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Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
R. Minami, K. S. Kim and M. Falkus, eds Growth, distribution and political change – Asia and the wider world
Dennis O'Flynn, Lionel Frost and A. J. H. Latham, eds, Pacific centuries: Pacific and Pacific Rim history since the sixteenth century
Graeme Donald Snooks, Global transition: a general theory of economic development
Martin Painter, Collaborative federalism. Economic reform in Australia in the 1990s
Peter Sheldon and Louise Thornthwaite, eds, Employer associations and industrial relations change
A. W. Martin, Robert Menzies: a life, volume 2, 1944–1978  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Local Economy》2005,20(1):123-130

Book Reviews     
Sheridan, Greg, Tigers: leaders of the new Asia-Pacific
Kuo, Shirley S. Y., Economic Policies: the Taiwan experience 1945–1995
Fletcher, Christine (ed.), Equity and Development Across Nations: political and fiscal realities
Laothamatas, Anek (ed.), Democratization in Southeast and East Asia
Bateman, Sam and Bates, Stephen (eds), Calming the Waters: initiatives for Asia Pacific maritime cooperation
Lee, Tae-Woo, Shipping Developments in Far East Asia: the Korean experience
Clark, Gordon, L. and Kim, Won Bae (eds), Asian NIEs and the Global Economy: industrial restructuring and corporate strategy in the 1990s
United Nations, Foreign Investment in Asian Stock Markets
Hanna, Nagy, Boyson, Sandor and Gunaratne, Shakuntala, The East Asian Miracle and Information Technology: strategic management of technological learning
Asian Development Bank, Sociocultural Issues and Economic Development in the Pacific Islands
Fairbairn, Te'o, I. J. and Worrell, DeLisle, South Pacific and Caribbean Island Economies: a comparative study
World Bank, Pacific Island Economies: building a resilient economic base for the twenty-first century
Rodan, Garry (ed.), Political Oppositions in Industrialising Asia
Yuen, Ng Chee, Freeman, Nick J. and Huynh, Frank, H. (eds), State Owned Enterprise Reform in Vietnam: lessons from Asia
Edwards, Ron and Skully, Michael (eds), ASEAN Business, Trade and Development: an Australian perspective
Cole, David, C. and Slade, Betty F., Building a Modern Financial System: the Indonesian experience
Clark, Cal and Roy, K. C., Comparing Development Patterns in Asia
Zhou, Zhang-Yue, Effects of Grain Marketing Systems on Grain Production: a comparative study of China and India
English, H. Edward and Runnals, David (eds), Environment and Development in the Pacific: problems and policy options
Mendelsohn, Robert and Shaw, Daigee (eds), The Economics of Pollution Control in the Asia Pacific  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《De Economist》2002,150(5):613-623

