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一、解决国有股全流通问题的重要性国务院在《关于推进资本市场改革开放和稳定发展的若干意见》中明确提出,要“稳步解决目前上市公司股份中尚不能上市流通股份的流通问题”。我国证券市场上国有股全流通问题一直受到社会各方面的广泛关注。尽快妥善解决这一问题,有利于上市公司加快建立现代企业制度,有利于化解各种矛盾,解决证券市场的公平和效益问题,有利于保护中小投资者的利益,促进我国证券市场乃至资本市场的健康发展。全流通问题之所以成为决定中国股市命运的关键性因素,主要基于以下三个方面的基本判断:1.自2001年6月国家为补充社保…  相似文献   

在我国上市公司中存在大量的国有股且不能流通,国有股不流通为中国上市公司和证券市场的发展带来了巨大的隐患.我们必须从战略的高度来考虑国有股全流通的目的和原则.国有股"减持"和"全流通"是当前股市的发展方向和目标.但国有股"减持"不等于国有股"全流通",两者之间既有联系又有区别.因此,必须对现行的国有股减持思路做根本性调整.国有股全流通的实现没有一个统一的方式,我们应当采取多种办法、多种渠道来解决国有股全流通问题.  相似文献   

丁玲华  周俐 《市场论坛》2004,(5):70-71,61
在我国上市公司中存在大量的国有股且不能流通,国有股不流通为中国上市公司和证券市场的芡展带来了巨大的隐患。我们必须从战略的高度来考虑国有股全流通的目的和原则。国有股“减持”和“全流通”是当前股市的发展方向和目标。但国有股“减持”不等于国有股“全流通”,两者之间既有联系又有区别。因此,必须对现行的国有股减持思路做根本性调整.国有股全流通的实现没有一个统一的方式,我们应当采取多种办法、多种渠道来解决国有股全流通问题。  相似文献   

国有股减持的新思路——缩股流通   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
牟伟明 《商业研究》2003,(2):101-102
我国上市公司股权结构中的非流通股尤其国有股和法人股的减持和流通问题是当前证券市场的热点和难点,依据非流通股平衡减持和流通的大前提,按照市场化的原则,提出对上市公司非流通的国有股缩股后再上市流通的新思路。  相似文献   

国有股减持应按净资产价配售给流通股持有者   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,中小投资者是我国证券市场的主体,但同时又是一个弱势群体;将国有股转让与国有股流通人为割裂的做法,将导致我国股市的长期下跌,损害了广大流通股持有者的利益;国有股按净资产优先配售给流通股持有者,将在解决国有股流通问题的同时,最大限度的保护了广大流通股持有者的利益;国有股按净资产优先配售给流通股持有者,将有助于解决国有股一股独大问题,增加中国股市的投资价值,充分发挥资本市场的资源优化配置功能;推行股票质押贷款是国有股优先配售给流通股持有者的重要配套措施,对促进市场的繁荣具有重要意义.  相似文献   

于丽君 《江苏商论》2005,(5):118-119
国有股流通问题是我国证券市场的一大难题。多数经济学者认为我国应与国际接轨,实现股票全流通。通过分析,认为解决当前证券市场存在问题的核心不在于全流通,而在于市场本身须具备信息透明、法制健全、诚信公开、政企分开的机制,指出重塑诚信是证券市场健康发展、上市公司素质提高的根本。  相似文献   

证券市场要在国有经济战略性 调整中发挥应有的功能,首先应当解决好自身存在的问题。中国证券市场自身存在两大明显的缺陷: (一)上市公司股权分布结构缺陷 由于中国证券市场是在特定的历史转型时期发展起来的,因此,带有明显的计划经济色彩。在上市公司的股本结构中,股权过于集中,国有股、法人股在上市公司股份中占绝大多数,存在着国有股、法人股不能上市流通的历史遗留问题。据统  相似文献   

我国证券市场经过十几年的发展,目前,上市公司占总股本60%以上的国有股却不能上市流通,严重地制约了上市公司的治理结构,影响了我国证券市场的健康发展。因此,如何减持上市公司的国有股已成为当前一个亟待解决的重要问题。本文通过分析国有股减持面临的主要问题,比较几种减持方式.最后对其在不同阶段进行优化组合,提出一些建议。  相似文献   

系统研究了证券市场上的国有股减持问题,在分析了国有股存量的规模和行业分布后,明确了国有股减持的现实意义,在此基础上,对中国人民大学金融与证券研究所与兴业证券股份有限公司的关于国有股减持的方案从原则,流通方式,资金运作模式等方面进行了比较分析,从理论和实际的不同角度进行了综合评价。  相似文献   

对国有股减持问题的若干思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国有股减持的难点在于减持主体问题、减持价格问题、减持规模问题、减持方式问题、减持时机与对象问题、减持中各方利益协调问题、入市流通问题等。国有股减持方案应兼顾各方利益,形成共赢局面,最大限度地减小对证券市场波动的影响。  相似文献   

有关国有大型企业境外上市动机的讨论已普遍引起关注。本文根据境外上市动机对大型国企境外上市影响的强弱,分别从委托代理理论、企业融资理论和区位经济理论角度探讨了国有大型企业境外上市的各种相关动机,期望能指导我国企业境外上市实践。  相似文献   

黄玮 《商业研究》2005,(20):95-98,130
证券投资基金在我国股票市场中的地位越来越重要,基金重仓的股票越来越受到投资者的关注。通过建立一个二级市场中基金与个人投资者在基金重仓股上的不完全信息动态博弈模型,用于解释基金与个人投资者在股票市场上的投资和投机行为,并根据模型的分析提出促进中国股票市场长期健康、有序发展的建议。  相似文献   

