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张燕平 《特区经济》2009,240(1):35-37
随着信息技术的发展及经济的全球化,国际分工模式也由制造业向服务业发展,服务外包正是在这种形势下成为了热点,各国政府采用各种措施推动服务外包的发展,目前已形成如印度这样较具竞争力的国家,中国在吸引全球服务外包也排前列,但服务外包的竞争形势依然激烈,外包形式还在不断地创新,作为改革开放的前沿广东应如何面对?文章采用SWOT方法对广东承接国际服务外包进行了分析并提出一些建议期望广东能在服务外包领域形成独特的竞争优势。  相似文献   

We conduct a meta-analysis of more than 30 papers that study the causal relationship between exporting and firm productivity. Our main result, robust to different specifications and to different weights for each observation, indicates that the impact of exporting upon productivity is higher for developing than developed economies. We also find that the export effect tends to be higher (1) in the first year that firms start exporting (compared to later years); and (2) when the sample used in the paper is not restricted to matched firms. Moreover, we find no evidence of publication bias.  相似文献   

Using panel data on 81 Canadian manufacturing industries over the 1983–1996 period, the authors show that the estimated impact of recent tariff cuts was a positive and significant increase in the exit rate of firms. Supplementing this finding with recent research showing, that exiting firms tend to be less productive than those that survive, this provides support for recent trade models asserting that increased exposure to international trade induces the exit of least efficient firms, thereby contributing to productivity growth. JEL no. F1, L6  相似文献   

How international outsourcing drives up Eastern European wages   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
How International Outsourcing Drives Up Eastern European Wages. — This paper analyzes the effects of intermediate goods trade on the development of real wages in Central and Eastern European manufacturing. The empirical findings show that world exports in intermediate goods of the CEEC exhibit a negative impact on wages, and imports a positive one. Since 1993, intermediate goods trade between the EU and the CEEC accounted for an increase in wages being most pronounced in Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to distinguish and estimate the direct and indirect effects of infrastructure on firm productivity. The latter arises from the infrastructure-agglomeration link and has been largely overlooked in the literature on infrastructure. An analytical framework is then proposed to estimate both effects. Finally, empirical results are obtained using large-scale firm-level survey data from China. Major findings include: (1) all the three kinds of infrastructure–road, telecommunication servers and cable–are found to directly promote firm productivity; (2) they also exert a positive indirect effect on firm productivity through the agglomeration channel; and (3) the empirical results are robust to different agglomeration indicators and different subsamples.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of industrial policy on firm productivity, using a three-year panel data set of Thai manufacturing as a case study. A range of industrial policy tools is defined, including tariff measures, subsidies, and investment incentives through the Board of Investment (BOI), which represent the main industrial policy tools used in Thailand. The effect of ‘water in the tariffs’ and partial trade liberalisation undertaken through free trade agreements (FTAs) signed between Thailand and her trading partners is also examined. The key findings concern the role traditional tools, that is trade openness, R&D, and skills upgrading, play in fostering firm productivity. Promoting a conducive environment, especially within domestic competition, is crucial in encouraging firm productivity. Some industrial policy tools are effective in promoting firm productivity, that is providing investment incentives via the BOI and lowering tariff protection. Subsidies, by contrast, tend to degrade firm productivity. Among trade protection measures, the effective rate of protection, which includes water in the tariffs encountered by exporting firms, has the greatest effect on firm productivity. The FTA-led trade liberalisation fails to add substantial competitive pressure and induce firms to improve productivity. Such statistical insignificance reflects the nature of FTA commitments that Thailand has made so far.  相似文献   

A vast literature on the international activities of heterogeneous firms finds the existence of a positive exporter productivity premium. On average, exporting firms are more productive than firms that sell on the national market only. The Melitz (Econometrica 71:1695–1725, 2003) model, however, has implications for not only mean differences but also differences in the distribution of productivity. Furthermore, exporting firms may be different from non-exporting firms for reasons that are not included in the Melitz model. We believe that conditioning on firm fixed effects and studying the distribution of productivity are both necessary for empirical tests of the Melitz model. This paper is the first to employ a new quantile estimation technique for panel data introduced in Powell (Did the economic stimulus payments of 2008 reduce labor supply? Evidence from quantile panel data estimation. RAND Corporation Publications Department, Santa Monica, 2014). We find that the premium is positive at all productivity levels, but highest at the lowest quantiles. These results support theoretical models which suggest that there is a division in productivity between exporters and non-exporters.  相似文献   

Frijters  P 《Oxford economic papers》1999,51(2):345-354
Using information from the personnel files of a South Africanclothing firm, I explore the in- and outflow of weekly-paidworkers. These employees form a separate labour market withinthe company. Data was available concerning both the productivityof current workers, and the characteristics of rejected applicantsand fired workers. This makes it possible to identify the characteristicswhich are screened out at entry and the characteristics thatinfluence productivity. This allows for an empirical analysisof discrimination at job-entry. Hiring decisions were foundto be consistent with expected productivity. The observed screeningout of African workers at job entry could be explained by statisticaldiscrimination, i.e., the actual productivity of African workersin this firm was found to be significantly lower than the productivityof workers of other ethnic backgrounds. The effect of educationon productivity was found to be very small.  相似文献   

