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本信息中给出的认证产品涉及的产品类目有:农产品,食品,饮料,烟酒,非食用原料,矿产品,化工产品,金属制品,塑料和橡胶制品,木制品,纺织品,服装,动力机械,特种工业专用机械,通用工业机械,办公用机械,电气设备,家用电器,工程设备,卫生保健设备,医疗设备,电信设备,信息技术设备,卫生水道供  相似文献   

畅享激情、体验欧洲杯,冠军品质实力之举,快乐3·15奇瑞“快·乐体验”品牌发布两周年,以人为本.三个喜悦,东风柳州汽车有限公司,长城汽车股份有限公司,与您共创梦想生活,富士通空调,VDALL手机快乐触手可及,四川长虹电器股份有限公司空调公司,宁波科飞洗衣机有限公司,福田雷沃国际重工股份有限公司,浙江钱江摩托股份有限公司,松下电器(中国)有限公司,上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司,广州松下空调器有限公司,东芝家用电器销售(海南)有限公司,安徽安凯福田曙光车桥有限公司,深圳市友利通电子有限公司,无锡吊篮机械制造有限公司,北京爱霓梦舟商贸有限公司,深圳市金立通信设备有限公司,万利达集团简介,霸王(广州)有限公司,泉州恒源创新科技有限公司,紫光海泰科技发展有限公司,上海老凤祥有限公司,斗山工程机械(中国)有限公司,天津市万力嘉通工贸有限公司,福建省宁德市东方神电子有限公司,重庆川工水泵有限公司  相似文献   

江苏吴江同里镇,位于太湖之东,是一个被湖、江、荡、河层层包围的古镇,是典型的江南水乡。探访故里,寻觅少时的踪迹同里古镇原在九里湖滨,唐宋以后逐渐南移,“宋元间,民物丰阜,商贩骈集,百工之事成集。园池亭榭,声伎歌舞,冠绝一时,明初地方五里,居民干余家,室宇丛密,街道逶迤,市场沸腾”。  相似文献   

有所为,有所不为,“为”与“不为”的界限是法律,过则,权益得不到保障甚至触犯刑法,适则,权益方可得以实现,在《宪法》通领下,与土地有关的法律,法规,规章以及政策文件,就是土地在流转,开发和使用等过程中必须遵守,不可触及的“红线”. 土地市场逐步建立和开放的二十年,也是土地资产价值和效应日渐显现的二十年,然而,土地市场运行过程中出现了不少违法违规,使土地权益人权益受损的案件,其中,有的是因为政府官员或土地管理人员法制观念淡薄,直接触及“红线”,导致土地权益纠纷,有的不少事件或案件,则是因为当事人对土地法律法规及政府的理解不透或执行不力,以至在实践操作中出现违法违规行为,这一现象,尤其要引起重视. 法治是土地市场健康运行的保障,土地法制宣传是一个长期任务,为此,本刊开辟《土地法苑》栏目,通过解析典型安全,宣传土地法律法规政策,渗透法制理念,解析违法行为症结,希望能够营造一个学法,守法,执法的市场法制环境.  相似文献   

吊瓜,蔓生,喜攀爬,搭架生长。植株长势强健,根深叶茂。分枝性强,极早熟,主侧蔓开花结果,开花率较高。花白色、大喇叭形,花色艳丽,雌雄同株,结瓜性强,生长快。瓜圆柱形,幼瓜表皮深绿色或淡黄色。吊瓜皮薄肉嫩,品质佳,商品性好,瓜肉雪白、多汁,口感脆爽,炒食、凉拌、做馅、做汤均可。  相似文献   

薛冰 《监督与选择》2005,(1):B022-B022
粉丝是选用优质的绿豆为主要原料,结合传统工艺的基础上,采取现代科技生产而成。其丝条匀细,纯净光亮,整齐柔韧,洁白透明,烹调时入水即软,久煮不碎不糊,吃起来清嫩适口,爽滑耐嚼,风味独特。粉丝含丰富的蛋白质,淀粉,与各种蔬菜,鱼,肉,禽,蛋等搭配,可烹调出中,西式家常便菜和宴席佳肴,  相似文献   

旋转,轮胎与地面摩擦,烧焦的橡胶味道,就像1963年,祛国蒙特卡洛越野赛,车手埃里克·卡尔松驾驶瑞典萨博96车型,第一个冲向终点,精疲力尽的走出驾驶室,踢踢伤痕累累的轮胎,说,“嘿,伙计,我们都为胜利努力燃烧。”  相似文献   

乐秀拔 《秘书》2011,(7):23-23
中国共产党建党90周年,历尽艰辛,终成伟业。改革开放30年,解放思想,变革创新,经济发展,国力加强,人民小康,取得举世瞩目的成就,特作诗祝贺。  相似文献   

