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辨别身份的恐惧--日本转基因食品标识制度及其影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
自2001年4月1日起,日本正式实施《转基因食品标识法》.日本这一保证食品安全法律的出台,无疑会对日本及其贸易伙伴的转基因食品生产与贸易产生深刻影响. 相似文献
关于消费者对转基因食品的认知态度及标识的分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
转基因食品就是利用生物技术,将某些生物的基因转移到其他物种中去,改造生物的道传物质,使其向人们所需要的目标转变.消费者对于自己的认知水平过于乐观,大部分人都声称对转基因食品有所了解,但其实并不真正了解.转基因食品可能带来经济效益和社会效益,也可能对人类健康和生态环境造成潜在风险和威胁,因此,消费者对转基因食品的态度比较复杂.对转基因食品实行强制标识,赋予了消费者基本的知情权和自主选择权. 相似文献
转基因产品标识管理制度及实施情况 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
李璟 《中国商贸:销售与市场营销培训》2011,(11)
自上世纪80年代以来,转基因技术和转基因产品发展迅速。中国已经成为全球转基因作物的主要种植国和转基因产品的主要进口国之一。然而科学界与之相伴的有关转基因产品安全性的讨论愈演愈烈。在对这一问题未有科学定论之前,各国针对转基因技术及转基因产品的安全管理就显得尤为重要。本文以此为背景,通过对各主要国家和我国的标识管理制度的介绍、对比,结合我国转基因表示制度的实施情况,归结了出现这些情况的原因。 相似文献
转基因食品是移动动植物的基因并加以改变,制造出具备新特征的食品种类。转基因食品的类型大致可以分为以下几种:(1)增产型;(2)控熟型;(3)高营养型;(4)保健型;(5)新品种型;(6)加工型。转基因食品的安全分为4个等级,即安全等级Ⅰ(尚不存在危险);安全等级Ⅱ(具有低度危险);安全等级Ⅲ(具有中度危险);安全等级Ⅳ(具有高度危险)。对于转基因食品的安全性,目前无论是国内还是国外都没有一个统一的说法,直到今天还存在巨大争议和悬念。 相似文献
Abstract The aim of this research was a cross-cultural investigation of views regarding Genetically Modified Organisms, specifically food crops, to determine if there were significant differences in the views of French and American respondents. In addition, we sought to introduce the issue of possible consumer benefits of second generation GMOs into the research by examining differences in acceptance of value-enhanced GMOs compared with first generation GMOs for both French and American respondents. Both first and second generation GMOs are better accepted by American respondents than by French respondents, but respondents in both countries perceive a direct benefit from second generation GM foods with at least a less negative attitude toward them. In addition, respondents indicated factors which would make it more likely that they would purchase such enhanced GM foods. 相似文献
毛海波 《世界贸易组织动态与研究》2011,18(1):28-33,69
针对美国相关人士提出欲将人民币汇率制度提交WTO申诉解决,国内众多学者认为人民币汇率问题应专属IMF管辖,WTO对此无管辖权。本文立足于WTO相关规则,结合人民币汇率的法律属性,分析认定WTO对此行使管辖权并无障碍;在此基础上,本文从实体法的角度驳斥了美国相关利益集团提出的人民币汇率构成出口补贴的指责,并对美国可能提及的"非违法之诉"进行法律探析。 相似文献
随着经济的不断发展,人们的生活水平在不断提高,转基因食品的范围越来越广,其安全问题也受到了全社会的关注。本文从转基因技术的基本原理分析入手,分析传统定量技术、数字PCR检测技术和新材料辅助定量检测技术分析检测技术在基因食品分析中的应用。 相似文献
Arguably genetic modification is one of the most important technological change seen to date. Its effects on both human health and the environment are both profound and controversial. In particular consumers, mainly in the EU, have concerns regarding the long term effects of consuming genetically modified foods on their health. They are also concerned regarding the effect that genetically modified organisms will have on bio‐diversity and choice in the long run. Differing regulatory regimes towards genetically modified goods in the US and EU could lead to damaging trade conflicts. Current agreements covering trade in foods such as the SPS and TBT allow a way of diffusing conflicts. The primary aim of these agreements is, however, to prevent governments from protecting domestic producers by applying capricious barriers to foreign competition. This paper sets out to show that rather than modifying these two agreements it would be better to deal with new issues surrounding consumer preferences explicitly by negotiating a new international agreement. 相似文献
