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Stock Returns, Dividend Yields, and Taxes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using an improved measure of a common stock's annualized dividend yield, we document that risk-adjusted NYSE stock returns increase in dividend yield during the period from 1963 to 1994. This relation between return and yield is robust to various specifications of multifactor asset pricing models that incorporate the Fama–French factors. The magnitude of the yield effect is too large to be explained by a tax penalty on dividend income and is not explained by previously documented anomalies. Interestingly, the effect is primarily driven by smaller market capitalization stocks and zero-yield stocks.  相似文献   

This article extends previous empirical research to forecast Chinese bull and bear stock markets by using three types of binary probit time series models, which are static, autoregressive, and dynamic autoregressive models. This study shows that the dynamic auto regressive model performs the best both in- and out-of-sample. The inflation and market return variables significantly affect the market forecast. The dynamic autoregressive model has successfully forecast the bull and bear markets since 2007. The investment strategy based on this model performs better than the simple buy-and-hold strategy, especially after the Chinese government reformed the non-tradable shares in 2005.  相似文献   

Dividend Stability, Dividend Yield and Stock Returns: UK Evidence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper establishes an empirical role for two measures of dividend stability (as a proxy for dividend policy) in explaining UK stock returns. There is little systematic empirical evidence concerning the relation between dividend stability, dividend yield and stock returns despite the fact that a variety of theoretical models point to dividend policy as an important stock attribute. Here we construct two definitions of dividend stability, one of which involves dividend cuts, and use a sample of all listed UK firms from 1975 to 1997 to explore the relationship between stock returns and a variety of characteristics, including dividend stability. We find an inverse correlation between the stability of past dividend policy and systematic risk. Both stability measures have explanatory power over returns, but this is concentrated in January.  相似文献   

This paper establishes an empirical role for two measures of dividend stability (as a proxy for dividend policy) in explaining UK stock returns. There is little systematic empirical evidence concerning the relation between dividend stability, dividend yield and stock returns despite the fact that a variety of theoretical models point to dividend policy as an important stock attribute. Here we construct two definitions of dividend stability, one of which involves dividend cuts, and use a sample of all listed UK firms from 1975 to 1997 to explore the relationship between stock returns and a variety of characteristics, including dividend stability. We find an inverse correlation between the stability of past dividend policy and systematic risk. Both stability measures have explanatory power over returns, but this is concentrated in January.  相似文献   

This paper documents some empirical facts about ex-day abnormal returns to high dividend yield stocks that are potentially subject to corporate dividend capture. We find that average abnormal ex-dividend day returns are uniformly negative in each year after the introduction of negotiated commission rates and that time variation in ex-day returns during the negotiated commission rates era is consistent with corporate tax-based dividend capture. Ex-day returns are more negative when the tax advantage to corporate dividend capture is greatest and more positive when increases in transaction costs and risk reduce incentives to engage in corporate tax-based dividend capture.  相似文献   

We use empirical models to examine the predictive ability of dividend and earnings yields for long‐term stock returns. Results show that dividend and earnings yields share a similar predictive power for future stock returns and growth. We find that the predictive power of dividend yields increases with the return horizon, but that yields forecast future returns and growth over a much longer horizon. Finally, dividend and earnings yields exhibit high autocorrelation and strong contemporaneous relations.  相似文献   

基于牛市和熊市不同周期的股票市场动量效应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在参考国外研究方法的基础上,以周作为检验周期,将1997年6月至2001年6月的股市作为牛市,2001年6月至2005年6月的股市作为熊市,然后分别检验股市在这两个不同时期的动量效应.研究发现,赢家组合在牛市中存在着正的动量效应,输家组合在熊市中存在着负的动量效应.而牛市中的输家组合和熊市中的赢家组合都存在着价格的反转.  相似文献   

The conditional covariance between aggregate stock returns and aggregate consumption growth varies substantially over time. When stock market wealth is high relative to consumption, both the conditional covariance and correlation are high. This pattern is consistent with the “composition effect,” where agents' consumption growth is more closely tied to stock returns when stock wealth is a larger share of total wealth. This variation can be used to test asset‐pricing models in which the price of consumption risk varies. After accounting for variations in this price, the relation between expected excess stock returns and the conditional covariance is negative.  相似文献   

This study investigates the returns and volatility of bull and bear markets as represented by the Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX). Our results show that bull markets are characterized by high returns and low volatility and that the opposite is true for bear markets. Further, this study uncovers a relationship between the duration of bull and bear markets and the point at which the TOPIX has turned from bull to bear and vice versa. Our results indicate that a bull or bear market has a higher probability of continuing as the duration of market’s current trend lengthens. If a bull or bear market trend persists for more than nine months, its probability of continuing approaches 1. Conversely, the transition from a rising to a declining market, and vice versa, is more likely to occur when the previous trend has persisted for less than nine months.  相似文献   

