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This paper first dissertates about the significance of credit building after China entering to the WTO in terms of the credit trades, the gap between China and the western countries in credit building, and the higher requirements of network integrity for credit building; Second, specifically analyzes the four aspects of contents involved in the concept of credit cost and the character of large fluctuation range; Third, sets forth the truth that "credit is invaluable" and points out that China still has to reduce credit costs; Fourth, from the relationship between normative economics and positive economics, demonstrates that credit, as well as technology (in a broad sense), is an indispensable basic element for the network economy, and to reduce economic operating costs, the situation of seriously laggard credit building has to be turned as soon as possible; At last, offers specific proposals on how to build a credit system in terms of investigating and assessing credit conditions, applying the network information technology to build credit systems, laying a property right foundation for credit building, building an institutionalized credit system, and developing the credit industry.  相似文献   

The Korean financial system has been characterised by government interference and a chronic shortage of funds. Since the 1960s the government has promoted the financing of large, chaebol-affiliated firms. Towards the end of the 1980s, the government changed its focus from large firms to small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This study assesses the impact of this change in government policy on the financing constraints of different types of Korean firms. Using data on 198 Korean firms for the period 1991–1997, we estimate several specifications of a dynamic investment model to assess the financing constraints of Korean firms. We find that Korean firms suffered from informational asymmetries and severe financing constraints during this period, and that these imperfections differ across firms. Our findings suggest that the government’s change in focus towards SMEs has been successful in the sense that it has reduced financing constraints for these type of firms. We also find some evidence that firms with concentrated ownership are more financially constrained than firms with dispersed ownership.  相似文献   

This paper examines three developmental regimes in Singapore, China and Malaysia. In these three cases, heavy state intervention was necessary because their economies required significant economic restructuring. For Singapore, state intervention was necessary for the process of industrial transformation. For Malaysia, state intervention was necessary because the government wanted to reallocate economic resources as a means to deal with ethnic conflict. For China, state intervention was necessary in order to gradually “marketize” the socialist economy. The paper also briefly discusses the impact of the Asian Financial Crisis (1997–1999) on these developmental regimes. It finds that for all three cases, economic restructuring was successful because of long-term and heavy state intervention. It explains that, unlike the other developmental states of Asia, these developmental regimes were able to undertake such significant restructuring because of the state's power base, which even managed to survive the Asian Financial Crisis. It concludes with some comments about the future of state intervention in a rapidly globalizing world.  相似文献   

我国中小企业"融资难",主要是指"外源融资",尤其是银行信贷资金较难获得.根本原因在于借贷过程中的信息不对称,导致银行对中小企业融资缺乏信任,这种基于信息不对称的融资信任障碍,使银行在对中小企业的贷款过程中表现出种种偏好,导致中小企业融资困难.现阶段,应该改进和完善现行的信息披露体系,推进市场化的融资体系的建立.  相似文献   

本文研究了中国保险公司存在的诚信缺失现象,分析其原因,建立了系统的诚信经营体系模型,包括诚信经营环境、保险公司诚信经营战略、保险公司基础层面设计,以及诚信经营策略的建设、保险公司经营价值链的诚信建设和忠诚员工的培训及管理。  相似文献   

我国信用评级业结构、竞争及绩效探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
袁吉伟 《特区经济》2008,(7):291-292
信用评级具有辅助资产定价、揭示市场风险、提高金融监管效率等作用,是成熟金融体制的重要组成部分。本文从产业组织理论出发,考察我国信用评级行业的结构、竞争、绩效等方面,对行业发展现状有更深入的认识,并借鉴发达国家信用评级业发展经验,为行业今后持续、健康发展提出政策建议。  相似文献   

经营环境影响下中日韩企业的变革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改革开放30年来,中国企业的经营环境发生了翻天覆地的变化.而随着经济发展的不同阶段以及经济危机的影响等因素,日本和韩国企业的经营目标、经营战略、经营组织等也发生了诸多变化.分析和梳理中日韩三国企业经营特点的变化,无论对于认识他国企业的经营特色,还是对于中国企业经营管理的不断完善,以及促进以中日韩为主体的东北亚区域经济合作,所具有的意义都是毋容置疑的.  相似文献   

We propose a new interpretation of the role of the state inskill formation, with reference to three East Asian newly industrializedeconomies. Rather than see the state as simply redressing externalities,we interpret the state as matching the supply and demand forskills in a rapidly growing economy. This role can be superiorto a strategy of allowing education and training institutionsto be driven by autonomous processes. The role is most likelyto be observed in developmental states. We examine the politicalmechanisms that have helped to ensure that educational and trainingpolicy formation are subordinated to the imperatives of economicgrowth. While the East Asian model cannot be imported wholesaleto western countries such as Britain in different historicalcircumstances, the example lends credence to the value of thestate taking a strategic approach to education and trainingpolicy.  相似文献   