Book Reviews     
《De Economist》1997,145(2):255-281

Book Reviews     
Agrawal, Pradeep, Gokarn, Subir V., Mishra, Veena, Parikh, Kirit S. and Sen, Kunal Economic Restructuring in East Asia and India: perspectives on policy reform Bruno, Michael and Pleskovic, Boris (eds) Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 1995 Fforde, Adam and de Vylder, Stefan From Plan to Market: the economic transition in Vietnam Garnaut, R., Grilli, E. and Riedel, J. (eds) Sustaining Export-Oriented Development – Lessons from East Asia Garnaut, Ross, Shutian, Guo and Guonan, Ma (eds) The Third Revolution in the Chinese Countryside Ito, Takatoshi and Krueger, Anne O. (eds) Financial Deregulation and Integration in East Asia Koppel, Bruce, Hawkins, John and James, William (eds) Development or Deterioration? Work in rural Asia Little, Ian M.D., Cooper, Richard N., Corden, W. Max and Rajapatirana, Sarath Boom, Crisis, and Adjustment: the macroeconomic experience of developing countries Mohamad, Maznah The Malay Handloom Weavers: a study of the rise and decline of traditional manufacture Mizuno, Kosuke Rural Industrialization in Indonesia: a case study of community-based weaving industry in West Java Naya, Seiji Finch, Tan, Joseph L.H. (eds) Asian Transitional Economies, Challenges and Prospects for Reform and Transformation Pangestu, Mari Economic Reform, Deregulation and Privatization: the Indonesian experience Ravenhill, John (ed.) The Political Economy of East Asia Robison, Richard (ed.) Pathways to Asia: the politics of engagement Sanderson, Warren C. and Tan Jee-Peng Population in Asia Simpson, James R., Cheng, Xu and Miyazaki, Akira China’s Livestock and Related Agriculture: projections to 2025 Singh, Daljit and Kiat, Liak Teng (eds) Southeast Asian Affairs 1996 Stern, Joseph J., Kim, Ji-hong, Perkins, Dwight H. and Yoo, Jung-ho Industrialization and the State: the Korean heavy and chemical industry drive van de Walle, Dominique and Nead, Kimberly (eds) Public Spending and the Poor: theory and evidence  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Svensen, Stuart The sinews of war: hard cash and the 1890 maritime strike
James, Chris; Jones, Chris and Norton, Andrew (eds) A defence of economic rationalism
Todd, Jan Colonial technology: science and the transfer of innovation to Australia
Boyce, Gordon H. Information, mediation and institutional development: the rise of large-scale enterprise in British shipping, 1870–1919
Young, Ken Islamic peasants and the State: the 1908 anti-tax rebellion in West Sumatra  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
book reviewed in this article
Fourie, L. J. Falkena, H.B. en Kok, W. J. (red.) (1996). Fundamentals of the South African Financial System.
Wiechers, Marinus en Bredenkamp, Francois. (red) Die Staat - Teorie en Praktyk.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Hal Hill, The Indonesian Economy since 1966: Southeast Asia's Emerging Giant, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, 1996, pp. xv + 319. Cloth: A$90; paper: A$36.95.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Broad, John and Hoyle, Richard, eds. Bernwood Adams, S. ed. Household accounts and disbursement books of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester Backhouse, Marcel The Flemish and Walloon communities at Sandwich during the reign of Elizabeth I Stewart, Richard W. The English Ordnance Office, 1585–1625 Wrigley, E.A., Schofield, R.S., Davies, R.S., & Oeppen, J.E. English population history from family reconstitution Grell, Ole Peter Calvinist exiles in Tudor and Stuart England Dobson, Mary J. Contours of death and disease in early modern England Lane, Joan Apprenticeship in England Floud, Roderick The people and the British economy Mandler, Peter The fall and rise of the stately home Davis, John R. Britain and the German Zollverein Crafts, Nicholas Britain's relative economic decline Hendrick, Harry Children, childhood and English society Short, Brian Land and society in Edwardian Britain Webster, P The health services since the war, II Digby, Ann and Stewart, John, eds. Gender, health and welfare Van Ark, Bark, & Crafts, Nicholas, eds. Quantitative aspects of post-war economic growth Oliver, Michael J. Whatever happened to monetarism? Bonneuil, Noel Transformation of the French demographic landscape Shapiro, Ann-Louise Breaking the codes Kranakis, Eda Constructing a bridge Groote, Peter Infrastructure and Dutch economic development Patriarca, Silvana Numbers and nationhood Muir, Edward Ritual in early modern Europe Crossick, Geoffrey, ed. The artisan and the European town Aldcroft, Derek H. Studies in the interwar European economy Paquette, Robert L., & Engerman, Stanley L., eds. The Lesser Antilles in the age of European expansion Johnson, Howard The Bahamas from slavery to servitude Bernstein, Paul American work values Beab, Jonathan J. Beyond the broker state Muirhead, Stuart Crisis banking in the East Sako, Mari, & Sato, Hiroki, eds. Japanese management and labour in transition Frederico, Giovanni An economic history of the silk industry Todd, Jan Colonial technology Ausubel, Jesse H., & Langford, H. Dale, eds. Technological trajectories and the human environment Steckel, Richard H., & Floud, Roderick eds. Health and welfare during industrialisation Cunningham, Andrew & Andrews, Bridie eds. Western medicine as contested knoledge  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Local Economy》2006,21(4):439-444

