment in the host country. The structure of optimal instruments and their relationship to the number, and the relative efficiency levels, of the domestic firms, are established  相似文献   

The interplay between R&D activity and cartel stability is investigated in a vertical differentiation framework with convex costs. The behaviour of firms' critical discount factors as the curvature of the cost function varies is investigated, considering either price- or quantity-setting behaviour. In order to stabilize collusion, firms are better off playing à la Cournot and supplying the non-cooperative qualities. There emerges a tradeoff between the reduction of the convexity of the cost function and the associated increase in marginal cost. The decision to carry out joint or independent ventures in research is also investigated, showing that such a decision is non-monotone in intertemporal discounting. Policy measures are then briefly discussed.  相似文献   

运用讨价还价模型、具有唯一子博弈精炼纳什均衡的博弈模型对中央政府与地方政府的博弈行为进行分析,得出地方政府推动低碳技术扩散体系的最优选择及中央政府对地方政府关于低碳政策的权力分配、执行情况进行监督的最优行为选择,提出了加强信息传递渠道和反馈渠道建设、降低因信息不对称造成的费用、建立和完善中央与地方的分权机制以及改革地方政府政绩考核制度等措施。  相似文献   

本文首先在垂直创新的思想下构建了一个内生增长的技术扩散模型,并给出了稳态解求解的方法.然后,以上述模型为基础,本文着重讨论了跟随国知识产权保护对稳态经济的影响.本文的研究结果表明,加强跟随国知识产权保护力度将降低领导国的创新速度和跟随国的模仿速度,从而降低稳态经济增长率.所以,就稳态而言,加强跟随国知识产权保护力度对领导国经济和跟随国经济都会产生负面影响.  相似文献   

The paper considers the role of technology diffusion and trade liberalization for the catching‐up of structurally backward countries. A New Economic Geography model is presented that accounts for firm entry/exit and international mobility of skilled labor employed in public R&D sectors. This raises the traditional agglomeration effects in a core–periphery setting as firms and mobile factors usually cluster within spatial agglomerations. With international technology diffusion, however, there is a counteracting effect on the traditional agglomeration effects as firms in the periphery also benefit from increasing R&D expenditures in the core lowering entry costs for firms. It is found that the catching‐up of structurally backward countries is spurred not only as a result of trade integration but also because of technology diffusion.  相似文献   

基于模仿的技术扩散   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对基于模仿的技术扩散重要研究进行了回顾。以信息不完全为出发点的理论研究主要包括传染病模型和贝叶斯学习模型等;以企业动机为出发点的研究主要包括两阶段的计量模型、门槛模型等。这些研究表明,信息传播所依赖的社会关系网络、技术引进者关于新技术信息的完整性以及企业规模的大小是决定技术扩散的影响因素。此外,关于技术扩散空间过程的一些重要研究,其本质就是传染病模型与门槛模型的空间版本。  相似文献   

基于技术创新扩散环境的Bass扩散模型修正研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对技术创新扩散环境进行了界定和分类,并就环境因素对技术创新扩散的影响进行了分析,得出由于环境的不确定性决定了技术创新扩散轨迹的不稳定性的结论。在此基础上,从环境因素的影响入手,分别对基本的Bass模型和扩展的Bass模型进行了修正,并对新模型的性质进行了分析。  相似文献   

发掘社会资本促进技术创新扩散   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
技术创新扩散是社会性过程。将社会资本概念应用于对技术创新扩散过程的研究,将深化对其的认识和理解:发掘社会资本,采取有效措施激活社会资本,能促进技术创新扩散。  相似文献   

In this paper, I examine a quality-then-price game in a fully covered market where firms are uncertain about consumer tastes regarding quality. The equilibrium is characterized under the fixed costs and variable costs of quality improvement, respectively. It is shown that the uncertainty is a differentiation force, and the quality differentiation increases more under variable costs than under fixed costs. In addition, an increase in uncertainty leads to higher profits and higher social welfare regardless of whether under fixed or variable costs. This result contrasts with the lower welfare in the Hotelling model with uncertainty. Finally, an analysis of the case of partial market coverage with uncertainty completes this paper.  相似文献   