Higher initial margin requirements are associated with lowersubsequent stock market volatility during normal and bull periods,but show no relationship during bear periods. Higher marginsare also negatively related to the conditional mean of stockreturns, apparently because they reduce systemic risk. We concludethat a prudential rule for setting margins (or other regulatoryrestrictions) is to lower them in sharply declining marketsin order to enhance liquidity and avoid a depyramiding effectin stock prices, but subsequently raise them and keep them atthe higher level in order to prevent a future pyramiding effect.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the nature of transmission of stock returns and volatility between the U.S. and Japanese stock markets using futures prices on the S&P 500 and Nikkei 225 stock indexes. We use stock index futures prices to mitigate the stale quote problem found in the spot index prices and to obtain more robust results. By employing a two-step GARCH approach, we find that there are unidirectional contemporaneous return and volatility spillovers from the U.S. to Japan. Furthermore, the U.S.'s influence on Japan in returns is approximately four times as large as the other way around. Finally, our results show no significant lagged spillover effects in both returns and volatility from the Osaka market to the Chicago market, while a significant lagged volatility spillover is observed from the U.S. to Japan. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper documents significant 5-day, 10-day and 20-day cumulativeabnormal returns following large one-day advances/declines in some Asianemerging stock markets, such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand,Australia and Philippines. Stock prices tend to rise after large one-dayadvances and fall after large one-day declines. These findings areinconsistent with DeBondt and Thaler's (1985 and 1987) overreactionhypothesis. However, they are consistent with Cox and Peterson's (194)find that prices of longer term (5 to 20 days) tend to decline followinglarge price declines.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the time-series behavior of stock returns for seven Asian stock markets. In most cases, higher average returns appear to be associated with a higher level of volatility. Testing the relationship between stock returns and unexpected volatility, the evidence shows that four out of seven Asian stock markets have significant results. Further analyzing the relationship between stock returns and time-varying volatility by using Threshold Autoregressive GARCH(1,1)-in-mean specification indicates that the null hypothesis of no asymmetric effect on the conditional volatility is rejected for the daily data. However, the null cannot be rejected for the monthly data.  相似文献   

Firm sizes and book-to-market ratios are both highly correlated with the average returns of common stocks. Fama and French (1993) argue that the association between these characteristics and returns arise because the characteristics are proxies for nondiversifiable factor risk. In contrast, the evidence in this article indicates that the return premia on small capitalization and high book-to-market stocks does not arise because of the comovements of these stocks with pervasive factors. It is the characteristics rather than the covariance structure of returns that appear to explain the cross-sectional variation in stock returns.  相似文献   

关于股票市场周内效应的问题研究很少考虑到牛、熊市场氛围对市场交易的影响。事实上,这是一个重要的影响因素,把牛、熊市场区分开来进行相关问题的研究,区分牛熊市场研究金融市场问题具有重要的理论意义和现实意义.所得结果对实际操作具有较大的指导作用。  相似文献   

Earlier evidence concerning the relation between stock returns and the effects of size and earnings to price ratio (E/P) is not clear-cut. This paper re-examines these two effects with (a) a substantially longer sample period, 1951–1986, (b) data that are reasonably free of survivor biases, (c) both portfolio and seemingly unrelated regression tests, and (d) an emphasis on the important differences between January and other months. Over the entire period, the earnings yield effect is significant in both January and the other eleven months. Conversely, the size effect is significantly negative only in January. We also find evidence of consistently high returns for firms of all sizes with negative earnings.  相似文献   

本文基于沪深股市1993~2008年剔除了金融类股的所有A股数据,研究了中国证券市场上货币政策与股票横截面收益之间的关系。本文发现,在货币紧缩情况下,股票的Beta值与股票收益是成正比例关系的,而在货币扩张情况下,这种正比关系的程度减小,股票的Beta越大,其收益反而减小;在货币紧缩情况下,股票的市值规模与股票收益是成反比例关系的,而在货币扩张情况下,这种反比关系的程度变大,股票的市值规模越小,其收益增加的程度更大;在货币紧缩情况下,股票的账面市值比与股票收益是成正比例关系的,而在货币扩张情况下,这种正比关系的程度变大,股票的账面市值比越大,其收益增加的程度也越大。  相似文献   

本文基于沪深股市1993-2008年剔除了金融类股的所有A股数据,研究了股票动量因素、反转因素和换手率等股票交易信息对股票收益横截面的影响。研究结果表明,股票的一年期的动量因素对股票的横截面收益的影响不显著,股票的三个月的短期反转因素对股票的横截面收益有显著影响,股票的三个月的累计收益越低,其在接下来一期获得的收益就可能越高。股票的换手率对股票的横截面收益的影响也显著,股票的上一期的换手率越高,在接下来的一期获得的收益就可能越低。  相似文献   

We present a latent variable model of dividends that predicts, out‐of‐sample, 39.5% to 41.3% of the variation in annual dividend growth rates between 1975 and 2016. Further, when learning about dividend dynamics is incorporated into a long‐run risks model, the model predicts, out‐of‐sample, 25.3% to 27.1% of the variation in annual stock index returns over the same time horizon, with learning contributing approximately half of the predictability in returns. These findings support the view that investors' aversion to long‐run risks and their learning about these risks are important in determining stock index prices and expected returns.  相似文献   

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