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The state of protection for technology in China is widely criticized from the point of view of incompleteness of the legal system as a whole. Much research dwells on the gap between the Chinese legal system and that in industrialized countries or international agreements. In comparison with the developed countries, China lacks core technologies. While holders of such technologies encounter serious problems in China, the Chinese government is not in an enviable position either. Due to the internal impetus and external pressure on China to strengthen protection for technology, China has made a giant stride and made a substantial progress in legislation, enforcement and other areas. However, designing an appropriate system for technology protection is so complex that China will unavoidably face many challenges. The reforms to be carried out in China will be based on the balance between economic and political consideration.  相似文献   

This article uses the travel cost method to value both client visits to collect antiretroviral therapy (ARV) and stigma, which prevents ARV adherence. Using a representative sample for Uganda initiated specifically for this study, we found a willingness to pay (WTP) valuation for visits made in the range of US$14–US$17 and a willingness to accept (WTA) valuation of US$25 for visits missed. The valuations for stigma based on a novel measure of stigma using a new estimation method were close to the valuations for visits. These valuations can be used to estimate the benefits to carry out cost–benefit analyses (CBAs) of interventions aimed at increasing ARV coverage and adherence.  相似文献   



Adherence to growth hormone (GH) therapy among children is variable and remains a problem, possibly affecting growth outcomes and future health, and having economic consequences.


To provide a review of the issues related to poor adherence to GH therapy in children and describe integrative strategies that may improve adherence.


Poor adherence may be caused by various factors, affecting both the children and their families. The key reasons for adherence difficulties are psychological/emotional problems, social/everyday problems and technical handling issues of the drug delivery device. Correspondingly a broad range of strategies to address adherence to GH therapy often revolve around counseling and education, not just for the patient but also for the family giving care.


This review is intended as a general survey of strategies which could help, in clinical practice, to overcome poor adherence to growth hormone therapy in children; it summarizes the representative literature but it does not aim to be a rigorous database literature search in every aspect.


If poor adherence is recognized early on during treatment, appropriate steps may be taken to identify barriers that are amenable to change for encouraging the child to adhere to the treatment regimen. A preventative approach may also be considered; for example, doctors could address adherence issues early and train families of children treated with GH to recognize the resources as well as the barriers to adherence. The broad range of different causes for poor adherence demands a great variety of interventions, making it important to individualize optimal treatment behavior. Additionally, economic studies are required to quantify the cost of poor adherence to GH therapy and to show the financial benefits of good adherence.  相似文献   

Objectives: Non-adherence and non-persistence to anti-hyperglycemic agents are associated with worse clinical and economic outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes. This study evaluated treatment persistence and adherence across newer anti-hyperglycemic agents (canagliflozin, dapagliflozin, sitagliptin, saxagliptin, linagliptin, liraglutide, or exenatide).

Methods: This retrospective cohort study of Truven Health Analytics Marketscan databases included adult patients with type 2 diabetes whose first pharmacy claim for a newer anti-hyperglycemic agent was between February 1, 2014 and July 31, 2014. Treatment persistence and adherence were assessed for 12 months after the first claim (post-index). Persistence was defined as no gap 90 days between the end of one pharmacy claim and the start of the next pharmacy claim post-index. Adherence used two definitions: proportion of days covered (PDC) and medication possession ratio (MPR). Multivariable analyses of non-persistence (hazard ratios) and adherence (odds ratios) were adjusted for baseline demographics, drug cost, clinical characteristics, and other anti-hyperglycemic agents.

Results: A total of 11,961 patients met all study selection criteria. Persistence rates at 12 months were significantly greater (p?p?=?0.83; PDC?=?0.79) and canagliflozin 300?mg (MPR?=?0.92; PDC?=?0.81) were greater than for the other index anti-hyperglycemic agents (MPR?=?0.330.75; PDC?=?0.330.72). Consistent results for treatment persistence and adherence were observed in multivariable analyses that were adjusted baseline characteristics.

Conclusions: Canagliflozin was associated with better treatment persistence and treatment adherence compared with other anti-hyperglycemic agents in real-world settings.  相似文献   

当今世界,企业之间从价格竞争逐渐转向非价格竞争。差异化战略的实施可以使企业之间展开良性的非价格竞争,它为各个企业的发展以及产业进步提供了更广阔的空间。本文从企业进行差异化战略的原因、实施等方面入手,阐明了企业如何实施此战略,从而为企业的自身发展起到战略规划的作用。  相似文献   