The paper aims to find out and evaluate in an international context the level and growth rate of labour productivity in China's industry. In the course of this investigation it transpired that the data used often in the West, i.e. those of Field et al., lead to results that are rather implausible. However some new official Chinese data imply much more satisfying results. The other aim of the paper is to comment on recent radical changes in Chinese economic policy, in the light of her productivity performance.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how policy certainty affects firm innovation activities. The identification hinges on the overlap of the elite dualism system in China. Naturally, a city Party leader served as the prior mayor in the same city is more likely to carry out the policy decisions made by the previous local administration, since he/she is one of the crucial leaders to make these decisions. In this circumstance, the policy certainty level would be higher for local listed firms. We find that the patent filings of listed firms, who enjoy a more stable local policy environment, significantly and substantially increase into the future. Such positive effects are robust to different model specifications and subsample analyses. Moreover, this paper documents the role of heterogeneity in the effects of policy certainty on firm innovation. The increased patent filings caused by a higher level of local policy certainty are mostly driven by state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and firms having lower financial constraints. We further show that a higher level of local policy certainty would increase the stability of government subsidies received by firms, so the listed firms can more aggressively engage in innovation activities.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model of a risk-averse multinational firm under exchange rate risk. The firm, which owns and controls assets in two countries, is engaged in foreign production, sales, and foreign currency forward contracting. The implications of the existence of forward markets in global market decisions are discussed. It is shown that a separation theorem holds. The optimal hedging behavior is also discussed.  相似文献   

国际外包(Outsourcing)是一个国家的企业或组织将其部分业务或项目委托给国外的企业或组织去完成,发达国家和地区的企业通过国际外包可以整合利用国际范围内尤其是发展中国家的专业化资源和服务,从而达到降低成本、提高效率、充分发挥自身的优势的目的。发展中国家的企业则可以  相似文献   

This paper analyzes for a panel of Romanian manufacturing firms whether the quality of foreign firms, measured by their productivity level, affects their potential as a source of indirect productivity effects on domestic firms. We find that only sufficiently productive foreign firms generate positive productivity effects on domestic supplier firms. The most productive foreign firms are the main source of productivity effects. Domestic firms with higher productivity levels also enjoy larger total positive productivity effects. When supplying foreign firms that are less productive than themselves, domestic firms experience zero to negative effects.  相似文献   

The growth in offshoring and its economic effects have been subject to extensive empirical analysis. Yet, many studies have not distinguished accurately between offshoring, domestic outsourcing, and supplier changes. The present study provides stylized facts on offshoring in Europe between 1995 and 2008 taking into account this distinction. This study shows that service activities have been systematically offshored and outsourced domestically during this period, whereas manufacturing activities have been systematically offshored or moved from domestic to foreign suppliers. Overall the share of internal production has gone down by 4.5 percentage points, which raises the question whether firms have achieved productivity gains through this specialisation effort. Combining industry-level data on offshoring and domestic outsourcing with a firm panel, this study finds that service offshoring and offshoring of non-core manufacturing activities have contributed to an increase in productivity, whereas no statistically significant link is found for offshoring of core manufacturing activities and domestic outsourcing. The estimated productivity gains are found to be driven in particular by the gains of multinational firms.  相似文献   

This paper studies how exchange rate movements affect the export market entry and intensity decision of firms and the export behaviour of multinationals in the UK. Using data on British manufacturing firms we find that exchange rate movements have little effect on firm export participation but have a significant impact on export shares. Multinationals have at their disposal a greater array of instruments to deal with exchange rates changes, although their use may vary according to the motives behind FDI. We also find important differences according to the country of origin of multinational firms. Multinationals firms originating from outside of the EU are less affected by changes in the exchange rate compared to those inside, who appear similarly affected as domestic firms.  相似文献   

The differential power pricing (DPP) policy is implemented as an important measure to curb the unrestrained development of high-energy-consuming industries, optimize industrial structure, and promote the upgrading of industrial technology. However, it is unclear how the DPP policy affects the productivity of regulated firms. Using the difference-in-differences approach, this study is the first to investigate empirically the DPP policy’s impact on the productivity of China’s iron and steel firms—a top carbon emitter. The results show that the DPP policy has a significant negative effect on the productivity of iron and steel firms, leading to a 1.20% per annum decrease in the total factor productivity growth of these firms, primarily because the policy significantly hinders firms’ scale efficiency. Considering the heterogeneity of firms, the impeding impact on large-scale and state-owned firms is less than that on the firms of full sample. To curb the irrational expansion of energy-intensive industries and eliminate backward production capacity, the government should implement the DPP policy more precisely according to the heterogeneity of firms, and other auxiliary measures, such as cost compensation for innovation, are also recommended.  相似文献   

国家“十一五”规划纲要中明确提出,“鼓励外资参与软件开发、跨境外包、物流服务等。建设若干服务业外包基地,有序承接国际服务业转移”。天津作为我国服务外包基地城市之一,应切实抓住全球以现代服务业及高端制造业和研发环节转移为特征的世界经济新一轮产业转移的重要机遇,积极承接国际服务外包业务转移,增强天津承接服务外包的竞争力,促进经济的快速全面发展。  相似文献   

李绍仪 《新财经》2009,(8):75-75
宝供物流公司董事长刘武曾下过一结论:谁重视了物流,谁就得到一个长足的发展。在他看来,丰田之所以成功,其精细化的物流扮演了非常重要的角色。  相似文献   

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