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很长一段时间以来,拆船行业一直处于被忽视的尴尬境地。全球范围内.追逐拆船利益成为如何拆解、何处拆解的主导因素,多数船东缺乏绿色拆解的责任感,冲滩拆解的方式盛行.雇用童工的现象严重,绿色拆船厂处于不公平的国际竞争环境中……然而.业内专家认为.拆船业恰恰是最不应被忽视的行业。因为在解决船舶废钢回收利用、平衡全球航运运力结构、促进航运业与造船良性发展方面.拆船业起到了至关重要的作用。因此,拆船业发展趋势如何,绿色拆船何去何从,中国拆船厂路在何方等问题应引起高度重视和反思。  相似文献   

Chinese government has recently introduced more flexible policies on foreign investment,which can help to partially restore the development of foreign inflows in China but can hardly resume its previous growth speed.Bian Weihong,a senior analyst from the Institute of International Finance of the Bank of China,believed that,given the current conditions,the situation for foreign investment absorption in the second half of the year will still stay complicated.Bian also pointed out that in the previous phase,as the European debt crisis stops deteriorating and the U.S.  相似文献   

Turkey's Hope     
Turkey, lies southeast of Europe on the tip of western Asia, the country enjoys both a historical bond and deep friendship with China. With their respective locations on the west and east ends of the ancient Silk Road, Turkey and China have a long history of political, cultural and trade relations.  相似文献   

Still working     
《Business Horizons》2016,59(1):5-6

China's macro economy has remained in a good and stable condition overall,experiencing an annual GDP growth of over 10% for several consecutive years.Under this basic condition, the main focus of the Outlook was China's current grain and oil supply,and the demand market with its probable future prices.  相似文献   

Gender is commonly associated with two distinct and opposing sexes. Over time, such binarity has engendered stereotypes commonly observed in the fashion market. However, something called genderless fashion has recently gained prominence in the media. This research first posits that discourse in specialized media can influence the issues of power; we then seek to understand how the business and factual media discourse in Brazil describe the genderless fashion market through a critical discourse analysis. The results revealed essentially that the genderless fashion market still reproduces the stereotypes and gender patterns of the binary perspective.  相似文献   

The rejection of the Lisbon Treaty by the Irish electorate has given new vigour to the debate on the European Union’s widely perceived democratic deficit. Does the EU indeed have a serious democracy problem? What are the options open to the European political leadership and which of these should be acted upon?  相似文献   

江风 《中国海关》2001,(6):16-17
记者在南部非洲工作期间,经常听说,有的人因为在行李中夹带了一些象牙制品被海关查获,轻则被课以数百数千甚或上万美元罚款,重则被抓去坐牢.一些非洲国家的海关工作人员发现,亚洲人最喜欢非洲象牙饰品,如项链和手镯、手链等.于是他们的盘查重点就放在了这些黄皮肤,黑头发的通关者身上.在有的海关,几乎每一个过关的亚洲人,都会被要求打开箱子,由海关官员检查所携带的每一件物品.  相似文献   

迈过2019年,我们步入2020年。今年是十三五规划的收官之年。回顾十三五期间我国会议业的整体发展趋势,大到会议数量的整体提升,会议规模逐步扩大,品牌建设的逐渐完善。小到参会体验更为优质,技术发展越发成熟,智能服务广泛普及。中国会议产业的发展有了十分明显的进步与提升。  相似文献   

Turkey's Hope     
Turkey, lies southeast of Europe on the tip of western Asia, the country enjoys both a historical bond and deep friendship with China.With their respective locations on the west and east ends of the ancient Silk Road, Turkey and China have a long history of political, cultural and trade relations.……  相似文献   

在上期文章中记者谈到,世贸组织多哈回合谈判目前的主要症结在于美国和新兴经济体之间的立场差距过于悬殊。美国认为现有协议的市场准入水平不够,要求中国、印度和巴西做出更多的开放市场承诺;而后者认为现有协议是经过10年讨价还价形成的微妙平衡,不宜再做大改动,而且自己的任何让步必须有所回报。结论是,多哈谈判难以走出困境。  相似文献   

The time is ripe for China to decide how it will issue third generation (3G) mobile licenses, a top regulator was quoted, in a move that could spark billions of U.S. dollars inspending.  相似文献   

张皎 《WTO经济导刊》2014,(11):88-90
《中欧双边投资协定》是在欧盟共同投资政策正在形成期时协商谈判的第一批欧盟层面的双边投资协定之一,也是目前唯一以单独的投资协定形式进行协商谈判的欧盟双边投资协定。对于中国而言,主要的挑战将是如何在吸引外资的同时兼顾保护特殊行业以及如何适应中国对欧盟投资增加的趋势,为中国的海外投资开拓更多的途径、争取更高程度的保护。  相似文献   

Asub-prime mortgage refers to a type of loai3 that is normally made to borrowers who do not qualify for market interest rates,often due to a variety of risk factors,such as their income level,size of the down payment,credit history,or employment status. As a result of the borrower's low credit rating, a conventional mortgage cannot be offered because the lender views the borrower as having a greater-than-average risk of defaulting on the loan. Lending institutions often charge interest on sub-prime mortgages at a rate that is higher than a conventional mortgage in order to compensate for this added risk. Recently,  相似文献   

China's consumption continues to grow steadiiy in this year driven by the adjustment of the economic growth model,increases in household income,development of technology,acceleration of urbanization,consumption upgrades and the govern ment policies to stimulate consumption.Yet it still remains a challenge for China's consumption if it wishes to achieve sustainable development.  相似文献   

在乌拉圭回合之前,GATT成员中滥用保障措施的现象就已成蔓延趋势.正是为了制止这一危及关贸总协定规则体系的现象,乌拉圭回合专门设立了"保障措施"这一谈判议题,其目的就是要使GATT第十九条的规则更为具体化、更为明确化及更具有监控性,将保障措施行为约束在其合理范围之内.  相似文献   

<正>益普索调查显示:76%的网民两年内有购车计划,其中一年内购车比例达到32%1~5月份,中国乘用车市场持续走强。国内汽车销量已连续3个月超过100万辆,连续5个月保持全球第一。去年年底多数企业预测2009年中国汽车市场将呈现由  相似文献   

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