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This is a book for people who sell (whether they know it or not). It's for people who own their own business and people who are just starting out. It's a book about communication and relationships, which means that you can use it to connect with your customers, bosses, employees, children, and parents, too. If you volunteer for a cause you're passionate about, or if you've got a great idea but you don't know how to start marketing it, this book will help you. This book is for entrepreneurs, politicians, venture capitalists,  相似文献   

In or Out?     
China on April 1 raised the tax rebate rates on exports of certain textile and apparel products from 15% to 16%. It , is the fourth time the government has raised the rebate rate since last August. Dating back to February 4, the State Counc-il executive meeting examined-and approved in principle the revitalization of the textile industry adjusts planning, in the planning, the country would increase textile and garment export tax rebate rate further from 14% to 15%. The measures are expected to boost China's textile and garment enterprises' profits by RMB 9 billion, it is significantly positive for the textile exporting enterprises since the country policies convey a positive signal to consolidate the international share of China's textile industry. Some experts firmly declare textile exports are set to languish this year with no signs of a quick pick up, notwithstanding the increase in tax rebates. Other asserts that with the relative domestic demand extending policies released by the government, the domestic market is expected to remain stable. In these circumstances, more and more enterprises are pushed or actively choose to eye on domestic market, but is "going in" really better than "going out" for them? If it is really a dilemma, how can they do to strike the balance?  相似文献   

Speaking of 798, it is never to be a strange place for the readers. Now as a new travel landmark of Beijing, it entertains hundreds of thousands of tourists every day. For most people, it is a scenic spot, but actually, its real identity should be a cultural industrial park, which is regarded as the successful mod el for the development of the cultural industrial parks. And now it is also listed as one of the top 10 cultural creativity industrial parks in Beijing. But how are the culture dealers running their business right now? How do they feel about the DAD's development? The reporter of China's Foreign Trade visited some of them for answers, but the results are a little bit surprising.  相似文献   

Job Wanted Time     
Farewell, jobs!
Yu Lin, once worked for the Star Toy Factory in Dongguan, Guangdong province, an export hub in south China, had to bid farewell to her friends last month, as the factory declared a bankruptcy at the end of last year and she and her fellow sisters had to go back hometown for other chances. Before the going back decision, "Which job fair are you going to visit today?" was the popular greeting way in this job-wanting troop. After hunting around in the city for a few fruitless months, Yu gave up and returned to Chenzhou, Hunan province, her hometown. "It's a hard time for me, but I understand," Yu said. Many friends she knows are in the same embarrassment as hers. So do the companies.  相似文献   

Ancient, but longing to be modern
In most people's eyes, Xi'an, the capital of Shaanxi, a province in western China, is an alias for "Ancient China", which is also what Patricia from Arizona, U.S., who was sitting next to me on my Xi'an flight thought as well. "My husband and I managed to spend one precious day there in our busy China trip schedule, just to have a look at the great Terra Cotta Warriors," Patricia's eyes were glimmering as we set off flying towards history. The Terra Cotta Warriors are the masterpiece of the First Qin Emperor, whose dynasty dates back to BC 221 - BC 207. Actually, I would prefer to refer to the city as "Chang'an", which used to be the city's name in the Tang dynasty (AD 618 - 907) when it served as China's capital during the most prosperous period in ancient Chinese history.  相似文献   

When the Pearls in Pearl River Delta (PRD) is mentioned, Hong Kong will also naturally jump to people's mind. It must not only due to PRD's proximity with Hong Kong, but also due to Hong Kong's special role in the development of this region. Admittedly, Hong Kong really provided strong drive for the takeoff of the PRD Economic Zone. But with the prosperity of PRD, the nearly tailored combinations and complementarity have taken shape between Hong Kong and PRD, pushing the economy in the two areas to grow far more rapidly than otherwise.  相似文献   

Widely known for Flamenco music and dance,bullfights, fantastic beaches and lots of sunshine,Spain offers much more than that.It has been for thousands of years as one of the cultural centers in Europe. Be there, you will not only enjoy the sunshine, delicious food and warm services, but also realize the palm of life,the most significance of life. If you are willing to visit places of interests, Spain is the best choice for you.Impressions on cultural heritages and diversified civilization intrigue you a lot. When intoxicating in the beautiful sceneries, you will have fun to share the joys with local people, be familiar with folk custom.It is a fascinating country to know and to know more about it.  相似文献   

Beijing Tongrentang (TRT) is a famous time-honored brand in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) industry. In 1669, the 8th year of Emperor Kangxi's reign of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), TRT was found by Yue Xianyang, an imperial physician in Beijing. It was 188 years when TRT served the royal courts from 1723 to 1911. TRT earned customers' trust with its persistent philosophy of quality, "No manpower was to be spared, no matter how complicated the procedures of pharmaceutical production were; No material was to be reduced, no matter how much the cost." They have also developed a strong sense of self-discipline with the saying of "Nobody may know what you have done, but the God aware of your conscience".  相似文献   

On June 15, 2009, at the 2009 China Beijing International Energy Saving and Environmental Protection High-level Forum -- EMC and Energy Conservation Service Industry, there were 12 enterprises par-ticipating in the contract signing ceremony for EMC programs. All the contracted energy conservation companies are member units of Beijing Commission for Promotion of Energy Saving and Environmental Protection (Beijing CPPESEP). And the total amount of cooperation intention is up to tens of millions RMB. It seemed that the EMC mechanism oriented by the market and serving the energy conservation was thriving again. So what is the EMC? How is it developed and applied in China right now? And what difficulties does the EMC mechanism confront in China? Let's see.  相似文献   

Italy is a modern, industrialized nation which has managed to preserve its traditional culture intact. It is China's old friend, and its long-time trade partner. In 2006, the Year of Italy in China, various measures were taken to broaden the scope of China and Italy's relationship, not only in terms of economic cooperation and trade, but also concerning historical and cultural awareness. What sort of new opportunities for cooperation will we be seeing in the new year? China's Foreign Trade interviewed Antonino Laspina, Commissioner of the Italian Trade Commission's Beijing office, about this question and more.  相似文献   

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