Book Reviews     
Jose L. Tongzon, The Economies of Southeast Asia: The Growth and Development of ASEAN Economies, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 1998, pp. xv + 251.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed: World Bank, Voices of the Poor Wolfgang Scholz, Michael Cichon and Krzysztof Hagemejer, Quantitative Methods in Social Protection Series  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《De Economist》1998,146(4):629-658

Book Reviews     
《De Economist》2001,149(1):131-152

Book Reviews     
《De Economist》2000,148(2):273-292

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this articles: Optirnisation of Agricultural Resource Use in Asia and the Pacific The World Rubber Industry Colin Barlow, Sisira Jayasuriya and C. Suan Tan Routledge The Newly Industrialising Economies of East Asia Anis Chowdhury and Iyanatul Islam Debating Singapore: reflective essays Edited by Derek Da Cunha Subsistence to Supermarket: food and agricultural transformation in Southeast Asia Five Small Open Economies Edited by R. Findlay and S. Wellisz Quand la riziEère rencontre I'ásphalte:…Semis urbain et processus d'urbanisation à Java-est (Indonesie) [When the paddy field meets the asphalt: The urban seed-bed and the process of urbanisation in East Java] Asia Pacific Regionalism: madings in international economic relations Ross Garnaut and Peter Drysdale Grain in China: a report Ross Garnaut and Guonan Ma Health Care In Asia: a comparative study of cost and financing Charles C Griffin Indonesia's New Order: the dynamics of socio-economic transformation Edited by Hal Hill Trade and Growth: a Korean perspective Wontack Hong Coming Full Circle: an economic history of the Pacific rim Eric Jones, Lionel Frost and Colin White Taxation and Economic Development Among Pacific Asian Countries Edited by R. A. Musgrave Foreign Direct Investment Relations Between the OECD and the Dynamic Asian Economies: the Bangkok Workshop Emerging Bond Markets in the Dynamic Asian Economies Technological Transformation in the Third World: Volume I: Asia Edited by S. J. Patel Avebury Contrasting Styles of Industrial Reform: China and India in the 1980s George Rosen Energy, Environment and the Oil Market: an Asia-Pacific perspective Edited by Shankar Sharma Sustainable Development of Small Island Economies Hiroshi Kakazu Hard Emes on Kairiru Island: poverty, development and morality in a Papua New Guinea village Michael French Smith Industry on the Move: causes and consequences of international relocation in the manufacturing industry Edited by Gijsbert van Liemt The Thai Economy in Transition Edited by Peter G. Warr China: foreign trade reform  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Great Britain and Ireland Lesley Abrams, Anglo-Saxon Glastonbury church and endowment Alan Crossley, ed., The Victoria history of the counties of England: Oxford, XIII: Bampton hundred (part one) including the market town of Bampton Zvi Razi and Richard Smith, eds., Medieval society and the manor court J. M. Fletcher and C. A. Upton, eds., The domestic accounts of Merton College, Oxford, 1 August 1482-1 August 1494 Michael J. Braddick, The nerves of the state: taxation and the financing of the English state, 1558-1714 Bruce G. Carruthers, City of capital: politics and markets in the English financial revolution R. B. Outhwaite, Clandestine marriage in England, 1500-1850 Sybil M. Jack, Towns in Tudor and Stuart Britain H. V. Bowen, Elites, enterprise and the making of the British overseas empire, 1688-1775 M. Dresser and P. Ollerenshaw, eds., The making of modern Bristol Negley Harte and Roland Quinault, eds., Land and society in Britain, 1700-1914: essays in honour of F. M. L. Thompson Herbert H. Kaplan, Russian overseas commerce with Great Britain during the reign of Catherine II Mark Jackson, New-born child murder: women, illegitimacy and the courts in eighteenth-century England M. R. Watts, The dissenters, Roger J. P. Kain and Richard R. Oliver, The tithe maps of England and Wales: a cartographic analysis and county-by-county catalogue Michael Huberman, Escape from the market: negotiating work in Lancashire Anna Davin, Growing up poor: home, school and street in London, 1870-1914 David Edgerton, Science, technology and the British industrial `decline', 