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客运专线公司经营绩效考评指标体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在论述经营绩效考评指标体系设计方法的基础上,通过分析客运专线公司经营绩效影响因素,综合运用平衡计分卡法和关键绩效指标法,分别从经营效益、旅客服务、运营管理、学习与创新4个维度对客运专线公司的经营绩效考评指标体系进行设计,力求通过对客运专线公司经营活动的有效监督和科学控制,实现铁路客运专线的可持续发展。  相似文献   

正国务院今年2月发布了《"十三五"现代综合交通运输体系发展规划》,对构建京津冀协同发展的一体化网络提出了明确要求。4月1日,中共中央、国务院决定设立河北雄安新区。这成为京津冀综合交通体系构建的两个有力依据。从构建国家交通走廊、研究编制大区域发展规划、打造"轨道上的京津冀"、客货运输联程联运与多式联运、京津冀物流发展、京津冀城市群交通系统建设、互联网+交通、国铁参与市域(郊)铁路与路地合作八个方面提出对京津冀综合交通体系建设的思考。  相似文献   

为促进铁路运输企业绩效的持续改进,以更好地实现铁路运输企业的战略目标,从平衡计分卡与铁路运输企业的经营环境入手,确定铁路运输企业的战略目标与战略地图,通过调研和问卷调查设计铁路运输企业基于平衡计分卡的绩效考核指标,应用层次分析法对S铁路运输企业的平衡计分卡绩效考核指标赋权,构建S铁路运输企业基于平衡计分卡的绩效考核指标体系,提出考核指标体系的保障措施,以确保该绩效考核体系能够弥补铁路运输企业现行考核指标体系的不足,提升铁路运输企业的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

正促进区域路网互联互通区域交通系统是北京市正在建设的现代化综合交通体系的十大子系统之一,该系统要建设一体化的服务国际、国内及京津冀地区的综合运输服务体系,构建京津冀综合运输大通道。重点打造四纵(沿海通道、京沪通道、京九通道、京承-京广通道)、四横(秦承张通道、京柔-京张通道、津保通道、石沧通道)、一环(首都地区环线)的京津冀公路网络体系,加快推进互联互通。打造1小时京津冀区域交通圈:30公里半  相似文献   

利用平衡计分卡从客户、财务、内部流程、学习与成长4个维度出发,设计了25个指标,构建铁路旅客运输绩效审计指标体系,对旅客运输服务进行评价与分析。提出铁路旅客运输绩效审计指标体系在实际运用过程中,应结合我国铁路发展现状,根据具体情况合理分配不同维度指标权重、注重铁路客运服务总目标与绩效审计目标一致、保证绩效审计指标体系数据来源真实合理、建立健全铁路系统相关法规、加强审计人才储备等建议。  相似文献   

我国物流业发展规模快速增长,物流业碳排放状况日益严重。在构建区域物流低碳绩效评价指标体系的基础上,通过将非期望产出指标转为投入指标,建立包含非期望产出指标的区域物流低碳绩效?DEA?评价模型。以我国?28?个省、自治区和直辖市的区域物流低碳绩效评价为例进行计算,获得以各区域为决策单元的区域物流低碳绩效的效率值,并结合评价结果提出区域物流低碳运营策略。  相似文献   

基于KRIF模式的各层级人员考核重点研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、KRIF考核模式概述 绩效考核的核心,是搜集到与每一个员工的工作状态、工作行为、工作结果有关的信息,并将其转化为对员工工作的评价,据此为与员工管理或开发有关的活动提供信息支持。因此,绩效考核的方法也就成为绩效考核的核心内容所在。绩效考核的方法有很多种,目前较常用的有关键绩效指标(KPI)考核、目标管理法(MBO)、平衡计分卡(BSC)和360度综合考核等。  相似文献   

<正>我国长期以来采用的传统交通发展模式,主要是面向国土空间开发与使用布局规划,依靠被动建设交通基础设施来满足区域交通需求、缓解交通拥堵,“头痛医头,脚痛医脚”。这种发展模式一定程度上忽视了综合交通系统对社会经济发展的引导功能,导致综合交通系统空间布局不合理,加剧了经济社会发展的区域不平衡。  相似文献   

笔者结合基于平衡记分卡的关键绩效指标理论,建立了包括油料节约组织领导、训练节油、技术节油以及勤务节油4个方面的20个关键绩效指标的军队油料节约组织绩效评估指标体系,并以层次分析法为理论基础,用判别矩阵来确定各层评估指标的权重。  相似文献   

