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On-the-Job Training as a Cause of Brain Drain. —This paper presents a simple model based on the assertion that the efficacy of on-the-job training, as well as the productivity of skills, depends on the social stock of capital. It shows that as the degree of this dependency of on-the-job training upon capital stock increases, the problem of brain drain becomes more severe and more difficult to correct. The model may explain why the failure of foreign-educated students to repatriate is a more prevalent form of brain drain than outright migration of skilled labor. It is consistent with the repatriation pattern of Taiwanese students who received post-secondary education in Japan.  相似文献   

文章认为,目前我国农村广泛存在着教育投资动力不足和教育能力缺乏的问题,其中原因主要是农村人力资本的投资收益率不高。除此之外,教育体制方面的不健全、学校教育与农村经济发展状态脱节的事实以及农业职业教育力度不够,在很大程度上制约了农村人力资本的投资额。但在现代新农村环境下,只有依靠加大对农村人力资本投资才能够真正实现农村经济的可持续发展。在这种现实的背景条件下,文章对人力资本投资和农村经济发展之间的相互关系进行了说明和分析,以试图对农村人力资本收益与农村经济发展提供一些思路。  相似文献   

Hagen Koo 《World development》1984,12(10):1029-1037
A number of previous studies of economic growth and income distribution in South Korea, based largely on 1960s data, concluded that South Korea was an exception to Kuznets' ‘inverse U-pattern’ of income inequality. Also, it was regarded as an exception to the usual negative consequences predicted by dependency theory for an economy so dependent on foreign capital and world markets. This author presents more recent data — for the 1970s and early 1980s — in order to support his claim that the trend toward income equality that appeared in the 1960s was reversed in the 1970s. The author develops a thesis that stresses the role of the state in shaping the Korean political economy. He argues that it has been the strong South Korean developmentalist state in firm control of both domestic and foreign capital and its export-oriented industrialization policies that have been the principal determinant of the pattern of income distribution. He contests the usual explanation related to the level of economic development or external dependency per se.  相似文献   

闫建 《乡镇经济》2008,24(1):71-74
从人力资本的视角来审视我国城乡发展的差距,可以得出城乡发展差距的形成及拉大主要是城乡人力资本投资过程中的“城市偏向”和城乡人力资本不同的“溢出效应”的必然结果。缩小城乡发展差距,要以科学发展观为指导,树立正确的发展理念;以农民教育农民学习为基础,保证人力资本投资起点公平;以农民实用技能培训为突破,促进剩余劳动力顺利转移;以医疗保健社会保障为重点,提高农民抵御风险的能力;以农民迁徙农民回流为途径,促进城乡人力资本合理流动。  相似文献   

This paper develops a Mincerian measure of human capital distribution and applies it to evaluate national and global human capital inequality and compare them with education inequality measures. It is shown that using education inequality as a proxy of human capital inequality is problematic due to the nonmonotonic relationship between them. We find that the inconsistent evidence on education and human capital Kuznets curves in the literature is due to the use of different inequality measures. In particular, human capital Kuznets curves are evident when relative inequality measures are used, whereas education Kuznets curves are found when absolute inequality measures are used. It is also observed that while global education inequality has been declining over the past four decades, global human capital inequality remains largely steady, as the decrease in between‐country human capital inequality is largely balanced by the increase in within‐country human capital inequality.  相似文献   

广东经济增长过程中人力资本贡献率差异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马建会  李萍 《改革与战略》2008,24(10):152-157
人力资本和物质资本是进行生产发展的基本投入要素,不同人力资本对经济增长的贡献率有着显著差异。广东省地区生产总值近十年来高速增长,其中专业人力资本、企业家人力资本的贡献率日趋重要。文章构建模型区分了不同层次人力资本对广东区域经济增长的贡献率差异,提出要把经济增长的支撑点放在人力资本投资上等发展战略。  相似文献   

The intergenerational transmission of education has received considerable attention in recent empirical research in many countries. However, the research on intergenerational transmission of education in China is still relatively rare. This paper investigates the impact of parental schooling on their children's schooling in rural China using the data collected by the authors themselves. Our results show that (i) the intergenerational transmission of education in rural China is not as high as those have been reported in the literature for several other countries;(ii) There exists significant transmission effect of education in the subgroup born after the 1980s, but not for those who were born in the year of 1980 onward. The results also stand up to several different tests and robustness checks. Our findings suggest that promoting the equal education opportunity and investing in children of disadvantaged group will have long-term effects for the accumulation of human capital. China can promote increasing gains for its acquisition of human capital, and tap into this foundation for sustainable growth and development in the future.  相似文献   

