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Although brand management is increasingly important to a museum manager, the existing literature on brand equity within the museum industry is sparse. This study aims to propose a museum brand equity model from the customer's perspective and to examine the mediate roles of brand value. A survey was undertaken of visitors to the National Museum of Natural Sciences in Taiwan, resulting in 367 valid responses. The results of this study provided support for the majority of the hypothesized relationships. Specifically, brand value played a full mediate role in the model. Implications and suggestions for future research are also discussed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This research focuses on the analysis of wine tourism in four Spanish regions. Specifically, its main purpose is the development of a model to study the influence of the denomination of origin brand image, as a regional brand, and destination image on wine tourism destination brand equity. Due to the importance of destination marketing strategies, this study has been carried out from the wine industry's perspective. The conclusions obtained are applicable to the tourist sector and, particularly, to those wineries that wish to start a new line of business: wine tourism. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the last 30 years, destination image has emerged as a dominant theme in tourism research studies for both tourism industry practitioners and academic researchers. The results of these studies are intended for destination management purposes and thus are of utmost importance for destination success. Various factors are postulated and demonstrated to influence destination image; however, there is a lack of focus on the methodologies employed when evaluating the image of a destination. The purpose of this study is to investigate the potential impact of some methodological tools used when measuring destination image. A large scale and longitudinal market survey dataset of the Michigan Regional Travel Market Survey was analysed for the purpose of this study. A wide range of methodological factors from data gathering modes to analytical techniques utilised were found to influence the revealed image of the study destination, Michigan. Detailed discussion of potential bias factors and potential research directions are provided.  相似文献   

This research examines the effectiveness of destination familiarity as a segmentation variable. Based on the traditional destination‐choice model, which suggests that customers might eliminate unfavorable destinations in the early stages of information search process, this research proposes that familiar customers should possess more favorable destination images and higher visiting intentions than unfamiliar customers. As the results confirm the positive effects of destination familiarity on destination image and travel intention, the effectiveness of destination familiarity as a segmentation variable is also verified. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A destination brand comprises brand elements that lead tourists to form a brand impression of a destination. Based on a literature review, this study contributes to a model for exploring tourist destination brand contact experiences. The results from applying Kano's model and the importance–satisfaction model to a specific hot spring destination indicate that four types of contact elements can be identified as having different quality attributes. The contact elements related to staff's service efficiency, attitude and willingness of serving customers are identified as the critical brand contact elements for the tourist destination. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The identification of mechanisms that encourage the tourism sector to contribute to sustainable conservation is of great interest. The present work proposes the use of destination branding based on contribution to the conservation of the indigenous resources of the rural tourist destination, and studies the effect this has on perceived value for the tourist visiting the destination. A scale of destination brand identity is validated, along with a scale for destination brand positioning and another for perceived value, as viewed by the tourist, of contribution to sustainable conservation. The perceived value scale offers an overall perspective which includes: functional-affective factors; benefits–sacrifices; the pre-visit stage; and the stay in the rural tourism location. These findings make a new contribution to both literature and to the professional sector.  相似文献   

Although several studies have demonstrated a positive relationship between destination attractiveness and loyalty, most published research has focused on travellers from geographically close markets and on mature destinations. This study adopts a demand‐side perspective to investigate these concepts for an emerging long‐haul destination (South Africa). A survey was conducted among a sample of Italian tourists to explore the determinants of destination attractiveness and to investigate the effect of destination attractiveness on tourists' loyalty. Moreover, this study considers the moderating role of previous travel experience on the relationship between attractiveness and loyalty. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The primary objectives of this study were to investigate and develop a theoretical relationship among destination image, service quality and perceived value and to empirically test the constructs that are likely to affect tourist satisfaction, which in turn influence revisit intentions and word‐of‐mouth referrals. The results of empirical study indicated that destination image influences service quality and perceived value. In addition, the findings revealed that perceived value has a significant effect on satisfaction and loyalty. These research findings contribute to an extant knowledge in this domain, specifically focused on a family‐oriented destination where it was not studied yet with these relationships. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This note discusses the influences of previous visits on tourists' destination images. The cognitive and affective images of New York City (NYC) appear to change in certain directions after visiting. The results also found that city images have a significant influence on tourists' visit intention. However, previous visits to NYC did not play any moderating effect between destination images and visiting intention. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Given the growing number of hotel brands, improving consumer experience has become an increasingly important area of interest to industry practitioners. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between hotel guests' brand experience, knowledge and loyalty to name‐brand hotels. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling with the incorporation of a second‐order factor analysis were employed to achieve the research goals. The findings indicate that brand experience was represented as a holistic concept with sensory, affective, behavioral and intellectual aspects. While brand experience influences brand loyalty, its impact is partially mediated by brand knowledge. This is a pioneer study that combines consumer experience with branding in the hospitality industry and offers practical suggestions to facilitate hotel managers in their development of effective branding strategies. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