根据部体法管字(1995)121号及144号文,为了进行交通企业经营绩效排序工作,《交通企业经营绩效综合评价研究》课题小组初步提出交通企业经营绩效综合评价指标体系。本指标体系的目的是对交通企业经营绩效进行综合评价,其性质是社会评价。本指标体系的制定  相似文献   

The terminal infrastructure is critical for the effective and efficient operation of air traffic flow. The increase in air traffic flow creates pressure on air transport infrastructures and networks. Therefore, decision-makers need to develop and utilize efficient evaluation and analysis tools based on the limited availability of resources. Inspired by the underlying structure of queues for air traffic flow, a Petri-net-based model is developed in this study to characterize the system performance. In this study, air transportation networks are analyzed using a series of performance indicators that are based on a discrete-event system model.  相似文献   

This study presents a carbon footprint analysis of renewable energy technology adoption in the modal substitution of high-speed rail for short-haul air travel in Australia. The carbon footprint analysis of renewable energy technology adoption in such modal substitution establishes the efficacy of various renewable energy technologies in assisting CO2 emissions reduction on the Sydney–Melbourne city pair. Renewable energy technology efficacy, captured in the presented low-carbon pathways for high-speed transportation, provides an indication as to the CO2 emissions reduction potential of the technologies under consideration and their impact upon the environmental performance of the air and high-speed rail modes. These low-carbon pathways displayed a reduction in annual CO2 emissions throughout the longitudinal period ranging from moderate to significant. Furthermore, this study examines the cumulative effects of the considered renewable energy technologies upon the annual CO2 emissions production of the high-speed transportation system. A reduction of 56%–69% in annual life cycle CO2 emissions demonstrated the powerful mitigation potential of a combined air and high-speed rail transportation system in conjunction with renewable energy technologies adoption and a modal shift of 60%. Given this significant mitigation potential, the hybridization of the air and high-speed rail transportation systems with associated renewable energy technologies is considered. The effect of such hybridization would result in the formation of an integrated low-carbon, high-speed transportation system underpinned by the concept of “sustainable mobility” at the national level.  相似文献   

平衡记分卡作为供应链绩效评价的手段,以战略目标为出发点,把企业各部门的任务、决策、流程转化为既独立又相互联系的目标,然后再把目标分解成多项指标进行评价。基于平衡记分卡的思想,结合主成分分析法和数据包络分析,建立供应链企业绩效评价模型,全面反映供应链的绩效,为供应链的持续改进提供帮助。  相似文献   

包西高速铁路作为我国"八纵八横"高速铁路通道中重要的纵向通道之一,建成后呼包鄂城市群和关中平原城市群将实现有效连接。鄂尔多斯市为典型的"一城双核"城市,包西高速铁路的引入将对地区客运布局产生较大影响,根据鄂尔多斯地区城市及铁路现状、城市总体规划及交通规划,结合地区客运量及特点,提出地区内包西高速铁路引入方案及车站设置方案,确定合理的引入及客站布点,研究地区内高速铁路客站布局,结合地区客流特点,确定高速铁路车站分工;合理确定引入地区线、站位方案将有助于完善鄂尔多斯铁路枢纽的客运铁路布局,有助于完善鄂尔多斯地区高速铁路网络,提升呼包鄂城市群的辐射效应,促进城市建设和经济发展。  相似文献   

In most cases, transportation planning in national parks and public lands might most appropriately be termed “demand-driven.” In this approach, rigorous analyses of park visitation, traffic, and parking data are used as a basis for transportation planning to accommodate current and projected future visitor demand, within financial constraints. Performance measures used to assess the quality of transportation systems in national parks are generally related to “moving people” efficiently. This approach is based on well-established principles for transportation planning in urban and rural communities. However, a demand-driven approach to transportation planning may not be suitable in national parks and public lands because it may enable levels of visitation that cause visitor crowding, resource impacts, and other unintended consequences. This paper introduces a more sustainable, systems-based transportation planning approach developed in the Rocky Mountain National Park (ROMO) to help the park operate its shuttle bus system efficiently and conveniently, and according to thresholds for visitor crowding and resource impacts at sites serviced by the shuttle system. The transportation planning approach developed in this study for ROMO is more suitable and sustainable for national parks and public lands than a demand-driven approach, and is readily adaptable to other locations. Correspondingly, the approach is now being applied in several other national parks and public lands recreation areas.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the performance of the European airlines, using a balanced scorecard perspective. Within this scope, a hybrid multi-criteria approach was used by combining the Fuzzy DEMATEL, Fuzzy ANP, and MOORA methods. The results demonstrate that customer dimensions and profit per customer are the most significant key factors in the balanced scorecard perspective. Additionally, the airline companies with the largest profit (per employee) and highest number of passengers and flights (per employee) had the best scores in the multidimensional performance results. Furthermore, the airline companies with the highest profitability and efficiency are more successful than other companies. Therefore, we recommend European airlines to focus on these aspects in order to improve their performance. This study makes an important contribution to literature by helping to solve a significant problem in the market with the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