冯涛 《科技和产业》2013,(11):156-161
技术创新需要人力资本的投入,人力资本主要来源于正规学校教育和“干中学”。随着市场经济的发展,正规学校教育和入职后的培训都需要支付一定的学费,这导致了一部分贫困学生无法顺利完成学业和进行再培训,在一定程度上影响了人力资本的积累,进而制约了技术创新的开展。对助学贷款、人力资本积累与技术创新的关系进行了理论分析,得出结论:助学贷款通过促进人力资本积累,对一国的技术创新有推动作用。最后,对我国技术创新的助学贷款支持系统构建提出了建议。  相似文献   

In this article, the share of assets in the national wealth is taken as the object of analysis and forecast. The dynamics, structure and use of the basic elements of Russia’s productive assets—natural capital (energy inputs), human capital, and active fixed assets—are analyzed. It is shown that the natural capital will inevitably be replaced by human capital in combination with the asset share in fixed capital, and that the economy in the coming transition period (2018–2030) will necessarily transform to an innovative growth model.The annual balances of changes in the components of the assets in the national wealth for 2012–2016 are developed. The impact of the crisis is estimated. Some promising directions for using the accumulated human capital together with the asset share in fixed capital for a transition from a resource-based to an innovation model of Russia’s development are considered and substantiated.  相似文献   

This study uses data from the Cambodian Child Labor Survey 2001/02 (CCLS‐2001/02) to investigate the trade‐off between child labor and their human capital formation. It also investigates the determinants of child schooling and that of the income earned from child labor. This study finds that children's education is a significant determinant of their wage rate, which implicitly explains the logic behind the household's decision to allow a child to both work and study, and thus explains why parents keep investing in their children's education. We also find that non‐poor households and fathers’ and mothers’ education have statistically significant effects on child schooling. Finally, this study has found that if children's average working hours are below the threshold level of 22 h per week, then education is not affected. These research findings have policy implications for the human capital development of children, as well as for broader social policy in Cambodia.  相似文献   

Unlike existing models of the rapid growth of the East Asian economies that are based on stylised facts, this paper formulates a model by introducing an all‐encompassing (core) variable that explains the unique path to success in East Asia. Using three propositions, the model explains the transition from a backward economy to an industrial economy. Central to the model is policy‐augmented human capital (PAHC)—human capital with a road map for development—led by a capable leader. The model is unique in that it validates the critical role of human capital in a time of ‘high development theory’ when the emphasis was skewed towards the accumulation of physical capital, and the role of government at a time when interventionist policies were either failing elsewhere (in the 1950s and 1960s) or facing opposition (in the 1970s and 1980s). The success of the East Asian model provides evidence pointing to a preference for economic development over democracy.  相似文献   

A large literature emphasizes that elite capture of political institutions hampered the spread of mass schooling in the nineteenth and twentieth century. We collect new data on investments in elementary education and the distribution of voting rights for more than 2,000 local governments in nineteenth‐century Sweden and document that educational expenditure was higher where the distribution of political power was more unequal. In particular, areas governed by local landed elites—even those where a single landowner had de jure dictatorial powers—invested substantially more in mass schooling relative to areas where political power was more widely shared, or where it lay in the hands of capitalist elites. Our findings lend quantitative support to an earlier literature produced by economic and social historians which argues that landed elites advanced mass schooling as part of their historical role as patrons of the local community and as a response to the increasing proletarianization of the rural population, while also furthering our understanding of how Sweden maintained a high level of human capital despite its low level of economic development and restricted franchise in the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

郑彬  彭奕  李红昌 《科学决策》2024,(4):116-138
公共艺术教育是大学美育的主要途径和大学通识教育的重要组成部分,将通过公共艺术教育增强的通用性人力资本定义为创意人力资本,建立创意人力资本投资的理论模型,并通过面向在校大学生、已就业人员和企业高管的问卷调查数据分析,从不同角度检验公共艺术教育在提升就业能力、促进文化艺术消费需求、增进主观效用等方面的微观经济效应。模型显示公共艺术教育表现出与高等院校专业课程的捆绑效应、耦合效应、收益递增与路径依赖效应,以及兼具货币收益与非货币收益的双重收益效应。实证检验表明,公共艺术教育通过对个人认知能力、身心健康、审美品位和情感态度与社会行为的积极作用(亦即个人发展效应),促使其就业能力和文艺消费需求的增长。  相似文献   