对于“非世贸组织协定”是否可以像“世贸组织涵盖协定”一样作为世贸组织争端解决机制的适用法律,“并入说”学者持肯定的态度。然而,无论是《争端解决机制谅解》还是争端解决机制的司法实践,“并入说”的观点都是值得商榷的。“并入说”理论的不足在于其混淆了世贸组织争端解决机制与国际法院的法律属性。世贸组织法很大程度上属于自足性的法律体系。 相似文献
朱颖 《世界贸易组织动态与研究》2005,(4):10-14
出口限制是WTO法律体系中的一个重要问题。WTO在原则上是禁止使用出口限制的,但WTO也规定了若干例外,只要符合这些例外情况,成员方可使用出口限制。自1995年加入WTO的成员方在入世时就出口限制作出了承诺,这些承诺也构成了该成员方应遵守的规则。中国与欧盟围绕着焦炭之争而引发的出口限制问题使我们有必要了解WTO的有关规则和中国在该问题上的承诺。本文就上述问题展开论述。 相似文献
Abstract Public awareness and concern regarding foodborne illnesses have increased rapidly over the past decade. This increased concern may cause consumers to avoid certain stores, products or brands, particularly following a publicized incidence of foodborne illness or a large recall. Many firms have undertaken costly efforts to improve the safety of their products yet find communicating such improvements difficult because of potential alarmist responses by consumers to food safety issues. To identify if differences in food safety risks can be effectively and credibly communicated, we conducted eight focus groups. This article summarizes these focus groups and reports how consumers frame the issues surrounding the food safety problem and how consumers react to label-based communications of food safety characteristics. We find consumers have broad, moderate food safety concerns, a wide but spotty understanding of foodborne illness prevention and consequences, and a healthy skepticism concerning food safety claims. We identify two forms of labeling that show promise with regard to consumer acceptance and credibility in communicating brand-level and package-level differences in the risk of foodborne illness and discuss implications for consumer valuation of such differences. 相似文献
文章对WTO有关物流法律制度的规定从货物贸易法律制度、物流组织法律制度、物流行为法律制度、物流经济调控法律制度四个方面进行了分析,结合我国入世议定书及我国物流法律制度对WTO相关规定的吸收、采纳,对我国现行物流法律制度在WTO体制下的不相符之处进行了总结.提出了完善的建议,全面讨论了WTO体制对我国物流法律制度发展的影响。 相似文献
石士钧 《世界贸易组织动态与研究》2011,18(6):11-17
我国入世10年来,在履行入世承诺、实施磋商机制、对待贸易政策审议和应对贸易壁垒冲击等方面,开展了积极而成功的国际经济协调运作。但是,我国在一些环节上还有反思的地方,如继续关注入世文件不够、处置非市场经济国家地位似有偏差和应对发达国家贸易策略尚须改进。为了深化我国国际经济协调运作,目前应当继续重视入世文件的重要条款,建立自己的WTO运作战略,深入研究发达国家的经贸政策和以扩展服务贸易领域的市场准入为新的突破口。 相似文献
Abstract This paper presents the results of a choice experiment that encompassed the labelling options outlined in the Australian and New Zealand government's recently finalized mandatory labelling system for genetically modified foods (GMF's) and foods that contain genetically modified ingredients. The labelling scheme is to be implemented across both countries from December 2001 onwards. Results suggest difficulties ahead for manufacturers and growers of GM labelled product if there is an ample supply of GM-free labelled alternatives. It is also likely that manufacturers and growers of GM-free product will realize greater levels of demand over non-labelled and GM product even when these alternatives are substantially cheaper. 相似文献