中国的民营企业走过太多的泥泞,太多的曲折。民营企监的经营者大多有过夹缝中生存的躲躲闪闪;歧视中跋涉的战战兢兢,然而,改革的洪流如大江东去,浩浩荡荡,一泻千里,从计划经济,商品经济到市场经济,民营经济由小到大,由弱到强,特别是党的十六大进一步明确了民营经济的法律地位,和邦集团和瞬有民营企业一样,走进蓝天,走进阳光,大环境好了,并不意味着所有的民营企监都可以从此高枕无忧,事实上有一些民营企业如沉渣泛起,其兴也勃,其衰也忽。和帮集团在董事长,总经理贺正刚的率领下,事时度势,适时调整产品结构,不断推进技术进步,不断拓展产品市场,不断扩大企监规模,大浪淘沙,始显真金,从最初的猪皮贸易,到涉猎皮革,化工能源三大行业,年生产牛皮100万张,猪皮100万张,皮革服装30万件;年生产盐50万吨,纯碱氯化铵12万吨;年产原煤30万吨,从贺正刚一个人走街串巷“跑单帮”,到现在和邦集团总资产10.2亿元入民币,员工6800余人,专业技术人员900多人,2002年实现销售收入7.3亿元,出口创汇3200万美元,上缴税金4500多万元。这一切无不纪录着和邦集团的发展轨迹,“弄潮儿向涛头立,手把红旗旗不湿”,如今,和邦集团发展方兴未艾,在良好的环境中,把握时机,把握方向,乘胜前进,做大做强。  相似文献   

道,亦即儒家思想中的伦理道德,它是企业成员价值观,世界观,道德观的综合体,单纯的谋取利益,将无立足之地,企业必须提高自身伦理水平,行天道人道,以信为重,以人为本,  相似文献   

The end of the Cold War, which resulted from the collapse of communism and the spread of free market ideas in the former Soviet Union, China, and nations in Eastern Europe, has brought about many dramatic and momentous changes on the world scene. One remarkable development not widely recognized outside specialized academic circles is the emergence of new institutions of higher learning in the private sector of previously command economies and also in many developing countries that had been wedded to a culture of socialism for decades. The “privatization” of higher education is by all accounts a global phenomenon. Very few systematic studies of these new trends in private post‐secondary education exist to date, although the impact of this development could be far‐reaching not only for higher education but also for the social and economic development of many societies in the world. In this paper we attempt to analyze the phenomenon of new private universities in non‐Western nations, focusing on the developing world in general, and Asia in particular. What missions have these institutions chosen? Which models are these institutions following? What challenges do they face? How are they coping with their relationship to existing public universities? How are they dealing with tuition and budgetary issues? What sources of funding are they tapping into? How are they dealing with issues of equity, excellence, and access? In the composition of their faculty, student body, and curriculum, are these institutions sufficiently international? How are the funding institutions and universities in the West helping these fledgling universities? Are these trends expected to accelerate in the future? We attempt to answer these questions within the context of a few case studies that reflect the breadth and diversity of this revolutionary growth in post‐secondary higher education.  相似文献   

赵奕  陈春林 《中国企业家》2012,(Z1):100-102,12
一家百年巨头在中国市场的"浩大实验":孔祥辉如何让飞利浦大中华区与全球战略"求同存异"?2012年2月,飞利浦全球700余高管将云集美国奥兰多市。届时,飞利浦大中华区CEO孔祥辉将代表中国市场,做题为《China Model》(中国模式)的演讲。  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》2019,43(3):17-20
  • ? A new indicator of exposure to the world trade slowdown points to Asian economies like Taiwan and Korea being most exposed, but also to significant vulnerability in Germany. Better insulated from the slowdown are the less open economies, such as the US, Brazil and India.
  • ? Asian economies’ exposure is greater due to their generally high export orientations and strong trade integration with China – especially significant given the escalation of US‐China trade tensions. Likewise, Germany is highly export‐oriented but is also specialised in capital goods exports, which tend to weaken most in trade downturns.
  • ? The indicator used is based on factors including trade openness, export specialisation in weakening sectors and exposure to spillovers from US‐China tariffs. It explains around 40% of the pattern of economic slowdown from 2017–2019 across a sample of key economies.