Education usually correlates with economic development. In the transformation process of any traditional society education is most often assumed to provide the solution to or stimulus for development. Many governments are convinced that education or, more generally, capital investment in human beings contributes as much to economic growth as does investment in capital equipment. As a result the proportion of public expenditure on education in developing countries is often very high. This paper is an attempt to point out what the effects of public expenditure on education in Bophuthatswana are, given constraints such as economic efficiency and equity. In Bophuthatswana these economic effects of education tend to go beyond the borders of the country.  相似文献   

《World development》2001,29(4):725-745
During their respective periods of structural adjustment, inequality increased more rapidly in Chile than in Costa Rica. Using a new technique which measures the effects of changes in the quantities and prices of individual dimension of human capital on overall wage inequality, we identify changes in wage premiums associated with more education as an important cause of the different inequality outcomes. We present evidence that the different education price effects were due to different rates of growth in the demand for more-educated workers. Furthermore, inequality increased in Chile despite a large equalizing education quantity effect.  相似文献   

人力资本在一定区域的集聚能促进知识和技能的相互交流,进而推动生产率水平的提高。文章利用省际劳动力微观数据,估计了我国省级层面的人力资本溢出对生产力水平的效应。结果显示,以平均受教育年限衡量的省级人力资本水平每提高一年,劳动力平均生产水平提高约10%。  相似文献   

Abstract: In this paper we propose that historically generated institutions and persistent pattern of human capital formation condition the emergent systems of innovation in Africa. These factors determine the development path of the region. We advance the notion of dynamic and non‐dynamic systems of innovation, the latter describing the African condition. We combine the strands of literature on institutions and their persistence in shaping development with evolutionary theory and systems of innovation. Evidence is presented on the colonial origins of skewed schooling enrolment, at variance with the industrialization objective of modern economies. Employing simple statistical tests, the persistence of initial human capital (school enrolment) reflects in the significant correlation among the three levels of schooling enrolments, and correlation of enrolment in 1970 with per capita income in 2000, a periodicity of some three decades. This outcome is consistent with the literature on countries at early stages of development. Path‐dependency is partially proved even though we did not attempt to investigate all variables making up the system of innovation. This is a first tentative attempt to explore long‐run development in Africa within the systems of innovation framework.  相似文献   

李欣   《华东经济管理》2009,23(8):61-65
人力资本和收入差距关系一直是经济研究中的热点问题,作为人力资本的重要因素,教育和健康对我国农村居民收入差距的扩大起到了关键性的作用,而初始收入差距的存在必然会影响到居民对教育和健康的投资,从而产生人力资本差距,进而对收入差距产生重大影响。文章对相关的文献进行梳理和评述,并对其相互影响的机制进行了探讨和总结。  相似文献   

人力资本理论对西部经济发展的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
景芳  袁金霞 《特区经济》2006,213(10):290-291
入力资本是影响-国经济发展的重要因素,其作用已目益为人们所认同。人力资本是投资形成的,教育是人力资本投资的主要途径。入力资本投资的作用大于物质资本投资的作用,其收益率也高于物质资本的收益率。因此,资本投资的重点要不断从物贡资本转向人力资本。西部经济的发展必须借鉴入力资本理论,重视对人力资本的投资。只有人的知识和技能得到提高,其他要素才能得到合理、高效的利用,也才能促进生产力的发展,实现西部经济的腾飞。  相似文献   

刘鹏 《改革与战略》2011,27(4):61-64
文章基于经济社会发展的基本逻辑指出:任何经济社会的发展都必须建立在资本基础之上,任何经济社会的均衡发展理应取决于不同形态资本的结构均衡以及所有资本的整合效应。通过从资本结构的视角对当代中国发展失衡问题进行分析解读,文章认为,大力进行人力资本、社会资本的投资与积累,使人力资本、社会资本的分布在空间、结构上实现均衡与协调,同时通过文化资本、制度资本的配套,发挥资本的整合效应,是矫正当代中国经济社会发展失衡的有效途径。  相似文献   

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