1870-1970 Lara Marks, Metropolitan maternity: maternal and infant welfare services in early twentieth century London Jim Tomlinson, Democratic socialism and economic policy: the Attlee years, 1945-1951 Alan S. Milward and George Brennan, Britain's place in the world: a historical enquiry into import controls, 1945-1960 David W. Gutzke, Alcohol in the British Isles from Roman times to 1996: an annotated bibliography General Joel F. Harrington, Reordering marriage and society in Reformation Germany R. Po-chia Hsia and Hartmut Lehmann, eds., In and out of the ghetto: Jewish-Gentile relations in late medieval and early modern Germany N. Morley, Metropolis and hinterland: the city of Rome and the Italian economy, 200 B.C.-A.D. 200 Maria Malatesta, ed., Society and the professions in Italy, 1860-1914 J.-M. Duvosquel and E. Thoen, eds., Peasants and townsmen in medieval Europe: studies in honorem Adriaan Verhulst William Chester Gordon, The great famine: northern Europe in the early fourteenth century James Hughes, Stalinism in a Russian province: a study of collectivization and dekulakization in Siberia Mark Harrison, Accounting for war: Soviet production, employment and the defence burden, 1940-1945 Mauro Ambrosoli, trans. Mary McCann Salvatorelli, The wild and the sown: botany and agriculture in western Europe, 1350-1850 Andreas Kunz and John Armstrong, eds., Inland navigation and economic development in nineteenth-century Europe Lee A. Craig and Douglas Fisher, The integration of the European economy, 1850-1913 Joseph Melling and Alan McKinlay, eds., Management, labour and industrial politics in modern Europe: the quest for productivity growth during the twentieth century Jon Lunn, Capital and labour on the Rhodesian railway system, 1888-1947 Stanley L. Engerman and Robert E. Gallman, eds., The Cambridge economic history of the United States Paul A. C. Koistinen, Beating plowshares into swords: the political economy of American warfare, 1606-1865 Christopher J. Casteneda and Clarence M. Smith, Gas pipelines and the emergence of America's regulatory state William J. Barber, Designs within disorder: Franklin D. Roosevelt, the economists and the shaping of American economic policy, 1933-1945 Mikulas Teich and Roy Porter, eds., The industrial revolution in national context: Europe and the USA Roderick A. McDonald, ed., West Indies accounts: essays on the history of the British Caribbean and the Atlantic economy in honour of Richard Sheridan Kenneth J. Andrien, The kingdom of Quito, 1690-1830: the state and regional economic development Thomas F. O'Brien, The revolutionary mission: American enterprise in Latin America, 1900-1945 T. Roy, ed., Cloth and commerce: textiles in colonial India Pierre van der Eng, Agricultural growth in Indonesia: productivity change and policy impact since 1880 J. Th. Lindblad, ed., Historical foundations of a national economy in Indonesia, 1890s-1990s Peter Duus, R. H. Myers, and M. R. Peattie, eds., The Japanese wartime empire, 1931-1945 Peter Liberman, Does conquest pay? The exploitation of occupied industrial societies Dennis O. Flynn, World silver and monetary history in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries T. Bayoumi, B. Eichengreen, and M. P. Taylor, eds., Modern perspectives on the gold standard Harold James, International monetary cooperation since Bretton Woods Martin Fase, Gerald Feldman, and Manfred Pohl, eds., How to write the history of a bank Brenda J. Buchanan, ed., Gunpowder: the history of an international technology René Leboutte, ed., Proto-industrialisation: recherches récentes et nouvelles perspectives. Mélanges en souvenir de Franklin Mendels / Proto-industrialization: recent research and new perspectives. In memory of Franklin Mendels Ralph Shlomowitz with Lance Brennan and John McDonald. Mortality and migration in the western world Andrew Godley and Oliver M. Westall, eds., Business history and business culture Johan Goudsblom, Eric Jones, and Stephen Mennell, The course of human history: economic growth, social process and civilization Daniel Miller, ed., Acknowledging consumption Terry Brotherstone and Geoff Pilling, eds., History, economic history and the future of marxism: essays in memory of Tom Kemp (1921-1993)  相似文献   

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