Are the forces of market selection at work in Africa? How successful are markets in these economies in sorting out firms on an efficiency basis following the sequence of reforms to liberalize and particularly to transform some of the previous command economies to market oriented ones? What is the pattern of entry and exit in the manufacturing sector and how does it affect industry productivity growth? This study examines these issues using firm-level industrial census data from the Ethiopian manufacturing sector. It is the first attempt to analyze firm turnover and productivity differentials using industrial census data in sub-Saharan Africa. The Ethiopian manufacturing sector exhibits a high firm turnover rate that declines with size. Exit is particularly high among new entrants; 60% exit within the first 3 years in business. Our study consistently shows a significant difference in productivity across different groups of firms, which is reflected in a turnover pattern where the less productive exit while firms with better productivity survive. We also found higher aggregate productivity growth over the sample period, mainly driven by firm turnover.  相似文献   

史进 《价值工程》2012,31(24):11-13
自从我国大飞机项目被确立为国家重大战略项目后,关于促进航空工业发展的立法也不断的提出。现在,有没有必要制定一部航空工业促进法或者相关行政法规,立法的各方面条件是否成熟,各方权利义务如何配置,立法中,我们的困难都有哪些,解决争论的理由和思路是什么。文中分析了制定我国航空工业促进法的必要性,并且探讨了制定航空工业促进法时可能遇到的立法问题。  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》2018,42(2):20-24
  • ? Absent June 2016's Brexit vote, growth in business investment would have been much faster and the UK would be sharing in a global “investment boom”. Or so the Bank of England claims. But the reality is more complicated. What is striking is just how subdued investment growth has been across countries.
  • ? Survey evidence presented by the Bank suggests that recent business investment growth has been less than a third of what might have been achieved absent Brexit. The UK has also been highlighted as an investment laggard among major economies.
  • ? Headline investment growth has certainly been relatively weak since 2016. Uncertainty around future UK‐EU trading arrangements may have resulted in some investment being deferred or cancelled. And the Brexit‐related fall in sterling will have pushed up the cost of imported capital equipment, cutting demand.
  • ? But a collapse in investment in the North Sea sector has had a significant effect on headline investment growth. On an excluding‐extraction basis, UK business investment rose at the same pace as the US (ex‐extraction) and faster than Japan in 2016 and 2017, while average annual growth rises from 1.0% to 2.4%.
  • ? What is striking about the recent performance of business investment in the UK and other G7 members is how subdued growth has been across economies. Despite a favourable environment, no major advanced economy has seen investment rise at the type of rates that the Bank predicts the UK, but for Brexit, should be now enjoying.
  • ? Sectoral shifts, the rise of intangible investment and the consequences of technooptimism offer some reasons as to why measured investment may have become less sensitive to economic upswings. These same factors suggest that 1990s‐style growth in private investment is unlikely in the UK (or elsewhere) even once Brexit uncertainty has cleared. Indeed, our own medium‐term forecasts see business investment growth across major economies continuing to run at a relatively subdued pace.

The emergence of the global labour market (GLM) provides a novel platform for young professional workers to design and develop their careers. This is particularly true for those from China, the former Soviet Union and other Eastern European countries, where economic liberation has made it easier for professionals to move both internally and internationally. Taking into account national variations in economic transition and political constraints, several questions are raised. How does the GLM, for example, influence its choice of employers and career development? What are the similarities and differences between Chinese and Eastern European seafarers? What factors contribute to these differences? Those questions are addressed here, through a study of the case of seafarers for whom a global labour market has been established since the 1980s. By collecting crew information worldwide, a global seafarer database has been built in the Seafarers' International Research Centre (SIRC) at Cardiff University. Accordingly, this paper develops a methodological framework for analysing and comparing seafarers' careers, and revealing the features of career development amongst four major seafarer supplier countries: China, Russia, the Ukraine and Poland.  相似文献   

历经改革开放四十多年来的发展,中国的商品市场化程度已经相当之高,而要素市场化配置仍相对滞后,严重制约了市场效率的提升。随着中国经济进入高质量发展阶段,叠加中美贸易战和新冠疫情,要素市场化配置改革的紧迫性前所未有。在此背景之下,《关于构建更加完善的要素市场化配置体制机制的意见》应势而出。要素市场化配置改革有何重要意义?改革的方向和重点是什么?本次要素市场化配置改革又有哪些亮点?本期文章从多个角度进行立体解读,以飨读者。  相似文献   

黄秋丽 《中国企业家》2012,(13):78-81,12
去年以来,被破产、收购、退市的流言缠身的绿城,一直被视为这一轮楼市调控下濒临资金链断裂的地产商代表,宋卫平不断割肉求生,他能否带领这家赌性十足的公司脱险?两场商务谈判之间的空闲时间,绿城董事长宋卫平向年轻的员工小郑详细询问了他到浙江淳安某乡村学校支教的经历。这是自2011年绿城陷入危机以来,宋卫平难得的安闲时刻,"(危机)基本上是过去了。"  相似文献   

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