Why are humans so vulnerable to pain in interpersonal relations and can so easily hurt others physically and emotionally? We theoretically examine whether being offensively strong but defensively weak can evolve as a strategic trait that fosters cooperation. We study a population comprised of “thick-skinned” and “thin-skinned” agents by using an indirect evolution model that combines rational choice in strategic interactions with evolutionary selection across generations. We find that (a) the relatively vulnerable and cooperative thin-skins cannot evolve under purely random matching, (b) with some assortment thin-skins evolve and can take over the entire population, (c) vulnerability to greater pain makes it easier for thin-skins to evolve, and (d) proximate pain which merely feels bad but does not lower fitness helps thin-skins evolve even more than pain which accurately reflects fitness consequences. We draw contrast with the Hawk-Dove model and identify several ways in which rationality hinders the evolution of the relatively vulnerable and peaceful type of agent.  相似文献   

本文认为 ,从劳动价值论本来意义上来说 ,纯粹的服务不创造价值。使用价值的本质特性正在于它的物质性 ,如果为了将服务纳入到创造价值的劳动中来而勉强将使用价值的概念扩大 ,不仅背离了劳动价值论原来的意义 ,也不符合客观实际。确认纯粹的服务为非生产性劳动 ,不会削弱服务劳动在市场经济中的重要地位  相似文献   

Few number of days accounts for most of the returns delivered by precious metals (gold, silver, platinum and palladium). A passive buy and hold investment strategy in precious metals outperforms market timers who miss the best 5, 10 and 50 days by 51%, 71% and 98%, respectively. Likewise, long-term performance of precious metals is largely determined by the return of few outliers (black swans). Thus, investors should reconsider trying to predict when to be in and out of the precious metals markets and support investing in precious metals ETFs.  相似文献   

我国已逐渐步入老龄化社会,高校离退休人员队伍越来越庞大,并呈不断增长的态势.笔者通过对高校离退休人员群体特征、高校离退休工作特点及对高校离退休工作一般规律的分析,阐述了高校离退休工作的重点及对策,强调应坚持"以人为本"的科学发展观,结合实际,把握规律,真正做到管理到位、待遇到位、感情到位、服务到位.  相似文献   

Peatlands are an important multipurpose ecosystem, supporting huge quantities of biomass and peat soil carbon. A time series of Japanese Earth Resource Satellite-1 (JERS-1) L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data was employed to monitor two dynamic ecosystem processes; deforestation and inundation patterns. Using a change detection analysis for three images acquired during dry seasons of 1994, 1997 and 1998, we detected the deforestation that has occurred in the region due to the anthropogenic and natural causes. At a threshold of ±2 dB change in backscattering response, an area of about 98 km2 of these forests was found to have been cleared during 1994–1997 for conversion to cultivatable lands. However, the agricultural crops miserably failed to grow on these cleared lands because of the adverse water and soil chemistry conditions. The deliberate draining of these lands, by laying and extension of a huge network of canals, created congenial ecological conditions for the spread of forest fires, particularly during the 1997 El Niño period. An area of 250 km2 of forests was thus detected to have been destroyed by these fires between September 1997 and January 1998. These deforested lands are rapidly regenerating since their abandonment and the regenerating carbon stocks were simulated using the CENTURY ecosystem dynamics model. Furthermore, the L-band SAR was able to detect the pixel-wise seasonal and spatial inundation information for particular forest types where the transmissivity of the L-band SAR signals was quite significant. These forest types corresponded to comparatively low biomass areas. The SAR derived information about these two important dynamic processes would be useful for improving the accuracy of modelling the spatial and temporal distribution of the carbon and other trace gases in these ecosystems.  相似文献   

《价格法》实施两年多来,各地对《价格法》中规定的实行价格听证制度的领会与执行过程中确实存在着各自理解上的差异。本文拟结合两年来漳州物委实际操作情况,对以上问题作若干探索。 一、要兼顾政府、企业和消费者三者的利益 社会主义市场经济是法制经济,客观上要求进入市场的主体,在平等的条件下参与竞争。而这一原则所指的就是在程序上必须公正,而程序的公正首要考虑的必须是三者利益得到兼顾的情况下,给予各方  相似文献   

福建省委书记、省人大常委会主任孙春兰于2011年3月28日至4月1日率团访问香港、澳门,开展以"叙友情、谋合作、促发展"为主题的推介活动。在孙春兰书记访港期间,由福建省人民政府发展研究中心、福建省社会科学院和香港中央决策组联合举办了"闽港合作发展论坛"。在论坛上,两地专家学者就海峡西岸经济区建设与闽港合作的话题,进行了深入探讨。本刊刊登部分专家学者的论文及观点,以飨读者。  相似文献   

在国际工程实践中,承包商的义务是按合同进行设计(如果有)、施工及修补缺陷,并按时向业主提供合格的项目产品或服务,业主的义务则是按合同及时向承包商支付进度款。由于承包商的义务包含内容多而复杂,不确定因素多,相对来说存在更大的违约风险,因此,国际工程保函主要是指承包商向业主提交的保函。本文针对投标保函、履约保函、预付款保函以及保留金保函的具体要求以及承包商的保函风险与管控进行分析。  相似文献   

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