By reporting a study undertaken during the final stages of the European Football Championships—UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) EURO 2004TM, this paper aims to evaluate the cognitive image of a country/destination by the media during the coverage of mega‐events, which may in turn contribute to the field of tourism promotion and planning. By applying various statistical methods, it is possible not only to assess and identify the aspects which have contributed the most to the opinion‐forming of autonomous agents, but also to present empirical evidence of the influence of the organisation of this event on the image formation of the destination as a whole. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study aims to outline the growing importance of culture in the field of tourism. More specifically, it highlights culture as a moderating variable in pre‐visit tourist destination image formation, through the information sources utilized by the tourist in the selection of a holiday destination (that is, travel agencies alone vs. travel agencies together with the Internet). For this purpose primary research used a multicultural sample of 371 tourists from different European countries. The results show that the formation of a destination's pre‐visit image amongst tourists, based on the information sources they use, is moderated by the level of uncertainty‐avoidance of their national cultures. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to measure the immediate impacts of a film on the perceptions of viewers from different countries. The film chosen for this experiment was the Motorcycle Diaries in which South America was featured prominently in the film. Using established scales from the tourism and marketing literature, viewers from the USA, Canada and Spain were surveyed before and after seeing the film, and results showed that the film did change the viewers' perceptions of South America. After watching the film, a large percentage of the respondents expressed a desire to visit the countries seen in the film, with Canadians showing a significantly higher desire to visit South America than the US and Spanish participants. Those who were motivated to travel by the film were especially influenced by the scenery, landscape and the cultural attractions of the destination as depicted in the movie. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We identify the latent variable ‘destination image’ to segment tourism demand based on the different types of behaviour generated by those images. We used simultaneous latent structure analysis, which also permits a comparison of the degree of homogeneity or heterogeneity of two or more tourist markets. After presenting the most significant methodological aspects of this technique, we describe its application to the data of a study of the behaviour of tourism demand of Andalusia to determine whether those tourists with a marked inclination for cultural tourism have a similar (homogeneous) image of this destination as do other tourists. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examines the image of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) as a holiday destination. The countries are linked by having had communist governments and being inaccessible to tourists from outside the communist bloc. Currently, they seek new tourist markets and this study examines the views of a number of UK residents about destination image of CEE. The study examines, through semi‐structured interviews, images held by people who have and who have not visited CEE. The data is analysed qualitatively. Few significant differences were found between views of visitors and non‐visitors; most views were positive and associated favourably with ‘culture’. Negative images were usually associated with the eastern part of the area especially ex‐Yugoslavia. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite its contribution to the national economy, domestic tourism is one of the most neglected and under-researched forms of tourism in the literature. This study tested an integrated path model examining the interrelationships between destination image, perceived quality, satisfaction and behavioural intentions, using domestic tourists who visited Eilat, Israel. The findings support the hierarchical relationships between image, quality, satisfaction and behavioural intentions. In addition, the affective image component was found to exert a far greater impact on the overall destination image than the cognitive component. The study establishes a better understanding of domestic tourists’ destination image and behavioural intention formulation. It also provides a number of implications for destination managers targeting the voluminous domestic segment.  相似文献   

This study empirically examines the potential effects of a promotional video on the image change of China as a travel destination. The analysis is based on an experimental study conducted among young, international short‐term employees in the USA. Despite positive changes in almost all the destination attributes as a result of watching the promotional video, the structure of the image constructs remains fairly stable, providing critical insights on the potential role of publicity campaigns in affecting destination images. Results of the study reveal that China's image consists of mixed and often contrasting representations, especially the polarity of modernisation and progress versus nature and history. It was found that the dominant factor affecting the respondents' behavioural intentions was the cultural and nature tourism dimension. Although other image dimensions exhibit influence as well, findings of this study suggest that perceived value should be a strategic focus in promoting China as a desirable travel destination, in addition to culture and nature tourism. This paper ends with conclusions and implications for both research on destination image and destination marketing in China. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the factors that discourage non‐tourists' participation in domestic tourism. Data were collected in 15 cities in China and analyzed using a comparative analysis and non‐parametric ridit analysis. The findings indicate that (i) non‐tourists have low internal travel motivation and attitude and are more likely to be under 25 or above 55 years old, less educated, less healthy, with small child(ren) and lower income; (ii) non‐tourists consider less on destination environment and attraction, but focus on price and travel expenses when making a travel decision and destination choice; and (iii) economic and leisure time are their main situational travel constrains. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Web‐based destination marketing system (DMS) has been widely used as a distribution channel and marketing tool by destination marketing organisations (DMOs) at different levels in the promotion and management of tourism destinations. However, successful Web marketing requires a systematic approach in understanding key factors supporting the management and implementation of the DMS both from business and technical perspectives. The purpose of this study is to assess the critical factors of the Web‐based DMS used by DMOs in the USA on the following five areas: website function design, website promotion, Website‐performance measurement, Web‐marketing impact assessment and organisation technology environment. Discussions of the study results and implications for Internet destination marketing and management are also provided. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to identify a simple technique that can be used to indicate whether flagship urban projects contribute to city image change. The quasi‐experiment outlined is grounded in established marketing efficacy measures and involves establishing the relationship between awareness levels of projects and image change. After an explanation of the proposed technique, it is applied to projects in Birmingham, Manchester and Sheffield to demonstrate its potential value. Despite raising some concerns, the paper concludes that the technique provides a useful indicator of the effects of flagship projects, particularly when longitudinal research is not possible. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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