After widespread privatization in the 1990s, the early 2000s witnessed the reemergence and consolidation of state owned industries in the postsocialist states of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). To counter views that state owned industries have largely disappeared from postsocialist CEE due to extensive privatization, the paper demonstrates the continued economic significance of state owned industries across the region. The paper then offers a typology of state-firm relations and highlights differences in empirical cases of large state-owned firms that have emerged in the region, distinguishing between market-oriented and politicized firms. Finally, the paper develops a comparative, macro-level processual analysis accounting for the institutional and political factors that explain why some postsocialist states have developed state-owned industries that operate successfully in competitive markets while others have developed highly politicized state-controlled firm. It finds that political factors are what chiefly account for the emergence of successful state sectors in the region.  相似文献   

文章以2005年4月至2007年3月,沪深300指数所包含的股票为样本股,采用股价非同步指标对中国证券市场股价信息含量进行实证研究.结果表明,股权分置改革以后的证券市场中所包含的公司信息含量呈上升趋势,股权分置改革对市场效率的提高产生了积极影响.  相似文献   

本文认为,在中国经济转轨和完善市场经济体制的进程中,主要存在三方面的基础障碍影响现实的市场规范运行:首先,政府控股公司上市发行股票。这不符合市场经济的基本运行规则,因为股票市场是民营企业的融资渠道。其次,相当多的政府企业性质嬗变。政府企业脱离政府控制,严重干扰了竞争性市场的秩序。其三,缺少现代农业生产组织。这意味着中国经济现代化的实现缺失相应的中国农业现代化的基础。文章提出,为规范资本市场,应将政府控股上市公司的未上市国有股的一部分上市发行,将政府控股上市公司未流通的国有股以净资产的评估价格为参考,转让给民营企业或外资企业,将政府控股上市公司的现有国有股拍卖;为规范市场秩序,一要尽快制定政府投资法,二要尽快制定政府企业法;为建立现代农业生产组织,必须冲破观念缚束,改革农村土地制度,使农民获得土地的永久使用权,培养出大批的合格的农场经营者,完成农村人口向城市的大规模转移。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of ownership structure, whether state owned, foreign owned or institutionally owned, on Vietnamese stock market liquidity in different market conditions. We find that state ownership is associated with lower liquidity after the 2008 financial crisis. Institutional ownership shows a weak influence on liquidity in the post-crisis period. During the financial crisis, however, liquidity declines could not be attributed to ownership structure. Our results imply that foreign investors have not yet played a significant role in driving stock market liquidity in Vietnam, which is counter to findings in the existing literature concerning liquidity in more developed markets. Our results are consistent across conventional liquidity measures and a composite liquidity measure.  相似文献   

This study investigates the integration of internationalizing Chinese firms into local host markets. We explore the market‐driven investment of a new wave of Chinese private and local state‐owned firms in Australia since 2012, which has replaced the initial large‐scale investment in resources by central state‐owned enterprises. Using an in‐depth analysis of nine Chinese firms operating in various sectors of the Australian market, we argue that market integration, adaptation, and bilateral institution‐building through co‐evolution and empowerment of local subsidiaries of Chinese multinational enterprises results in entrepreneurial autonomy and characterizes a new generation of Chinese investors. We propose that Chinese multinational subsidiaries have transferred domestic practices to the Australian market and have reconfigured domestic and host market resources to gain a competitive advantage in their original investment industry and new industries. Our study advances middle‐range theory building and provides a practical understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of Chinese investors, their potential to disrupt local markets, and their responsiveness to market‐oriented institutional guidance. The results of this study suggest that the bilateral institution‐building and resource reconfiguration capabilities of Chinese enterprises can be transferred to other developed and developing markets, including Belt and Road Initiative countries.  相似文献   

A popular explanation for China's rapid economic growth in recent years has been the dramatic increase in the number of private domestic‐ and foreign‐owned firms and a decline in the state‐owned sector. However, recent evidence suggests that China's state‐owned enterprises (SOEs) are in fact stronger than ever. In this paper, we examine over 78,000 manufacturing firms between 2002 and 2006 to investigate the relationship between ownership structure and the degree of firm‐level exposure to export markets and firm‐level productivity. Using a conditional stochastic dominance approach, we reveal that although our results largely adhere to prior expectations, the performance of SOEs differs markedly between those that export and those that supply the domestic market only. It appears that China's internationally focused SOEs have become formidable global competitors.  相似文献   

This paper provides further evidence on the value premium using Canadian data from 1985–2005 and a search process involving both price to earnings (P/E) and price to book value (P/BV) ratios. The study documents a consistently strong value premium over the sample period, which persisted in both bull and bear markets, as well as in recessions and recoveries. Moreover, the paper shows that a P/E based search process did a better job of identifying value stocks and arriving at more consistent and sizeable value premium than did a search process based on P/BVs. Copyright © 2009 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

中国证券市场波动的区制关联性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵振全  苏治  丁志国 《财贸经济》2005,(11):34-38,89
应用单变量和二元向量SW-ARCH模型,本文发现我国证券市场收益率波动具有明显的"区制转移"特征,可以将其分为"高波动"和"低波动"两个区制.在"高波动区制"下,沪深两市间具有明显的波动"溢出"和"传染"特征,市场整体风险强;相反,在"低波动区制"下,市场间主要表现"低系统风险"特征,负相关的波动关联性使证券市场具有较强的风险分散功能和较高的资金配置效率.  相似文献   

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