随着长江沿线城市化进程的加快和经济社会的发展,既有沪汉蓉铁路已经逐步不适应国家战略要求和沿线城市群间快速通达需求。高速铁路具有运量大、成本低、能耗小、占地少等优势,是绿色、大众化的交通工具。结合国家中长期高速铁路网规划,通过阐述沿江铁路通道发展现状及存在问题,结合通道内各区段预测客流量提出规划方案;最终形成沿江高速铁路"三步走"建设实施方案,有利于完善长江立体综合交通走廊建设,缩短时空距离,优化综合运输结构体系。  相似文献   

Volatile driving, characterized by hard accelerations and braking, can contribute substantially to higher energy consumption, tailpipe emissions, and crash risks. Drivers’ decisions to maintain speed, accelerate, brake rapidly, or jerk their vehicle are largely constrained by their unique regional and metropolitan contexts. These contexts may be characterized by their geography, roadway structure, traffic management, driving population, etc. This study captures how people generally drive in a region using large-scale vehicle trajectory data, implying how energy is consumed and how emissions are produced in regional transportation systems. Specifically, driving performance in four U.S. metropolitan areas (Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento, and Atlanta) is compared, taking advantage of large-scale behavioral data (78.7 million seconds of speed records), collected by in-vehicle global positioning systems (GPSs) as part of regional surveys. Comparative analysis shows significant regional differences in terms of volatile driving and time spent to accelerate, brake, and jerk the vehicle during daily trips. Correlates of higher volatility are also explored, e.g., battery electric vehicles show low volatility, as expected. This study proposes a novel way to compare regional driving performance by successfully turning GPS driving data into valuable knowledge that can be applied in practice by developing regional driving performance indices. The new indices can also be used to compare regional performance over time and to imply the levels of sustainability of regional transportation systems. This study contributes by proposing a way to extract useful information from large-scale driving data.  相似文献   

铁路可持续发展评价体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从社会经济、运输能力及经济效益、能源消耗、安全可靠性、环境保护等方面建立铁路可持续发展的客观评价指标体系,采用层次分析法与模糊识别理论相结合的多级模糊综合评价方法进行计算,对我国铁路的可持续发展性进行纵向定量评价。纵向评价结果显示,当前我国铁路处于"弱可持续发展"级别,在可持续发展阶段中属于中等偏下状态。其中能源资源消耗状况处于基本可持续发展级别,显示了铁路运输方式的优势;但运输安全状况值得关注,需要增强对运输安全的管理和技术投入。  相似文献   

Roadway networks, as part of transportation infrastructure, play an indispensable role in regional economies and community development. The high-quality pavement serviceability of these networks is essential to ensure safe, cost-effective daily traffic operations. In-depth analyses of network-wide pavement surface condition data are necessary inputs for optimal pavement design and maintenance, traffic safety enhancement, and sustainable traffic infrastructure system development. This study aims to investigate various pavement distress condition performance measurements and their correlations to better understand temporal–spatial characteristics of roadway distress based on pavement distress condition data collected in New Mexico from 2006 to 2009. Eight major corridors across various urban and rural areas were selected for analyzing pavement surface-distress conditions and discovering their intrinsic characteristics and patterns across both temporal and spatial domains. The results show that there are not strong correlations among different distress measurements, implying the rationality of the current pavement performance measurement protocol used by the state transportation agencies. Regression models were established and GIS-based spatial analyses were performed to extract temporal and spatial patterns of Distress Rate (DR) data. The model results illustrate significant correlations of the DR data on the same route between two consecutive years, which can be partially characterized by a Markov process. GIS-based spatial investigations also show unique features of pavement condition deterioration attributed to diverse geometric characteristics and traffic conditions, such as vehicle compositions and volumes and urban and rural areas. The research findings are helpful to understand the characteristics of pavement distress conditions more clearly and to optimize traffic infrastructure design and maintenance.  相似文献   

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