构建权责清晰、财力协调与区域均衡的央地政府间财政关系,不仅有助于规范地方政府行为,而且能够实现地方经济长期稳定增长.立足1998-2017年我国30个省级面板数据,考察财政纵向失衡与税收努力对地方经济增长的作用机制与影响效应.研究结果显示:财政纵向失衡水平的提升不利于地方经济的持续增长,但财政纵向失衡能够通过抑制地方政府税收努力程度间接促进经济增长.此外,当前地方政府税收努力的提升对地方经济增长同样表现为抑制效应.因此,要合理把控财政纵向失衡水平,利用适度失衡规范地方政府行为,为经济长期稳定增长奠定制度基础;稳定地方政府收入预期,防止过高税收努力抑制微观经济主体生产积极性;注重地区间发展差异,避免一味追求产业结构高级化与对外开放程度深化造成的发展模式雷同与资源浪费.  相似文献   

We model the invention of new technologies and their diffusion across countries. In our model all countries grow at the same steady-state rate, with each country's productivity ranking determined by how rapidly it adopts ideas. Research effort is determined by how much ideas earn at home and abroad. Patents affect the return to ideas. We relate the decision to patent an invention internationally to the cost of patenting in a country and to the expected value of patent protection in that country. We can thus infer the direction and magnitude of the international diffusion of technology from data on international patenting, productivity, and research. We fit the model to data from the five leading research economies. A rough summary of our findings is that the world lies about two-thirds of the way from an extreme of technological autarky to an extreme of free trade in ideas. Research performed abroad is about two-thirds as potent as domestic research. Together the United States and Japan drive at least two-thirds of the growth in each of the countries in our sample.  相似文献   

I investigate the long‐run implications of trade and technology diffusion through trade, when firms are heterogeneous and trade is costly. This paper integrates firm heterogeneity and trade into a product innovation growth model from endogenous growth theory. I find that although exposure to trade increases average productivity, it has an ambiguous effect on economic growth and consumer welfare.  相似文献   

This paper explores a vertical product differentiation model with a licensing arrangement between a multinational firm with superior technology and a domestic firm with obsolete technology. We find that a subsidy provided by the domestic country's government to the domestic firm to assist with the licensing arrangement is welfare enhancing for the domestic country. Furthermore, both the multinational firm and the domestic country are better off under royalty than under fixed fee licensing. These findings stand in contrast to earlier results in the literature.  相似文献   

本文以地方政府为研究视角,引入税收竞争能力这一概念,认为我国地方政府在制度框架内税收自主权存在着缺失,而在正式制度框架外税收自由裁量权过大,从而导致竞争的失控。因此规范税权划分,赋予地方政府制度内的筹集收入的自主权,建立长期稳定的对中央政府与地方政府具有双向约束的税收管理体制,才能使纵向税收竞争趋于有序。  相似文献   

全球生产网络下知识扩散与本地产业集群升级   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从知识扩散和知识吸收的角度分析了全球生产网络下发展中国家集群升级问题,把集群外部知识源、企业吸收能力和集群企业之间交互作用结合起来进行分析,认为在全球生产网络下,产业集群的升级取决于企业的知识基础、企业的努力强度和集群企业之间的知识流动机制,并提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

本地企业与外商投资企业的产业链联系是国际间技术扩散的主要通道。总结了影响产业链联系的各种因素,并指出目前我国发达地区的一些企业和外商投资企业已经形成了“拓展的飞地”型的产业链联系;最后提出了进一步加强产业链联系、促进技术扩散效应最大化的建议。  相似文献   

当技术扩散的环境发生变化时,传统的"S"形扩散模型将失去其解释力。通过对政府在促进外资企业技术扩散的博弈模型分析,以及外资企业在激励条件下的反应分析,为政府在制定技术扩散政策以促进外资企业技术扩散提供理论依据。来自广州汽车产业发展的经验以及发展现状,为博弈模型提供了有力的实证支持。  相似文献   

环境政策诱导下的技术扩散效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过建立代表者厂商为满足环境政策要求而进行技术选择的模型,描述在环境政策作用下污染性技术、过渡性技术和清洁技术三种不同技术的扩散路径.研究发现,环境政策对于清洁技术扩散的效应有着重要影响.在有多种技术可供选择时,企业能根据自身特点决定采用何种技术.过渡性技术的存在给企业和政府提供了一个缓冲,以实现从污染性生产技术到清洁生产技术的平滑过渡,最终实现整个产业的升级.  相似文献   

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