The degree of exchange rate pass-through is of paramount importance to small and open economies as it has a direct impact on domestic inflation as well as the effectiveness of exchange rate as an adjustment tool. High exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) is often cited as a reason for a “fear of floating”. This article analyzes the degree of ERPT into the export prices of three Asian economies—Korea, Thailand and Singapore for the period 1980: Q1–2006: Q4 using both US dollar bilateral rates as well as nominal effective exchange rates. The study also examines whether there are asymmetries in ERPT between exchange rate appreciation and depreciation.  相似文献   

郝金洪 《特区经济》2005,(12):319-320
一、商业银行信用风险管理的主要模型和方法商业银行传统的信用风险度量方法有信贷决策的“6C”法和信用评分方法等。“6C”法是指由有关专家根据借款人的品德(character)(借款人的作风、观念以及责任心等,借款人过去的还款记录是银行判断借款人品德的主要依据);能力(capacity)  相似文献   

梁媛  余翊华 《特区经济》2006,(11):43-44
本文分析了抵押和个人信用制度在消费信贷发展中的作用。抵押能够减轻逆向选择和道德风险,弥补银行损失,因此有助于消费信贷发展。但本文认为,抵押对于违约风险的规避是有限的,而且抵押成为了市场准入限制,限制了消费信贷规模。从这个角度来看,个人信用制度的作用在于它进一步提高了违约成本,减少了理性违约的可能性;信用报告构成了信誉抵押品,部分替代了实物抵押品,减轻了信贷配给的程度。  相似文献   

宋瑞敏 《特区经济》2005,(9):233-234
良好的社会信用,是市场经济健康发展的基本保证,是发挥金融在市场配置资源中核心作用的重要前提银行经营的本质就是以少量的资本金来运营大量的负债,只有用良好的信用环境来做支撑,才能确保资金循环的链条不中断,使得银行对资金的调节和再分配作用得到充分的发挥,体现金融在市场配置资源中的核心作用。但近年来,我国信用环境总体不佳,备系统的企业、个人征信体系建设不完善,企业信用意识淡薄,诚信守法经营观念不强,部分企业不仅在财务报表上弄虚作假,  相似文献   

投融资问题是企业经营中一个最复杂、最困难的问题。企业经营的成功在很大程度上取决于投融资决策的正确选择。这也是为什么在企业理论“三中心”说中,成本中心和利润中心仅仅是企业的一部分职能,而投资中心才是完整企业的基本标志。  相似文献   

农村信贷担保作为促进农村经济发展的有效手段之一,其能否健康平稳运行事关农村经济的良性发展。我国现存的农村信贷担保还存在法律制度不健全、信用评价体系还未建立起来以及信贷担保抵押质押方式比较单一等问题。文章首先对我国农村信贷担保的现状进行了阐述,进一步在现状的基础上指出了农村信贷担保的不足之处,对应这些不足之处而后提出了几点改进措施。  相似文献   

位于欧亚大陆中心地住的地理特点和丰富的油气资源,使中亚地区拥有重要的战略意义。中亚诸国近年来较高的经济和人口增长率一方面使其市场规模急速扩大而成为新兴市场,另一方面也令世界大国和地区大国在中亚的角逐和竞争日益激烈。中日韩在中亚既有共同的战略价值也有各自的国家利益,它们试图通过加强多边合作机制、援助外交和经贸合作等手段来提高在中亚地区的影响力。尽管中日韩之间的竞争使其有可能产生冲突,但以共同利益为切入点谋求共存、共赢符合各方利益。中国与日、韩在中亚加强能源、物流等领域合作的同时,也应审慎应对竞争所可能导致的负面效应。  相似文献   

蒋文 《特区经济》2011,(6):73-76
本文分析了中国、日本和韩国的服务贸易的发展状况,对三国的整体服务贸易及行业服务贸易国际竞争力进行了比较研究。结果表明,中日韩三国服务贸易整体均不具备比较优势,各行业服务贸易竞争力有所差异。最后就我国如何由服务贸易大国转变为服务贸易强国提出了提升我国服务贸易竞争力的相应策略。  相似文献   

中国已成为朝鲜半岛最重要的经济合作国之一,在地区经济合作中有着良好的基础和条件。本 文分析了中韩朝三国的双边贸易与投资的基本情况及其特点,提出了进一步实现该地区紧密的 经济合作关系的可行性及基本构想。  相似文献   

中、美、法、韩四国企业孵化器的比较研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文在介绍中国、美国、法国和韩国四国企业孵化器基本情况的基础上,对四国企业孵化器的目的与类型、服务内容、获得政府的支持、经营管理模式、所起的作用等方面进行比较研究,分析了我国企业孵化器的优势和差距。  相似文献   

论我国民营企业的信用缺失与重建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张凤凉  黄鹏燕 《特区经济》2007,225(10):100-102
本文较深入地分析列举了我国民营企业信用缺失的几大表现,在此基础上深刻剖析了产生民营企业信用缺失的原因,最后提出了重建民营企业信用的具体对策措施。  相似文献   

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